《The Daily Diary of a Mushroom》Extra Chapter: ~DQ - 1~


Author note: Thought I'd try other characters perspectives. Tell me what you think, if you like it I'll do more every so often between other chapters. Hope you enjoy :)

Edit: I released this a bit quickly, fixed a few mistakes and other things.


Looking at the pile of paperwork on my desk I let out an audible sigh. Really, when I inherited the throne from my father I wasn't told about all the administrative work, it's not like I would have rejected the position if I had known, but I could have at least been prepared for it. I can't even dump it on my subordinates as their work isn't up to my standards.


Rivian wouldn't mind if I took a break would he?

I stood up from my desk and looked around the room. It's not a particularly wide room, but it's quite long. The room has a high ceiling with two chandeliers and the walls are covered by bookshelves, with hundreds of books filling them. There are double doors at one end and a glass door that leads on to a balcony at the other. The desk which is made of Moonwood has an intricate forest carved on it, it's over 8 ft wide. Double helix stairs behind me lead to second floor which only covered a quarter of the room. Up there was a large red armchair which I have used for decades to read from, it also led to another smaller balcony which is out of sight and completely isolated, in case I want to read outside.

This room is my private office, other than my butler Rivian no one is allowed inside and that's the way I like it. I strolled slowly on to the balcony and a fresh breeze caressed my face. Leaning on the railing I saw below me a bustling city, larger than any other capital in the known world. Looking out across the horizon I saw several billows of chimney smoke rising up from the villages surrounding the city. This is my kingdom, my territory, the Demons Territory and I? I am the Queen.

I heard a click as the door to my office was slowly opened.

"Have you brought me some tea, Rivian?" I didn't need to turn around to know who it was, no one would dare defy my order for privacy.

"I'm afraid not your Highness... It's a letter, from the Council of Ents." I turned around to see Rivian placing a letter on my desk.

"Hmm?" I nonchalantly replied. It's not like I'm surprised about the letter, it's no secret that King Lavias has awoken and it's no secret that the Council can't beat him on their own. So obviously they would ask the Demons for assistance.


I walked over to the desk and sat down opening the letter, Rivian place a teacup on my desk and bowed. So you did bring me tea...

My eyes scanned over the letter, it's just as I thought. They're detailing about what happened and are begging me for help, they're really adamant about making sure I know how dangerous the situation is. It's not like I need help knowing, when I was a child my father told me several times about the battle against King Lavias, he had just been crowned King at the time and fought against Lavias personally. So of course I know the danger. Still..

I sighed again. "This seems like such a pain."

"Your Highness, if I may be so rude I believe we should assist in the battle. If Lavias destroys the mortals we would not be far behind." Rivian insisted.

"Don't misunderstand Rivian, I'm definitely helping them. Not even I want to see the mortal races go extinct. It's just, it's going to be a huge battle right?"

Rivian looked irritated. "Yes, your Highness, warriors of every race will be there."

"That's the problem, so many people... Sounds like a pain..." I grumbled whilst leaning forward resting on my upraised arm.

This time Rivian sighed. "If the people knew that the Queen of all demons was so antisocial they would weep."

I felt a pang of annoyance, anti social? I'm not anti social, I just don't like talking to or being around people, that's all. "Rivian, you're being awfully rude, aren't you?"

"200 years ago your father told me to bring you up well, I am just disappointed that I failed, that's all your Highness." Rivian replied.

I'm getting even more annoyed now. Acting like you're blaming yourself whilst insulting me, this damn butler.

I gritted my teeth. "Besides that, there's the problem of who we're going to send. With the threat of the New Monarch rebels in our own country I can't just bring our best warriors with me to a different continent."

"Hmm... I must agree with you there your Highness..." Rivian pondered.

The New Monarch rebels, a large group of rebellious demons likely lead by one of the Demon Lords. They claim to be tired of the way I lead the country and that they exist to topple a tyrannical rule. It's all lies of course, I'm not one for bragging, but I'm a damn good Queen. People are treated fairly and are punished fairly. Their leader just wants the throne for themselves, it simple as that. I have a few suspicions of who it could be, but acting on them and finding out I'm wrong will only support their lies.


Most citizens just ignore their propaganda as they're satisfied with my rule, but when something goes wrong, if their belongings are stolen or they lose their job then they want to find someone to blame. So they blame me and they join the rebels. Honestly considering the damage that was done in the last civil war I don't know what New Monarch are thinking, no matter how selfish they are why would they risk repeating that? Honestly my life is such a pain at the moment.

So who can I bring that I can trust...?

Ah! Of course, why bring anyone?

"Myself. I'll go by myself. I was already planning on fighting with an army, if we can't send an army then I'll just go alone." I decided.

Rivian looked displeased. "Your Highness! We can not risk you fighting Lavias on your own, it is much too dangerous."

I waved my hand dismissively. "I won't be on my own, you said yourself that the strongest warriors from around the known world will be there. Besides you know as well as I do that I'll be more useful than any army or warrior."

Rivian was about to say something but backed down.

Of course he did, he knows I'm strong. I'm Demon royalty so I'm already stronger than the average Demon, but even amongst the royalty I'm somewhat of a prodigy. It's why my father left the throne to me, he knew I could handle it. After many failed attempts, the rebels don't even bother sending assassins any more.

Rivian looked like he thought of something and sighed again. "Is this just because you don't want to negotiate with the mortals about letting your army through their countries?"

I winced, he knows me too well, this is the problem with having the same butler for 200 years. "I... I won't deny that it's part of the reason... But only part of it!"

Rivian studied me, then seemed to give in. "Fine, but at least allow me to accompany you." He said trying to compromise.

"No! I need someone I can trust to look after the Kingdom whilst I'm gone. I can't trust any of the Demon Lords, we don't know which one is the traitor!" I outright refused, having my throne taken from me whilst I'm away fighting Lavias wasn't a tantalising thought.

"What about Lord Kazeth, he's reasonably skilled and he would never betray you." Rivian suggested.


I grimaced, not Kaz, anyone but Kaz. Kazeth Vilt one of the Current Demon lords, known as Kazeth the Unbroken, killer of the Rampaging Bear and my childhood friend. He was technically the son of my private bodyguard, but my father respected him and allowed his son to play with me freely. Kazeth is... In love with me, he has been since back then when we were children. He trained ridiculously hard to become one of the Demon Lords so that he could be high enough rank to marry me. To become a Demon Lord he killed an incredibly powerful monster that had destroyed several towns and villages known as the Rampaging Bear. This gave him the achievement he needed to raise his rank. Honestly, I reject every one of his advances, but he he refuses to back down. I can definitely trust him, but if I ever tell him that, or let him know in anyway... Let's just say he'll get even more annoying.

I glanced at Rivian, he was clearly adamant about coming with me... I guess I don't have any other choice, do I?

"Fine... Fine... Go and fetch me some paper, I need to write two letters now." Rivian walked over to a cupboard in the corner of the room and brought out some paper.

Kazeth was on the other side of the Demons territory, ( which was no coincidence) so sending a letter was the easiest way to communicate with him, I don't want to travel all that way for him.

I wrote the first to Kazeth, making sure to tell him the consequences should he fail me, the other a reply to the Council of Ents, telling them my answer.

In a years time my country or the world could end. Sighing I reluctantly sighed my name at the bottom of the two letters. Queen Varialle Reazandale.

After sealing the letters with my seal, I gave them to Rivian to send off. For some reason I was exhausted so I decided to take the rest of the night off. I walked up the stairs and sat down on my armchair. I sighed as I sat down.

This really is going to be a pain.

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