《Resurgent [Hiatus]》Chapter 14 - Night on the Town


Relief filled Marcus as he hung on to his mother, afraid she may disappear if let go for only a moment. Tumultuous emotions plagued his thoughts, soon enough they turned into reservation, followed by doubt.

“Why are you here Mom? You don’t even live in Denver…I’m happy you’re here, don’t misconstrue my questions as spite, but how? Why?

“Shh, its okay. Your father and I had driven into town a couple of days ago for your birthday. We knew you would be coming home from your business trip and wanted to surprise you. While fate has cursed our world, it had also brought us together serendipitously,” she chattered on, “Enough about that, care to enlighten me as to how my son has turned into a wizard from those games you always rambled on about?”

Sheepishly Marcus responded, “I guess that’s what it really looks like huh, well it’s a long story but to put it simply – magic.”

“Now don’t give me that - details Marcus, tell me everything,” his mother demanded.

Over the next half our he went over everything he knew about the System and what he'd been through - outside of the specifics of who Azarti really was. The conversation had drawn in everyone else thankfully; Marcus really hadn't been looking forward to explaining it individually to each person. A common theme emerged after gathering everyone’s experiences; they had been ignoring their notifications. Most had even dismissed initial class selection as a dream – leading to people like Heather with classes like accountant.

“With my shallow understanding, classes serve as a sort of archetype that embody your past actions and future potential. While it’s probably possible to steer something mundane away from mediocrity, the difficulty in doing so would be astronomical,” Marcus lectured on.

Even more bizarrely, it appeared that if someone didn’t select their first Rite before classes were handed out the choice just vanished. Options would then appear called ‘Trials’ which offered vastly reduced attributes per level - He’d gone from fifteen to twenty free attributes each level up, while those with Trials sat at half of that, ten. Honestly, it wasn’t fair for these people to be hamstrung so early on, but it made a sort of sense. Azarti had told him that before The Grand Hegemony came into power that worlds soon to be Integrated would be forewarned - informing them of their notifications importance. It was finally coming together now; those in power didn’t want new worlds to gain too much of an advantage - keeping them weak WAS their objective. Before Marcus could really dive into the implications, his mother, Catherine, interrupted his thoughts.

“I can’t say that what you’ve told us brings me any peace, but what you can already do leaves no room for arguing its validity. I’ve been dreading telling you this…your father and brother had been downtown when everything began. I can’t in good faith lie to my son – they’re probably already gone,” Catherine sobbed.

Not knowing how to respond, Marcus just froze – processing what he’d just been told. Debating his next steps took some time; he had his mother, along with a dozen or so others, with him now. If he decided to chase after his father and brother what would happen to them? Could he just allow himself to casually write his remaining family off? No he couldn’t. Marcus had been broken; his goal the only reason he’d retained rationality – it wouldn’t do for him to already abandon that ideal. Before he could doubt himself once more, he spoke.


“I’m going after them, I was spared for a reason. I’ve resolved to aid those that I can, and honestly abandoning my family isn’t something I can justify. Furthermore, before I leave there’s one more trick of mine you haven’t seen," he finished, smiling.

His mother and the others remained silent, unsure of what to say. Some of them were afraid, he’d just saved them using power they had never seen before, and to see that safety net leave was heart wrenching. While even more wished him good luck, betting that with his strength he would return for them, but one went beyond the rest.

“You aren’t going alone; I’ve already seen firsthand what happens when somebody waits for others to save them. I’m done being a damsel in distress, this new reality is cruel - if you’ll have me you won’t regret it,” a man said.

Marcus fired off an inspection, pleasantly surprised at what he saw.

Adrian Wright – Level. 3 | Class: Templar

“Glad to have you Adrian,” he shook his hand, “It’s a relief that I’ll have someone watching my back, or at the very least telling me not to do reckless things. Follow me - While I get this place defensible for those we’re leaving behind you can gather supplies for us."

Everyone instinctively followed the pair back into the apartment complex, curious why they’d go back into what was now a dangerous location. Marcus ignored their questions and continued walking towards his destination, the basement. After filing into the dark basement he addressed the room.

“What I’m about to do will likely scare you, but its going to produce you a place that’s both defensible and hidden. Please step back and observe.”

Reaching into the ground Marcus pulled on the natural stone surrounding the cement walls. He couldn’t directly shape unnatural substances, so instead he’d first have to replace it. Cracking sounds filled the area as cement crumbled before being added back into the roiling earth. He’d much improved his skills and the process didn’t take more than a handful of minutes. Marcus continued his construction by first digging 5 meters down, reinforcing everything as he went along. After reaching an adequate depth he went on to replicate his first base. Rather than one outpost it would be four; each outpost jutting from a cardinal direction originating from a central ‘spoke.’ It was much more space than twenty odd people would need, but he planned on sending everyone he found back here before leaving the city.

During this process everyone just watched on dumbfounded, as a man literally sculpted the earth with only his willpower. Marcus wasn’t content with allowing them to just watch though, he’d quickly caught on and told them to spread out into the intact apartments to collect supplies. Within minutes folks began to return carrying food, water, clothes, medical supplies, and even a few industrious ones had collected furniture. He couldn’t help but smile at that; humans sure did love luxury.

Allowing mana to refill both himself and his staff, Marcus prepared to once again attempt summoning. Even if the creature remained lacking intelligence it had already proven itself as being a worthy distraction, not to mention a source a transportation. Bright light drew those nearby, but Marcus was too focused to notice their intrusion. The process continued identically to his first attempt, including the shape he chose. Shortly thereafter it done, but alas, something was still missing, and with it a fully functioning summon.

He’d wanted to summon another for Adrian ride, but he was met by a wall of resistance. His mana would form the construct before rapidly dissipating for unknown reasons; he was simply unable to maintain its stability for long enough. Resigning to what came next, he molded a second seat onto his new summon; he’d have to share.


Marcus had been putting off his notifications while getting the shelter put together, leaving it as his last step before heading downtown; Sitting onto a couch someone had brought down here, he opened his full status.

[Level Up + 8]

(U)Mana Manipulation + 15

(U)Elemental Manipulation + 15

®Inorganic Shaping + 12

(U)Mineral Purification + 5

(U)Elemental Sight + 4

(U)Scorching Ray + 4

©Tendrils of Earth + 5

©Trap Making + 6

©Geology + 4

Along with a plethora of increases, several new skills and spells appeared.

Miscellaneous Martial skill gained – © Mounted Combat 1->3 | Some run into battle, others fly, but you ride on a trusty steed; When either running foes underfoot, or shattering battle lines, both are easier atop a beast. Higher levels offer mounted stability, health and stamina increases for mount.

New Spell Learned – ® Unstable Earthen Spines – Level 1->6 | Earthen spears erupt from the ground, impaling all foes within a moderate area. Spears rapidly lose stability before exploding into molten stone, heavily injuring those effected. Higher levels reduce preparation required, lower mana costs, increase damage and allow for modification to area of effect. Note: Long cast time, heavy mana cost, fixed location after casting underway.

As for free attributes, the first part was easy – bring strength up to fifty with five points to get its bonus, but after that he’d have to think. Having filled in what he considered ‘important’ attributes up to fifty left Marcus with a decision; he could either dump his points into his primary stats or work towards getting Luck and Charisma to their bonuses.

Considering that he’d soon be going downtown – a hotspot for monsters – it would be wise to take the route that guaranteed results now instead of later. Additionally, there may be more extras in store at whatever the next breakpoint was. With that in mind Marcus split his remaining points, thirty-five, evenly between Intelligence, Wisdom, and Perception at twelve each, outside of Perception getting one less at eleven. Confirming his choices, the expected blurb for Strength appeared.

Those who perfect the worldly body should be feared, for they have broken the limits of what is possible with pure physicality. Arcane arts may be flashy, but an axe to the head is as deadly as a fireball. New Stamina multiplier: 1.2x

In addition, Marcus also had an astounding seventy-nine PP, enough to not only finish his Earth Aspect path, but make good progress into the next. Without hesitation he finished the path.

Rocky roads lead to every destination. Paths may begin roughly, but eventually guide oneself to their goals. Along the way others may try to stop you – don’t let them. Earth Aspected Mana is much easier to manipulate, in addition, a new spell has become available: © Stone Throw

New Spell Learned – © Stone Throw – Level. 1 | Lobs a small boulder at targets within a modest distance. On contact with a surface, violently shatters into shrapnel piercing nearby foes. Higher levels increase range, mana efficiency, and damage. Note: Does not distinguish friendly from hostiles.

He’d also received an unexpected additional five points to both Constitution and Strength - additionally another set of paths appeared: Earthen Works (0/100), and Bulwark (0/100). Stone Throw finally filled a niche he’d been lacking before, area damage. Sure, he had Unstable Earth Spines now as well, but in practice the spell was too difficult to use - while Stone Throw had a negligible cast time.

Marcus was torn on what path to choose next, but his eyes kept roaming to the summon standing near him.

“Mana Sculpting might be the ticket to learning proper summoning. I can form the body, but not the mind; brains are the most complex organ after all. The path itself may lead to something juicy later too…while fire may give me yet another spell, do I really need that right now?”

After Marcus debated the positives and negatives, he committed to starting Mana Sculpting. Thankfully, unlike his previous path, this one gave two Intellect and Perception per five PP, and one Charisma at the same rate. After spending the remainder of this PP, leaving him almost half way through the path; mild anticipation began to build for its completion. Finally finished with his updates, he looked over it one last time before setting out to find Adrian.

Name: Marcus Diamandis Level - 26

Class - Matter Reshaper

Health:1422/1422 Regeneration 14.22/Minute 1.2 x Multiplier

Stamina:1206/1206 Regeneration 146/Minute 1.2 x Multiplier

Mana: 2616/2616 Regeneration 354/Minute 1.2 x Multiplier

Free Attributes: 0 Path Points: 0

Race: Crystal Forged Human Movement Speed Multipliers Casting Speed Multiplier

Damage Multipliers

5% 18.3% 0% Basic Statistics Total Strength 55 Constitution

91 Agility

50 Perception

183 Intelligence

218 Wisdom 177 Charisma




Mana Skills: Elemental Manipulation – 45, Mana Manipulation – 45, Elemental Sight – 9

Physical Skills: Basic Melee Fighting – 11

Miscellaneous Skills: Field Medicine – 1, Geology – 6, Improved Explosives – 6, Mounted Combat – 3, Trap Making – 11, Dodge - 1

Passives: Crystalline Veins - 1

Spells: Inorganic Shaping – 42, Mage Light – 4, Mineral Purification– 18, Pyrrhic Cleansing – 1, Scorching Ray - 26, Tendrils of Earth – 9, Unstable Earthen Spines - 6

Running into the man didn’t take long, Marcus had found him helping to carry beds down into the fortification – at the very least he wasn’t lazy. Marcus was thankful for Adrian’s assistance, but remained unsure at how useful a level three would be - especially at night.

“About ready to leave? I’ve wrapped up reinforcing the walls and resolving my notifications. Daylight is burning second by second. If we can accomplish our objective pre-nightfall that’d be ideal,” Marcus said.

“Yeah, ready to go whenever. One problem though, I kind of don’t have any equipment,” Adrian complained.

“You should’ve said something earlier... give me a minute, I’ll whip up a sword and shield if that’s something you’d use.”

After getting an affirmative from his Templar, which he totally wasn’t trying to push into a tank, he began shaping the kit. Both the sword and shield pair were anything but exceptional. Each turned out to be better than his spear, but not by much; without better materials this was the best he could create no short notice.

Watching Adrian tryout his weapons was interesting. Adjusting to equipment generally took time, and moreover the way he moved with them was fluid, almost natural.

“Do you have experience with classic melee weapons? Seems as if you’ve handled one before,” Marcus asked skeptically. Having an ‘expert’ would go quite a long way in keeping Adrian alive, not to mention future mentoring prospects.

“Oh, you noticed huh. Well I don’t talk about it much, but during basic training I’d been introduced to knife fighting - from there my interest bloomed into an obsession with anything bladed. I’d sometimes take an infrequent HEMA class to learn from experts, but it was only after getting my class that everything really clicked. My sudden improvement stems from a passive skill called Martial Expertise which seemed to tie my skills together. Now that I really look at the situation again, those HEMA sessions probably led to me choosing Templar,” Adrian said.

Well that’s an awfully useful skill to have, not like I can really complain about. Whatever, for now he’s taken the role of a frontliner. I’ll run him around the area for a bit to get him some experience so he’s not totally vulnerable.

“Sounds good to me, let’s go – don’t forget to grab our supplies, we may be outside for a while.”

Rushing downtown would’ve been reckless. While Marcus wanted to go there now, he’d only be signing Adrian’s death warrant and he didn’t want innocent blood on his hands. Over the next hour Marcus funneled low-leveled monsters towards his partner where they would be slaughtered. It turned out that someone with an iota of weapon mastery could absolutely crush small fry; it still stood to question how he’d deal with larger threats without being crushed in the future.

During the grinding questions quickly started to crop up though - how was a Templar supposed to get new abilities, or spells? Thus far Adrian hadn’t even mentioned if he could manipulate mana or anything similar. After consulting the man, he’d had no idea either – while he did have a mana pool it wasn’t something Adrian actively ever used. With a sigh Marcus entered lecture mode.

“To begin, mana is a reservoir of power, a mystical resource which can be molded and then projected to cause change. Personally, I picture mana as a fluid which once molded and given an elemental aspect can be used to cast spells. Additionally, using Mana and Elemental Manipulation, along with another of my abilities, it’s possible to modify spells at a basic level, or even make new ones. If you’ve ever played DnD before they function similarly to meta-magics - at least to an extent,” Marcus paused, charging a Scorching Ray before using it to impale a charging mutated wolf the size of a cow, “that is an application of fire aspected mana being expelled as an attack; brutally effective and simple,” he finished.

Apparently, whatever Marcus did to cast spells wasn’t the typical method, as even after the hour had passed Adrian made zero progress. Maybe Templar’s skills are level and path based; he still hadn’t figured it out. All in all, Adrian had leveled up to ten, still low but at least workable. His martial skill would have to carry him for now until they figured out how to develop new spells for him.

“Enough, get on up here, its much faster if we use a mount,” Marcus motioned for Adrian to hop up.

“You want me to ride the giant bear,” he paused, “that looks like it could eat me and shit me out raw before I could react?”

“Yes, exactly,” Marcus deadpanned.

It took a couple of moments before he built up the courage to mount the bear, “To hell with it, the worlds fucked anyways – if I die getting eaten by a bear made of stone, so be it.”

Earlier during his conversation with his mother he’d asked where his father and brother had gone specifically. Being told ‘downtown’ would just lead to Marcus embarking on a wild goose chase, finding neither of his targets. When she had finally spilled the beans, Marcus had almost wished he could randomly look around instead - they had gone to the 16th Street Mall. An innocuous name at first, sure, but it was a nightmare waiting to happen. That street was a mecca for everything and everybody in the city. Imagine a mile-long street lined with shops, restaurants, and several museums packed together - once you’ve got that in your mind fill that same street with murderous creatures; the results aren’t pretty.

Much more went through his mind on the way, what was to come would be horrific and dangerous; the odds weren’t in their favor. Adrian had been on combat duty during the trip, taking out monsters that advanced on them with fervor. Outside of two instances Marcus hadn’t needed to intervene, but as they entered the city proper, the you-know-what hit the fan.

In his peripheral vision Marcus spotted something rapidly approaching. The numerous creatures required a couple of seconds before they came into range and what he saw was horrifying. Each abomination was wrong, Marcus had forgotten about the Twisted Chimeras he’d fought only a day ago. They’d been a memory shoved to the back of his mind; what was coming was worse, much worse. They weren’t a simple amalgamation of random creatures, instead they had human traits. Zombies would’ve been his first guess, but their eyes held far, far, too much intelligence for mindless corpse's – their collective gaze tore into him simultaneously while they maintained a dead sprint towards Marcus; he’d finally found where all the bodies had been going. Worriedly, he inspected the lead horror.

Blight Husk – Level. 15 | Type: Abomination/Horror | Flesh puppets controlled by a much greater foe. Blight Husks are early stage combat units who assume the form of native species. Blight, or The Blight, fall are malignant when determining their category. Left to fester they’ve been known to spread rapidly, subsuming all native fauna.

Immediately following his inspection, another notification flooded his senses – something he’d never seen before.

System Quest – Purged in Flames

New Blighted infestation discovered, if not eliminated within one Earth-month snowball effect will have advanced beyond redemption. Forces of The Blight have converted native citizen en-masse through twisted magic and ritual sacrifice – those turned are forever lost; salvation snuffed out.

Clear Conditions:

Eliminate Blighted Plague Host (1/1) remaining

Destroy and cleanse Distortion Vat Facilities (5/5) intact

Kill and burn all Blight Husks, or other minor strata (1,500,000/1,500,000) remaining

Rewards: Varied upon completion percentage and contribution. Difficulty: EPIC

Marcus watched the number of Blight Husks continually rise in ones and twos periodically. He felt it appropriate to voice his opinion on the current disaster, “Well, fuck me, right?”

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