《Enchanting》Chapter 30


I rubbed tiredly at my eyes, my sleep under the tree had not been my best rest ever and the day had been rather taxing. Taking a slow breath, I studied Charles' wound for a time, considering what to do as I sensed the tendrils draw at his Power. In the end that was what decided it for me; the thought of leaving those things inside him, eating away, was far more disgusting than I could handle. I would have to do something.

Before I did anything else, I spread out many of my remaining enchanted beads on the ground, to give me a better chance to defend us if we were attacked. Our present location was far too close to the road for me to have any confidence we would remain undisturbed.

My ability to reach Charles' wound was hampered somewhat by his coat, but getting him out of it would be difficult: he was simply too heavy and he was not likely to cooperate. Thankfully his Guard tabard was simple in its make, as I had easily moved it aside earlier without even giving it a thought. I concluded that the coat would probably be ruined anyway, with the hole and blood, and so decided to cut away parts of it when needed. I took off my own coat though, while a bit dirty it was fine otherwise, and I did not need to get blood on it again.

I knelt down, knife in hand, and began cutting into Charles. At first I managed not to feel much as I was deeply focused on finding the sources of the undead taint, but that all too soon gave way to pure horror at what I was doing.


I lay on my back, staring up at the evening sky. The sun had not set yet, and I was apprehensive at the thought of spending yet another night in the forest. I did my very best not to think about what I had spent hours doing to Charles, and failed rather miserably.

There had been many small black shards inside of him, and each one I found had tiny tendrils reaching for me, as soon as it left Charles' wound. Over time I had gotten very proficient at quickly flicking the shards away from the both of us. But it had been slow going, both with Charles' very impressive healing, forcing me to repeatedly reopen the wound, as well as me being hampered by trying to limit the damage I did so that he would have a better chance to recover.

I had assumed the flasks Charles carried contained some form of healing potion. After I had finished removing the shards and confirming I could sense no more of them, I had spent an inordinate amount of time making him drink what was in the remaining flask. It did seem to have a rather potent effect, as the wound closed rapidly once I had gotten the contents into him.

I thought it must have taken hours to get it all done and at this point I felt exhausted. I doubted the shirt I wore could be saved at this point. I was also bloody up to my elbows, something I needed to deal with, and so with a groan I sat up and began casting Ice Lance.

A rather impressive lance of ice slammed into the ground in front of me, tossing dirt every which way. I frowned at it, to me it seemed quite a bit larger than what had come from my Copper beads of Ice Lance. Some quick math told me the damage of this lance of ice should be twice as much as what came from the beads, was that the reason for the difference in size then? I had not thought about it when I hunted rabbits, but the size of those lances should have been even smaller if that was the case.


As I reached for the ice lance it wavered and dispersed into motes of Mana, leaving me staring in surprise. That had not happened with the enchantments.

It did not take me more than moments to find something to enchant, an acorn once more, as there seemed to be more of them than stones of an appropriate size in this forest.

I regretted that choice in mere minutes, after five failures to enchant acorns I started looking for a stone instead. Once I managed to find one, I enchanted it with Ice Lance without issue.

I used the enchantment and a new piece of ice slammed into the ground near to me. I sat a moment and watched it, the point in time where the first one had vanished came and went, and I stretched out a hand to pull this one out.

With a hiss I pulled my hand back, the ice was both very cold and sharp. I changed my mind and merely held my hands against it for as long as I could stand. I then used the small amount of water I had melted off to scrub at my hands and arms. Rinse and repeat.

It did seem as if whatever was created from enchantments was permanent or at least far longer lasting. If the creations indeed were permanent, then that was interesting, as the equivalent spells did not have this property. I had noted that enchantments of Acid Splash lacked duration and had a change in wording from the spell, now it seemed that might be a property of enchantments in general, rather than just that particular spell.

If that was the case I could see how I had not noticed before I had gotten the new spells, there was very little difference between a real fire and a magical one. A flame without fuel would just go out, giving me no real chance to notice this difference with Fire Burst.

Being slightly cleaner, I still grimaced as I donned my coat once more, and considered Charles. I could not move him and I was not prepared to leave him, more the fool I. Unfortunately I was reaching the point where I would fall asleep if I sat or lay down for too long. I had been awake for close to a full day if my count was correct, and the hours and the stress wore on me. I looked around, as I once more wondered where all the undead were.

I mused on what to do, and decided to leave most of my beads of Acid Splash spread out where they were; they needed to be so much closer to a target to be useful anyway, so I might as well have them on the ground and only collect the others. I closed my eyes as I tried to sort out what was pertinent.

One obvious issue was the horse, if it was actually still there at the road it was all but a beacon proclaiming there was something nearby to be found. I got to my feet and went to check on the dumb beast.

To my surprise it was still there, grazing. I shook my head as I walked carefully up to the creature and grabbed the reins. Other than an indiscernible look at me, the horse did not seem concerned about being led away and it followed me back to Charles without issue.

I felt more than a bit foolish that I had not thought about how the horse might have drawn attention earlier. Thankfully no one had taken advantage of my mistake, and Charles had not been conscious to notice either.


As I came back, Charles was sitting in the fading evening light, arrow in one hand and some bloody shards in the other. His eyes kept flicking from what was in his hands to the flakes on the ground, formerly in his coat pocket. His expression seemed so sad, almost heartbroken.

As the horse and I came closer, and he looked up, I could see that he had tears in his eyes.

"Would you betray me, Ewynne?"

The question took me off guard and I stopped, flabbergasted.

"What is going on with you, Charles?"

His response was something between a sob and a laugh, making the situation even more surreal. He looked around, a frown on his face, while I stood there warring with indecision.

For some reason Charles tried to gracelessly get to his feet. Seeing him totter, about to fall, I dropped the reins and swiftly moved to steady him. He grinned down at me, something strange and dangerous in his expression.

"Charles?" I did not like how scared I sounded, and as Charles turned his free hand up, my heart beat in fright as I expected to see a weapon coming my way. Instead he held a smooth circular stone that soon shattered in his hand, and the world went dark around us.

You have entered the tenth floor of the Deep!

Light came back with the notice from the Order, and I found myself held by Charles, as he looked down at me. He still wore the same strange and dangerous expression on his face and I tried to wrap my head around what was going on, with little success.

"Why would the Order offer me so much to get you into the Deep?" His question came out dark and gravelly.

It sank in that this idiot had used a Portal Stone. Even one attuned to a Dungeon floor would still be expensive to a horrifying degree. I sure hoped whatever he received was worth it, since I was not appreciative in the least!

Perhaps I should have left those undead shards where I found them?


Mission complete!

Defeat the invading undead.

Reward: 82 Essence.

Eric sank to the floor of his cave, feeling exhausted and quite sure he was dying.

But this final amount of Essence he had been rewarded was enough for him to get to Rank 4, and with it, he could purchase the spell that had shown up when he had reached the previous Rank.

Conjure Imp - 25 Trait points

Summons an Imp.

More than a bit gleeful at the idea of having something that could fight for him, rather than do it himself, Eric did not hesitate a moment after procuring the spell.

He began to cast, and marveled at how all the information and understanding about what to do was just there in his mind, as his hands waved in the air and words he did not know the meaning of rolled of his tongue with no difficulty.

Quite some time later, the spell not being short by any means, there was a tear in the air in front of Eric. He leaned forward, expectant.

He felt more than a bit disappointed as a small blue creature fell out of the portal. With such a diminutive size it would not be able to fight very well. Eric rubbed his head and sighed as the creature looked up at him, with dark eyes that seemed to stretch on forever.

With no warning, the creature launched itself at him with an incomprehensible screech. Without hesitation Eric met the imp's lunge with a swipe of his claws, sending the thing flying backward, but before he had a chance to make sure the creature was dead the Voice interrupted him.

Emptiness Corruption detected, Essence gate closing in 19 seconds.

Eric stood staring for some time, trying to understand what was going on. He tried to bring up his character sheet, but had no success.

He kept trying over and over again, panic taking hold as nothing showed.

Eric looked around, feeling strangely betrayed. For the first time since he had taken on a System, he wondered how his parents and sister had felt, just finding him gone one morning.

He looked over at where the imp had landed, to see something dark and bloated that was still expanding with cracks forming in it. Eric decided he had seen quite enough, and quickly ran out of the cave and into the swamp.


Having run a very long time, Eric stumbled to a stop, arms pinwheeling as he almost fell off a ledge. Gathering himself for a moment and taking a deep breath, he peered down.

He was on a height above a plateau of some kind. There were quite a few people there below, and seemingly they were splitting up in groups of five or six, before using a broad walkway spiraling downward into the depths of some kind of structure.

Deciding he had no interest in that, he turned to leave, only to see a giant sword in mid-swing, coming at his neck.

Eric did a clumsy duck and roll, right over the edge.

With an inarticulate scream of terror, Eric fell into the dark. He preferred to think that he was crying, otherwise the walls of the pit he was falling into were melting.

Welcome! Welcome!

His panicking thoughts were interrupted by a creepy sounding jovial voice. Eric was startled further as the dark gave way to a face, black eyes staring into his. Whoever this was, had pushed in close enough that their noses were touching.

Spoiler: Status


Age: 18

Level: 10

Experience: 1240/11000

Race: Aberration

Class: Enchantress

Strength: 4

Dexterity: 10

Agility: 8

Constitution: 20

Endurance: 8

Intelligence: 22

Wisdom: 19

Willpower: 24

Perfection: 14

Charisma: 12

Health: 278/320

Mana: 529/650 (13/minute)

Stamina: 80/80 (28/minute)

Unallocated Attributes: 0

Spoiler: Racial Traits

Mental Focus (Improved)

Effect: +4 Wisdom, +6 Willpower, Intelligence.

Spoiler: Traits

Limited Caster

You are not a Mage nor a Cleric, while you may learn spells your ability to cast them is limited.

Effect: The Mana cost of all spells is increased to five times.

Crystallized Thoughts

While Mana does not flow swiftly for you, you are far more efficient with how you use what you have.

Effect: Your Mana pool includes Intelligence as an Attribute, but you regain Mana from Intelligence 40% slower.


You have discovered things that makes the world a more interesting place.

Effect: +1% Experience from all sources.

Mind Fortress

You have been the subject of mind altering effects too often and learned to cope with some of them.

Effect: You are immune to mind altering affects of the second Sphere and below, or equivalent.

Survival of the putrid

You have wallowed in filth and have become more resistant to disease.

Effect: Immunity to natural disease.

Acolyte of the Order

You have chosen to work with the Order, though more for personal gain than any sense of loyalty.

Effect: +10 Constitution, Sense Domain, rank 1

Sense Domain

You are attuned to the differences of the Worlds.

Effect: You can perceive the limits of a Domain.


Your tenacity is exceptional, pushing the boundaries of what your body can survive.

Effect: Constitution increases your Health by another 60%.

Spoiler: Skills

Enchanting, tier 2

You have begun to be able to strengthen your enchantments.

Skill: 5/10

Effect: 2% increase to enchantment strength per skill level.

Spoiler: Abilities

Sense the Flow, rank 2

You can perceive the flows of Power around you. Limited to the World Powers.

Cost: N/A

Cast Time: Instant, Instinctual, Intentional

Range: 3 meters

Upkeep: N/A

Enchant, rank 1

You can enchant objects with the Magic you know.

Cost: Variable.

Cast Time: Variable, Intentional

Range: Touch

Upkeep: Variable

Aberrant Mind

Construct a mental landscape of insanity. A contest of your Willpower, Wisdom and Intelligence against the Willpower, Wisdom and Constitution of your target.

May be used once per day.

Damage: 13 times the combined difference between contesting Attributes as mental damage.

Cost: 215 Mana

Cast Time: 6s, Intentional

Range: 6 meters

Upkeep: N/A

Spoiler: Spells

Fire Burst

Throws a burst of fire at a nearby target. Spell structure maintained by 10 Willpower.

Damage: 3 times Willpower, excluding structure requirement.

Cost: 125 Mana

Cast Time: 2s, Intentional

Range: 2 meters

Upkeep: N/A


Creates a moderate light source. Spell structure maintained by 8 Willpower, 7 Intelligence.

Duration: 10 minutes per Attribute exceeding structure requirement.

Cost: 50 Mana

Cast Time: 5s, Intentional

Range: Touch

Upkeep: N/A

Ice Lance

Throws a sharp lance of ice at a target. Spell structure maintained by 10 Willpower, 11 Intelligence.

Damage: 2 times Willpower and Intelligence, excluding structure requirement.

Cost: 225 Mana

Cast Time: 3s, Intentional

Range: 4 meters

Upkeep: N/A

Acid Splash

Conjures a small splash of acid in front of the caster. Spell structure maintained by 13 Willpower, 12 Wisdom.

Damage per second: 0.5 times Willpower and Wisdom, excluding structure requirement.

Cost: 275 Mana

Cast Time: 1s, Intentional

Range: 1 meter

Upkeep: 75 Mana per second

Minor Shield

Conjures a translucent shield around the caster, absorbing incoming damage before dissipating. Spell structure maintained by 10 Wisdom.

Shield: 0.4 times Wisdom, excluding structure requirement.

Duration: 2 minutes per Wisdom exceeding structure requirement.

Cost: 125 Mana

Cast Time: 2s, Intentional

Range: N/A

Upkeep: N/A

Minor Heal

Restores a small amount of Health to a target. Spell structure maintained by 11 Wisdom, 11 Willpower.

Healing: 0.4 times Wisdom and Willpower, excluding structure requirement.

Cost: 500 Mana

Cast Time: 8s, Intentional

Range: Touch

Upkeep: N/A

Spoiler: Items

Copper bead of Ice Lance x3

Throws a sharp lance of ice at a target.

Damage: 24

Quality: Good

Iron bead of Ice Lance

Throws a sharp lance of ice at a target.

Damage: 15

Quality: Good

Glass bead of Ice Lance

Throws a sharp lance of ice at a target.

Damage: 17

Quality: Good

Copper bead of Acid Splash x4

Creates a small splash of acid in front of the user.

Damage: 6 per second

Quality: Good

Iron bead of Acid Splash

Creates a small splash of acid in front of the user.

Damage: 4 per second

Quality: Good

Iron bead of Minor Shield x20

Conjures a translucent shield around the user, absorbing incoming damage before dissipating.

Shield: 2

Quality: Good

Glass bead of Minor Shield

Conjures a translucent shield around the user, absorbing incoming damage before dissipating.

Shield: 2

Quality: Good

Iron bead of Minor Heal x20

Restores a small amount of Health to a target.

Healing: 3

Quality: Good

Steel bead of Light

A moderate light source.

Duration: Permanent

Quality: Good

Copper bead of Light

A moderate light source.

Duration: Permanent

Quality: Good

Iron bead of Light

A moderate light source.

Duration: Permanent

Quality: Good

Glass bead of Light

A moderate light source.

Duration: Permanent

Quality: Good

Copper bead of Fire Burst

Will explode with a burst of fire when hitting a target.

Damage: 17

Quality: Good

Glass bead of Fire Burst

Will explode with a burst of fire when hitting a target.

Damage: 13

Quality: Good

Iron bead of Fire Burst

Will explode with a burst of fire when hitting a target.

Damage: 12

Quality: Good

Stone of Fire Burst x 5

Will explode with a burst of fire when hitting a target.

Damage: 12

Quality: Average

Coat (dirty), Pants(dirty), Boots(dirty), Blouse (need repairs; cut side, room), undergarments, bag with undergarments(2, room), undergarments (room), Shirt (bloody). Leather satchel(dirty), Small dagger. 236 glass beads, 40 iron beads, 88 steel beads, 28 silver beads, 2 gold beads, 54 bronze beads, 42 tin beads -> (room).

Coin: 2 gold, 5 Silver, 11 Copper.

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