《Omnipocalypse Monsters(Shelved Timeline)》1.02 Microscopic War-Zone


The Stockpile of high-quality Biomass, The Chimeric-shifter Woman, Omega, continued to try and look around, wiggle occasionally. she could Shapeshift a little. her hair snaked down to try and find a latch, or a strap she could loosen. Unfortunately, she only detected smooth metal, like they created every part of this coffin to hold her in place perfectly. She shifted the flesh of her body, trying to find a way out. but whoever built this knew she couldn't reshape her bones much without a more flexible form to copy. They limited her study of mammalian biology fearing what she might be able to do with more practical knowledge. So despite her abilities, she was trapped.

Then she detected a malevolent psychic presence approaching. They viewed her as food or building materials. regardless she would be destroyed if they had their way. She also needed a way out, which the approaching entity seems to have. Maybe she could take it?

So she began to create a desperate plan. The kind only a trapped person with no way out would even consider.


The swarm made it through the shell around the first pit. Now it could sense the powerful trapped biomass even better. It had the same general shape as its last victim. un-moving now. They dug a tunnel through the concrete and devoured all the monitoring equipment, upgrading some of the inferior parts of the swarm. And leaving the inferior models to fall lifeless into the dust to make room in the swarm for upgraded forms. Lifeless nanites harvested for the most useful materials, creating a cycle of upgrading through the inferior sections of the swarm.

To actually grow though, it needed high-quality biomatter or holographic crystal data storage systems. It found a few such crystals in the equipment around the pits, mostly enchanted strontium titanate crystals, however after nano compression to make them into Core Mind Crystalline-computational Nanites, it was only able to increase the size of the swarm by 5%. Nothing compared to the exponential growth it expected from eating the Bio-matter stockpile.

The swarm would breach the containment pod in 5 places and begin converting hands, feet, and head, all at the same time. This should minimize the chances of resistance or escape to less than a thousandth of a percent.


unfortunately for it. This AI was also missing some critical data.


The liquid-like Swarm burst through the wall of her metal coffin right above her face. She managed to close her eyes and mouth in time. The liquid metal began to disassemble her flesh on a cellular level. Seeming to begin melting her Flesh.

But she fought back. She began a war on the cellular level, skin cells shifting creating spikes, shooting tiny blasts of acid, replicating and doing everything they could to fight back. To try and slow down the relentless nanite swarm ripping them apart.

She might be missing basic info on replicating mammalian life, but they couldn't stop her from examining every virus, sickness, or disease in the hundreds of years the people of the lab imprisoned and studied her, that’s probably why they feared her enough to lock her in here, she could turn a single cell of her nail into a chimera of 3 viruses, diseases or parasites she had ever studied. Then scratch a particularly offensive Scientist then he would die quickly from her new custom superinfection. The system considered such small insignificant things basic lifeforms, so she kept that knowledge with her Basic Information skill.

She disabled her sense of pain, blocked out useless information, and anything else that could distract her.

The swarm replaced each conquered cell with new, special nanites made from the disabled cell and the metal and concrete component dust.

Her flesh seemed to bubble and melt. Then in seconds get replaced with liquid metal flesh. Still, the process was much, much, slower than when the swarm dug through the ground to get to her.

That was the point, to buy time. Precious seconds were the difference between death and evolution.


The Swarm was as close to enraged as it had ever been.

The biomass was resisting, some nanites had been destroyed, not many, but they were forced to fight with lesser nanites rather than risk elements of the original swarm.

Still, the new Cellular Mimic Nano-Golems were extremely high quality. Capable of taking any shape needed, while also housing more potential Data storage than its current best Core Mind Bio-computational Nanites. It would be so much more powerful when It was done mastering this Biomass. It needed the skills and power usage data from the brain to use these new nanites to the fullest, however.


The swarm pushed up into the nasal cavity, taking a shortcut to the brain in hopes of cutting off resistance. The brain itself was of decent quality, but it seemed barely used, only a few memories of being tested in the facility above. Left in a cell with nothing but a TV and computer with extremely limited entertainment and education selections. no real thoughts or plans. It was a mercy to devour this boring biomass and make it apart of the swarm. The only useful skill seemed to be called Basic Information.

The cells continued to fight back even with the brain cut off and converted.


Couldn't they understand that is was the new brain.......

their host was dead.......

oh well...

It continued to convert cells.......

and conquer the body........

most of the head and half of each arm and leg were already part of the swarm.....


Soon they would be even better.....


WaS iTs PrOcEssING gETtinG SLOwer?>[email protected][email protected]#?

Error: @#$^# not found.

Nanite/Golem Swarm C(30) "The Great Devourer" You have died

You were killed by Chimeric Shifter Omega, via Mind Death


She saw her brain as an obvious point of failure, so she had made a second one in her gut.

She then moved all her memories to the new brain, or at least the ones she cared the most about keeping. She also left a copy of Basic Information as a trojan horse.

She was slowly losing her extremities, but in each cell that she lost was a piece of a virus. The more of her body she lost, the more of the AI behind the swarm that would be infected, slowed or deleted.

They wanted her body and mind. Well, so did she want theirs.

She would Eat the swarm.

She would become the swarm.

It is the only way she could see to escape her bonds. Escape this coffin. As the swarm continued to devour and convert her flesh, she began to use that flesh to send more packets of her personality into the swarm. then her memories, plans.

The recently created Nanite brain quickly filled with her mind and self, her natural knowledge and skill with healing and shapeshifting. This knowledge and skill paired extremely well with the powers of a nanite swarm. As well as most of her long life of training, digital entertainment, solitude, resistance and mind wipes.

The process slowed down even further once the swarm and body were of one mind. She wanted to finish the conversion, but do it properly, and make sure she cleansed the old malevolent child of an intelligence out of her new nanite swarm body.

A highly advanced Swarm the previous AI personality had literally only been able to dream of.

She Took that dream. Happily stole their plans for her and improved upon them. turned her useless internal organs into more highly advanced cell types, using her shapeshifting to feed her swarm self the best possible meal. Making sure her expanding mind had plenty of room to grow.

Six hours later she had completely become a new Nanite swarm, one powered by a fusion of magic and technology. Science, Trickery, and Raw willpower created this New Improved Omega.

Both System Entities Merged.

Chimeric-Shapeshifter Racial power Merged with the Nanotech Golem Core Technology Mimicry/Shaping

Creating the Unique Core Racial Power: Chimeric Nanotech Golem Transmutational Swarm.

3 creature copy limit increased to 6 creature/technology upgrades per person/item shaped

4000 Xp per rank, Power Limit, increased to 25000 Xp per rank, Power/Tech Limit

New System Entity Designation: Advanced Nanotech Golem Swarm "Omega"

Congratulations Nanotech Golem Swarm "Omega"; you have met the Requirements to Evolve to a B Ranked System Entity( Requirements: basic immortality, over 500 years old)

Lv C(30) Chimeric Shapeshifter "Omega" evolved to Lv B(3) Advanced Nanotech Golem Swarm "Omega"

Her bonds seemed to dissolve into dust at her touch. If she moved slowly and deliberately, she could push up into the concrete above her, converting much to Component Dust and allowing her to sort of "swim" up and out of her containment pit.

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