《Dig a Little Deeper》Images for the fic.


This one was sent to me by PM and it's great.

This one is another paint I did of the dry side of Adortin.

This is the cover picture which I commissioned using Upwork.com. It was done by Rachel Paizs

*All floor pages were made using Calamus*

This is the first floor with a bit of an edit so the arches in the enterence are shown and the former core room has been redecorated.

The second floor

I'm goin g ahead and posting the third floor even though the core is still working on it in the fic.

A little doodle by me of the mimic jewlery boxes in the first floor.

These next four were all made using http://www.rinmarugames.com/playgame.php?game_link=mega-fantasy-avatar-creator

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