《Requiem of Souls》Chapter 41 (Terror)


Chapter 41

Thinking about it, I have no idea how much time I spent within hell, did I spend days? Years or decades, I never knew the exact time when we were summoned, nor had I known the difference between the two worlds, how much time did I spend unconscious or when I was inside the soul eater’s stomach…I lost too much time, yet at the same time gained immortality. Now that my being is not affected by the passage of time, should I consider myself to be blessed? Or cursed? For instance I never thought about immortality being a thing, I always wondered why men wanted to live forever, it is dull boring and will probably make people of such fate grumpy and hard to deal with, why? Simple. When one is immortal time stops for them, however, it is not the case for those around you.

Let’s say you don’t really care about appearances, and even if you, who is immortal forever remains young, your companions will not, friends, parents, family members, wife or husband, none will remain, thus, you will forever remain alone, they will age, grow old change and become weak, while you will stay as you are forever, perhaps the idea of love is what makes people fear immortality, to remain alone for an everlasting life is quite sad, perhaps those of stone made hearts might like it, to live an eternal life of debauchery and carnal desires, to fall in depravity without fearing the consequences, shouldn’t that be a dream to most veil and despicable people? Quite the dilemma actually, the only thing that would make immortality enjoyable is if it is possible to share it, with friends or other, if not, then it is far from worth the agony of living it.

Human live for sixty, seventy even a hundred years, but that is more than enough, in that small period of time, people can be born grow, dream and venture, achieve dreams and do wonders, so why strive for eternity when you can do the same in less of a time? Perhaps it’s the fear of death that makes people shake and scare away from this concept, no one wants to die, and everyone wants to live forever, yet in truth, if you ask them, they don’t want to truly live forever, they just want to live long enough…

Level up!

Cooking proficiency


Oh a level up!

I went to check upon the pot and found it to be deliciously appealing, the meat was cooked with finesse as it became tender and soft, while the vegetables kept their glistening colors even within the fire.

I poured what was in the pot in a plate and served myself the delicacy with adding a bit of aged wine.

Actually it was not aged, but I learned an amazing thing

There was a bottle of wine in the kitchen probably nothing of great value, yet using a single touch on the content of the bottle it changed into an aged wine, growing a hundred year from a touch, and believe me, the taste was still disgusting…aging bad quality wine does not change its quality…it’s now bad quality and old…yet still it was better than water so I drank and ate like my life depended on it.

For enjoying food made by a cook of great talent you receive

+22% stamina regeneration for 24 hours

+15% Hp regeneration for 24 hours

+10% Mana regeneration for 24 hours


The regeneration ratios are quite amazing to be honest, now due to my inflated states, this amount is quite extravagant, as it will regenerates my stats in an impressive way.


Once I finished eating, I turned around to find the same butler from before and this time accompanied by the demon king, or queen or whatever… let’s just call her Lilith

He had something within his hands.

“Your lordship, will you please wear this outfit, your current ‘appearance’ might prove to be a bit too revealing to the ones around us…”

Well I think I forgot about the towel I was still wearing, so I went closer to the butler and took the cloths from him.

Wearing them, and thankfully there were some underwear within, to which the girl blushed once again when she saw me admiring them. She turned around and I began wearing the clothes right there in the kitchen, the underwear were made of cotton, or probably something of close nature. After that a leather jacket that reached to my lower back, with leather pants to match, black in all added with black leather shoes. A white tunic below the jacket. My right hand which had the ability ‘Decay’ within it was covered in a brown glove, I willed it to change color and it did so immediately.

I find it strange for them to have such amazing clothes, the fashion matches the one back on earth and I look like a rock star at the moment. yet still something was missing.

Equipping the veil, I heard the sounds of the entrapped souls squirming while they latched to the back of the veil, they were stuck once again in display. I needed this for what is to come as I understood from the moment that they both arrived that it was time to meet the elders.

Without pause I said

“Lead the way, time to meet some old grumpy folks”

The butler kept his calm while the little girl snorted, though I call her little girl I know for a fact that she is older than me…

“Where are we exactly” I said

“This is the Shranvur.” Said the butler

“Euh, this explains nothing really”

“The Shranvur is a library and a meeting hall all at once, it was built by order of my great grandfather, he was a demon of culture and knowledge, and wished to see his kind as educated and sophisticated as they could be, far from the predigests of mankind we are a kind of culture.”

“Amazing, so this is a library, I would really love to read some of the books here sometime”

“Of course your lordship…”

“Like I said before, stop calling me that, My name is Daiki, just call me that”

“Alright, D-Daiki…how come you were summoned when I made sure that the world of reception was hell.”

“World of reception?”

“Yes, there has to be a certain code to summon one from a specific world, to each world have a code. And I am sure that I used the Hell code…”

“Well I don’t know about that, but I was in hell before you summoned me so thank you.”

The girl looked stupefied for a moment then said

“Was that supposed to be a joke?”

“Do I strike you as a jester?” I said

“N-no, your lordship- I mean Daiki…I don’t know what happened for you to have fallen to hell nor can I even fathom the hardships you went through, especially after understanding that you were one of the summoned heroes, to have broken through the millennial level, even as far as slaying a god…you must be of most extreme power…”

“How could you tell?” I said with a bit of seriousness this time


“Your lordship, any that passes the fourth hundred level is able to inspect another being’s level, with the sole exception of them being bellow the millennial level, once an entity transcend and goes beyond one thousand, all bellow them shall not be able to see the level and will only be displayed like -???-”

So that is why I was unable to see the level of all those devils and entities, it was because they had ascended, and their level is far past the one thousand…I wonder what was the level of Ravana, he was a god after all…

“What does it show when you inspect me?” I asked

She then showed me her screen

Daiki Genkaku


The banished


God slayer

Beware of a being that shall shake the heavens…

Looks amazing to be honest…especially that title…

“Interesting enough”

“We are here” said the butler, as we stood in front of a red wooden door.

The door then opened revealing an amazing hall with several people sitting on chairs of a round table.

I went closer to the first chair and sat while most of the ones present looked at me with surprise and utter fright and resentment.

I am quite popular it seems.

The butler then approached me and said

“That seat belongs to one of the highest ranking generals in our army, I would recommend that you change seats before they come in.”

“No, I like this seat, he can sit somewhere else”

The butler had a vein popping on his forehead while Lilith only laughed.

“It seems that you guys have something to say to me, could you please say it fast as I have things to do.”

Looking at their levels, none had passed the two hundredth, all of them old and wretched disgusting looking men…not my cup of tea, as I don’t do well with old guys.

“Such rudeness! To not only have transgressed upon this place you even demand hast of us! Who do you think you are?! Remove that veil so that we can see your face!”

“Me, I am just someone you really don’t want to piss off, and the veil stays on, so hurry up and speak. What do you want?”

Some even disagreed with my open threat, but none had the courage to speak it.

“We want to know how you managed to infiltrate this far without being detected, how were you able to hijack the summoning spell and be summoned here, are you capable of doing such, is your human race that advance in magic? Speak and you shall be spared torture, you will be mercifully put down if you speak without lies…”

What a bunch of arrogant pricks, yet they still think that I am human, it seems that Lilith decided that my origin or me coming from hell stays a secret, well I don’t really mind either way but I sure don’t like arrogant bastards…time to teach them a lesson in respect…

I stood up, smashing my hands to the table, hard enough that they all jumped from their places from fright

“You dare threaten me with torture!” I spoke while releasing aura of imposing pain.

Fully knowing that I should not target the girl and the butler, I sent the full effect over the old guys.

Most of them began wriggling in pain, unable to speak or breathe while I spoke once again

“If I was to be serious, you will all die if I even will it, so please spare me your haughty attitude, I had enough of that from creatures far scarier, far more imposing and far more dangerous than you could ever imagine, so please if you dare even say one damn word against me from now on, you shall bite your fingers off from regret once I am done with you”

Releasing the effect of the aura they all regained their composure, some was left unconscious yet the rest, had only a sight of fright and terror drawn on their face, their defiance was no more and their pride was broken, now they know the difference in strength and know that the one in control over this session is I, and they have nothing to say against it.

I sat down once again and asked

“So what is needed of me?”

None seemed able to speak, until one came from behind me.

“W-we need to know your intentions…”

Looking at the man he was wearing a military outfit, it seems that he was affected by the aura I released a moment ago as sweat was trickling down his forehead.

“You seem capable of destroying this place at a mere whim yet you have not done so, it brings me to think that you have other motives, so if we can agree to satisfying your needs we could do well with knowing your intentions”

“Truthfully, I have absolutely no need of any of you, I was summoned here due to luck, and frankly I only need the magic that belongs to the demon king. And for that I am here to pay the price of obtaining such magic, which is to derive the attention of the hero party from reaching your kingdom, a fair price to pay is it not?”

“What would guarantee that you will not run away with the magic and just leave us to the wolves, they will still attack if they don’t have confirmation, we know for a fact that they have established a footing near the southern borders of our kingdom, and are readying up for some sort of operation”

“I know not their intentions to be honest, and frankly I don’t care, I just need the magic, because I have a debt to settle with them, a debt that needs to be paid in blood.”

Hidden ability activated

The hunt of the herald

All of those that have done you wrong, have been branded, to you they shall be prey to them you shall be the hunter, hunt the evildoers, and repay what was taken with blood, by blood.

Hmm interesting…

Closing my eyes I am able to see dots in the far distance, green dots that probably indicate my former classmates…quite an interesting ability…

Huh? Why are two of the dots close to this place???

I opened my eyes and rose

Grinning I thought, could it possibly be that some are this close, this will make an interesting event…

I walked out towards the door, and headed where I sensed the dots…followed by the demon king and the butler they both asked to where I was going, I could only reply.

“I have some friends that I need to meet, surprisingly they are here within this city”

Once we left the Shranvur I saw an amazing display of architectural art. The city was gracefully positioned upon a mountain, where several sectors divided by enormous walls separated the echelons of the city. We stood at the highest of sectors and far from where we were and directly on another mountain was the royal palace. As it looked to be made of black stone, having an enormous barrier of protection to prevent attacks around it, it looked to be impregnable. On the second floor of where we were was an enormous building that looked like a soccer field, no more like a coliseum…and in there, there was the origin of those dots…

“What is that?” I asked

“That is the arena,” answered Lilith, “There is a tournament there, and I was supposed to go there after this meeting, why?”

“It seems that there is someone I know there, you don’t mind me having a look right?” I said with a grin, yet before I could even wait for her answer, I began shadow stepping through space to reach the arena

My blood boiled at the sudden encounter, I wonder who is foolish enough to get all the way here, and who is unlucky enough to have only me to meet…

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