《Requiem of Souls》Chapter 25 (Second circle II)


Chapter 25

Too many to fight alone, too numerous to beat one by one, fighting will result in my death, attacking will result in my death, running will result in my death, and if I fall, they will make sure that I stay down, so there is only one thing left to do.

Light them up!

“Soul eruption!”

Holding my hands forward my whole body shimmered in a green light, it seems that the soul eruption ability had leveled up, the soul torrent began to seep through my opened hands igniting into a tiny flame that soon erupted into a giant pyre of green souls, the ever so expanding flame turned into a ball and before the enemy could reach me…

“Die filthy bastards!”

An explosion resounded through the opened platform, pushing away the whole army and disintegrating them into nothingness.

You died!

Rise if you would, For that is your curse!

Rising again to see the aftereffects of my stunt, surprised to see the whole army turned to dust, the platform however did not suffer the slightest amount of damage

All died but with the sole exception of the leader that was still standing.



Level 750

Duke of hell

Leader of the sixtieth legion.

12 000Hp/200 000Hp


(30 seconds)

So he was stunned…

Good at least I understood the limits of my damage, about 190 000 damage. Quite impressive especially when the damage is an area of effect.

I used an abyss walk to appear behind the stunned duke of hell wrapping my chains around him and using soul consumption on him sucking his very soul out of his body.

It took few moments before his life ended.

You have defeated one off the sixty dukes of hell

Title granted

Duke of hell.

Leader of the sixtieth legion

All the legion shall be at your command! Summon them whenever you like for that they shall be your strength!

You have fully restored your soul energy

Experience gain deferred.

Skill, ability proficiency increased.

Abyss walking 12/20

(mana usage 400)

Chain wielding 22/50

(increased base damage by 200)

A duke of hell?

You have gained an ability

Minion summon


(No cost)


24 hours

Minion summon

Enables you to summon minions that are bound to you.

Currently bound minions

Sixtieth legion of the God grand duke Abigor.

(60 000 minion)

The sixtieth legion; although considered the weakest of all the legions, it boasts with enormous numerical members.

All the summoned creatures will not die once they are defeated in combat, they will be resent to their resting place awaiting for another summon.

His body turned to dust while I looked back at the now laughing Abigor.

“Most impressive cursed one! I thought you would fear and hesitate, you would regret and waver, yet still you faced my challenge head on, Not only that, you damaged me!”

I looked at the giant that was beaming with excitement and said to him.

“Now would you let me leave?”

“No! You have defeated one of my dukes, yet, that is not satisfying, I have yet to feel my veins pumping, my wrath exploding, and my muscles bulging, for that your next challenge shall be me!”


The giant Abigor then soon disappeared, reappearing in front of me as the size of an average looking human being, yet he still retained his physical properties, his hands are now holding a battle axe that looked like if it was made from living blue flames as it was covered in it.

“Hey, hey! I don’t want to fight you! I did my part of the bargain and I just need to walk away from this place why do I need to fight?”


“I don’t care, you were the only one within this hell to be able to damage me, do it again and I will truly grant you your wish!”

And without a second pause or hesitation he attacked

Passive skill perception has activated

Huh? I totally forgot about that.

Time slowed down immensely as I noticed the blue demon disappearing and reappearing in front of me, with his axe slowly going down, trying to split me in tow.

“Abyss walk!”

The moment I used it, I saw the axe crush the ground in two, but before I could even react

Passive skill perception has activated

The hell?!

He was already behind me swinging his axe horizontally.

“Abyss walk!” I jumped away from danger, but this time I used Leechers from bellow to slow him down.

My mana reserves are almost over, and I need a way to dodge his flames, if I was touched by them, then I fear that I will be stuck in that never dying inferno.

The skill activated while it latched to the blue demon, however it did nothing to him as he walked within the clawing souls like they were nothing

“Good, you have good reflexes young man, but can you keep it up?”

No I can’t…that was the passive of my perception skill and it only works twice a day, and they are already used…

He disappeared this time, and instantly after that

You died!

Rise if you would, for that is your curse!

“Hmm, you seem to have become sluggish, why did you not dodge that, cursed one?” said the giant demon as he waited for me to rise back.

I was thankful that the blue flames did not have the same effect as the black fire of that demon.

“Well, I don’t feel like fighting.”

“But I do!”

You died!

Rise if you would, for that is your curse!

“God damn it would you listen to me! I said I don’t want to fight, I just want to get out of this place.”

The blue demon then said

“You didn’t seem to mind fighting when you were presented with odds you could manage, now that you are facing me you want the coward’s way out? Well no, you will fight, whether you like it or not, I am not even using all my strength, so stand up and fight! I won’t stop until I am satisfied!”

Damn crazed bastard.

“Alright! You want to stand in my way too, then bring it on!”

I used abyss walk to appear behind him trying to use my chains to wrap them around his ankle, yet when I tried to pull him, to flip him over I felt like I was trying to pull on a mountain.

Abigor then pulled his leg backwards, pulling me instantly towards him, while using the same leg to knee me in the face.

-5000 Hp









The impact sent me reeling as the chains were released from his ankle, my body began to roll down the ground adding more to my miserable state.

Yet before the timer for the stun could be over

You died!

Rise if you would, for that is your curse!

I was already killed again…

I rose back trying to surprise him with an attack, yet I died again.

Once again I rose back dodging his initial strike barely managing to escape, this seemed to surprise him, as I fought back.

Yet only one dodge and I was already down to the ground.


The demon remained silent as I did, he always would wait for me to stand up before attacking.

And we stayed like that, doing the same thing, over and over again, so many times I have died that I lost count, I died so many time that it became annoying, I died so many times that I truly wished to die and never rise back again, but he wouldn’t stop attacking, he wouldn’t stop fighting, every time I tried to use soul eruption he would cancel it by instantly killing me, as the charging up puts me in a vulnerable position.

I tried everything, and random things, using soul grip is not effective on him, the only time I could truly be able to do something was when a day passes by, and I regain the perception passive.

There I get lucky enough to land a hit on him but the amount of damage that I deal is astonishingly pitiful.

A perfect zero damage.

It’s either he is resistant to blunt damage and soul damage or it’s that I am not strong enough to harm his hide.

We fought for many days, well it was not a fight actually it was just me getting my ass handed to me.

I tried to even act dead, but received a painful treatment when he used his blue flame to literally burn me to fight back.

There was no way this is going to end, I gave up on trying to run away or find excuses, I begged and pleaded, but he didn’t stop or care, he just brought his weapon down on me forcing me to fight him. So I did, this time with all my heart and being, but I was still killed, so many times, and in so many different ways.

After fighting so many times, I began to slowly learn ways to counter his attacks, surviving hits, and dodging ones, I died a few times but still every time I could learn a new thing, understand a different pattern of attacks and dodge more skillfully, even if I retaliate, the damage I deal is insignificant but still I learned, with every death I learn something new, a wrong step, a wrong attempt, the wrong timing of an attack the wrong time to counter attack, the time to wait, the time to dodge, with every death I learn.

I could say that this being is not attempting to break me, no he is trying to teach me, even if he is not saying anything, I am slowly learning new things.

I lost track of time, how many days have we been fighting for? Tirelessly and without pause or rest, I couldn’t feel my body anymore, as it began to go on autopilot at some points, one time I survived an entire minute without dying, then the time that I survived increased to two minutes, then hours then I guess it became days, his attacks would strike at the ground or slash the air itself, but never managed to land on me.

At one point, I dodged an incoming horizontal blow, used an abyss walk and spun my chains around his neck, he slashed behind him while I jumped from his back to his front, head butting him.

The upside down cross on his forehead cracked.

A shockwave of energy then soon washed over the platform as enormous waves of radiance and blue flames exploded.

You died!

Rise if you would, for that is your curse!

Damn it! I died once again.

I rose back preparing for another onslaught, yet the Abigor did not move.

“Very well, cursed one. You have proved yourself. Although it was not even a fraction of my true might, you still managed to damage me again, for that you have earned this.”

Abigor then caught on fire, a blue flame that looked ominous yet welcoming, then the giant Abigor soon appeared. He took his position on the rims of the platform with only his two hands grabbing its edge and his face looking down on me.

“That was one of the personas I use to access the lower realms, for you to have damaged means great things.”

So it was just an avatar he used to fight me…

“Reach for it”

I was hesitant at first, but I knew that if he wanted to kill me he would have done so long ago.

So I placed my left hand on the flying blue flame, I squinted my eyes fearing the pain, but it was cold, no, it felt just right.

The flame then soon engulfed me, as I looked at my body that was now covered in flames.

A moment later the flame disappeared while a notification soon appeared.

You have gained an ability

Abigor’s touch



Abigor’s touch

Using the cathartic flames of Abigor one can set the very world on fire

As a god of the dukes of hell Abigor’s boasts with great power, and his flame is the reason for his might and why the gods in the upper realms fear him. For that his flames cleanse not only the damned, but even the divine.

“Take it, I am sure it will help you in your journey”

Said the blue giant.

I then asked him a question I had in my head for a long time.

“Why are you doing this? Why did you attack me, fought against me, beaten me down then decided to help me? Shouldn’t you be a demon? One that finds pleasure in the misery and despair of others?”

“You seem to have been mistaken, you link our race to our nature, good and bad right or wrong, malice or kindness, has nothing to do with who we are, we are what we choose to be, and the fact that I am here in hell means not that I was once vile and hatful. But it is something that was decreed upon me. By those that triumphed, you think that those that are in the upper realms are good? Or are they benevolent and sage? No, cursed one, it is only the fact that eons ago, when our war broke, we were on the losing side, we lost and they triumphed, so they remade the history as it would suit them best, the winner always makes history, while the one that fell is forever branded as the one in the wrong, and so was the case, I will not say that we were all good, that we all did great things and deeds, but still, many of us do not deserve this fate…”

“So why not revolt once again?” I said “Why not combine your forces and break through, go back and give them the ass-whooping they deserve”

“It is easy to say with words, our seal is limiting us from our original power. If we break it we may be able to do something, but we are all condemned to imprisonment…however there is one that knows how to remove the seal, and he is locked down on the lowest part of this dungeon. Find him and he will show you your sin, and the way to repay them…”

New quest!

Quest difficulty


(1st part)

Descend to the lowest level of hell, The circle of ruin and find the guardian and prisoner of this place.

(Quests and dungeon difficulty range from. Newbie being lowest to, average, hard, heroic, epic, legendary, to celestial being the hardest difficulty)

A quest…it’s been long since I last saw this, I think that death canceled all my quests, this seems to be the only quest I have at the moment…

And only the first part…it seems that this quest is divided into parts…

The giant Abigor then said

“You can leave now, your journey is far from over, if you want to truly know who you are, then a path that none had ever taken is yours to cross, dive into the dying pyre of flames and let good fortune be with you…”

The giant then disappeared without a trace leaving me alone on the floating platform.

I looked at the burning bonfire and jumped in it, fire cannot harm me anymore and this seems to be the only way forward.

A vortex of flame soon opened that was leading down, the descent took some time before the walls of the vortex that were made of fire vanished.

I saw myself dropping onto an ever so extending dirt field.

Congratulations on clearing the second circle of hell

Accessing the third circle

Circle of carnage.

The skies were black, as if this dungeon was not a part of hell itself, but part of another world.

The only light that was illuminating the land were the pyres of flame that were sat down, they looked like small torches when I was far, but soon grew to reveal their true size, the size that looked like if it was a mountain on fire.

Before I could crash onto the ground I used abyss walk to negate the fall damage. Once I was on the ground I saw a different scene.

As I was close to one of the pyres I saw what they were truly made out of, instead of wood to light them up, they were made of the flesh of living humans, chained and put together to burn forever…

Before I could even react I heard a loud mooing accompanied by a deafening neighing…

Looking at the source of the sound I saw to hulking giants, far surpassing Abigor’s size both of them holding a giant cleaver that easily surpass the twenty meter in length.

They both had the body of a giant humanoid, while the first one had the head of a bull, the other had the head of a horse, they wore nothing on their body but a big loincloth and a collar made of giant red beads.

While their buffed and muscled up body looked to be brimming with might and power.

I inspected them to see their information.


Boss class


Level 950

Gozu is one of the two guardians of the third circle of hell this guardian that has the head of a bull and the body of a man has a role that is to make sure that the pyres of the living flame stays forever ignited.

As a boss of a legendary dungeon

+50% stats and basic damage

As a 4 stars names monster

+50% basic stats and damage.


Boss class


Level 950

Mezu is one of the two guardians of the third circle of hell this guardian that has the head of a horse and the body of a man has a role that is to make sure that the pyres of the living flame stays forever ignited.

As a boss of a legendary dungeon

+50% stats and basic damage

As a 4 stars names monster

+50% basic stats and damage.

A boss? Already! And two of them.

The bosses looked at me, and I knew even from far away that their target was me, they then began running towards me at full speed, and crushing the ground with their legs making the whole hall shake from their weight and might…

Before they could reach to where I was, an unlucky soul soon spawned on their path, although the ox-head was In the lead he didn’t stump on it like I thought it would, no, it used its cleaver to smack it down, and grabbed it with its hand throwing it into the pyre, the pyre then grew chains made of fire and iron that latched onto the man and pulled it in while it screamed for mercy…

It then looked at me, its eyes almost telling me that I was next…

I then pulled both my chains igniting them, looking at the ox-head’s eyes with mine almost telling it, Show me what you got!







(Thank you for reading, i want you guys to do me something, if you could guess the identity of who is imprisoned at the last floor of this dungeon before its identity is revealed by me then you will get an awsom surprise, one more thing, i wan't you guys to creat a race for our main character, i have already an idea about what i want to make it, but if you surprise me with something of your own creation then i will be more than willing to use it. thank you all!)

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