《Onward To Providence》Accommodations 0.3


Omega had barely managed to get some of her own judgements in between Quarti more or less out right declaring candidates suitable or unfit. It was not exactly helped that apparently among The People age was effectively considered authority.

Or perhaps the fact that her and Aleph were differing to Quarti had cemented her authority? It was hard to keep track but-

But now there had been a bit of a curve ball.

And Omega Welcomed it!

“I Am Dotilafeirei, a Least Master of the keepers of whisperers exiled and a speaker to the divinely-heretic dead. I would bring with me the service of one of our finest Shaman, who has remained bound to me as keeper in mutual service and my for-father and great for-mother before me.”

The figure was wrapped in an outfit of black sheer fabric that was simultaneously tight and form hugging in most places but billowed out into great scarf-like trails at the sleeves. The fur was pale where it showed around the face and hands but otherwise there was almost no color but the bright pink of the eyes that Omega could not help thinking suggested this figure was an albino.


This was something Omega could speak too, it was something she knew.

“The People can be Shaman? What does that actually mean? Do you have souls? How do you manage the shares? Do you commune?”

She reached out with her senses for spirit, but the place was foreign and strange and there was little that was recognizable as a civilized resonance network. Just the shifting impressions of natural background.

The Chief Hospitilator fixed his eyes on Omega for a moment, but then turned to this ‘Doti’ who spoke softly.

“No, the People cannot be Shaman, they are... I apologize the words are hard to state without giving insult to you and my Shaman guest Omega. But it is indeed a process akin to your own words for it. But among the People such is not a thing. I could try and describe it, but I wish to not insult or displease you with how the words will be coarsened by Aorian or speak in an ill way for my charge.”

Omega waved her hand in a dismissive gesture to try and put them at ease.


“I thank you for the courtesy but I’d like to hear of it, as it is my craft I am always eager to learn of how others approach the art of shamanism and souls and... you are the first one I’ve met in our journey that has anything even vaguely considered shamanism even hinted.”

She tried to make the words match how these people spoke, officious, polite. With a hint of ceremony.

She kind of hoped that this group would relax after these interviews were finished. It was going to be a drag if everyone kept treating them like this.

‘Doti’ bowed and made a slight chirping warble and a glance towards the Chief Hospitilator who gaped in ascent.

“I am humbled by your pre-pardoning of my curses and I will strive to strain this graciousness no further than absolutely necessary. The coarse and barbed words as they would be said in Aorian on shaman are such.”

There was a closing of all four eyes and a curling in of all limbs as if preparing for an attack.

“Our Shaman are monsters, accursed and perforated, they are vile and terrifying things. The infected receptacles for the spirit beasts ordained patronage. They are all of them monsters of honorable and even noble burden of course. Finest honing, finest respectability. My own Shaman is exceedingly civil, kind, knowledgeable and can carry a great host of spirit beasts within its flesh. But also terrible, untrustable and just... I’m sorry these words do not make sense. But they are all I have, as we the People speak these meanings fit better.”

This was making Omega kind of nervous. There were connotations here she was not liking. Doti continued.

“It can commune with the wilderness and fae of the middle trunks of Hekondurial, Dergothresh and Oroilindiluin. And is passingly familiar with the spirit and their taming across many others besides.”

She looked around at the assembled people and tried to keep herself from making any snap judgements.

“You call it a monster? Really?”

There was a head dip that was smoother than a nod. Swooping forward and down then up.

“It is the word best suited for what they are to The People. They are indeed Monstrous. Again this is not an insult to your craft and ways. Or to my Shaman for that matter it is... It is just the way of your words.”


There is flexure of the lips for a bit before the figure settled on a sequence of slow blinks that Omega had started to connect meant a smile while Pylo was still around.

”We would preface perhaps to say they are Noble and mine is even Kind, also a... trusted-betrayer one? No, that does not fit either. Let me just say in its own way we have an honor between us. But it is not like the honor between you and I or I among the People. And this does not change it is a Monster.”

Omega digested that a bit then offered a smile, she had signed up for meeting alien beings. And it had taken years but here she was.

“Can... Can I meet one? Your Shaman?”

That made a stir, every figure present looked deeply unsettled, fur bristled and mouths closed tight and sharp, pupils dilated and every figure spent a sharp second or too fixing her.

Heads swaying ever so slightly before Doti turned what Omega realized was a pleading glance up to the Chief Hospitilator.

Who spent a long moment mulling over it before starting.

“It was not foreseen that this would be a matter requiring you to meet the... Partners and possessions of your courtiers. It... can be arranged but we would need to vacate the families and children from the festivities early.”

Aleph spoke up in the awkward silence that followed that statement early.

“Huh? Why? Are these things dangerous?”

The albino frog wrapped in black cloth looked between all of them and gaped slightly.

“Yes it is dangerous for children. And many of The People. My shaman is not properly... gentled to be permitted to share the air of children or initiates. It would be such a terrible waste to spoil its abilities as such. It is done to some less capable of its kind. But not ones of such nobility and honor. It would be very cruel to it. I will not do this. Even if it means dishonor and insult to you.”

That drew a long hard look from the Chief Hospitilator, but it was met just as evenly from Doti.

Omega coughed a bit at the tension and looked at the rest of the much reduced figures waiting to interview.

“Uh no. I wouldn't want you to do anything cruel to a Shaman, heh. But Is this... I mean are you the only ... uh Shaman Keeper? Doti?”

The chief Hospitilator and the ‘shaman keeper’ broke their staring-match to gape in agreement at her.

Tilafareidola spoke.

“There was no other better suited to serve in such a capacity available. If you do not agree to such a direct service in your council another order and trade will serve to accommodate your needs or liaise with a Shaman Keeper when such service is required.”

Omega gave Quarti a glance who nodded.

She shrugged, it sounded like it was some kind of dangerous and strange animal or other alien species but still if it practiced shamanism she was curious to find out how other beings did things.

She could not miss the chance to see genuine alien shamanism!

“Well I’d like to be able to talk with you and your shaman once it won’t uh, disrupt everyone else’s festivities that is. So I think you’d be fine to join up.”

Doti gaped heavily and seven other figures abruptly left the near totally depleted population of ‘candidates’.

There were only three remaining.

Before the albino moved off to wherever the other accepted were settling she spoke softly to Omega.

“I believe I can acquire a means for you to share a liar’s voice communion with my Shaman. It should not be trusted until you have a chance to meet in person. But if all you want is an exchange of signs prior to proper discourse? It will be possible far sooner than the end of the festivities or conveyance beyond the festival tent can be arranged.”

Omega tilted her head but nodded.

Which was met with a gape and then Doti was gone and away.

The next one came forward.

“I am Dodoreimei, Grand Novice of the Righteous Gallants of Lower Middle Sky Trackers. And I would serve you three directly in any way that is beneath the station of your other courtiers.”

Omega sighed and nodded to Quarti that she could decide on this one.

It was almost over.

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