《Cultivating Dungeon》Chapter 13 - Changes


I can't believe it guys almost 2000 average view! The dream is 5000+ average views by end of the month and hopefully make it into the top 5 novel of the month! (That thing does count from begin of the month to the end right and not some other weird date right?)

Also to prove how bad I am at names I finally picked the name Xanthe after searching for a long time then proceed to misspell it as Xentha 22 times in chapter 11 and 46 time in chapter 12.... o.-

Enjoy the chapter guys!

Sage’s eyes shine as he looked at the new summons on his list and thought “With these stronger elite monsters I can teach them better cultivation techniques and then I’ll have a better defense. I should start doing tests right away. Let’s start with 10 Elite Goblins and 10 Elite Kobolds.” With that Sage was ready to begin massing summoning monsters when he suddenly stopped.

“That was close… I almost lost myself and did something stupid without thinking ahead again. I just experience the problem of having my monsters wiped out faster than they could be trained and here I am ready to jump into the same hole again.” Sage began to frown “This damage to my soul is really hindering me but it seems my guess was correct. The higher level I reach means the more mana I can hold in my body and as a result my soul recovers faster. If it wasn’t for this massive increase in level that helped my soul and adding on to the shock of revelation I just had I would have lost myself again. I really wish I could go into close door cultivation but managing the dungeon comes first.”

While Sage is thinking about all of this Alice was just waiting there. Since Sage has no real body Alice couldn’t really tell that Sage was troubled and just thought that he was looking through the new summons he has gotten. However after waiting for a while she got impatient and finally said “Sage you can admire the new summons all you want but I believe you should repair your dungeon first.

Sage was awaken from his thoughts and replied “Sorry about that, but I guess I should do that and then finish connecting the expansions…” Sage was still very absent-minded but began to resummon all the monsters for the dungeon and connecting the new areas he carved out. This ended up not being too much of a problem due to the excessive mana built up from leveling up so many time in a short period. Adding on Sage’s abnormally faster mana regen the dungeon was completely repopulated by around midnight including all the new area.

Sage observed the new dungeon that is now almost double in size, during this whole time he has been thinking about the issue of training these monsters. He realized that having trained monsters on the first floor is a complete waste. Too many adventurers pass through this area and killing them faster than training a new monster.

Alice came back in after checking out the new dungeon and excitedly said “I’m so proud of you Sage! To have already completed your first floor in only around 2 month since you awaken, this must be some kind of record if there was any! Now is probably a good time to start working on your second floor.” She paused for a second then continued “I forget to tell you this but generally a dungeon adds a new floor every 10 levels they gain. Naturally it becomes a lot harder to level up later on but in return each floor will have denser mana than the previous. Also I don’t know if you tried but there’s a limit on how far you can expand and the lower the floor the further you can expand. The reason is quite simple really, how far you can expand on each floor is related to the density of mana on each floor. An area is considered your dungeon because how far the mana that has been processed by you has spread.”


“Processed by me?” Sage was shocked and couldn’t help but shout.

“Oh right you don’t know the basics… I keep forgetting that .” Alice was startled for a moment then continued “Your body, the dungeon core, automatically filters and processes all of the mana in the surrounding area. This mana then spreads a certain distance before it just dissipates and that range is how far you can expand each floor.The deeper down you go the denser the mana and thus the farther your range of influence will be. To be honest your current dungeon has already exceeded what’s normal for floor 1 of a dungeon but the mana density here is really high as well so that could be what’s causing it.”

“Oh, I see…” Sage was a bit stunned by the revelation of exactly how his own species functioned. He, for the first time, realized just how little he know about about his new self and this world. Everything he knows has came from Alice… who just randomly appeared….

“Well you’ll have plenty of time to work on your second floor right now because the evaluation team just wiped out your dungeon so the Adventurer’s Guild will prevent people from entering for a while to let you recover. Of course this only happens during evaluation runs as the team has to explore everything and most likely wipe out your dungeon. Oh, the next evaluation run happens when you finished your 5th floor, then your 10th and after that it is every 10 floors. You can create a boss for every 5 floors you create. Before you reach floor 5 whatever is your newest floor will hold your dungeon boss. Once you start on the 6th floor you will have a boss stay on floor 5 and a second one that will be on the lowest floor until the 10th floor and so on.” Alice sudden explanation of so many different thing made Sage completely lose track of what he was thinking.

“Huh…. Oh thank you for explaining.” Sage quickly recalled what Alice has just said and processed the information but in doing so he forgot what he was previously thinking about. After this Sage began to work on digging out the second floor.


The day after team STAR finished their dungeon evaluation the result was announced and sent another shockwave through out the kingdom.

Dungeon Name: The Sage Dungeon

Potential: S

Current Floor: 1

Specialty: Skill Book

The reason for the name is that Xanthe felt only a Sage could possibly teach monsters to fight that well and she pointed out that the skill book she learn felt like something only a Sage could create. Since the other team members didn’t really care too much about it they let her have the final say since she fought the most inside the dungeon.

After Xanthe used the skill book last night she hasn’t slept because she was so absorbed by what she has learned. This was something she has never seen before. She is the daughter of a rank S adventurer father and he had been training her ever since she was 4. Her love for fighting came from her father. He left her 5 years ago when she turned 16 for an adventure and hadn’t came back since. She went and became an adventurer herself that year and shocked the kingdom with her fighting skills and became a member of team STAR. As one of the future rank S or higher adventurers in the kingdom she is given lot of special treatment including access to the royal library.


There she has read many different fighting techniques and received teaching from many powerful people associated with the royal family of Zeal. However she felt that none of them was as special or as profound as the Soaring Dragon Cultivation Method she had just obtained. This was not an attack or defensive skill but a way control the mana in one’s body to strengthen your body and gain better control of mana through your body.

At first she didn’t believe the effect written in the skill book but after just learning the basics she believed whole heartedly. Thus she became completely absorbed in the cultivation technique and cultivated throughout the night. What surprised her the most was that not only was she not tired from not sleeping all night but she felt more refreshed and energized than ever. This excited her greatly as this would mean that she could train at night while everyone else has to rest.

“This kind of thing should be considered a rank A skill book and not rank C! However I should keep this to myself for now or else it might bring too much trouble for this dungeon. Last thing I want is for the dungeon to be destroyed before it can grow strong enough to produces even higher ranked skill books. At least it should be safe for now as this book only exists as a special summon when the dungeon awakened so it won’t be able to reproduce something like this for a while.” Xanthe thought of this as she finished up her cultivation when the run rose.

This new quickly traveled across the kingdom via the Thunder Hawks and soon The Sage Dungeon became the focus of the entire kingdom.

*Capital City, Palace*

The King was holding the evaluation report that arrived around noon. Guild Master Max sent out a Thunder Hawk with a copy of the report the instant it was down back to the Adventurer’s Guild in the capital. As the King read the report his hand couldn’t help but tremble and the smile on his face grew wider and wider finally he shouted “GOOD! GOOD! It seem the gods have really blessed up this time!”

All the nobles who were called there were shocked to see their King in such a good mood. Things had been tough for Zeal with the recent pressure from the surrounding kingdoms so the King has been on a short fuse for years now. However, seeing how delighted their king was, their hope also rose greatly. What appeared in almost every noble’s mind at the moment was “How can I get the most out of this.”

The king passed the report to as servant and had him read it out loud. After the servant finished reading the report the entire chamber was in complete silence.

Not ore or herbs or other natural resource but something far more rare and far more valuable… skill books. This was big, far bigger than anything they could have possibly imagined. It have to be said that because their kingdom is so small and young that there were only 3 dungeons which is why every single one of them is treated like a treasure. However this is not the case in the other large kingdom. On the continent Zeal was on they were only a small kingdom where what were consider the large kingdoms are more than 100 time their size. That means they had hundreds of dungeons and new ones constantly forming so unless the dungeon produced something none of the other dungeon did then the kingdom couldn’t care less about what happens to them. The one exception was a skill book dungeon. Even if a kingdom had 100 skill book dungeons then they would still all be guarded as if there was only 1. Skill book dungeons were really rare however and, even in these large kingdoms, only a few existed

If a medium sized kingdom had a skill book dungeon then their power would instantly rise far above the other medium sized kingdoms. Not only does the dungeon itself greatly strengthen the adventurers of the kingdom itself it also allow the kingdom to form very favorable alliances with other kingdoms in exchange for access to the dungeon. Luckily the kingdoms don’t have to worry about the skill book dungeon being destroyed by force from jealous countries as there was a law set by the most powerful country on this continent that stated that a skill book dungeon may not be destroyed unless it became an Void or Demonic dungeon but even then only destroy it if there was no chance of recovery. Should any country disobey this then they would feel the wrath of the entire continent.

Of course another country may still go to war and take over the area for themselves but a kingdom with a skill book dungeon would have made a lot of allies so they were not easy to mess with. However, there was documentation of huge wars between alliances of kingdoms over a skill book dungeon.

This dungeon has just solved all of Zeal’s worries as now they can easily gain an alliance with a powerful medium size country and then all the other countries surrounding them won’t dare to pressure them anymore.

“Quickly send out all the resources that has been gathered up and all the workers to The Sage Dungeon and began the construction of a dungeon city. Also order captain Hans to take a platoon of elite guards to oversee the construction. Spread this news to the other kingdoms as quickly as possible and do whatever it takes to finish the construction of the new city.” The King quickly give out his orders and servants ran in all directions to sent out the message.

*Across the kingdom*

“Hey did you guys hear about the new dungeon that popped up about a month ago?”

“Who hasn’t? I still can’t believe it’s a skill book dungeon!”

“I know right, a skill book dungeon! I thought those stuff were just legends, I have to go there and see it for myself.”

“You wish, you think just because it’s a skill book dungeon you will be able to find a skill book?”

“What do you mean?”

“Skill books are a very rare drop even in skill book dungeons. Also this dungeon is new and forming a skill book is very difficult so I won’t expect there to be many for now. Even if there was they would all be rank G and F skill books.”

“What’s wrong with rank G and F skill books? Even if they don’t bring in the big bucks like rank D and higher they still sell for a few gold to the rich who wants it easy!”

“Even if there is no skill book it is still worth going. Have you guys not read the report? This dungeon has a very high mana density so even on the first floor there are medium quality herbs, those are some easy money!”

“You wish! Everyone else is going to think like you and there won’t be any left.”

“That’s why we gotta move fast and get there ahead of everyone else!”

“Forget about the dungeon, they’re building a new city there and that means opportunities! All the adventures will need various services. This is a perfect time to set up shop there!”

This kind of talk happened across the kingdom as everyone from adventurers to merchants to shop keeper to just people looking for work headed toward The Sage Dungeon. There are also many that didn’t move right away but prepared instead.

“All these fools rushing there now is wasting their time. The dungeon hasn’t grown enough to sustain too many people so the Adventurer’s Guild will be controlling the entry for a while and the city isn’t even built yet so there is no where to stay. Instead of rushing in blind like those fools I’ll prepare myself so that when the dungeon reaches 5 floor I’ll head over prepared and create a shock wave and become famous!”

*The Sage Dungeon*

The guild placed an one week restriction on entering the dungeon to allow it time to recover after being evaluated by team STAR. As for team STAR. they had already left because this dungeon currently couldn’t provide anything for them. After a week has passed adventurer teams began to enter the dungeon again though soon after the first team entered they were shocked. Everything was now completely different from before. The first two rooms now branched off into many side rooms with tunnels that looped around, linking them together. After only exploring a bit they wisely decided to go back out and report this to the Guild Master.

After the Guild Master listen to the report he send them away and stood next to the window his office by himself. “So I was right about this dungeon, it seem the dungeon core is quite special to be able to expand this fast. It must have some special ability to absorb and process mana at several times the rate of other dungeon cores. Other people might not know it but I been around here for so many years, I know how dense the mana in the area is and there's it no way it would have naturally produced a dungeon with such a high mana density. That means the only answer is that the dungeon core itself is the cause of this dense mana. I was right to have sent Alex’s team in there to help speed up its growth. Grow faster Sage Dungeon, we may need your power in the future…

Edited by: mossclaw64

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