《Cultivating Dungeon》Chapter 7 - The News Spread


Hello everyone here is chapter 7 hope you all enjoy it!

Well be updating Chapter 3-6 with edited version within the hour!

Please leave comments about how you feel about the story so far. Well do my best to improve myself and provide you guys something fun to read!

P.S. How many followers do you need for it to be consider a cult =P?

Everyone decided to stay at the Adventurer’s Guild late into the night, waiting for the announcement on the new dungeon. Finally it became too late and they all had to leave but no one could really fall asleep as they knew that the news had to be out in the morning.

Penny went and quickly found Jake and Ardryll to give them the guild master’s request while the guild master sat down and wrote two letters. One of the letter was to the Adventurer’s Guild in the capital to request the rank A adventurer team while the other was to the king. A dungeon’s a valuable resource to any kingdom. Dungeons are owned by the kingdom they’re in so all new dungeons must be reported to the king.

The guild master took the two letters to a Thunder Hawk, there’s always a Thunder Hawk at each branch of the Adventurer’s Guild and it’s only used to carry critical information. Normally a dungeon discovery doesn’t really warrant this kind of attention but the situation here was a bit different.

Their city, the city of Dawn was at the southern border of the country of Zeal. Zeal wasn’t a large country but due to its geographic location it was fairly safe from other powers. Zeal had the ocean to the east, mountains blocking the north and west side, and the waste land to the south. This also make Zeal quite isolated from the other powers which give it safety but also hindered trade. Because of this, dungeons became a very valuable resource in Zeal as it could provide Zeal with the resources it was lacking. Currently there were only 3 other dungeons in the country with one of them even being an undead dungeon. This was how important dungeon resources were to Zeal that they allowed an undead dungeon to continue existing.

A fourth dungeon had now just appeared inside the country of Zeal and not only that, it was a very high mana density one. That meant that as the dungeon grows, the quality of all the resources inside the dungeon would be higher and easier to get to. Like the herbs John brought back, normally only past the 3rd floor of a dungeon would the mana concentration be high enough for the herbs to reach this quality yet it was in the very first room. Now this might sound insignificant as it was only two floors but every floor is dangerous so being able to find better resources earlier is always a good thing. Not to mention the fact that this also means that the stuff at the end would be better as well.

The Thunder Hawk pierced the night sky as it rushed toward the capital city of Zendo. It normally takes 3 days of travel time by messenger but with the Thunder Hawk reached the capital in less than half a day. The Thunder Hawk immediately attracted a lot of attention but only a few knew exactly what a letter carried by a Thunder Hawk really meant. When the Thunder Hawk landed in the Guild Master’s room she was already waiting for it. She carefully removed the two letters and then handed the Thunder Hawk to someone else who would take care of it. She then handed one of the letter to a special emissary from the palace.


She opened up the second letter and with each word she clenched the letter a little harder. This was big news. A 4th dungeon has appeared inside the kingdom and from the early reports it looked too be very promising. The guild master there even requested that Rank A adventurer Alex and his team to do the full dungeon evaluation. What caught her attention is the most was that the dungeon had a blue ambient light and high quality herbs on the first floor which meant that it had a high mana density. Of the three existing dungeons in Zeal one of them was an undead which meant there was nothing living inside. Another was a fire element dungeon so the environment was very dry and only contain special herbs that thrived in heat. The 3rd dungeon was jungle type dungeon that was the main export of rare herbs and plants for the kingdom. To have another dungeon that could produce these plants would help the kingdom greatly. There was always a need for these types of consumables.

“Go find Alex and tell him to get his team ready for a dungeon evaluation mission. Tell him to make haste. I want him to head out by this afternoon and rush for Dawn. Also send out news to all Adventurer’s Guilds in the kingdom notifying them of this new dungeon.” She called an attendant and gave out her orders.

“Looks like things are about to get busy around here” She couldn’t help but smile.

*The Palace*

Someone rushed into the palace via a hidden entrance. This person was running inside the palace yet no one dared to stop them. He charged at full speed and burst into the throne room. Inside the throne room the king was on the throne with the nobles having their morning session when the door was thrown open. The loud noise startled everyone in the room and made them wonder who would dare to charge in during a meeting. However when everyone saw who came in they remained silent because they knew that whatever message this person carried was important enough to interrupt them.

The messenger rushed up to the king and passed him the letter he received from the guild master then silently stood to the side. The king opened the letter and as he read it he couldn’t help but tremble.

“Good! Good!” The king finally shouted. “Hahaha, finally a 4th dungeon has appeared in my kingdom and it’s even one with a high mana concentration!”

Hearing this all of the nobles in the room were stunned for a moment but then became very excited. They had just been debating about the allocation of dungeon resources and now the news of a new dungeon arrived. Soon they all began to think about how to get the most out of it for themselves. The king reread the letter and became even more excited. It’s not easy leading a small country. The only thing that keep them safe were their natural boundaries but that also limited their trade with everyone else. This left their country lacking a varieties of resources. Dungeons helped a lot in this department. So much so in fact that they willingly kept a undead dungeon due to the need for the resources.

“We’ll prepare the materials and manpower to build the dungeon town. Get everything ready and moved out asap. We want to make it there by the time the dungeon evaluation team is done.” The King said.

“How long will that be?” One of the nobles asked.


“Not long, the Adventurer’s Guild is requesting Alex’s team go do the dungeon evaluation.” The Kind replied.

“Really?! Alex’s team? Is that necessary?” The noble replied.

“From what the Adventurer’s Guild got from the person who discovers the dungeon, the herb he returned with can only be found on the 3rd floor or lower but it was growing in the first room on the first floor. The ambient light in the dungeon was also blue, which means that this dungeon has very high mana density. I believe you all understand what that means?” The king said slowly

“Yes” The nobles replied.

Rumor has it that when some dungeons were born a valuable item is born with the dungeon. This item represented what the dungeons speciality would be. The item normally wasn’t that high a rank, usually around Rank D or so, but for an newly born dungeon it was still really good. So if a dungeon had a rank D magic sword then you could expect that in the future the end reward at would most likely be another magic sword. This meant that in the future, Rank C, B, A and maybe even higher ranked magic swords would appear.

With the king’s order everyone scattered and began to prepare. The news quickly spread like wildfire and everyone in the kingdom soon knew about this new dungeon and many began to prepare their journey to strike it rich.

All these people, however, were only busy preparing while the people of Dawn were all rushing toward the dungeon. Many requests went out to survey the area and thus many adventurers were sent out to map the region. Originally, because this area was on the border so close to the endless wasteland, no one bothered to come around here besides some beginner adventurers. Now this area suddenly became one of the most important locations in the kingdom so a detailed map need to be made.

Aside from mapping the area many subjugation requests went out to clear the area around where the new dungeon town would be. While many were tempted to venture into the new dungeon, almost everyone else knew better. Although a newly borned dungeon won’t contain powerful monsters, it is always very dangerous to go into a dungeon blind. Most of the adventurers here were only G or F ranked so even if it was a newly born dungeon it was still very dangerous for them to walk into it blind.

*Back to when John first left the dungeon*

“So how long before we get more visitors?” Sage asked.

“Hmm assuming that guy reports his findings as soon as he returned to the Adventurer’s Guild, they should soon send a small group to check the dungeon out followed by a more advanced team who would do a dungeon evaluation run. Depending on how far we are from the city I would say anywhere between three to five days.” Alice replied.

“I guess we still have some time.” Sage paused for a moment then continued, “Guess we should replenish what was taken.” With that Sage summoned more monsters to populate the first room of the dungeon.

The day passed with Sage and Alice making some final adjustments to the dungeon before Alice went to get some rest and Sage went back to his studies. The cultivation of his monsters was going smoothly and there wasn’t any way for him to speed things up without any pills, which he had no way of getting.

What he was testing then was trying to control the flow of mana when he summoned things. He was able to detect the intricate movements of the mana as they were woven together to form items or monsters. At first he simply made a lot of copper coins one by one to see how worked.

For the first experiment he tried changing how the mana was being woven. If the changes were small then the coin would be made but the shape would not be perfect. If the the changes were big enough the summon would end up failing and the the mana was lost.

Then he tried adding more mana than necessary when summoning the coin. When he added a little he obtained a mana infused copper coin. It was simply a copper coin that had a high concentration of mana. When he added even more mana the coin exploded before forming which woke up Alice and made her think they were under attack.

After calming Alice down Sage decided to try to make a coin by controlling the mana himself. He felt the mana flow through him and then projected it out of his body. He focused all his attention on the blob of mana before him.

One minute… five minutes… ten minutes had passed and nothing happened. The blob of energy just stayed there as if it were frozen.

“Why is this not working…”

Sage was getting frustrated. This was simple Qi manipulation, even though in this case it was mana, it should still be as simple as breathing for a master like himself. No matter how hard he tried,l he couldn’t seem to get any fine control over the mana.

Hours passed and Sage was once again getting increasingly more agitated as he continued to fail at gaining any fine control of the mana. During that period, the slime that Sage kept around entered the room. This slime was now light blue instead of the normal green. It stared keenly at the blob of mana floating in the air. If it had eyes one would be able to see the hunger it them. After a while the slime jumped into the blob of mana.

Sage was completely shocked by this development and suddenly lost control of the blob of mana before him. The slime quickly absorbed the blob of mana and its color darken greatly. Sage’s anger was about to explode forth when the slime suddenly began to glow. Immediately all of Sage’s anger and frustration disappeared as he became mesmerized by the glow of the slime. The slime decomposed into mana and completely rebuilt itself into something else. Soon the reconstruction finished and the slime was twice the size as before and was colored a dark blue.

Sage was completely absorbed in what had happened to the slime. After a long time he regained his senses.

“That was close… I almost lost myself again. It seems the damage to my soul is effecting me a lot more than I thought. Things have just been so busy lately but I must find time to deal with this. What just happened seemed to be an evolution. This was very similar to what happened when I created the Kobold Lord.”

Sage curiously looked at the now larger and dark blue colored slime and decided to scan it.

Mimic Slime - An evolution of slime that occurs after absorbing a large amount of mana. Mimic slimes gain the ability to construct its body with it’s massive mana reserve into different forms. They grow more powerful as they absorb more mana and this allows them to devour more powerful creatures and mimic them

“These slime are truly interesting creatures…” Sage pondered as he continued to watch the slime. The mimic slime seemed very happy with the development and seemed to be doing a dance or some sort. Maybe it was just moving around. It’s pretty hard to tell when it’s just a ball of slime.

As he looked at the slime he once again calmed down and reached an enlightened state. For the second time since he arrived here he carefully observed his own soul. It was still the mess it was the last time he checked it and it had only recovered a little bit. In his state he began to think more clearly about the situation. He scolded himself for all the mistakes he’d made. With his soul at its current state he basically had no cultivation so how could he possibly have the fine control required to complete the complicated process of the summoning.

This introspection continued and, unknown to Sage, while in this state his soul began to recover at a much faster rate. However considering how weak his soul was even at this speed he was far from making a complete recovery.

Hours passed in this state and Sage reflected on all his actions since he arrived and decide to make improvements. As he remembered back to all that had happened suddenly a thought popped into his head “When Alice was summoned the ma…”

“SAGE! New guests!” Alice suddenly bursted into the room shouting.

Edited by: mossclaw64

Edited by: The super secret and mysterious masked editor... from space!

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