《Dawn of the Nexus (Kingdom building LitRPG)》Chapter 46 - Fracking Pumas


The afterimage of the teleportation slowly dissipated as Horn studied his surroundings. He stood in a large hall, an underground cavern thirty yards in height and twice that in length. The gray stone walls, without any light sources, surrounded them. Nowhere but at five entrances spread in a star pattern around the borders. Each was surrounded by distinctive symbols, each glowing with the corresponding color. A blue for a drop of water, red for a mote of fire, green for a leaf, and yellow for a lighting symbol. The final arch was surrounded by all four signs. Only thanks to this meager lighting and dark vision were he able to see anything.

Around him, his comrades shaken off the teleport lag. He was pleased to see their boars arriving with the party. They quickly repacked some supplies over to the animal’s saddlebags. Only Sigrid and Badger lurked around the cavern, looking for clues and dangers. They returned a few minutes later, with Sigrid saying, “Seems straightforward. Each of the symbols represents an element we’ll have to combat. The corridors quickly change into what the symbol represents. The water one had puddles just behind the threshold. From the fiery corridor came a gust of hot air. Our best guess is that we’ll have to return here and head to another after finishing one of the routes. The last archway seems to contain all four elements, and I can deduct it’s the final challenge of the dungeon.”

The other scout nodded, so after a quick check for anyone opposing, Horn said, “Let’s start then. Any suggestions for the first element?”

Herrak replied, “I say Earth. Usually, the creatures of this kind don’t dash too much damage, and we’d be able to check if the sneaks are correct.”

With others nodding, the party proceeded into the leaf archway. Scouts in the front, with two tanks a dozen steps behind, Horn after them with Andria. Aquamancer and the second adept behind and Ingrid with Brunhild and the animals closing the rear.

The tunnel they entered quickly changed from the stone into a wall of moss. The green stuff covered everything, but it gave a fluorescent light, basking everything in unnatural green shadows. The tunnel arched upwards and widened with each step. A few minutes later, they arrived on a ledge leading downward to a ginormous cavern.

The ceiling disappeared in the darkness. The cavern was filled with a jungle. Horn couldn’t believe his eyes - a damn jungle was growing underground. Half of the plant life generated some kind of light, giving an impression of an underground city with thousands of neon signs all over the place. The trees seemed tropical, and as they entered, a heavy musk of rotting greenery assaulted their nostrils. The tempura similarly rose, and the moisture in the air condensed on their skin.

The party stopped enamored by sight, up until several shapes broke from the tree line a few dozen yards below them. Horn could only describe the creatures as giant pumas with scales and six legs. The monsters raced toward the party, with sleek muscular bodies, each the size of a pony. Their black scales shone reflecting light. Milky white eyes gave an impression of blindness, but the sure movements quickly dispelled the idea.

Neither Goran nor Herrak hesitated for a second. The tanks made a few steps reading to receive the charge. Sigrid disappeared to the side while the Pathfinder shot his massive crossbow. The bolt flew sure, hitting the lead puma straight in the chest, but it ricocheted without penetrating. A scale dropped off with it, but the monster was unhurt otherwise.


Granite Puma level 11-15.

Horn shouted to his group what his skill identified and went into a pre-agreed cast. The incantation for Blessed Weapons flew from his lips. Similarly, the second adept was in the middle of Inner Fire. They agreed upon arrival that Horn would focus on offensive buffs while Cornelius would work on defense. A ray of frost shot over Horn’s shoulder as the mage went into the action.

The monsters closed the distance in seconds. Goran and Herrak were ready to stop the creatures. They braced themselves to receive a few hundred-kilo beasts. Just before crashing into the tanks, they jumped. Wide-eyed, the party saw the monsters launch into the air, effortlessly sailing overheads of their warriors. They landed with a loud thump just inches from the casters.

Horn was about to stop the cast when three Warboars crashed into the pumas. The animals were of similar size, but the boars having a few more yards of run-up, used their bulk to throw the attackers away. Horn recalled being hit by Snouty and didn’t pity the monsters. Still, physics was merciless, and the distraction bought them only a moment. However, it was enough for the tanks to reorient. Both of them shouted taunts, which brought the attention of two beasts. The third was swarmed by Warboars.

The spells finished, enveloping their weapons in the golden hue. Half of the party started shining like super Saiyans. What was a threat a mere moments ago became a slaughter. With monsters focused on the tanks and boards, the party pilled upon them one at a time. The scaly skin was a tough customer, but the enchanted weapons were penetrating. The pumas were strong, resistant, and fast, but they didn't stand a chance against ten determined dwarves with plenty of healing.

As the last foe perished, Goran said, “A challenging enemy, we’ve been overconfident. The beasts are strong, not above our capabilities, but it won’t be an easy dive.”

“Did you see them jump twenty feet in the air?! Their size! Incredible! What rhymes with leaped?” Andria exclaimed before anyone could reply. She added triumphally, “Intercepted! Stone cats leaped, brave boars intercepted!”

The situation was so absurd that Horn began laughing, the others looked at him with various emotions, but Ingrid joined. “Oy pumpkin, I think we’ve found one crazier than you.”

Goran snorted angrily, but Ingrid ignored him, “There’s bound to be more of the kitties in there. If they’re breeding normally, we should try to capture pups, and such beasts would do wonderfully for mounts.”

Horn took a look at the carcasses. The scales served as an amazing armor, protecting from almost all physical strikes. They were strong yet brittle, sustaining at most two strikes before felling off. Yet, they managed to stop a point-blank bolt from a heavy crossbow. Horn imagined his dwarves descending on the enemy while riding such beasts.

“You might be onto something. If we can domesticate them…”

The others had to come to similar conclusions as the thoughtful silence fell over the party, all but Andria, who was still rhyming. A moment passed before Horn continued, “We know who we face, there might be more kinds of monsters, but at least this one should be manageable. If we can isolate and tackle them one at a time, we shouldn’t break a sweat. Sigrid, Badger, can you spot them now that we know what we’re looking for?”

“My perception should be adequate to give us a fair warning.”

“The beasties that large ought to leave enough tracks to give us head’s up.”


“Good. We’ll take a five and move out.” Horn commanded,

“What about the loot?” Herrak asked,

“What loot?”

“Scales, fangs, alchemical ingredients. For sure, these beasties have earth affinity, and their bulk points to need for reinforced bones, or maybe if we’re lucky, a stone heart.”

Horn almost slammed himself, forgetting about one-o-one of any RPG game. Anything that could be butchered should be butchered, leave nothing behind. “Anyone knows how to flay?”

“I thought you’d never ask,” Badger replied, with bowie knife already in hand.

The trek through the dense jungle was painfully slow. The lush vegetation and the humidity of the air tired them out quickly. Four times they’ve encountered the strange pumas. Each time, a timely warning from scouts saved them from the upcoming ambush. The monsters hunted in packs, the biggest one they encountered consisted of seven beasts. However, with each fight, they grew more proficient. Goran’s talent to spot inconsistencies and deficiencies was a godsend. Fight after fight, he refined their tactics.

The scaly skin turned out to be the biggest boon and the greatest weakness of pumas. Once broken, there was nothing to shield their body from attacks. Usually, monsters had dense skin and muscles, but beasts trusting in their armor were surprisingly soft. Repeated strikes at the same place quickly dispatched their enemies. However, they still grew weaker with each fight. Their resources regenerated slowly, and the jungle wasn’t an easy place to rest.

On the other hand, the biome was a true cornucopia of alchemical reagents. Strange mushrooms, flowers, fruits were harvested. Ulrik, their mage was a proficient herbalist and alchemist, he oh-ed and ah-ed every few steps, and it almost took physical violence to get him moving again.

Despite these delays, they made progress toward the heart of the jungle. Based on Goran’s and Herrak’s knowledge, there should be some kind of mini-boss out there, and the center was the most probable location.

The dive went smoothly until they stumbled on a clearing. It was strange to see it after a few hours in an extremely dense jungle. A fifty yards completely clean of almost any vegetation. A small pond in the middle was surrounded by several strange flowers. They looked like reeds, over six feet in height, with a sizeable crimson flower on top of each.

Horn looked at Ulrik, but the mage just shrugged. Horn was almost temped to avoid the strange occurrence, but a warning shout from Badger forced them in. Goran and Herrak moved between the party and the threat. Their pathfinder appeared a second later, chased by nine pumas. The number itself was already threatening, but it got worse as the party backed into the clearing.

Horn was at the back, deep in his usual buff cast, when he saw movement in the corner of his eye. One of the ‘flowers’ turned towards him. For a moment, he took it for a gust of wind, but then another one did the same. Blessed Weapons, finished, just as flowers opened showing maws full of teeth. A second later, they uprooted and began slowly crawling toward the party.

“Behind us!” Horn shouted while casting Flame Strike at the new opponents.

Their tanks were busy with the pumas, keeping them occupied thanks to Ingrid and Brunhild and the boars. Which left casters open. Horn identified the new enemies as Solanales Lapis level 11-15.

He launched his strike. The flames enveloped the closest of flowers, it shrieked in an inhuman voice, but the others reacted. Green energy gathered around them, then with a loud THUMP, it dove into the ground. Horn saw five fissures appearing in the dirt and closing quickly to his position. His instinct kicked in, telling him to get the hell out of the way.

He dove to the side just seconds before the five stone spikes erupted from the ground where he was standing just a second ago. They were made out of solid stone with jagged edges. He gulped loudly, imagining being skewered by them. He got up, just as his Flame Strike finished, the flower it enveloped came out of the exchange unscathed.

The flowers began glowing with the same energy again, and Horn heard a yell of pain from the fight against pumas. His mind went into overdrive before he shouted, “Ulrik with me! Rest focus on pumas, Andria; we need a speed buff now! Finish off the monsters. We’ll keep the flowers busy!”

As he said that, five spikes homed on his location. He again threw himself to the side, but this time only two erupted at his last location, while the remaining three continued after him. Rolling frantically, he avoided another pair, but the last one found its target. A massive block of stone slammed into his back, launching him in the air. The jagged edges cut through his armor, scoring a nasty gash. Thankfully, the impact was slowed by the thick leather. Horn gathered his senses, got up, and began sprinting around the flowers. Another salvo chased him, but with his speed enchanted by the bard’s song, they couldn’t catch up.

Ulrik broke the stalemate. He took his time preparing his most powerful spell. “Ice Tomb!” A ray of frost hit the front flower from the point of impact ice spread through the whole length of its stalk, growing in size and thickness. A weak shrill escaped the beast as the ice encased its petals and finally the maw.

Seeing the opportunity, Horn changed direction. He rushed the ice tomb with his axe at the ready. The weapon still shone with divine energy. Running past the beast, he sliced. A satisfying sound of shattering ice followed. Taking a peek over the shoulder, he saw the floral monster breaking into a million pieces. With a wicked grin, he shouted, “Ulrik, again!”

The mage complied, sending another spell at the beasts, “Freezing Ray!” The effect was similar but much slower, the flower took a while to slow down, and ice didn’t form. Nevertheless, Horn raced to it. He arrived just as the beast began recovering, his axe slashing horizontally just below the flower head. The beast was surprisingly agile, almost avoiding the strike, but the freezing effect was still working, slowing it down just enough. The blade cut off the crown without much issue.

However, the three remaining monsters recognized the bigger threat. Three bulges in-ground zeroed in on the Aquamancer. He saw them at the last second but wasn’t fast enough to avoid the strikes. Spike after the spike slammed into his body. Throwing it like a marionette. Horn cursed. His party sense told him that Ulrik was still alive, but only just.

“Cornelius! Heal him!” Horn shouted as he saw the beasts going close to the downed mage. He sprinted in between, reading his shield. He saw the spikes launch from the roots of the beasts and braced for impact when an idea struck him. He jumped upwards while using his instant cast ability to create Shield of Faith, under his feet. The spikes slammed into the barrier, harmlessly dissipating. He dropped to the ground just in time to start slashing the beasts.

Despite their magic prowess, they were pitiful enemies physically. He went through them like a lawnmower, and green sap shot all over as his axe extracted retribution. A few moments later, the plants were no more. Turning back, he saw the party mopping up second to last puma. The battle was won.

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