《Dawn of the Nexus (Kingdom building LitRPG)》Chapter 29 - Gains


Horn opened his eyes, seeing a familiar white room. He was back in the place where he landed after helping his champions with their past. However, this time, instead of their figures, there was a single white marble desk in the middle with a chair next to it. In front of it, there was an archway, similar yet different from the Soul Well.

Not seeing anything else, Horn approached the desk and sat in the chair. As soon as he had done it, his vision was flooded with text.

Congratulations! You’ve defeated the second and the final floor of the challenge tower. Please take your time to choose the rewards. When you’re ready, step through the portal in front of you to join your tribe in the world of Nexus.

Quest update: The cycle of undeath

You successfully defended the Soul Well, slain the necromancers, and managed to defeat the Guardian, giving him eternal rest. The valley was cleansed of the corruption, and life can return there once more. The majority of Gryphon’s progeny survived. The young hatchlings will join your clan. Care for them, and they’ll rise to be your greatest allies.

Objective: Defend the Soul Well - Completed

Bonus objective I: Find and kill Necromancers. Progress: 12/12 - Completed

Bonus objective II: Protect at least half of Gryphon’s eggs. Progress 9/15 - Completed

Reward: Each of your surviving clan members received a personal reward. They will be given it upon you claiming the Soul Well.

Bonus reward I: Your tribe gained a new trait: Undeath slayers – You gain a moderate resistance to all Dark and Unholy magic. This trait blocks classes based on that kind of magic.

Bonus reward II: 9 Gryphon hatchlings, Blueprint for Gryphon’s Nest – Tier 4 building

Quest update: Make it, or break it

You have faced your champion’s challenges. Saving some of them from their fate. Your clan prevailed against the onslaught of undead hordes. You’ve gained new allies and lost good people. Did your choices reforge your people into something stronger, or is it a beginning of the end? The time will tell.

Objective: Complete the challenge tower – Completed,

Hidden objective I: Save your champions from their fate – 2/3 – Completed

Hidden objective II: Complete the valley scenario - Completed

Rewards: Champions’ class evolution, a single clan reward based on your performance.

Available rewards:

Clan trait: Relentless –Allows you once a day to regain ten percent of your total health within 3 seconds. A random scarce quality champion A tier 4 building of your choosing - redeemable after claiming a Soul Well Your own class evolution A single blueprint of your choosing A single technology of your choosing An Ascension Stone

Horn stopped for a moment. The rewards were so far good but a bit underwhelming compared to what he went through. He hoped that the Gryphons would turn out to be as powerful as their mother. However, it probably wouldn’t happen for quite a time.

The rewards to choose from seemed similarly lackluster. The trait was attractive, its bonus maybe wasn’t the most powerful, but it would scale with every dwarf out there. A ten percent free heal might be the difference between life and death. For every ten fighters, that would almost mean another one.

Another champion was also tempting. On the other hand, the few he had were already a handful. Ascension stone was similar but gave him more power over who he’ll end up with. However, seeing Sigrid’s sudden change, he wasn’t so sure anymore.

A building, blueprint, or technology seemed just a bit small. Maybe they were an immediate boost, but he could achieve all of them on his own. Which left his own class evolution. It was tempting. From what he heard, evolution was hard to achieve. But same as with the buildings or champion, it was limited only to him. From what he’d seen so far, the strength lay in the numbers. His clan could achieve anything working together.


In the end, it came up to long-term benefits. The healing was just too powerful to miss. As he had chosen the reward, another wave of prompts popped up.

As a part of the previous reward, you’ve unlocked evolution for your champions. As you didn’t pick at a time, they had a chance to choose themselves. You can alter their choice, but they will know that and will have their own opinion on that subject. Chose wisely!

Ingrid Sharptong – she has chosen her advanced class as a Valkyrie. You can alter that choice. Possible options: Warbeast Master, Administrator, or you can have her remain in her original class: Boar breeder.

Horn took a pause. She made her choice. Was his to change it? He wasn’t thrilled with her choice, a frontline fighter was useful, but her boars were what made a difference in the tutorial. He also didn’t have anyone to manage the civilian part of the affairs. However, knowing her temperament, there’d be hell to pay if he would change her class. In the end, it was all about trust. She saved him several times. She was always supportive. He saw her in her lowest moment, ready to accept death without remorse. That couldn’t be ignored. Sighing, he confirmed Ingrid’s selection.

Goran Steelriver – he didn’t choose his class yet. Possible options: Champion, Guard Instructor, or you can have him remain in his original class: Guard Captain

Horn had a mixed feeling about that one. Only the champion class seemed like an upgrade. Guard instructor seemed practical, Horn recalled when Goran trained their clan in the cave. He had never seen the dwarf as happy. He remembered his summaries after each encounter in the dungeon, pointing out mistakes, offering advice.

On the other hand, Goran was his main tank. With his supporting abilities and taunt, he almost was one dwarf frontline. Taking on the dungeon boss, holding the line in the castle, tanking goblin’s shaman spell, being everywhere in the impossible battle of the mountain pass. He was natural at that.

The choice was a tough one. Both specializations would be useful, and Horn knew they weren’t done with fighting for their survival. Everyone said that the Nexus was a dangerous world, so he would need to carve a piece of it for himself. Having a solid frontline fighter would be great. On the other hand, a dedicated trainer could augment all of his troops, and Goran seemed to enjoy that. He seemed happy while teaching others, then there was the despair on his face before the mountain pass battle. Horn began leaning towards the Guard Instructor.

Yet, he wasn’t sure. Was it his choice at all? Why did it bother him so much? Choosing a specialization for a character in a game shouldn’t be so hard, but he couldn’t do that. The time was ticking, Horn knew he should be getting through this, as the game had already started, but he just couldn’t make a choice. Not making a choice was the worst option possible. He had responsibility for his clan. He had to make tough choices. Finally, he made his mind – Guard Instructor it was.

Sigrid Longhood – she has chosen her advanced class as Assassin. You can alter that choice. Possible options: None, but you can have her remain in her original class: Scholar.

At least the last one was an easy choice. Horn remembered Sigrid’s happiness being in the thick of the action. He wondered where she went in the second part of the challenge, but he still hoped she was on his side. He confirmed her choice.


Another wall of text popped up.

Congratulations! You finished the tutorial scenario! The world of the Nexus awaits. The level cap is hereby rescinded. Upon arriving in the Nexus, you will have seven days to claim a Soul Well. The structures are scattered throughout the world. To help you find them, you will see beacons of light originating in their locations. They will be color-coded. The higher rarity of the Soul Well, the bigger its capacities, but claiming them can be more difficult. Remember, the Nexus isn’t a safe place! The colors are: Common – White, Uncommon – Green, Scarce – Blue, Rare – Gold, Epic – Violet.

Take a step through the portal as soon as you are ready!

New quest: The Brave New World

You’ve finished the tutorial, you and your clan are ready to venture into the unknown. The whole world lies in front of you. Lead your people to greatness. However, every journey begins with the first steps. Find your place of power and claim it. Start building the future you want!

Objective: Claim a Soul Well

Bonus objective: Conquer another player’s settlement and claim his Well.

Failure: Fail to claim one, or lose your claim within 7 days

Rewards: Varied, based on the quality of the Soul Well.

“So it begins,” Horn muttered, but before moving, he checked the remaining notifications. Throughout the whole challenge, he let them just sit there.

Your skill: Combat proficiency reached level 4.

Combat proficiency level 4 – Passive – Gives a basic proficiency in fighting with all weapon types. Grants basic combat instinct. Slightly decrease stamina expenditure while fighting. You gain an understanding of how to use your movement combined with armor to minimalize the damage. While fighting the enemy, you gain a chance to spot a weakness in their defense.

Your skill: Radiance blast reached level 3.

Radiance blast level 3 – 10 mana, instant cast, 1-minute cooldown – Mind / Spirit – Blast the nearby enemies (5 feet range) with a blast of divine energy, damaging and pushing them back. Enemies further away can be disoriented and blinded. Friendly targets within the range are healed for a small amount. Increase the range and the power of the blast for additional 10 mana per 5 feet.

Your skill: Blessed weapons reached level 2.

Blessed weapons level 2 – 20 mana, 10-second cast, 1-hour cooldown – Mind / Spirit – Imbue up to 5 weapons with diving energy for 10 minutes, giving them bonus damage and ability to harm ether beings. Increases damage against Undead and Demonic creatures. Spending twice the mana increase the blessing time up to 30 minutes.

Your skill: Inner Fire reached level 2.

Inner Fire level 2 – 20 mana +5 per each additional target up to 3, 10-second cast, 1-hour cooldown – Mind / Spirit – Imbue the targets with righteous might, increasing their resistance to most damages and increasing health regeneration for 30 minutes. Doubles mana regeneration.

Your skill: Leadership reached level 3.

Leadership level 3 – Passive – Presence – Gives the ability to form a party up to your presence score. Increase morale of your units, slightly increase regeneration rates. Increase maximum health by a small degree. Allows you to form a party with others with the established groups. Their numbers do not count against the maximum of your group.

Your skill: Battle Caster reached level 3 and level 4.

Battle Caster level 4 – Passive – Mind/Spirit – Decrease cost of offensive (damaging) and supporting (buffing) spells by 25% mana. Increase the power of offensive spells by 10%. Once a day allows casting a below 1-minute cast spell as an instant cast.

Your skill: Flame Strike reached level 2 and level 3.

Flame Strike level 3 – 20 mana – Mind/Spirit – 5-second cast - Calls forth a column of fire for 5 seconds, striking at a chosen location within fifty feet. Deals damage based on the mind attribute increased damage versus undead and demonic entities. The fire clings to enemies dealing additional damage over the next 30 seconds. For additional 10 mana, you can shape the area of flame.

Your skill Blessing of Might reached level 2.

Blessing of Might level 2 – 40 mana +5 per each additional target up to 10, 10-second cast, 20 feet range, 2-hour cooldown – Mind / Spirit – Imbues your targets with the Holy might, increasing their Might and Endurance attributes for 1 hour.

Congratulations! You gain a new title for slaying an enemy fifty levels above your own: Against all odds III. While fighting a higher-level enemy, you and those under your command get a 15% attribute boost.

You’ve lost control over your dungeon: Tutorial Rockeater dungeon. Your title Dungeon Master I is deactivated until you claim a new dungeon.

You have reached level 10. Based on your skills, titles, and attributes, you can start following class evolution quests:

Priest – You learned the ways of your people. Now it's time to learn the ways of the god. Praise his name, and help those who need it. Prerequisite: Healing spell level 2, Supporting spell level 2

Battle Priest – The battle is where you feel at home. Fighting the enemies in the name of your god. Bringing doom to them and mercy to your allies. When God is with you, the enemy doesn’t stand a chance. Prerequisite: Defeated 100 enemies using spells, Battle casting level 2, offensive spell level 3, participated in at least a dozen fights, healed over 500 points of health.

Holy Commander – Warriors under your command are unstoppable. They bring the word of your god to all that oppose them. Your cause is a just one, lead and win in the name of Holy. Prerequisite: Leadership level 3, supporting spell level 2, led a force of at least thirty to victory in at least three encounters.

Crusader – You are the wrath of your god. Where you go, the destruction follows. No one can oppose the avatar of righteousness. You are the judge, jury, and executioner, always there where your God commands you. Prerequisite: Combat proficiency level 4, Battle casting level 3, defeated enemy 10 levels higher, won single combat against a challenging opponent.

More options might be available if you develop your skills. Alternatively, you can start another class. However, the evolution quests will be blocked until the new class achieves the 10th level.

Horn’s head began to steam. It was an information overflow. All around, there were exciting increases. He was eager to try them, and there’d be time for that. His gains during the challenge were terrific, but he wondered why some of his skills, like Cure wounds, didn’t level up. He used it quite extensively, but the 4th level seemed to be some sort of border he couldn’t pass.

Instead, he focused on the class options. The first one looked like a basic evolution version. It probably wasn’t anything special. The second one seemed to be a straight-up progression of his previous choice of the Battle adept. He liked it, but it didn’t feel right. The last two were the interesting ones. Holy Commander seemed tailored to his needs, yet it was more of a back-row role. The Crusader sounded badass and had the highest requirements, which probably meant something. Yet, it seemed a solo act, which was entirely out of his book. He took a peek at the alternative classes, and a long list unfolded. There were all basic ones that he saw in the character creation and a dozen or so extras. A few caught his attention, like Squire, Outrider, Army Captain, even a Peasant, but they all seemed bleak in the end.

Making his choice, he saw another prompt.

New quest: The cause is Just

You’ve traveled the road as an Adept. Now it's time to fulfill your duty. Find your patron, praise him and accept his blessing. The road to salvation begins today.

Objective: Build a shrine and consecrate it to a god of your choosing.

Objective II: Advance Leadership to level 5

Objective III: Pass the test of your deity (the test will be revealed after building a shrine)

Reward: Advanced class - Holy Commander

The prompts finally finished, stretching. Horn was ready for the adventure. With a last quick peek on his character sheet, he stepped through the portal.

Name: Horn Skysmith

Race: High dwarf

Allegiance: Lightforge Clan

Level: 10 (1789/??) /0/0

Current class: Battle Adept

Previous classes: -

Health [Regeneration]: 87 / 87 (97/97) [37/h]

Stamina [Regeneration]: 82 / 82 [32/h]

Mana [Regeneration]: 84/84 (104/104) [34/h]

Attributes: [0 free points]

Might: 23

Reflex: 12

Mind: 15 (16)

Endurance: 26

Spirit: 26

Ability: 18

Presence: 10

Skills [1 free skill slot]: Combat proficiency level 4, Cure Wounds level 4, Radiance blast level 3, Blessed weapons level 2, Riding (Exotic beasts) level 2, Inner Fire level 2, Lore level 2, Battle Caster level 4, Flame Strike level 3, Leadership level 3, Shield of faith level 2, Weakness level 1, Blessing of Might level 2

Traits: Chieftain, Dwarven Endurance, Low Magical affinity, Magical Resistance (Minor), Low light vision, Relentless, Undeath slayer

Titles: Outnumbered specialist, Slayer I, Dungeoneer I, Dungeon Master I, Against all odds III

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