《Cloud Dungeon》Book 2 Chapter 7
“Noooo! Why!?” Dia shouted as she struggled in Mir’s grip.
Mir tightened her grip on Dia and Waid as well who were both majestically in the nude for all the world to see inside a beautiful wooden and stone building built on a nearby hill that Mir had Dia modify to hold a hot spring that was raised into a hot bath. Not only there, but on many islands hot springs were created to make baths for the residents of the sixth floor and up.
“I don’t need a bath!” Dia shouted.
“Oh yes you do little missy!”
“You fiendish being! Let me go! As a dungeon, I command you!” Waid shouted.
Suddenly Mir tossed him up and with a quick and decisive flourish of her arm, her wooden palm turned into a kind of flat board that smacked against Waid’s exposed bottom with a resounding ‘Whack!’ before she grabbed him again.
“Stop resisting, you both haven’t noticed at all, but your bodies are many times more solid than it was at the beginning. You eat, play in the mud and frolic with various spirits which is getting soot and dirt on you as well make your hair messy since you don’t clean up. You both stink like trash, so I will take the liberty to wash you both through force if needed.” Mir said as she opened the door to the enclosed hot spring and put them down on wooden benches. With a bit of magic, she manipulated the wood to grow into branches of living trees and hold their arms before she began to wash them.
Giggling as they floated around were Hot Spring Pixies and Bath Fairies. These two were born from water pixies and water fairies who came to live at the hot spring bath houses that were built. The bath fairies in particular are loved because they have a strange ability to control the water and cause it to become soapy, making it perfect for washing the body without it agitating the skin. They like to wash others be it spirits, animals and even monsters.
With the help of the bath fairies, Mir quickly washed down the two dungeons while they complained. She then released the two after rinsing before having them sit in the hot spring where they sulked. Mir took the chance to wash herself after that and went to join them.
“Ah! So warm, this is such a luxury in this cold wasteland.” Mir said
“Hey Mir, do you want me to transform you into something adapted to the cold?” Dia asked.
“No, I am fine, I am slowly learning the empress spirit’s warm water magic. It's quite complex for non-spirits but I am slowly getting the hang of it.” Mir replied.
They sat in quiet but soon Dia suddenly splashed water at Waid out of boredom.
“Hey!” He shouted and splashed back.
Soon the two began to play around with splashing. All the while Mir just watched the two and looked up. She saw the water and fire spirits floating around. It is thanks to the fire spirits that the ice mana couldn’t penetrate into the bathhouses. They formed a strong fire aura around the building, making a safe haven for fire spirits to grow thanks to the thermal energy coming from the springs.
In the sixth floor, only the fireplaces, dwarven smithies and the hot springs are safe places for the fire spirits. After a while, a house will become warm and they can explore the home while maintaining the fire to keep a lifeline. Those who live in the homes of others were slowly adapting to helping the house life and even cleaning as a way to thank the owners of the home. They reduced their mischievousness due to needing a place to survive and not wanting to be thrown out.
After some time, the two children got bored and came to sit down flushed red.
“Alright, let's get out before you two get dizzy.” Mir said.
The two nodded and they got out and took the towels made from Snow Cloud Rabbits which evolved from snowshoe rabbits. The fur is incredibly puffy and warm making it become very popular very quickly. It is also super absorbent allowing the water to be wiped off quickly without it getting damp.
“I’m bored now.” Waid suddenly said as they floated back to Dia’s home.
Pearl was floating around them, but Misty didn’t leave the house unless Dia called or they were going to the floors below. Being part cat, she liked the warm fire where nearby she slept on some fur pelts.
“So am I.” Dia said alongside him as they floating into the building.
“Want to make some monsters!?” Waid asked excited.
Dia shook her head, “No ugly monsters!” she instantly shot him down.
“So boring, I liked it when I was able to make the pirates, that was fun and it made the lower floors all that much better.” Waid said. “Oh right, you never brought up the sea creatures, why don’t you do that now?”
“The cloud sea is too small, also it needs to most basic ecosystem setup for the creatures that will be most adapt to this floor. Dia added small fish and the lobsters already move around on this floor. The fish really adapted well though and are food for most of the predators.” Mir said.
“How boring. SO BORING!” Waid complained and fell onto the bed that was next to Dia’s.
Facing down, he lay there for a long minute before his head lifted up, “Hey Dia, want to go see the pirate base of the fifth floor boss?” He asked.
“Captain Hook’s pirate base?!” Dia said blinking. Although she made him a boss, he wasn’t as bad as she had thought up in her mind. Besides being a pirate like she wanted, he was actually much nicer than she had expected. The pirates that caused most problems were those that weren’t his crew such as the sharkmen and goblin pirates. “Do you wanna come Mir?” Dia asked.
“No, you children can go yourselves. It's a long trek down for me, so I will stay here.” She replied.
“I will also stay, it has been a tiring day, just call if you need anything.” Pearl replied.
“Okay!” The two children excitedly exclaimed.
The two instantly vanished as they transported themselves through the dungeon. This could only be used by the two children and the two dungeon fairies themselves to move around the dungeon should something happen.
On the fifth floor, the silhouette of the two appeared before it hardened becoming more solid. Dia’s form was very complete though she was still transparent like a veil, on the other hand, Waid was more transparent like murky water.
The two appeared and were shocked when they saw the town. The two have visited other pirate towns, goblins have a very messy kind of base though once one looked from above they will find that it is actually very well structured. However, they still lacked the dwarves’ skill for construction causing the buildings to be just made out of wood and dirt walkways.
Sharkmen are worse because they don’t have any skill whatsoever for construction and they make either mud huts or wooden shacks that look like they will suddenly fall with the blow of the wind.
As for the pirate bases on the fifth floor, most of them were well built wooden buildings looking like an old western town with a small wooden dock but dirt roads.
What shocked the children was because not only was the pirate base more like a well structured city, both the dock, the shipyard and most of the main streets were paved and about 50% of the buildings, most of them stores or important buildings, were made of stone. Also, the paved streets were all cobblestone and unlike one would expect, at least 60% of the residents were shopkeepers, constructors or other form of workers and not pirates. The dock had Captain Hook’s large sloop ship docked majestically along one side of the dock while on the other side were many smaller ships.
At the center of the city was the most majestic building which looked like a fort’s headquarters and surrounding it, a good 30 meters away, was a large stone fence. Within and around this building were a large number of pirates armed with harpoon and swords.
The children remained in shock before Dia’s eyes sparkled, “Let’s go down!” She said and suddenly flew down quickly. Waid was one step behind and followed as they landed at the edge of the dock and ran into the city.
By instinct, the residents all knew who Dia and Waid were, it was an innate feeling of closeness due to them all being dungeon creatures born from her.
The people would greet her as they passed while some of the merchants would give some kind of fruit as they passed.
After a while, Dia finally reached the big manor and without much care, she walked in. The pirates didn’t even stop her as she entered.
Having long since been informed of Dia’s arrival, one of the pirates lead the two children into the building where they found that it was paved in wooden planks. The walls had many weapons hung there and there were stuffed monsters found in the dungeon like a cloud bear or the head of a Jet Wind Hawk, which evolved from the Force Wind Hawk from the second floor.
On the ground were rugs made from weaved thread (most likely some kind of vine or dried grass) and the place was furnished with wooden furniture expertly sculpted.
“My dear lady Dia, I am honored that you would come visit.” Hook appeared and walked over. He looked like a gentleman from France with the long mustache, the scruff in his shirt out and a vest over a long sleeve loose shirt. His red captain’s coat was not on him nor was the large hat that Dia made him with. Even the hook was no longer there revealing the hand that Dia had thought she had made him without.
She actually looked mostly at the hand and he noticed. “Oh you must be wondering about the hook?” He said. Suddenly his hand glowed and turned metallic and grey before it changed shape into the form of an iron hook. “It is one of the magic items I gained with my creation.” He said before his hand returned to normal.
“Would you care for something to eat?” He asked. The children shook their heads, “I see, then would you like some sweets?” He asked.
They looked at each other, but suddenly heard Hook call out.
“Cabin boy, get in here with some sweets for my dear lady Dia!” He shouted.
“C-coming captain!” A voice that seemed to come from a person with a stuffy nose. After a moment, a fat young man with a red hat, striped shirt and a pair of brown cloth shorts ran in with a plate of freshly baked cookies.
“Have some, they are freshly baked. This cabin boy is useless as a pirate but I really couldn’t have gotten my base to be so gorgeous as it is now without his magic fingers commanding everything going on.” Hook said.
The children drooled when they saw the cookies and began to take a few in their small hands to eat, but after the third cookie Dia looked up at the fat boy and tilted her head. “Aren’t you Mr. Smee?” Dia asked.
“Who?” The cabin boy asked.
“Ah! I knew I forgot someone!” Dia exclaimed.
Hook scratched his head, “Miss Dia, what are you talking about?” Hook asked.
“In the story I made you from, Captain Hook's first mate was a chubby old man who served without much problem but is really a nice old man that isn’t like normal pirates. He couldn’t do things like others so what he liked most was just taking care of Captain Hook’s needs. He really liked to please the captain.” Dia giggled.
Hook’s eyes narrowed, but his left brow raised as he looked at the fat boy, “Yes, I can most definitely see those aspects in him.”
“Alright! From today on you are Mr. Smee!” Dia suddenly proclaimed.
The body of the fat boy began to glow and he grew slightly before a pair of glasses appeared over his eyes.
The boy blinked several times and fixed the glasses on his potato nose, “Oh my, these glasses are a spiritual item. It seems it helps me see all the things related to the crew, the town and even the captain’s needs even before he knows them himself.” He said overly excited.
“So you made my cabin boy my first mate?” Hook said scratching his chin, “This boy will be chewed alive. I will leave him as just a cabin boy because if I give him any rank higher, the rest of the crew will be too discontent." Hook said knowingly.
“Smee, go about your duties then also gather the crew, someone just entered the fifth floor island. Children, I have my duties to do. Please feel at home here. If you need anything, just ask anyone.” He said and walked off suddenly.
When the captain suddenly departed, it left the children a bit shocked but they continued to eat the cookies. However, seeing as more than three fourths of the pirates around the manor had left on the flying boat with Hook, they left the manor.
They had originally left the sixth floor when it was evening and after spending time looking around and then some time at hooks manor, it was already night time. All around the city there were metal street lamps like those from before the industrial age, candle street lamps. They lit the pathway and the children walked around exploring the island at night that was just as busy as during the day in some areas.
They walked to the most noisy areas and found them to be more than five bars and taverns that were filled with the hard workers and pirates drinking away.
When the children entered one, the mead fairies all looked at them and frowned before one of them flew over. “Ah miss Dia, what ya doing here? This aint a place for children.” She said.
“We were bored so we came to look around and play.” Dia said.
The fairy had a hard expression on her face as she looked at the children entering the wolves den of pirates. It wasn’t a good thing to expose these children to something like drinking, especially Dia who was only 5. Waid it didn’t matter because he was born a dungeon and had a different mentality altogether, but Dia was a human child born and raised only a few short years.
“Hey, can I have what they are drinking!” Waid asked.
“Ya can’t… it's someten only adults can drink.” The mead fairy said trying to discourage the children from trying to drink. The mead the fairies made was sweet and easy to drink without much alcohol but the rum the pirates like was much harder to drink as it was made for seasoned sailors most of the time. There were even Rum Fairies who were mead fairies affected by the pirate aura on the island.
“I’m a dungeon, I won’t be affected by simple alcohol.” Waid said.
“Um, what is alcohol?” Dia asked.
The fairy found a ray of hope as she thought of how to discourage the girl, “It’s ah smelly kind o drink dat will leave ya dizzy an wen ya wake up yar head will hurt ah lot." she said.
“Is it tasty?” Dia asked curious.
Like they say, curiosity killed the cat and Dia’s curiosity was almost killing the mead fairy out of anxiety because they all knew how Mir would react if something bad happened to Dia and they did not want to suffer the consequences. Suddenly the mead fairy thought of something, “There ah some really tasty ones but some ah like mud an hard ta drink. I can make ah juice for ya if ya want something ta drink." she said.
“I want to try this alcohol thing.” Dia suddenly said.
Be it mead fairy, water fairy or rum fairy, they all paled as she exclaimed that. The face of the mead fairy twitched as she sighed and lead them to the bar counter. Afterwards, the bar employees gathered to the side.
“What do we do?!” the mead fairy exclaimed in an anxious tone. Even her drunk slurry talk had turned very sober.
“Go get ah rum nut an mix it wit rani fruit. Put 1 nut with 10 fruits an the alcohol content should be only 2%, it should be enough for her to taste the alcohol without getting addicted or highly affected." a rum fairy said in a serious tone.
“Perfect!” The mead fairy said.
She quickly flew off into the kitchen and gave the orders to the cooks. Soon rani fruit were brought out with a rum nut and they began to brew the alcohol. It takes only five rum nuts a week to turn a 20 liter barrel of water into rum. They dropped the nut into a large jar, squashed the fruits into pulp and finally filled the jar. Then they called a sylph and putting his spinning tornado legs, he began beat the pulp and nuts into a juice that had a very fragrant smell. The fairies then brought out a filter that was fashioned by water fairies that learned a unique weaving magic technique that allowed them to weave the cloud sea into solid threads and they formed a filter net.
They dropped the concoction through the filter, removing the pulp and only drawing out the juice to fill a small jar for the children. Finally, the mead fairy took the jar and others brought a cup and put it out for the children.
“This is rumi juice, we added a very small bit of alcohol because children shouldn’t drink it. You can still feel a bit of it, but we can’t let you have any strong drink.” The mead fairy said.
“How boring.” Waid said before he took the juice and drank it while frowning, then put it down. “Too sweet!”
Dia did as well and frowned before suddenly turning and jumping to a near table. “Hey can I have a drink!” She asked.
The pirate crew were wandering wind elves and and some dwarves. “Ah! Lass Dia, gud ya finally come! Here drink a bit of meh mead!”
“No!” The mead fairy said, but Dia took the large wooden cup and drank heartily.
The fairy facepalmed herself and glared at the dwarf, “What ya think ya doing given her mead!” She shouted.
“Ah was a lad wen I drunk meh first mead so pipe dawn.” The dwarf said.
When Dia finished, her face was flushed red and she was grinning and giggling, “Hehe, I'z feel funny.” She said waving around in the air giggling, “un fairy, two fairy, three fairy.” She muttered as she pointed towards the mead fairy three times.
“Ahaha de lass aint good wit mead. Dat’s sumen.” The dwarf laughed as did the pirates.
“Oi, les se how long she cun las?” The pirate said and turned to the girl, only to see her shaking her head.
“That drink tasted funny and made my head spin. There was also this burning feeling that felt strange and I didn’t like it much.” Dia said clear headed.
Everyone was startled but Waid laughed, “Dungeon bodies are made of mana and these drinks all have magical alcohol, it only takes a small while for us to process mana inside our bodies.” Waid said.
“Oh, dat mean de lass is a drinker!” The pirate said and called for one of the less alcoholic but tastier rum drinks this time.
Dia and Waid joining in, the bar began a drinking contest as they mapped out the children’s likes and dislikes. Most hard drinks they hated because it was too sweet, hard to drink or the burn from the alcohol was too irritating. They both liked anything that seemed like the sweetness was canceling out the burning from the alcohol and wasn’t excessively sweet.
They actually didn’t drink all that much and simply sipped the alcohol, not liking most of them because they were too strong, too smelly, to thick or some other reason. It was only when they were almost falling down drunk from the small sips that Dia drank wholeheartedly a beverage called two cup dropper. It shocked everyone because when she drank it, she didn’t get drunk and instead she cleared up her head and processed all the alcohol instantly. She then drank the second cup and said it was perfect. It was like a juice and tasted like alcohol, but it didn’t burn and had a minty cool taste that gave a cold refreshing sensation.
She was totally taken by it and it made the pirates and dwarfs slack jaw as she would only drink this, making them give up any hopes of beating her in a drinking contest. The name was two cup dropper because it took only two cups to make someone faint. It was made with a few magical herbs and flowers as well as bee fairy honey gathered from a nearby island. It is an incredibly magical brew but for most people, the effect was too strong because the mana caused too strong an influence on the body as your body tries to absorb the mana in it.
What was most shocking was that with each drink, her body would slowly get a bit more solid.
Only after the bar was completely out of these drinks did she stop but complained that she still wanted more.
When she heard what kind of ingredients were part of it, she thought that bee fairy honey must be really tasty and she felt bubbly wanting to get some of it but then she yawned.
“I’m sleepy, guys, thanks for all the drinks!” Dia said and thought for a moment to find out what kind of currency the dungeon had developed. She found it was the same money as the world below and so she spawned a pouch with 2000 silver coins. She couldn’t make gold coins yet however, 100 silver was 1 gold so making 2000 silver she ended up paying a bill of 20 gold. She then handed it to them and waved before vanishing.
Waid followed soon after a bit tipsy.
The fairies looked at the pouch and happily thought that it was a good thing to have Dia come more often.
Of course, Dia and Waid stank of ale and they were harshly spanked and disciplined by Mir who, the following day, also went to the bar to even more viciously beat all the staff and most of the pirates and dwarves who had made Dia drink before she finally calmed down.
- In Serial33 Chapters
Dungeon Instinct
The multiverse is a big place, and it is also constantly in flux. As such sometimes mistakes occur, impossibilities that should have never come into existence. An aspect of corruption born naturally of a mortal and a divine, a Void that is a singularity instead of a duality, a being that came to be before existence ever was, a forgotten that is not damned, the possibilities are infinite and limitless, and thus so are the possible mistakes in this grand multiverse. But are not mistakes more entertaining to watch? For Kelic the Blightborn, life was suffering. Born of a holy Templar dedicated to serving the Forgotten Guardian and a powerful abyssal demon queen that raped said Templar, Kelic’s first sight and sensation in Quellios and its realms was being baptized in the life-blood of his dying father. Tortured in the 1425th level of the abyss for ten years, Kelic was only set free of this constant nightmare of an existence by the unintended results of the Ascendant Angel’s rise to true divinity. His freedom from the abyss was not the paradise that the young Kelic thought however, as he was branded a BlightBorn, or a child of tragedy that brings only misfortune, by the people of Quellios. Abused by all he ever knew or met the boy found solace in only in the things of beauty and the act of reading, a skill he taught himself. His latent ability to comprehend and remember all of what he read and the sheer speed of his reading gained the attention of a prominent figure of Evrette Academy Island. Taken in by the famous mage Fredrick Dunhousen, Kelic lived in peace for the first time in his young life… that is until he was killed. Follow the tale of a newly born dungeon core in the world of Eserthet, that has only one single purpose. One single purpose it decided for itself... [{(Note, this story contains: torture, gore, violence, sexual content, and other mature stuff. read at your own risk.)}]
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A LitRPG and Epic Fantasy adventure: The son of a mafia boss finds himself abruptly plunged into an alternate world where he must find a way to survive the horrors of a realm called Oblivion, make pacts with demons, form unnatural friendships, and figure out what the hell is going on – all while dealing with the depressing reality of his past. An artificial intelligence has ascended into godhood and has thrown Trey’s home into Chaos, pulling millions of people into an enchanted new life... or, in Trey's case, a violent nightmare. As far as he can tell, he is locked into what the system prompts call a ‘Death Game.’ Here, artificial reality is manufactured for the enjoyment of a being called the All Spirit, and he has a very real chance of truly dying. Just how real is this place though? Is it merely a simulation, a realistic game of life and death… or is it something much more? Elves, dwarves, undead, and other races only thought to exist in fairy tales are now a reality. Black magics, pantheons of gods at odds with one another, predatory symbiotes, and an unholy calling, the significance of which he has yet to grasp, are all entangled with his fate. ============================================ ============================================ Some things to expect when reading this book series: - Brutal storyline where no character is safe and choices have real consequences. Heavy on action, survival, and adventure - An isekai. The main character struggles to find himself, repeatedly crossing the line between good and evil as other important characters influence his life - Harem (explicit), though this only starts about 180k words in. - Good amounts of crafting, town building, and guild building later on - Good amounts of fantasy-related LitRPG stats, rank ups, and evolutions. Heavy focus on demons and black magics - There will be many points of view, but there is only one primary/main character that takes up 90% of the POV - A long storyline. Currently (as of 7/26/2021) I have about 1500k words written, though much of it will have to be heavily edited and re-written. I also plan to go far beyond 1500k words if people like the story (A lot of it is also in the 'backstories' book that explores the guildmates, the link is below) - Chapters will have an average of about 4k-5k words, a little longer than most other books on RR, though there will be exceptions for more and less. I just didn't like posting chapters that didn't feel complete, and 2k words often felt like too little. - If you like super-heroic and goody-goody characters, this story is not for you. ***Updated once a week***
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