《Cloud Dungeon》Chapter 18
Once Maribell crossed the portal into the Spirit Realm she appeared within a bright cloudy space unlike what she had planned. Her set destination was for her to go to the Spirit Realm, but what she was in felt like Heaven. As she looked around she saw several gods and one smiling goddess she knew from images.
She quickly kneeled down.
“My goddess! What… is going on?” Maribell asked Yolida.
“Don’t worry, you have come because of the dream spirits correct?” She asked and Maribell nodded, but didn’t look up.
“Well Grivmir sent the little dungeon fairy from her dungeon to ask the HQ about what happened and we intercepted you both since it would be simpler this way. Also, we had two idiots to interrogate.” She said and looked back.
Being surrounded on all sides by the Goddesses of Love, Life and Death were the twin gods, Metris the God of Order and Cosmos the God of Chaos.
The two were identical in all physical features besides the fact that the Order God had white hair completely coated in gel to stay down and wore a pure white business suit while his brother left his black hair messy and due to the influence from earth's culture, he had a punk look. However, if the two were to put on the same clothes and remove their accessories, they would be identical twins except for the hair color.
“Now then, Cosmos, Metris… mind explaining what happened?” Yolida asked in a dangerous tone.
“That spirit of dreams, the ‘sandman’ as the child named it, broke the balance of the dream world and we simply balanced it. Even the girl’s own existence breaks balance.” Metris said and fixed his glasses systematically.
“Oi Yo? Ain’t I the god of chaos? Why da hell you letting these three idiots screwing up so badly?” Cosmos said.
“Hmpf, although it is true they did something extremely stupid, that is beside the point. Why did you make a dark spirit?” Yolida asked.
“Didn’t make one, I had the girl make something to balance out the dream world so that nature doesn’t ‘fix’ the problem herself.” He said while digging wax out of his ears.
The brows of the four goddesses twitched as they understood what he meant. ‘Nature’ he referred to was Mother Nature who was a titan. There are two types of titans, the Gods are titans and there are Mortal Titans who are extremely ancient beings that predate the ancient giants. However, the mortal titans died out naturally due to the fact that they were unable to breed at a fast pace and the rise of Cosmos caused the chaotic world to enter an even worse state making them fall either into a deep slumber where they were destroyed by the gods or were outright killed by mortal beings. Only Mother Nature survived because she is the embodiment of nature and was born when order and chaos balanced. Or should it be said that she was the result of all the dead titans and godly power and she beat Cosmos and used his own power to make his twin.
He is the one that knows best her power, so the goddesses could understand why he would be proactive in cases where chaos and order are off. Any other time he is just playing around, but he is constantly monitoring the mortal world due to his fear of waking the woman up.
“The spirit thing is reasonable enough.” Helena, the goddess of love, said but then scowled, “But why did you give the second spirit to that shitbag elf’s dungeon? Not only did he attack Dia, but also hurt another little young soul!”
“He is the ‘Balance’ against the girl. She is creating too much ‘Good’ in her dungeon and her own system doesn’t encourage her to kill since she gains mana just from their presence which is more effective than killing. Originally Clover was to actually remove her as a dungeon so that the dungeon could function as a common one, but that obviously didn’t go well due to a certain GIANT!” Metris said and glared at the women. “She brought a variant of that race to the daylight as a ‘Good’ race. Although I should be happy because it formed a positive balance for that race, it also ‘broke’ the scale of power in her dungeon.”
“Ah!” Misty who was behind the three goddesses muttered and they all look at her. “Um… Mir actually wanted to question that… how does Dia make monsters more powerful than her dungeon should have?”
The three goddesses look at each other then at Yolida.
“Before you and the girl were actually born into the world it took me 1 year to actually make the system, what aids Dia in doing that is the mana pool under her core.” Yolida said.
“That’s another point I must question!” Metris said. “Why did you not implement this to all current dungeons? This breaks the balance of the world if you focus benefits in one place. You KNOW dungeons would become more varied if they were able to liquify their mana and greatly enhance their mana quality, so why do you keep it only for the girl?!”
“Because if other dungeons got it they would all create abominations. Even the young ones would eventually become corrupt by the dungeon instincts that Dia does not have. I removed her dungeon instincts mainly to balance the ability to grow without killing and the mana pool that functions like her body’s mana pool. Also there is a defect to this.” Yolida said making them curious.
“What kind?” Cosmos said curious.
Yulin, the death goddess, sent him a death glare with murderous killing intent making him shrink back knowing that causing trouble with this information would be his downfall.
“The fact that the dungeon core and her soul are technically separate is the reason. The three forces, the core, her soul and the mana pool are all separate things meaning that if you add, change or remove the dungeon core she will still remain alive and the dungeon will remain. The core in her dungeon is a focal point for the dungeon system and that is all, but I made her dungeon rely little on the system until she gets older and needs to do small things like change the theme of just one area of a floor and so on. As for her ghost body, it’s currently a mana body, but as soon as her body completely forms it will be the same as a powerful spirit of the same size and she will keep growing due to her connection to the dungeon.” Yolida said.
“Something like this would be cheating death and is one more ‘broken thing’ about her.” Cosmos commented.
“I've been quite curious where Dia pulls all these creatures from. I understand that most are fairy tales from Earth, but how can a 4 year old possess so much knowledge of them?” Metris commented which peaked their interest. This indeed is a hard question to answer.
They look at Misty who shrugs.
“You simpletons don’t even search her history before anything else.” A slow bored voice called and from a sudden door that appeared, a scholar like man walked in. With a book in hand, he walked while looking at the open book.
This was the god of knowledge, Thesis.
“Who you calling simpleton, bookworm?!” Cosmos said angrily.
“True… calling ‘you’ a simpleton is an insult to the others in the room. They are simpletons, you are an ordinary uneducated moron.” He said in a bored tone making Cosmos extremely pissed off. “Anyway, I have already researched the child’s past. I have used the time chamber to view her parents life all the way to before she was… ‘summoned’.” He said looking at the three goddesses that began to sweat profusely. “Her mother was a college professor in literary arts who studied all old texts and had a rather impressive collection of old folklore which is the origins of all the fairytales the child uses. As for the father, he is a historian and had an equally impressive collection. The brother was a college student aiming for a similar path as his parents. Due to this, the child had extensive exposure to ‘mystic’ creatures and mixing it with her young mind created what we see today. Her ‘fairy wonderland’ which is what is the first floors’ theme as the dungeon system is currently showing. If it was a common cloud dungeon, it would be much less impressive and form many pathways from different islands filled with death in them and pitfalls dropping them off the clouds.” He said.
“So she is following her desires to create the stories she once heard of?” Helena asked.
“Yes and the result is quite a powerful dungeon that is a mixture of our world’s creatures with her dreams. I can bet you all that the moment she gets the chance, she will change it to a different theme. Her brother spoiled her and spent a great deal of time showing her movies of fairy tales and there are some that are quite good. After a while it bores, but she is a child so they were quite fixed into her mind since she likes them. The spirit was made from quite an interesting film and I am sure there are four others she will create in time when she gets the proper theme for them.” Thesis said and turned around.
“You should balance the dungeon system Yolida, it is quite unfair to the others… oh and I recommend not allowing the boy that was injured by that filthy elf to keep his own dungeon. You yourself have said that the girl’s dungeon will separate the mana, core and soul. The boy is in quite a chaotic state of mind, the girl’s ‘positivity’ will do the boy good and the sandman will relieve him of his nightmares. It is better to remove him from being a dungeon from now on.” and after saying this, he leaves.
The gods were quiet for a long time until Yolida turned to the fairies.
“Please return to your dungeons, for… a few days, the bulk of the dungeon system will be off. Oh and Maribell, do you mind retrieving that poor boy and taking him to Dia? It is quite sad, but he isn’t in a state where he can remain as a dungeon without becoming a murderer.” Yolida said.
“Of course my goddess, one question though?” She asked.
“Please ask.”
“Will the ability to create islands for that idiot’s dungeon be off as well?” She asked worried.
“No, expansion systems will be left so as to not affect dungeon growth, but larger systems will be off as I merge some of Dia’s dungeon system to their own. I will grant the knowledge to all fairies, so do not worry if you do not know anything.” Yolida said and Maribell bowed and turned making the portal. She turned once more and bowed to the gods.
“I shall excuse myself then.” And like that she left.
Looking at Misty she flew forward and bowed as well, “I will go and tell Mir what I learned, thank you for the answers.” Misty said and a small swirling rip in space opened. She turned to the others and waved before vanishing.
Once they were gone the gods grew more serious.
“These two dungeons will cause so much trouble for us.” Teresa said.
“It is part of life… and death.” Yulin replied.
“I shall take my leave, inform the other gods that I will be updating the dungeons’ systems and it will make them more dangerous. Monsters and sentient beings should also receive some form of upgrade probably to the status system to allow them to survive the coming wave of trouble.” Yolida said and vanished.
One by one they vanished and soon the entire Gods Realm knew of what was happening and many were interested in the little cloud dungeon.
In the said dungeon, Misty returned and told Mir secretly what she had learned making her completely shocked about what had happened and what she learned.
“So that was why she knew about so many creatures and could imagine them so well… and those fickle gods dammit. They broke the world’s balance and now they all have to get busy to upgrade the entire status system and improve the growth rate of monsters and people. Ah the headache the fairies will have with this.” Mir said shaking her head.
As she was in thought a portal opened, though thanks to Misty she was already prepared for the coming fairies and the dungeon core. It was a big shock for her that Dia’s core was separate from her soul instead of being one, but it made things better since lonely dungeons can always join Dia in here to play with her if the gods sent them her way.
What she did not expect was what came out.
“Grivmir sweetie~~!!” The big fairy jumped out and instantly tackled Mir in a hug while she rubbed her cheeks on Mir’s breasts.
“Get off Bell!!” Mir shouted.
“Man or woman you’re still my only love~! If you can’t change back then~” A mischievous grin appeared mixed with her lewd intent. “...I could always be the one inserting.”
Receiving a kick between the legs with the full force from the wood elf that equaled 5% of her true power from before having her powers taken, the lewd fairy on Mir went flying and ate dirt as she skid across the ground.
Mir stood up and dusted herself off as the fairy flew over. “Ah~! You’re so mean! You know I have higher status now! I can order you into bed now you know that!” She said pouting.
“No… you don’t. Besides I'm currently an elf and dungeon monster, not a dungeon division fairy.” Mir bluntly said causing Maribell to fall into the orz position.
Mir looked at the portal where she saw a 40 cm tall fairy that she was familiar with. This was actually the fairy that she had tried to replace Misty with. With it being unsuccessful, she was sent to the newborn dungeon which was sadly spotted by Clover and attacked.
“We meet again and in the same dungeon, but under such different circumstances.” She said with a wry smile.
“Fate is quite strange.” Mir said.
“Hm… yeah, the goddess of fate is quite strange isn’t she.” Maribell said standing up.
“Watch your tongue, she is also a much more powerful goddess than Yolida and can smite you with a flick of her wrist.” Mir said coldly. “How is he?” Mir asked.
“Bad, I had thought that I could calm him down, but he has entered a deep depression after I returned him to the core. If it goes on the dungeon instincts will start to corrupt his thought process.” the fairy said.
“Misty go get Dia, her shining smile and caring personality will help a lot. Pearl bring him.” Mir said and led the two fairies to the pond.
Once there they could see the cute pink crystal that was 4 cm big and the pond that was 120 cm wide.
“Place it near the other one.” Mir said. Pearl had been filled in by Maribell and floated over, feeling a little sense of dread because the eyes of the other fairies from the dungeon were targeting her. However, she just flew close and released the 1 cm wide core 10 cm away from Dia’s and it dropped for a moment before it stopped in midair and rose again. Soon, it started to rotate and then revolve around Dia’s core as if she was a sun and it was a planet.
The glares instantly vanished as a small string of light began to stretch from Dia’s core to the other. Suddenly the other core lashed out, but Dia’s core was stronger and soon a link was formed. The dark green core suddenly began to brighten to a bright green.
Dia arrived at this time and with the new core attaching it began to sweat liquid, a really large amount. This was the mana it had gathered after running away and now that it was under Dia’s dungeon system, it began to sweat the mana as a liquid. After the water slowly dropped and began to puddle a bit, all that mana began to boil as a little light appeared from the core and flew to the edge. The light then took the form of a very hollow ghost of a boy who was crouched and holding his head.
“No, no… that guy… I will…” He was muttering incoherently.
Mir snuck around and stopped next to Dia to whisper, “This boy was really hurt by that ugly elf that tried to hurt you, why don’t you try and be his friend.”
Although Dia was scared of new people, she was really sweet and knew what it was like to fear others, so hearing such a bad man did him harm made her sad. She nodded and walked forward, stopping behind him.
“H-hello? I-I'm Dia White. What’s your name?” She asked.
Startled the boy looked at her and suddenly looked around. Under the stare of others, he instantly felt a deep dread and he immediately melted into the ground. His sobs and yells could be heard and it made Dia frown. She pouted, lifted her foot and stomped.
The boy shot out of the ground. “Hmpf, you're mean, I asked your name.” Dia pouted.
“You’re mean just *sob* just like him!” He started to cry loudly as he remembered Clover.
Sandy started to fly up and gather his sand, but Dia stopped him and flew off. After a moment she returned with a small hand harp. She stopped in the air near the boy and thought a moment before she began to pluck the strings.
Slowly a slow calming vibrating sound began to spread out from the harp and Dia’s small body shimmering the air as if waves of warm summer heat was all around. It left them comfortable and seemed to make the world brighter.
The boy stopped crying and looked up. He looked at her with wide eyes as he listened to the music. It was still an amateur playing, but this warm tune was able to calm people down and he was no exception. As she finished she put the harp down and walked over.
“Will you tell me your name now?” She asked.
“I… I don’t have one…” He said sadly.
“Then from now on you are Waid, it's my last name's first letter and my name backwards.” Dia said warmly.
He looked at her, blinked a bit and then lowered his gaze, but even in the ghost image you could notice his face blushed a bit. “You're weird…” He muttered.
Seeing that Dia did as asked and befriended him, removing him from his deep dark thoughts, Mir sighed and Pearl had a shining smile and flew forward.
“I'm happy you're okay now Waid!” She said.
“Pearl… sorry I made you worry…” He muttered. He now had a caring mother like fairy and even a body that could touch her unlike before that was just a ghost.
Dia grabbed his hand and started to pull him, “Let me show you my fairy land! It’s really beautiful even if there are ‘ugly’ monsters. My spirits are all pretty and strong.” Dia said and pulled him along.
She dragged him leaving the fairies behind, soon Maribell left returning to her dungeon while Pearl remained, once a dungeon fairy was assigned to a dungeon core they stay with it even if the core moves somehow. The fairy can move the core in cases of emergency when it's still young or if it's broken. If the remaining bit is large enough and gathers enough mana, she can move them using her own mana and they can make a new dungeon, but now she joined another peaceful one and didn’t have to worry so much about the attacking invaders.
With two cores they dripped much more mana water and even after Waid’s core made his ghost form, it released enough for a small puddle to form which was slowly starting to sink due to the floor needing mana, but soon the stone cracks in the walls of the pond released the mana water again as it cycled through the dungeon.
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