《Cloud Dungeon》Chapter 8 Jack the Gentle Giant
Archmage Clover flew in that emerald boat for a day, but the speed of this artifact far surpassed his own speed that was only around 150 mph when using his own magic to fly in the air.
The boat would go almost twice as fast and because of that in only one day flying 200 meters in the air he reached the capital. However, when he got there, some kind of resistance pushed his boat below the clouds which he found strange and what was even stranger was the huge beanstalk surrounded by elves and signs of heavy battle all around.
He felt the magical fluctuations that were the exact same he felt when he was searching for the dungeon, but now it was much closer he felt that it was came from above and not below the ground. To be exact, from the top of the beanstalk.
“Wait! So it really was a cloud!” He exclaimed looking up, but piloted the boat to the royal palace and jumped onto the balcony before calling back the boat and walking into the throne room that the balcony was connected to.
“Big sister, is the dungeon really in the clouds?!” Clover asked as he stormed towards his sister who was on the throne with a few royal elven knights.
“Clover, good you are finally back! Now we just need to wait for those fairies to return and we can start the negotiations.”
“Why has nobody gone to conquer the dungeon yet?” Clover asked his sister.
“There is no need, I was given basic information, this is a new type of dungeon that is much more peaceful than common dungeons. Also, the dungeon’s soul is that of a 4 year old child, most likely human since an elf would still be an infant. Any other details I am unsure yet, but the dungeon, even after making that gigantic beanstalk which is the stairway into the dungeon, closed it off because it attracted monsters and she didn’t want them.” the queen said.
“What kind of dungeon doesn’t want monsters? Whether it is 4 years old or 400 years old, a new animal or monster will create many opportunities for new creatures. I shall resolve this problem without even needing a blasted contract. I just need to enslave that dungeon and our elven nation will gain a powerful weapon to attack other nations.” Clover said turning around, but suddenly he felt impending doom and lifted a magical barrier only for it to break and a dense, to the point of almost being material, mana fist stopped not 1 cm from his nose.
“You will not do anything to endanger a new species of dungeon. We don’t know what monsters she has or what kind of development speed the creatures have. Even with 5 floors she may possess incredibly powerful creatures she can send to attack. Like you said, we can use her to attack and she can do the exact same thing to us if she has the power.” The queen said. “Now return to your chambers and review all the previous accounts of dungeons signing contracts with sentient races. I want to know at the very least the basics of what is asked.” the queen said and withdrew the densely packed mana fist that faded as the mana returned into her body.
Although she isn’t as knowledgeable in terms of spell count as her genius brother, the queen has vigorously trained the few spells she knew to extreme levels that surpass her little brother.
The cold sweat running down his back showed that he shouldn’t take his sister’s words for granted.
He nodded her way and ran quickly to his section of the palace. Being the court mage, an archmage and a duke of the nation had given him lots of responsibilities, but his biggest was always to supply information on the magical side of the world to his sister and, previously, his mother.
As he arrived he let out a sigh. His room was at the back of the royal library and as he looked at the massive interior of the tree that had become the library, he walked towards the center.
Besides the first floor, that had bookshelves circling the central table that was his study area, the rest of the floors formed open floors and bookshelves rose all the way to the top.
His disciples quickly run forward and bow.
“Greetings master!” They all shout together.
There were a total of 30 with the youngest being only 90 years old. Elves possess a life span of at most 800 years in general, but those of royal family normally live longer, around 1,200. The passage of the position of queen happens every 1,000 years and is normally between grandmother to granddaughter unless the queen is killed in which case the next generation takes over. Men don’t become the king as the elven culture revolves around a matriarch, so all the males instantly get the title of prince removed and are called dukes.
“Hello, can someone explain what happened with the dungeon?” Clover asked.
His eldest disciple walked forward.
“Well, first the sky was clear until clouds covered the area, then what followed was an intense earthquake and that giant beanstalk rose from the ground into the clouds and its leaves formed steps to rise up. Instantly the wild animals and monsters began to rush it, but the leaves curled around the trunk blocking passage. What followed was two fairies came down from the dungeon. One called herself Grivmir and was a race known as wood elf, but a fairy type which match the description of ancestral wood elves who were once a fairy race. The other was a small one, but she possessed beastman features as well as fairy features. We are uncertain of her specific type, but both are sentient beings. We weren’t there when it happened and we only reached the throne room when the fairies were about to leave, but they seem to wish to make a beneficial contract between the elves and their dungeon.” the disciple said.
Clover frowned upon hearing this. “The dungeon itself came to do a contract which suggests either heavy planning or that it’s weak.” he thought.
Clover wasn’t buying the thing about the 4 year old dungeon soul.
Suddenly he thought of something making him calm down and sigh. He then dismissed the disciples after telling them to search and bring any records of other dungeons.
Clover walked to his table and his grin widens as he thinks deeper.
“A loose soul is easy to manipulate…” He said and chuckled.
In the dungeon, Mir was sitting on the second floor with the wooden staff on her lap meditating. Around her was a strong movement of mana from all types of elements. The flowers seem excited and the flower warriors even more so as they watch her.
Soon her eyes opened and a small smile appears.
“Now I know the limits of my strength. Thank Yolida that I have 5% of my original power now, this race will have a hard time being upgraded and with this level of strength I am even a match for that elven archmage that came.” She said.
“Hey Mir~! I put all the islands like you said since nothing is growing anymore.” Dia said walking from the pool that now was as big as a small shallow pond.
“Good, before me and Misty go down to the surface we need to make sure you are safe enough.” Mir said.
Dia nodded.
Mir stood up and called some treants and flower warriors.
“Dia, I want you to take one of these big trees and one flower warrior and merge them into the first thing you see okay.” Mir said.
“Will it be scary?” Dia asked.
“Maybe a little, but they are very gentle and are very nice. We are going to make some strong warriors to protect your dungeon.” She said.
Dia was a bit flustered but nodded. She reluctantly called a treant who carefully moved through the garden as it manipulated the flowers and had them move from where it would step.
Stopping outside the circle of water it dropped one of its ‘arms’ which Dia grabs. Dia then bent over and dipped her hand in the pond water.
She soon saw the image of the big tree and the little flower warrior fuses its roots with its and the flower warrior shrank as it's sucked up by the tree.
The next moment the form began to twist and turn, rapidly getting smaller until it stopped at three meters. The frame was humanoid, but it was made of many twisted branches. The face looked very scary with sharp triangle shaped eyes that were black as no light entered them and two antlers like those of reindeer came from the back of its head. The antlers tilted forward and could cover the face like a mask or open up completely backwards.
Then the image split and formed one small one that seem to float while riding something that was missing from the dungeon and the other was twice as bulky and carried a big trunk and looked very powerful.
Opening her eyes the tree began to merge and change. It bent and shrank until in front of her was a towering tree man.
Around them some flower warriors moved to a treant and merged and quickly 10 Tree Warriors appeared. Seven were a smaller kind and three were the bulky kind.
“Good job Dia, you made them perfectly, with these we don’t have to worry about people up to adventurer rank E. The big ones are even stronger and are like mini bosses.” Mir said.
“Do we make a boss as well?” Dia asked shyly.
“It would be best, with him here the dungeon could grow to the third floor instantly when it meets the condition. You can make him however you want.” Mir said.
Nodding slightly Dia just sat down while Mir began to instruct the tree warriors and the bigger tree guardians.
Dia’s senses spread throughout the floor and slowly picks up on all the monsters. She knew by instinct which were strong and which were weak and their abilities even without noticing.
Slowly she removed all the flowers and inanimate plants. Then she looked at all the moving creatures and magical beings.
She looked at Mir, but didn’t think about using her as a boss. However she began to wonder why more of Mir didn’t appear and she asked.
“I'm a very advanced race, it will be hard for it to naturally appear until higher floors. I think only at the fifth floor that naturally born wood elves will appear.” She replied.
Dia nodded and kept looking and she quickly removed all the sea creatures from her list since the boss space is on land. That left her with the spirits.
After thinking a long time she looked at the gnomes.
They were small and a bit strange looking even, but if she combined them would they make a big gnome?
She could feel them underground. They had made a small cave, built a little village with houses made from mushrooms and they had a large mushroom garden underground for them to use as food.
She kept thinking of them as her mind suddenly touched the first floor beanstalk. The moment she did her face brightened up as she knew what her next dungeon boss would be.
Calling a total of ten gnomes she called the strongest one to be the base.
She touches the crown of his head and then closes her eyes. She sees the gnomes and they all begin to glow and turn into big brown wisps before they rotate around the main gnome who also begins to glow and soon absorbs all the others.
Then Dia began to picture the gnome. His body was properly proportioned like a human but kept the gnome hat, he would be strong, he would have orange hair and a beard like the gnomes but unlike the brash gnomes had a very gentle personality but would defend the dungeon when needed.
As she finished, the ball of brown light expanded a lot becoming a tall 5 meter tall gnome.
He smiled at her and she opened her eyes and watched the gnome become her Gentle Giant.
You have created a completely new race. Please name your race.
“Gentle Giant!”
The Race, Gentle Giant has been created.
Gentle Giant
A unique race of the extinct Giant race. This creature was created by a young child dungeon to make a sentient giant race that isn’t violent, but is as powerful as the extinct giant race. They are half as big as the original giants, but possess similar power.
The second floor dungeon boss has been created. By creating the boss, the floor is now stabilized and solid. Because the power of the dungeon boss far surpasses the power level of the dungeon, the power is restrained by 80% to match the floor level. If this creature is moved to become a higher floor dungeon boss the restrictions will decrease as it will be supplied with more mana. For complete control of its power, it needs to live on the 10th Floor.
Dia smiled at the description, but the next message seem like a blur to her. It was like her mind accepted knowledge she wanted, but she became confused when seeing anything a bit more complex. So she called Mir who turned around only to gawk at the giant who sat down cross legged next to the dungeon core.
“Mir! What does this bottom screen say?” Dia asked.
Mir read it before her eyes widened.
“It says this big guy should only be on the tenth floor or else his strength is going to be restricted and he can’t fight as good as he would normally.” Mir said.
Dia looked sad, but Mir smiled.
The gentle giant bent over. “Don be sad dear missy. Jus get big an move tis big uff upstairs.” The giant said in a heavy accent.
Mir already saw that it was a sentient race. The original giants were man eaters and extremely violent causing them to be hunted when a powerful Hero appeared and sent them to extinction all over when he lived.
“Mn.” Dia nodded and thought a while. “I'll call you Jack!” Dia said.
“Ah thank ya dear missy fur da name!” He said smiling wide.
The next moment he began to glow subtly and a ball of light formed in his hand which turned into a wooden mallet.
“What happened?” Dia asked in shock.
“Dia, to a monster, having a name given to them is an honor. Normally natural monsters gain one when they become infamous or famous depending on what they do. Sometimes the system grants them a name after becoming smart enough. A name to a monster will always make them more unique than the others of their kind.” Mir explained.
“Sentient means he can think right? So why can’t he name himself? Also don’t monster mamas name their babies?” Dia asked confused.
“Only those like wood elves. His race will also probably name their young because they can think, but wisps, fairies, nixies, none of them are intelligent enough to do that. That said, in higher floors eventually Undine, Fairy Queens, and other intelligent spirits will be born and will name their offspring making them stronger and stronger as you go up.” Mir said.
“Mir? Isn’t Dia’s strength a bit broken for her floor? She has lots of powerful creatures in lower floors?” Misty asked.
“If they surpass the floor’s power level then their power is restricted until they rise up to the proper floor. Like Jack here, when the third floor can house him he will naturally move upwards and Dia will have to make a new second floor boss that matches the floor power like a more powerful tree warrior or a spirit.” Mir said.
“I think we can go down now right?” Misty asked.
“Yes, we have enough strength built up to protect Dia now.” Mir said and warned Dia to keep the entrance closed until they come back and tell her otherwise.
Like that, the two fairies left the dungeon once more since they could already feel the archmage and couldn’t wait anymore.
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