《Warlock's Gate [DROPPED]》Chapter 2: The Trail of Experience
Chapter 2: The Trail of Experience
With [Aura of Dissonance] activated, Fallon followed Asmodeus deeper into the dungeon without much trouble. [Infernal Gaze] helped her avoid any Gromulus Larva burrowing blindly underground beneath the dungeon paths. The Warlock knew from past experience and conversation with her friend Corbin that Gromulus tended to stay closer to the dungeon’s entrance where they could target weaker Sentinels or unguarded guild members.
‘Only Mutant Gromulus go any deeper because they actually stand a chance against the arachnids.’
Fallon’s stomach flipped unpleasantly when she spotted two of the treacherous Trapdoor Gromulus lurking behind a false wall in the tunnels ahead.
Monster—Trapdoor Gromulus. Rank (D). Level (36).
Trapdoor Gromulus. Health: 4,215/4,215. Mana: 1,089/1,109.
Monster Information: A mutated version of Gromulus that has survived long enough to evolve. Trapdoor Gromulus have elongated arms and short, sturdy legs perfect for grabbing unsuspecting prey and dragging them far beneath the surface beyond the reach of their allies.
Asmodeus’s red horn flickered as his abyssal gaze locked onto the hidden creatures as well. “Should I—”
“No,” Fallon responded through clenched teeth. “We can avoid them.”
Although Trapdoor Gromulus were not classified as intelligent monsters, the monsters made creative use of the Crystal Spider’s webs to create false doors and trap floor panels under which they tunneled and waited patiently. As far as the Sentinels were concerned, they were just monsters driven by the instinct to survive and feed. Whether a D-rank or even B-Rank Sentinel fell into their trap, a Trapdoor Gromulus would react with the same predatory instinct as the spider from which they took their name.
Fallon cast [Cursed Body] through the Dungeon wall and floor and stepped past carefully. Behind her aching jaw and focused gaze, the seventeen-year-old Warlock still remembered the feeling of those corpse-like hands dragging her underground when she was ten years old. Fallon hadn’t reached D-Rank at that age, having only just met Asmodeus at eight years old, and so had no class skills to save herself.
The Warlock clenched her Jabal Short Sword as [Infernal Gaze] picked up four moving red targets just beyond the bend in the tunnels. ‘Finally, Spiderlings!’ Fallon slowed her pace and strengthened her connection to the Dementher’s ether mana as she leaned against the dungeon wall to assess her next prey.
Monster—Crystal Spiderling. Rank (D). Level 17.
Crystal Spiderling. Health: 689/689. Mana: 257/257.
Monster Information: Newborn dungeon arachnids are driven by hunger more than survival instinct and so will feed on anything they come across. They are known to travel in clusters and can prove challenging against a single opponent.
The Spiderlings were much larger than the Gromulus Larva that Fallon had tackled earlier, each roughly the size of a goat. The newborn’s swollen, glowing blue abdomen did little to distract from the monster’s dark upper carapace. Six long hairy legs with vivid blue veins running through them supported the spider’s fragile body and head. Four bright blue eyes were arrayed like a twisted mustache upon the arachnid's face, with the final two eyes on either side curved up along its head for added peripheral vision.
Thanks to the dungeon’s early respawning state, Fallon knew she had at least another hour before the spider nests further inside finished hatching. The Spider Queen Matriarch’s brood would then overrun the dungeon, numbering somewhere in the hundreds, and provide more than enough challenge for the Sentinel Guild’s vanguard group.
For the purposes of Fallon’s hunt, these Spiderlings would provide the majority of experience she would earn until the side passage reconnected with the central tunnels that all led back to Cyren’s Lair. With a grim smile, Fallon quickly pinned down her first group of Spiderlings with [Cursed Body], then dotted them up with [Warlock’s Wrath], and proceeded to skewer each arachnid in turn with her Jabal Short Sword with a round of [Reprisal] to finish the job.
You have defeated level 17 Spiderling. You have obtained 290 experience points.
You have defeated level 16 Spiderling x2. You have obtained 550 experience points.
You have defeated level 18 Spiderling. You have obtained 305 experience points.
‘Better than the Gromulus but still painfully slow,’ Fallon reflected with a grimace as she hacked off a few hairy spider legs to store in the knapsack she had brought along for the hunt. Knowing Asmodeus’s insatiable appetite and unusually fast metabolism, it never hurt to have a few extra snacks on hand to appease her moody familiar.
Item—Crystal Spider Leg. Grade (D). Quality (Lesser) The limb of a giant arachnid. Alchemy reagent.
A spine-tingling crunch drew Fallon’s attention to where the Dementher had ripped the leg of one Spiderling off with his razor-sharp teeth. ‘Well—better than rats, I suppose.’ The Warlock quickly looked away and tried to drown out the noise by humming a tune as she pulled a harvesting knife from her belt.
Weapon—Reinforced Blue-Steel Dagger. Grade (D). Quality (Common) Forged from Iron, Coke, and Limestone tempered with Crubal Crystals. A sharp dagger perfect for skinning and harvesting lower-tier monsters. Deals 6% physical damage.
Although Harvesting took time away from slaying monsters, it was a necessary part of Fallon’s hunting ritual. Every D-Ranked monster carried two essential items that no Sentinel worth their Guild license would overlook. The first item being a Dissonance Stone, which was generally located inside the monster’s brain. Dissonance Stones were used regularly by Sentinels as they had the same magical properties as Fallon’s skill [Aura of Dissonance] which allowed Sentinels to rest safely between fights inside a dungeon without having to worry about a Gromulus sneaking up on them.
With [Infernal Gaze] still active, Fallon cut through the tough chitin around the spider’s head, then pulled away the outer exoskeleton and eyes to reveal the slimy mustard-colored organ of the brain within. The Warlock’s skill also helped her pinpoint where the Dissonance Stone had attached itself inside the monster's brain. She made a quick incision and pried the lump of dull turquoise-blue stone free.
At first glance, a Dissonance Stone might seem like any other rock found by a river or water source to the naked eye. Aside from the rock’s unusual color, the stone was smooth and round, with the fossil-like shape of a worm pressed against its surface.
Item—Dissonance Stone An object of mysterious power that obscures the wielder from detection by Dungeon and Gate Monsters. Unintelligent monsters will not attack unless you come within striking distance. This effect does not work on intelligent or humanoid monsters.
Mages theorized that the worm was an alien parasite that had taken over the monsters on other worlds and transformed them into dungeon abominations. This theory explained why having a Dissonance Stone while traveling through a dungeon greatly decreased the chances of a Sentinel being attacked by unprovoked monsters.
Unfortunately, once a Dissonance Stone was taken out of a Dungeon, its effect deteriorated within a month. Any Dissonance Stones left inside a Dungeon were reabsorbed along with all other monster remains in preparation for the Dungeon’s respawn.
Fallon didn’t care to speculate on the origin or purpose of these strange stones in either case, having no personal need for them. She collected them only to sell them back to either the Sentinel Guild or Mage Guild and occasionally to traveling merchants who were willing to pay top price for an extra bit of insurance against monsters on the roads between the great cities of Orinthian. With the help of [Infernal Gaze], Fallon was able to detect a deep pulsating dark-purple ether that rested harmlessly inside the dull turquoise stone.
‘Probably residual ether from whatever parasite this fossil once held.’
The Warlock added the Dissonance Stone to a leather pouch on her belt and moved on to harvest the second item, one that held far more value to Fallon and other Sentinels hungry for growth and power.
Contained inside the heart of each monster D-rank or higher was a Monster Fragment. The Warlock had plenty of experience harvesting fragments from Spiderlings in the past. She rocked eagerly back up onto her feet and moved confidently towards the back of the arachnid’s abdomen. With her Blue-Steel Dagger, Fallon cut through the Spiderling’s softer exoskeleton with practiced precision to reveal a jagged onyx-crystal that glittered like a frozen tear from the abyss.
Item—Monster Fragment. Grade (D). Quality (Lesser) The incomplete fragment of a monster core which can be harvested from any monsters of D-Rank or higher. Note: Item can be consumed to receive additional experience through Cultivation, required Skill [Ether Refinement]; or Alchemy, required Crafting Skills [Fragment Fusion] and [Core Refinement.]
‘I’ll save you for later,’ Fallon promised the fragment and promptly stored it inside another pouch on her inventory belt.
The Warlock finished harvesting three more dissonance stones and monster fragments from the remaining arachnids then wiped her blade on the back of the last Spiderling and continued down the winding tunnel. Not even two minutes later, Fallon could already hear the next cluster of Spiderlings skittering about the Dungeon tunnels searching for Gromulus to eat. The arachnid's glowing round abdomens almost blended in with the larger Crubal Crystals of the cavern walls.
The Warlock continued her methodical hunt with growing impatience as her experience filled up at a snail's pace. Occasionally her progress was hampered by walls of spider webs that blocked off sections of the tunnel where unhatched spiderlings waited in relative safety. Fallon sliced through the web easily with her Jabal Sword and killed off any Spiderlings that might have hatched before continuing on her way. The rest of the eggs she left to hatch and feed off the corpses of their fallen siblings, hopefully covering Fallon’s tracks before the first group of Sentinels entered the dungeon later that morning.
Another annoying obstacle appeared after her thirteenth slain Spiderling. A Horned Crystal Spider had layered the floor, ceiling, and walls of the dungeon in spiderwebs to trap any prey stupid enough to stumble inside.
“I’ll handle this,” Asmodeus said confidently as the Warlock let out an impatient sigh, crossed her arms, and stepped back out of his way. The Dementher drew in a deep breath and then bathed the webby path in a spray of [Infernal Flame]. Fallon smiled as the familiar’s tail twitched in appreciation of the crimson red flames that spread greedily along the tunnel until the last of the web had been consumed. Asmodeus turned to her then with an expectant look.
“Thank you, little dragon!” Fallon replied sweetly as she drew her sword and stepped cautiously forward.
The Dementher scowled and shook itself with visible disgust. “Dragon? Have you ever seen a Dragon as magnificent as me?” the familiar muttered sullenly as his attention turned to the cluster of Spiderling Eggs left behind them. “Do you mind if I?”
Fallon grimaced but shrugged. “Make it quick. That Horned Spider will be on its way back to check its web. If he brings any friends, I may need your help.”
A short while later, the Horned Spider had not yet appeared. Asmodeus finished off the eight spider eggs and contentedly licked the translucent blue, still slightly glowing, amniotic fluid from his mouth as he rejoined her.
“Maybe the Horned Spider found something else to eat further in,” Fallon scoffed with annoyance as she crossed through the charred Dungeon tunnel.
“We’ll find out soon enough,” the Dementher replied, clearly in a better mood now that his stomach was full. ‘However long that will last.’
Instead of a Horned Spider, the Warlock only found more clusters of Spiderlings that had hatched from their eggs. She pinned the hungry arachnids down and watched her experience bar tick up slowly as she gathered dissonance stones and monster fragments. The routine grew dull with each defeated cluster, and Fallon’s sword arm grew heavier, as her kill count crossed twenty-five Spiderlings. She paused when Asmodeus was happily gorging himself on another spider leg to pull out her mirror and check her progress.
Fallon Gaumond. Nucleus (Ingenium). Class (Warlock). Rank (D). Level (24). Warlock Fallon. Health: 2239/2239. Mana: 319/895. Experience till next level: 20,842/104,675. Status Effects: [Aura of Dissonance], [Familiar’s Ether Link], and [Infernal Gaze].
‘Not bad if I had more than a few hours each week to farm monsters I can safely solo,’ Fallon lamented as she shoved the mirror back in her leather trousers and continued the grind. Whenever the Warlock tried to change up her approach to relieve the monotony, Asmodeus was quick to criticize her for the wasted mana.
“I know you think I’m some sort of bottomless potion of Ether Mana, but do try to take this seriously,” the Dementher grumbled as he stepped over a barely nibbled spider leg that he had apparently lost interest in.
“I’m bored,” Fallon sighed as she added the twenty-fifth monster fragment to her belt. “We should have run into at least a few Horned Spiders by now. At this rate, I’ll be lucky to level up before the next Guild assessment.”
“Stop whining!” Asmodeus’s voice sharpened with annoyance. “Maybe if you could get your hands on a proper weapon, we could try something harder.”
Fallon shot him a glare as she kicked the arachnid corpse aside and strode down the tunnel.
“Don’t sulk,” the Dementher chided gently as his six hooves clipped rhythmically against the Dungeon floor behind her. “I’m better than any weapon they possess in your world.”
“What good is a weapon that I can’t use?” Fallon hissed as she hefted her sword and focused on the next cluster of Spiderlings that had yet to notice her approach. “A spare sword is the best I can do. Thanks to my father, no blacksmith or armorer will let me set even one foot inside their shop for fear of offending a Praeditus.”
The first Spiderling turned its glowing blue eyes towards her just as Fallon fired off another burst round of [Cursed Body] to trap the arachnid and its comrades in place.
“If you can’t even set foot inside a shop, then how did you get—” Asmodeus’s serpent tail flicked from side to side with irritation, “—never mind—let me guess, your friend?”
“Corbin? Yes, he helped me—again,” Fallon replied after she finished applying [Warlock’s Wrath] to the five trapped arachnids. The Warlock stepped forward immediately to stab each Spiderling twice through the abdomen while being careful to avoid their fragments. She remained intently focused on her killing routine until the last monster had died.
You have defeated level 17 Spiderling x3. You have obtained 870 experience points.
You have defeated level 18 Spiderling x2. You have obtained 610 experience points.
“This is Corbin’s—spare practice sword,” Fallon panted as she wiped the Jabal Sword clean on a spider leg, then sheathed it and pulled out her Steel Blue Dagger. “After I lost the other two swords he loaned me—I was lucky he agreed to give me this!”
“I thought you said he just reached C-Rank. That Guardian must be doing rather well to have a spare C-Grade sword lying about that he can loan out to someone with a history of losing swords.”
“That’s why you’ll be in charge of keeping this sword safe and hidden from Dad when we’re not monster hunting,” Fallon growled as she carved her way into another spider brain. “Besides, I know I already told you that Corbin’s dad is Highguard’s City Commander.” She plucked the dissonance stone free and flicked residual mustard-yellow fat from her leather glove. “He’s a Praeditus, just like my father. Corbin could have an entire armory of weapons if his stepmother wasn’t such a severe ascetic. Well, Beatrix is more of his ex-stepmother now, but still.”
“Your mortal friends and their familial relationships mean nothing to me, Warlock,” Asmodeus replied with annoyed disinterest.
Fallon glanced over her shoulder at the moodier than usual Dementher and shrugged as she moved on down the cave. A few yards later, the Warlock’s brisk pace slowed and then came to an abrupt halt as she stood before the corpse of an even larger spider with a hardened crystal exoskeleton that covered its legs, carapace, and formed two sharp horns on its head.
Monster—Horned Crystal Spider. Rank (D). Level (28).
Horned Spider. Health: 0/1,966. Mana: 594/599.
Monster Information: These fully grown adult arachnids have learned the basic instincts of survival. Their crystal exoskeletons are formed from Crubal Crystals gathered from the dungeon walls. They are fiercely protective of their lair and their young and are capable of setting traps or barricades with their webs.
“This isn’t good,” Fallon muttered as she circled the fallen arachnid, which was roughly the size of a donkey, and stopped when she found a broken arrow lodged in one of the Horned Spider’s ruptured peripheral eyes. “Looks like it only got to use a single skill before it died.”
“Look at its abdomen,” Asmodeus called out as he sniffed the scorched hole in the armored arachnid's lower body. “Fire magic.”
“So a Ranger and Fire Mage are down here?” Fallon whispered tensely. “They must have entered before us and taken the other side path.” The Warlock exhaled and moved around the severed, smashed, and disfigured spider legs. “A fighter class too, by the looks of it.”
“A Defender class, probably.”
“Right,” Fallon muttered in agreement as she examined the tunnel ahead where more slain Horned Spiders were left in a bloody, broken trail.
When it came to a dungeon party’s composition, the most essential member of any group was its Defender class, often referred to simply as Shield. This was because the only Sentinel class that specialized in healing, the Mender, was so rare to come by that each delving party relied heavily on their Shield being capable enough to control monster aggro, and strong enough to survive an arduous beating.
Due to the risks involved with delving without a Mender on hand to ensure survival, Shields were forced to hunt inside dungeons one rank below their current rank. As a result, they usually walked away with the largest share of monster fragments harvested and generally had the first choice of drops from each dungeon boss. The Sentinel Guild also covered all potions used by each team's Shield during a dungeon clear on top of a generous 50% discount to any repairs needed for a Shield's gear. Despite the perks that came with choosing a Defender-type class, it was nowhere near as popular as other fighter classes like the Assassin, Duelist, or Ranger.
‘So I’m not alone?’ Fallon shifted her left hand to her hip as she scoffed quietly. ‘Guess that means I’m not the only one risking corporal punishment by sneaking down here after hours.’ The Warlock’s cynical smile faded as she turned from the trail of monster corpses to examine the Horned Spider beside her. Not bothering to switch weapons this time, Fallon slid her Jabal Sword inside through the creature's abdomen to reveal an untouched jagged shard. “Oh, come on! They’re not even bothering to harvest their Monster Fragments!”
“You know what that means,” Asmodeus replied with noted annoyance.
“These assholes are doing a speed run to level up some pampered Praeditus before the guild comes in to clear. Damn it! Do they really think the Warden won’t notice if they’re this blatant about it?”
“Maybe they have the Warden’s permission?”
“Beatrix is too much of a bluenose to accept bribes. She wouldn’t even let Corbin, her own step-son, get away with using any of his Praeditus privileges.”
“Do you really need me to explain the complexities of human nature to you, Warlock?” Asmodeus asked with an audible sneer. Fallon shot him a glare but said nothing as she moved on to harvest the next monster fragment. The Warlock ignored the dissonance stones as she pocketed the shard and turned to stare down the tunnel.
“Shall we call it a morning then?” the Dementher asked as he glided up behind her. “You still have a few hours before you have to prepare for your official Praeditus duties.”
“No,” Fallon hissed as she kicked over a Horned Spider and then pulled an unbroken arrow from its back. “Ha!”
Item—Jabal Arrow. Grade (C). Quality (Common) Forged from Ore mined from Jabal Mountain. Adds 3% to physical damage when used with a Bow.
“You know—” Fallon said with a devilish smile as she turned the arrow over and glanced at her familiar, “—there’s only one C-Ranked monster in the Crystal Dungeon worth incurring the Warden’s wrath.” The Warlock tapped the arrow against her shoulder as she turned towards the heart of the dungeon itself. “I’d bet a hundred Prums that they're headed to Cyren’s Lair.”
The Dementher’s abyssal eyes turned in the direction of Fallon’s focused attention as his gaze pierced through the Dungeon walls. The familiar’s horn shone as he nodded his head slowly. “So it would appear, Warlock.”
“Not only does the Spider Queen Matriarch drop a shit load of experience, but Cyren is guaranteed to drop a D-Grade Monster Core.” Fallon tossed the arrow aside as she stepped closer to her familiar. “Speed run or not, whoever the Praeditus is that bribed this Sentinel group to perform an illegal delve, they’re probably after Cyren’s Monster Core.”
“It sounds like you have another plan in mind,” Asmodeus observed as he studied the Warlock with an almost perceptible smile.
“I do—” Fallon replied, her grin widening, “—but I’m going to need your help on this one, Asmodeus.”
“Going up against a C-Ranked Defender Class, Ranger, and Fire Mage? Obviously, you will,” the Dementher replied with a dramatic eye roll. “Still, if it means I get to mess with a bunch of puny humans—”
“While getting me a shit load of experience.”
“—count me in then.” Asmodeus’s wolf-like fangs glinted as he grinned back at the Warlock.
Fallon’s topaz-blue eyes gleamed as she nodded and sheathed her sword. The Warlock strode past the line of dead Horned Spiders without a second glance and headed towards the Dungeon’s Boss Lair. “Let’s steal some experience.”
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