《The Merge》The Merge – Chapter 15 (Alpha) Part-2


This chapter has been proof-read by: AnthonyL

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It took Rambo and I only a few minutes to reach the baseball field next to the arena. Seemingly happy to be out alone with me, Rambo began to joyfully climb the spectator benches and was bunny hopping all over the place. As for me, I was looking up in the air, trying to figure out a way to get to the speakers while keeping an eye on Rambo.

These horn speakers were out of reach since they were fixed at the top of giant wooden poles similar to those used for street lights. Well, it wasn't like there were any cops around to accuse me of vandalism anymore. With that in mind, I grabbed my machete and began to expel red mist while glaring at the thick wooden pole.

I squeezed the handle of my machete and tightened my muscles as hard as I could before launching an explosive slash at my target. The result surprised even me. I was expecting to be able to bring it down with a single hit but my machete ended up snapping in half mid-way through the pole.

Seemed like I had become too strong to use my full strength on a normal metal tool. Would I end up needing a massive sword like 'Guts' from the manga Berserk? My body had become something completely different from anything you could find on earth. Even without using red mist, I was now strong enough to effortlessly bend a 5 cm thick iron bar.

It was very hard to say how powerful I was when using red mist. I had tried to find out recently, but everything I tried using to measure my strength had ended up being destroyed in the process. Seeing me glare at the wooden pole, Rambo reacted by growling and angrily biting at it.

Observing the little fellow chomping pieces of wood as if it was Styrofoam made me laugh at how stupid I was. Following Rambo's example, I tightened my fist and threw a powerful punch at the pole which made it snap in half and sent pieces of wood fly everywhere. In a loud thud, the pole then fell to the ground, giving me easy access to the speakers.

Seeing the defeated wooden pole, Rambo looked at me with excitement in his eyes while bobbing his head up and down. To him, this pole was probably an enemy that we had both defeated by fighting together. I congratulated him by patting him on the head then went on with my task. I didn't waste time unscrewing the speakers, but simply ripped them off the pole with brute strength. When you have overwhelming strength, why not use it?

Now with 3 powerful speakers in hands, I began the short trek to where we had positioned the trap. When Rambo and I arrived, the others had already brought the trailer loaded with the batteries, and were in the process of connecting everything. With the help of Léopaul, I installed the speakers and linked everything to a waterproof radio. The night before, I had created a sound file of Big Boy's roar that should normally play on repeat for as long as we wanted.

A few hours later, the trap was done and ready for action. I pressed play on the radio, turned the volume up as much as I could then we all took a ride back to the hospital. “ROAAARRRRRrrR! ... ... ... ... ... ROAAARRRRRrrR! ... ... ... ... ... ROAAARRRRRrrR!” We climbed on top of the hospital roof and patiently sat on some camping chairs placed in an area of the roof offering a perfect view of the trap.


“ROAAARRRRRrrR! ... ... ... ... ... ROAAARRRRRrrR! ... ... ... ... ... ROAAARRRRRrrR!” Hearing a powerful dragon roar play on repeat gave a truly unnerving feeling and I could sense the others' nervousness. As for Rambo, hearing this made him decide to practice his own roar. “Guaaa! Guaaa! Guaaa!” Since the king dragon could arrive at any moment, I decided to put the batteries into the remote that would be used to trigger the two stages of the trap.

5 hours later... “ROAAARRRRRrrR! ... ... ... ... ... ROAAARRRRRrrR! ... ... ... ... ... ROAAARRRRRrrR!” There was still no sign of the king dragon. Rambo had fallen asleep out of boredom and almost everybody else was gone as well. Right now, it was only me and Emanuela who now seemed to be feeling well enough to walk around.

“Do you really think it'll work? I mean... It's been 5 hours already.” Asked the beautiful Spanish woman. “Ummmm I think it will... I can't blame the others for losing faith. If I wasn't a hunter myself, I would probably be losing hope as well, but I know for a fact that hunting is a sport that necessitates a lot of patience. I won't give up that easily.” I answered with a lot of determination in my voice while patting the sleeping dragon on my laps.

Some time later, the sun was already beginning to set and even Emanuela was gone. Seemed like this hunt would have to be halted for the night and resumed tomorrow. To be honest, I had already anticipated the possibility of this hunt being dragged on for a few days. I would need to go stop the recording and call it off for the day.

As I was about to get up from my chair, Rambo suddenly stood up and began to growl. I had never seen him act that way so I immediately suspected the king dragon to be the reason for it. I looked up to the sky and soon enough, spotted a familiar silhouette in the distance heading toward us.

This was the moment I had waited for. Excited, I leaned my sniper rifle against the railing and grabbed the remote controlling the bomb's detonator. “GRRRRRrrrrrrrrr Bad dwagonn! Badd dwagonn!” These were the words I would usually say when Rambo did something bad. Seemed like he was understanding their meanings and not mindlessly repeating them like some parrots.

The giant monstrosity flew overhead a few times and seemed perplex to hear a dragon without being able to see it. Eventually, curiosity took over and the creepy creature decided to land right next to the bomb. It began to sniff around and even bent down to take a closer look at the speakers, where the dragon's voice came from. I could not have hoped for a better scenario as the creature had landed straight into the trap.

I activated the remote and pressed the first button for phase one. As I did so, the teaser carpet activated, paralyzing the creature which fell to the ground on its side. At the same time, a small explosion busted open the tanks containing Camille's deadly gases. Since the king dragon was paralyzed, he could do nothing but breathe in these toxic cocktails.

Of course, the teaser carpet couldn't hold the creature down for too long as it drained up a lot of electricity and eventually began to lose power. When that happened, the king dragon eventually began to move again after having been paralyzed for 5 to 6 seconds. As soon as I saw it try to get back up, I pressed the phase two button.

Phase two was also called 'Mother Of All Bombs' aka MOAB by the others. Not only was 'lil boy' powerful enough to make an apartment building disappear, but it was also rigged with deadly shrapnel, liquid chlorine and sulphuric acid. When I pressed the button, BOOOOM!! The resulting explosion was indescribable.


Unlike these explosion in movies which produce a lot of fire and seem to go in slow motion, this explosion had been brutal and instantaneous. It was a case of, you see it, now you can't. A giant shock-wave travelling so fast that you could barely see it then travelled through the entire town and instantly shattered every window in the neighbourhood.

The sound was the next thing that hit me. So loud that even Rambo ducked and placed his wings over his head. Then, it all went silent. All you could hear were the debris raining from the sky hitting the ground and buildings all around. When the biggest debris finally stopped falling from the sky, I rapidly stood up and looked at the result through my rifle scope.

There was a giant smoke cloud forming a miniature atomic mushroom and covering the entire area. In the beginning, there was no movement but suddenly, a torrent of flames began to emerge from the smoke, the king dragon's tail also seemed to be madly thrashing around. This thing was even worse than a battleship. Could it have really survived this trap? We couldn't do anything more than this at this point and if it failed, we would be out of ideas.

A few more seconds later, the giant creature eventually emerged from the smoke, finally allowing me to take a good look at it. Seemed like the trap had been successful after all. The giant monster had deep wounds on its legs and its wings had been shredded. This thing was not going to leave here through the air.

The king dragon fell on the ground but kept struggling to move, destroying a few buildings and coughing blood in the process. While I was observing the scene with wet palms and dry mouth, the others came running up to me after having heard the huge explosion. “Did we get it?” Inquired Marc who seemed surprisingly enthusiastic about all this all of a sudden.

“Yea, it's still alive but it won't survive its wounds.” I answered while trying to regain my composure. Even today, this giant creature out there continued to terrify me. Its appearance on its own was enough to send chills down my spine. “I am curious to see what this thing looks like.” then added Robert.

“Yea I can't wait to stock up on dragon meat. But nobody approach this thing before I confirm its death.” I worryingly added. I had all these horror scenarios of me getting close to it then seeing it get back to life like magic. I had no idea if dragons had the habit of playing possum, but I knew to never underestimate them since they were incredibly smart.

An hour later, the sun was down and everything was already shrouded into darkness. We couldn't see anything but we could clearly hear the beast growling in pain. It lasted for hours then everything went silent. I waited until sunrise before making my move and took my pick-up truck loaded with empty plastic barrels and headed toward the carcass.

I parked a safe distance away and observed Rambo's reaction. If he didn't approach it, I felt like it would be better if I didn't either. But as soon as Rambo got out of the car, he ran up to the body, jumped on its head and stared into one of its eyes. I was curiously observing him, unable to understand his strange behaviour.

“Rambo?..... Rambo!!?” No responses. Rambo simply ignored me and kept staring into its eye as if he was doing something that couldn't be interrupted. Still curious, I walked up to him and observed closely. From up close, I could see a faint stream of red mist which was travelling from the giant king dragon's eye, to Rambo's little red eyes.

Was he absorbing his strength or something? Interested by this phenomena, I kept observing but eventually got bored of it and began my work. I pulled out my gas powered concrete saw and made a cut to its carotid artery in its neck. Then, I placed a barrel under the wound to collect as much blood as possible. I intended to used everything and not waste anything on this precious catch.

I then made another incision to its belly, grabbed its giant heart with both arms and began to manually make it pump blood which was being drained through the wound on its neck. That way, I rapidly collected 6 barrels of blood which I then loaded in the back of my truck before beginning to butcher the meat.

As I was cutting pieces of meat and stuffing them into barrels, Rambo was still staring into the creature eye which gave me an uncomfortable feeling. As I was considering forceful breaking his link or whatever this was, Rambo then shook his head and stepped down from the beast's head.

“Are you alright?” I asked him while crouching to his height. “Tyrian nok darum tinar kul ak diran.” Then clearly spoke Rambo. “The hell? What language was that?” I was stomped. Had Rambo somehow downloaded information from the king dragon or something? I was puzzled, worried and overwhelmed by how everything in this world seemed implausibly magical.

Maybe because he could sense my worries, Rambo then spoke with words I could understand. “Rambo love fawter. Fawter strong.” He then innocently tilted his head and stared at me. Seeing the love in his eyes made my heart melt. “Daddy love you too!!” I said while holding him tightly into my arms.

Was this foreign language dragon tongue or something else? I felt like learning it would allow me to speak with Rambo about the mysteries of this world. Or maybe it would be simpler for me to wait for him to learn English. “Is it dead? Can we safely come now?” Asked Robert through the radio.

“Yes it's safe now.” I shortly answered before getting back to what I was previously doing. I pulled my knife out and extracted the beast's eye, then turned its head around to get the second eye but noticed that it had been damaged by the explosion. Seemed like I could only get one eye out of this.

Between the eye of a common dragon and the eye of a dragon eating monster, it was obvious which one was superior to the other. My necklace was meant to intimidate and scare away other dragons, so the eye of their natural predator was obviously what I needed. This new eye was yellow instead of red and was a bit bigger, but I was certain that Alice would be able to make it fit on my necklace.

I stuffed the new eye inside my backpack and continued with the butchering while Rambo was busy eating as much of the beast's liver as he could. Livers were Rambo's favourite pieces of meat. A few minutes later, the others finally arrived and their expressions as they stepped out of their truck was priceless. Even if the creature was dead, they seemed afraid of coming any closer.

They began to take pictures in front of it but only Robert came close enough to touch it. “What the hell is that thing? I thought you said it was a dragon but... No matter how I look at it, this thing doesn't look like one at all.” Said Robert with a puzzled look on his face. “I know what you mean, but except for its head, its entire body is that of a dragon. It can also spit fire which should be enough to confirm it as a dragon...”

“RRRRRoooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!” A loud roar suddenly broke our conversation and made us look to the sky. What we saw left our jaws hanging in disbelief. Around 6 or 7 young dragons were flying in circles overhead and big boy was most likely among them as well. “Everybody go back to the hospital NOW!”

The guys quickly scrambled around and rapidly drove off in a cloud of dust, leaving me and Rambo to deal with whatever was going on. Since big boy seemed to be with them, I doubted that they were here to attack me, but I still decided to put Rambo in the truck as precaution. I quickly loaded the barrels of meat I had butchered in the back of my vehicle and prepared to leave when one of the dragons suddenly decided to land behind me.

“Shhhhhh Shhhhhh Biggg Boyyyyy” Ufff confirming that it was indeed big boy reassured me but then, the remaining dragons did the same, they landed on the king dragon's carcass and all stared at me. They looked like a bunch of vultures ready to devour a prey. Seeing so many dragons' eyes glaring at me almost made me faint out of fear, but as the seconds went by without sign of them doing anything, I eventually calmed down.

What were they doing, why weren't they eating? Then big boy walked up to the carcass, ripped the beast's heart and brought it to me. The 6 dragons were staring and observing my every move which made me feel very unconformable. Seeing the giant piece of bloody flesh in front of me, made me remember something that had happened with Rambo a while back.

Curious to see if it was the same thing, I placed a hand on the heart and pretended to take a few bites out of it. As soon as I did that, the 6 dragons dug their head inside the carcass and began to devour it as fast as they could like a group of piranhas.

This was the same thing Rambo had done when catching a snake. Accepting me as the alpha, he was waiting for me to eat my part of a prey first before eating his share. By the looks of it, I was now the leader of a pack of juvenile dragons. Where were they even coming from? Were they the dragons from the king dragon's cave that big boy had went and freed?

Seeing 6 dragons rapidly dismember the giant corpse was unsettling, so I jumped back into my vehicle where Rambo had been curiously observing the scene from and drove away toward the hospital. I wanted this creature's bones, so hopefully they wouldn't eat or scatter them. But for now, this carcass was theirs and I didn't intend to get between dragons and their meal.

I was nervous while thinking about what had just happened and prayed for this dragon situation not to get out of hand.

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