《The Merge》The Merge – Chapter 10 (Captive)


This chapter has been proof-read by: AnthonyL

First published on my wordpress: Here


“HELLO?! THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!!!!!! EVERYBODY GET BACK INSIDE!!!!” Still in panic, I was anxiously waiting for a response which came a few seconds later. “Hello? What’s going on, is there a problem?” Usually Camille was the one in charge of the radio but the one to answer this time was Emanuela.

“Tell everybody to get back inside, don’t make unnecessary noises, don’t cook smelly food and shut down anything that consumes electricity and isn’t absolutely necessary.” I then said while trying to stay calm. This was all I could think of at the moment, hopefully these precautions would be enough to protect them.

“O-Okay! Camille and Robert just got out for a quick patrol, I’ll try to contact them via radio, wait a sec.” She hurriedly said before going silent for a few minutes. While she was trying to contact them via walkies-talkie radios, I leaned closer to my monitor and watched the video a few more times.

This 43 seconds video, I just couldn’t get used to what it showed. The images contained in this short video would send shivers down my spines every time I watched it. Knowing that such a creature existed in this world should be enough to push many people toward suicide. At least this was the feeling I got from it.

The video was beginning with a giant flying creature coming down from the sky and land on my front lawn. This creature was as big as my 2 storey house so the camera showed only the lower part of its body. From it’s lower body, there was no doubt that this was a dragon, and a big one at that, but this was where things started to get weird.

Not only was this thing easily 5 to 6 times bigger than the first dragon I had met, but the general appearance of its body was also totally different. This one was silvery black in colour and had spikes and horns everywhere. Its body was entirely covered in what seemed like spiky armour plates. The first dragon I had seen had a weaker belly, but this one didn’t seem to have any flaws in its armour.

Its toes were very long but the claws on them were even more impressive. At first glance, this thing appeared to have feet similar to an eagle’s when you looked at its sharp and murderous looking talons. Its wings were also covered with spikes and armour plating. The beast had a long, sharp and bony looking tail.

The first dragon I had seen was walking on 4 legs, using its wings as front legs like bats. This one though was walking upright, like a bird or even like a raptor or a t-rex. The giant creature then walked around my yard and stopped next to the dragon skull I had been keeping there.

It is when the creature bent its neck and body downward to get a closer look at the skull, that I finally saw the creature’s head which remained visible for only 5 seconds in the video. The sight of this creature’s face was something I would never be able to forget and would probably see in my nightmares for the rest of my life.

This was not the head of a dragon, at least not what I would have envisioned it to look like. Its short snout and eyes facing forward instead of being on each side of its head gave it an eerie humanoid appearance. No, not humanoid but more like a demon. This thing was a dragon on steroids with the head of a demon attached to it.


The lack of lips made its razor sharp teeth fully visible, making it appear as if the beast was constantly grinning. The creature also had long vivid red tendrils or horns growing on its head down its neck, giving the impression of fiery red hair. This thing made me think of a harpy more than it made me think of a dragon because of its hellish looking head.

Even through the camera, I felt as if the creature could peer deep into my soul, giving me goosebumps in the process. The beast then stomped onto the skull, partially crushing it then trashed it around before taking-off into the sky toward who knows where. The creature had reacted violently to the skull which made me think that both species were probably mortal enemies. If this thing saw my necklace, it would most likely enrage it instead of protecting me against it.

Was this creature aware of our presence here? Had it simply happened to fly by or was it regularly hunting in the area? My first thought was to lay low and hide for a few days, hoping the beast would leave this area for a new one, but I had no knowledge of their natural behaviour. If we were in the middle of its territory, then we had a serious problem on our hands.

As I was deep in thought, Emanuela finally answered back through the radio. “I-I couldn’t contact them. They must be in a valley or something because I can’t get through them right now.” Fuck! Had the creature gotten to them already? Where they really in an unreachable area or where they dead?

Why did it had to be Robert and Camille, why my two favourite people of them all. Couldn’t it have been Marc out there instead? I would not have cared as much if this was the case. Frustrated, worried and completely torn by my current dilemma, I leaned back into my chair and pulled my hair with both hands. “GRRrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa FUCKKKKKkkkkkkkk! Ignore them! Ignore them!”

I was punching the sides of my head, trying to stop my mind from thinking of stupid things to do. Maybe they were perfectly alright, maybe the dragon was already long gone and Robert and Camille truly were in a dead spot where radio won’t work. I just needed to wait for them to get back to the hospital.

“Hello Nate? What’s going on? Tell me, what is happening?!” This time I could clearly hear the worries in her voice. Should I tell her the truth? Or should I pretend like everything was going to be alright to prevent her and the others from panicking. I was already panicking myself so I thought for a moment that keeping the truth from them would be for the best but finally opted for partial truth instead.

“W-we… have a dragon problem.” This time the answer came immediately. “WHATT??? Camille and Robert are out there! We need to do something!!!!” This reply didn’t fail to annoy me as I was already struggling with the same dilemma. I was still recovering from my 7 days of “coma” after being poisoned and didn’t really have the strength to battle a steroid dragon, but I also felt like I had no other choice than do something.

Determined, I grabbed the radio one last time. “All of you, stay and hide inside, I will go get them. Emanuela, you keep trying to join them via radio.” I hung down the radio and staggered back to the kitchen area. There, I took some painkiller mixed with a few sips of vodka, then filled my bag with a few pipe bombs, batteries, bullets and everything I thought could be needed if things went wrong.


I sat for a few seconds, completely emptied of energy, sweating like a pig and trying to catch back my breath. I was certainly not in any condition to be going out at the moment but as long as I only needed to drive, I should be alright. The plan was to find them, tell them to rush back to the hospital then come back here. I was also carrying my radio so that I would know if Emanuela finally managed to reach them.

Feeling like I had wasted enough time, I stood up and grabbed a set of keys hanging near the entrance. I looked at them with nostalgia before apologizing to my deceased father. “I’ll be taking the ‘red dragon’ to go save these people dad. I know this car meant a lot to you, but these people are all I have left in this world. Please look over me and grant me your protection so that your beloved car and I may come back safely.”

Struggling to stay on my feet, I staggered my way out of the bunker and up to the garage. My backpack felt like it was loaded with rocks and my legs were shaking, threatening to give up at any time. I went outside and walked to the side of the house. There it was, laid under a grey tarp, my father’s corvette.

I removed the tarp, loaded my backpack onto the passenger seat and collapsed in mine. I was seeing double and everything was slowly becoming blurry, a bit like when you are drunk. Well, I was used to this feeling so I decided to push through it. I then stick the key into the ignition and let the V8 resurrect from its ashes.

Well that was the plan, but the battery was dead so I ended up taking a neighbour’s mustang instead. I unleashed its V8 and roared down the street while keeping a close ear on my radio. Emanuela was still trying to communicate with Camille and Robert and they still weren’t answering. The fact that they weren’t responding was worrying, they were either in a place where the radio couldn’t reach like a basement, had turned off their radios or were dead already.

Worried I drove down the road as fast as I could while keeping an eye opened for any sign of them or their truck. I had to constantly keep using red mist to avoid fainting and wouldn’t be able to keep this up for too long. As I was roaring down the road toward the centre of town, giant claws suddenly pierced through the roof of my car and then, all I could see was the purple sky.

My car was flying. At first I thought I was having hallucinations but when the claws finally let go of the car, I began to feel like I was falling. It all happened very fast but soon I was plunging toward the ground and impacted like a brick in an empty grass field. The car began to tumble, sending pieces of metal and glass flying all over the place.

Inside the car, all I could see was sky, dirt, sky, dirt. The car tumbled at least 10 times before finally stopping on its roof. Thank to the red mist, I didn’t seem seriously injured so I quickly extricated myself from the wreckage and pulled my backpack out with me.

My breathing was laborious, I wasn’t sure what had just happened but I suspected this goddamned dragon to be responsible. I crawled and leaned on the wrecked mustang as I was hurriedly preparing my 338 Lapua sniper rifle. THUMP!* A very large tremor of the earth announced that whatever had sent me flying, had landed on the other side of the car.

Using the mustang as cover, I was hoping the creature wouldn’t see me and just leave, but I still had loaded my gun just in case I had to fight. Thump!* Thump!* Thump!* Thump!* The sound of slowly approaching heavy footsteps were making the ground shake under their weight. Sweat was dripping from the tip of my nose as I was clinging to my gun and struggling to stay conscious.

Was this where I would die? I felt like I had been in life or death situations way too often recently. I could definitely take a break from that right now. “RRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr” A low rumble which could only be emitted by a very large animal sounded as if it was only inches away from my ears.

I laid on the ground, trying to disappear but as I thought of crawling back inside the car for cover, I realized the car I was previously leaning against was gone. In fact, it was still in the air to my left, having been sent flying by the creature as if it was a weightless toy.

The creature clearly aware that I was hiding behind it and had simply thrown it out of its way. Even though my vision was blurry, I could clearly see the giant face staring at me with the creepiest of all grins on its face. This ‘dragon’ was the most disturbingly ugly creature I had seen so far, and the simple sight of it paralyzed me in fear.

The giant demon faced creature stared at me with curious eyes for a while, tilting its head left and right before finally backing away. Still holding my gun tightly, I was afraid to shoot. Seeing how perfectly armoured this creature’s body was, not only would my bullet be noneffective, but it would also enrage the creature which would most likely mean my death.

Hoping to be saved by my necklace, I slowly moved my left hand toward my neck, trying to pull my necklace out of my shirt but before I had time to do so, the giant creature pounced on me. It grabbed me with one of its powerful hind legs and took off in the sky.

I was struggling to free myself but it was useless, this thing was way too strong. The creature could have easily crushed me to pieces but seemed be holding me carefully, trying not to kill me immediately. Even if this thing didn’t seem to want to kill me straight away, I remained very worried. It was most likely bringing me as food to its babies or something.

I still had my hands on my gun but was unable to move or aim it anywhere. In only a few seconds, we were already high up into the air, overlooking my town from a hundred metres in the air. Being in the air like that gave me the opportunity to confirm that my 5 kilometre circle theory was accurate.

From up there I could clearly see the circle and my town in the middle of it. The vegetation in the circle was different from the outside, making the circle visually obvious even with blurry vision. We kept flying at high altitude, just under cloud level and soon, my town was only a small speck in the horizon.

I couldn’t see clearly but I kept staring at the ground anyway. From what I could see, all there was around us were forest and more forest. The landscape also seemed covered with small mountains and ravines, making it look like a rough terrain to walk through. As the creature kept flying and taking me further away from my home, hope of ever finding my way back slowly began to fade.

We had been flying for a while and were probably between 20 to 30 miles away from town now. I tried to grab my radio and tell the others but couldn’t move. I was stuck in this beast’s claws and wouldn’t go anywhere until the creature released me. We seemed to be heading toward a big mountain range visible in the distance.

Accepting the fact that I wouldn’t be able to free myself while we were in the air, I began to observe the ground down below and tried to make a mental map of what I was seeing. It is while doing so that I noticed something that I thought to be very important. The red mist, visible only to my eyes seemed to be covering the entire land but also seemed more condensed in certain areas.

There were these river like streams of red mist snaking all over the landscape and some of them gathered in the same area, creating some type of vortex. Similar to a storm cell, the red mist seemed to gather to form circles similar to hurricanes seen from space. Some red mist streams were visibly denser than others and were flowing away to the horizon like rivers.

Seeing these circles of condensed red mist made me think that it was most likely this phenomena that had transported our town into this world. Confirming this theory, I later saw a few more circles like the one that had transported my town. One of them was filled with sand, the other seemed to be a perfectly circular lake. These circles had probably transported part of a desert and part of a lake or an ocean. This also meant that the teleportation accident my town had been caught into wasn’t an isolated one.

This made me wonder, if we went into one of these circles beforehand, would we be transported back into our world? On the way, I also noticed something interesting. There were some areas that seemed to contain a very small amount of red mist. If we went to one of these ‘dead spots’, maybe we wouldn’t have to deal with red mist poisoning problems again. (Not that it was a problem for me anymore.)

Eventually, the demon dragon began to lose some altitude and headed straight to an enormous 90° cliff-side. What seemed like a very small black spot in the distance, was actually a giant entrance to a cave which was accessible only if you could fly there. It was an enormous hole, big enough to allow this giant demon dragon to fit through with its wings partially opened.

Before touching ground, the creature threw me deep into the cave, sending me tumbling down on the hard rocky ground. Sore everywhere, I struggled to get back on my feet and prepared my rifle but was instantly grabbed by its tail then carried deeper into the cave. I was struggling as hard as I could but was already hearing voices in my head, telling me to take a rest and that I had fought hard enough already.

Refusing to accept death, I kept struggling to lift my gun up but couldn’t since I was being shaken and thrown everywhere like a vulgar crash dummy. Now deep in the cave, I couldn’t see anything anymore. It was pitch darkness, preventing me from seeing anything other than my glowing necklace. I couldn’t see anything, but I could hear very strange noises.

In this darkness, I could hear roars and chirping noises coming from all around me. Probably this creature’s babies waiting to be fed, and I was probably what was on the menu tonight. Disoriented, I eventually felt the creature’s tail letting go of me. The sensation of falling was all I could feel before hitting the ground head first.

Unable to stand up, I crawled back until my back hit a wall, preventing me from crawling any further. I was in a hole, or a deep pit of some sort and wouldn’t be able to get out in my condition. “Ggrrrrrrrr*” Crap, I wasn’t alone in this hole. All that could be seen in this dark environment was my glowing necklace and two more similar red eyes, staring at me from only a few meters away.

I was too weak to lift my gun, unable to defend myself, I was totally at the mercy of whatever was with me in this hole. Tears began to flow down my cheeks as I was finally accepting my fate. This was where I would die, this time I wouldn’t be able to pull off a miracle like the other times.

The two glaring red eyes began to disappear as my consciousness slowly faded away into nothingness. This is how my life would end, as dragon food. Anyway, for a neet, I had certainly impressed myself for surviving this long. This time I knew for sure that caring for other people was what had caused my death, but I didn’t regret anything. I was proud of what I had accomplished these last 6 months.

When I opened my eyes again I was still in pitch darkness and feeling disoriented. Was this what the afterlife was like? There was basically nothing other than nothingness in here. But then pain in my body made me doubt as to whether I was dead or alive. I was relatively comfortable and could feel a warm breeze blowing on my face.

“RRRrrrr Zzzzzz RRRrrr ZZZZzzzzz” The sound of something breathing next to me made my heart skip a beat, and soon the realization of what was going on struck me. I reached with my right hand toward the sound, which was also the direction the warm air was blowing from, and felt what seemed to be scales.

I couldn’t move anymore, not because I was still feeling sick but because of what was most likely sleeping right next to me. I reached for my belt and grabbed my flashlight. Sneakily placing my hand over it not to wake up whatever was sleeping next to me, I then turned the light on which made my hand glow red.

Slightly removing my hand while aiming toward my right, I finally managed to see what was near me. The first thing I saw was a small dragon sleeping right next to me, all curled up in a ball like a dog. Then I saw what my surroundings looked like. I was in a deep hole of around 7 meters in diameters and at least 12 meters deep.

The walls were all shiny and polished looking which on closer inspection appeared to be vitrified rock. For it to be like that, these stone would have needed to have been submitted to extreme heat. Vitrified stones are simply stones that have been melted to a point where they form glass or a glaze.

What I saw next were bones, many of them scattered all around me. These bones were most likely remnants of this young sleeping dragon’s previous meals. This baby dragon was no bigger than a large dog and was similar in appearance to the first one I had encountered back then, except smaller.

My necklace had probably saved my life on this one. This young dragon probably thought I was from the same species as him, which stopped him from devouring me as I was unconscious. As I was browsing through the bones surrounding me, I eventually noticed something that caught my eyes.

It was a human skull. Then a bit further to the left, another one. Seemed like this dragon had been fed on humans before. The giant demon dragon had probably brought some corpses laying around in town after everybody died. The more I looked at these skulls, the more intrigued I became.

Trying not to make any noises, I crawled toward the skulls to get a better look at them. As soon as I grabbed one, I instantly noticed what seemed wrong from afar. These skulls were small, too small to be adult’s. I couldn’t help but feel enraged after realizing that kids had been used to feed this creature. Looking up, I couldn’t see any way of getting out of this hole. The walls were perfectly slick and seemed unclimbable.

Especially being weakened like I was, there was not much I could do at the moment. There was no point in fretting about it now anyway, so I tried to stand up but fell back on my ass instead. I was still feeling a bit sick after all. I was hungry and thirsty as well, but luckily I had some provisions. I opened my water-tight backpack and pulled some granola bars and a bottle of water out of it.

I had placed my flashlight in my crotch, trying to leak just enough light to see what I was doing, then drank some of my water. Next challenge was, trying to get a granola bar out of its wrapper without making noises. It took me way longer than it should have, but the wrapper eventually submitted to my will. I took a big bite out of the bar and immediately felt a lot better. Munch* munch* munch*

“Trlrlrlllrrl* Chirrrr chirrrrp* Rrrrrllll*” As I was eating, small noises that sounded almost like a mix between a purring cat and a bird, attracted my attention. When I looked toward the sound, I noticed two glowing red eyes staring at me. Looked like the sound of me eating had woken up my little friend over there.

I slowly grabbed my 338 and waited to see its behaviour. It wouldn’t be fair to simply shoot it, considering it could have killed me earlier but hadn’t. I was also afraid that the sound of my gun would alert that demon dragon and make it panic after realizing I had killed one of its bab-… Wait, they didn’t belong to the same species from what I could see, so what was actually going on here?

Was it that thing, when male and female of a same species look nothing alike, like peacocks for example? Or was it something more sinister. I couldn’t help but get the feeling that this hole we were in was actually a prison. Deep enough to prevent a baby dragon from getting out, and narrow enough to prevent an older one from opening its wings completely.

Though, I’m certain a fully grown adult could shred its way out of it. Shining my flashlight in its direction, I watched the little creature carefully, ready to open fire. A baby dragon should definitely die from a shot of my powerful sniper rifle. The small dragon was bobbing its head up and down, then laid its body low to the ground as it inched its way toward me.

I wasn’t feeling any aggression, but I remained on the defensive anyway. I presented it with a piece of granola bar that I placed on the ground. The little dragon simply sniffed it, then completely ignored it. Nothing other than meat would do after all. I had some dragon jerky in my bag, but these were for me and I actually felt bad about the idea of feeding dragon meat to a baby dragon.

Maybe their species naturally practised cannibalism like most reptiles, but I preferred keeping the meat for myself. The baby dragon began to bump its head against my legs, like a dog wanting affection. Still scared of it, I reluctantly tried petting it but almost got my hand chomped off in the process.

This little thing’s way of playing was too dangerous for me. I stood up and shooed it away, using my height to intimidate it. The little creature backed away but still looked overly excited. Not wasting a second, I swallowed some painkiller and pulled my rope out of my bag. I attached a few bones to one side and began to throw it out of the hole, hoping to use the bones as anchor or grappling hook.

20 tries later, a sore arm and short of breath, I took a break and sat down for a moment. There was not a lot of nooks and crannies where the bones could get stuck apparently. At this point, it was all based on luck and perseverance. The little dragon had kept trying to grab and play with the bones on the end of the rope, each time it fell back down. This baby dragon acted a lot like a dog if you looked at it for a while.

A cute dog, that could rip your arm off at any time if it felt like throwing a tantrum. No doubt I was trying to get out of there as fast as I could. A few more tries later, the other end of the rope finally seemed to have been gotten stuck on something. I made sure to keep a constant pressure on the rope and boosted my physical ability with red mist to climb out of it.

Still feeling under the weather, I was feeling a lot better than the day before at the very least. Once out of the hole, I used my flashlight and lit the surroundings. The sound of many more creatures could be heard echoing through this giant tunnel. The hole I had just gotten out of, was apparently only one out of many. They were all dug next to each others, almost looking like a beehive.

I plunged my light into the abyss of my neighbours’ hole and saw another dragon, a bit older than the one I had slept with. I slowly walked to the 3rd hole and as I leaned over the hole to look down, flames came straight at me. I hadn’t had time to look properly but in that hole was a green dragon, which looked to be from a totally different species from the other ones.

This one was an aggressive one, maybe because of my necklace? I had been lucky not to have ended up in that hole instead. The 4th hole didn’t show any movements, but on closer inspection, an egg was there right in the middle of it. Brown with red stripes, this one hadn’t hatched yet. This placed looked more and more like some sort of prison to me.

Turning my flashlight off for a second allowed me to see daylight, telling me with direction I needed to follow. I was walking on the tips of my toes, worried that I could come across that demon dragonoid thingy. After a few minutes, I eventually emerged into an enormous room, and to my left there it was, the giant hole I had come in from.

The demon dragon was nowhere to be seen which helped me breathe a lot better. In the middle of the room was something looking like a giant bird nest, built with bones. On closer inspection, the only skulls I could see in the pile seemed to be from dragons. Then it all became clear, this demon dragon was a dragon eater. It went as far as steal the eggs, hatch, feed and fatten them in order to eat them later.

I staggered my way up to the giant entry, and had a look at the sheer cliff below me. 90° up, down, left and right… This was the perfect fortress for something like a dragon. “St*ca*si*def**ger*” Surprise, even though inaudible, it was definitely Camille’s voice right then through the radio.

This radio said that it could reach up to 30 miles, but that was only in optimal conditions like, having a line of sight, the sky being clear with no radio interference etc. The fact that this cave was so high up was probably a huge beneficial factor in this. I felt relieved, Camille was safe, so should be Robert. They were probably worrying about me since I had not given them any news since then.

Bringing the radio to my mouth, I tried sending them at least the confirmation that I was still alive. “Here’s Nate, I have been taken prisoner by the dragon. Do not worry, I will come back… I hope.” They probably hadn’t understood anything of this but they should now, at least know that I am alive.

A panicked reply instantly came back. “ATE!*A*GO*RI*ERE*EP*AG*” It was incomprehensible, but Camille sounded worried. Had they understood me more clearly than I could hear them? Maybe old pop had increased their reception range? No, he would have increased the transmission as well. I think…

When I was about to try and tell them more about my situation, a small spec in the horizon began to worry me. It seemed like this demon thing was coming back and I really didn’t feel like meeting face to face with it again. Not knowing what to do, I staggered back down the cells corridor, where all the grunting noises would make the hairs on your body stand up.

The sounds of many dragons in the same room was truly something indescribable. Panicking and quickly running out of options, I attached my rope to a giant boulder in an inconspicuous manner and rapidly descended into the hole containing the egg. Better sleep with an egg than a hyperactive dragon.

Once at the bottom of the hole, I laid low and tried not to attract attention. I needed to figure out a way to escape as soon as this monster left to hunt. This thing had many mouths to feed after all and probably needed to hunt a lot. Soon enough, the deep and imposing sound of a giant creature flapping its wings began to echo deep into the giant cave, making the dragons around agitated and noisier than normal.

“NIART BET TARRRRUUUFFFFFF DISPIERKA!!!!! NIAT KABOO!! NIATTTTT!!!! DISPIERKA! NIAT!” Unable to believe my ears at first, the voice of a panicking yet very angry woman echoed through the cave as well. Her language sounded like nothing I had ever heard before, even from me, a neet who spent his life on the internet.

Even without being able to speak it, I could identify most languages by how they sounded, but this one was totally new to me. The woman’s voice and the beast’s thumping footsteps got closer and closer, before eventually making room for horrible noises that I would never be able to forget in my life. “Thump!* KYYAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! N-NIAAARRGGLGGGL KAAAAAAaaaaaaaGLggLGLrgl!”

Paralyzed by fear, I could do nothing but listen to the sound of a woman being eaten alive a few meters away from me. As soon as the demon dragon’s foot steps got far away enough, I climbed the rope and ran as fast as I could to the hole the screams were coming from.

I shone my light deep into the hole and almost puked. A blue gray-ish dragon, similar to the one I had slept with, was already head deep inside the girl’s belly and was eating her internal organs. The girl, laid on her back was staring at the bright light coming from my flashlight with teary eyes as the beast was eating her entrails like spaghetti. “A-ak bratia cough* lagoh- goh’sri-a… Arrr cough* cough*” I had no idea what she was saying but it was probably something along the lines of ‘help me’ or something…

Horrified, was not heavy enough of a word to describe my emotions at that instant. Even though the girl I was looking at seemed very human at first, seeing her bluish purplish blood quickly explained why she looked so foreign to me. She had black hair and eyes, her facial features seemed strangely Asian, but what was most striking was her white/purplish skin colour. Very similar to ours, but with a tint of purple to it.

Her eyes also seemed like twice the size they should normally be, which was her most bizarre facial feature. The second biggest difference was her size. She seemed to be in the 4 feet range when it came to height. She was not looking like a midget, but was a perfectly scaled down humanoid creature.

This was a major discovery, we were not alone in this world. They was a totally different human species out there, but how was that even possible. This could only be possible if humans had been transported here a long time ago and had evolved into a totally new species. This also explained what exactly were the skulls I had found in the hole I had slept in. They were not children’s, but small humans’ from this world.

Unable to watch the scene anymore, I turned around and went back down into my hole. There, I curled up into a ball and began to think as hard as I could about an escape plan while munching on some dragon’ jerky. My fear of being discovered by this demon dragon was so strong, that I hadn’t even considered smoking a cigarettes the entire day.

“When doped on red mist, does my body get strong enough to survive a 800 meter free fall?” I wondered.

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