《Keeper》09: Defiler


Quest Alert: Defiler

You have found the source of the blight that threatened the forest. Enraged by your actions she has sought you out. If you fail to stop her, she will continue to spread her poison wherever she goes.

Defeat the Defiler or die.

[Defiler, level 53]

A cold chill filled my body as I gazed at the woman standing in front of me. Standing almost two heads taller than me jet black hair cascaded in a messy tangle over shoulders corded with muscle. Tight black armor made of shining leather clung to a slender frame. Most disturbing of all were her eyes. Bottomless wells of darkness glared at me with such hatred that it was almost a physical blow. Her face was all hard edges, seeming almost hollow and drained despite her obvious high level of fitness.

“fasj*s# a%jd& adfns#ksifm [email protected] asdfnursl!” Her voice was harsh and more prickly than a bush of thistle, and I understood none of it. Crouched and body tensing to move I cocked my head in confusion. This only angered her further and she spit forth another tirade of unrecognizable vitriol.

Desperate to buy myself a little time I decided to ask a question as she seemed eager to talk, “Who are you?” She paused mid tirade and was now the one cocking her head to the side. Seeming more interested than confused. “Forest speaker?” she seemed to ask herself more than me. Not really knowing what else to do I nodded.

She seemed to consider this for a moment before shaking her head. “No not forest speak you old speak. Know pieces. You fix?” She asks gesturing around. Old speak? I didn’t think that there was anything unusual about the way I talked but we obviously speak different languages. This also explains why she doesn’t seem very good at talking. I feel like it would be a bad idea to tell her that I was responsible for curing the blight but lying would probably just piss her off even more. Well I guess the truth it is. Finishing my introspection, I slowly nod my head.

“How fix?” She demands, definitely angrier. “Large spell.” I reply simply. This answer doesn’t seem to satisfy her as she just glares at me. “Not possible. Fix all together, too much power.” She spits. Not really knowing what to say I just shrug slightly, “Did it. What is a Defiler?” I ask, mind still franticly sorting through possibilities.

She seems to consider not responding for a moment but the shrugs and replies, “Was druid. Turned dark. Now magic causes death.” The explanation shocks me. How could someone who was once a druid become something that causes that much damage to nature?

“Time speak over. In way of plans. Death quick or Death painful?” She asks as she pulls another spear from where it hangs on her back. Sighing I ready myself to fight. This is not going to be fun, but I can’t just lay down and die so I will fight for my life. Speaking so she will best understand me I answer, “No surrender. Will fight.”

A malevolent grin splits her face as a dark haze leaks from her pores “Good.” And without any further hesitation she lunges.

Moving faster than I can her spear draws a hot line of pain across my left side as I barely twist out of the way. Quickly calling on my magic I summon my wind bubble and form a handful of mana spikes. Stabbing out at her hand I hit nothing but air as she quickly retracts the spear.


What follows can only be described as a dance of death. Her spear lashing out like a striking serpent drawing line after line of fiery pain across my body as I twist, turn, and tumble to avoid it. I stab out again and again with my mana spikes whenever I get close enough but only manage to land a blow once for every ten of hers. If it wasn’t for my healing ability, I would already be dead, as it is the skill is working overtime to seal the numerous cuts I have accumulated.

A narrow miss of her spear causes me to jump back putting a little distance between us. It is not far enough that she could easily throw her spear at me but not close enough that she could stab me with it either. My breaths are coming in heavy pants while she seems to be as fresh as the moment we started.

She smiles evilly at me before holding up a hand. In her palm a pulsing glob of black fluid begins to grow. With a sneer she pulls her arm back and throws it at me. Now expecting this I hadn’t been idle. As soon as the glob of darkness leaves her hand it is snatched by the wind. Whipping it in a circle around her I separate the fluid into a dozen different globs before launching at her.

Eyes widening in surprise she barely manages to raise her arms in front of her face before her own spell hits her. Where the fluid hits it acts like acid. In a moment her armor is a steaming, smoking patchwork of holes and a shriek splits the air. Some of the fluid had splashed onto her cheek and was now eating away at her flesh.

Luckily with my wind shell I could smell her flesh and armor burn. When she lowered her hands to glare daggers at me there was a hole melted into her cheek exposing the muscles beneath. Now angrier than ever she lunges at me with vengeance in her eyes.

She is moving even faster than before, her anger seeming to increase her strength. Reacting almost on instinct I fall back on the magic I know the best. Wind. Creating a flow of air next to me I use the wind to speed the movements of my dodge. The strike misses and our dance resumes at a faster pace. I use the wind to speed my movements and manage to avoid her spear by mere millimeters.

After one strike that is slightly overextended, I throw a handful of mana spikes driving five of them in a line all the way up her arm. She lets out another shriek of pain before whipping her spear around and slamming it into my side. The loud crack of breaking bones fills my ears as I am thrown a dozen feet through the air to crash against a tree.

All the air is forced from my lungs and my vision goes hazy as my head cracks painfully against the hard wood. Instantly pouring mana into my healing matrix I let out a silent scream as the pain caused by my bones snapping back into place is almost as bad as having them broken. When my vision clears, I see the Defiler pulling fruitlessly at the spikes driven into her arm. Knowing that a simple spike wouldn’t do very much damage I had edited their design slightly, creating barbed spikes on the ends that would make them much harder to remove.

Realizing that she would not be able to get the spikes out of her arm without causing extensive damage she coated her spear in a layer of black energy before swiping it down her arm snapping off the body of the spikes while leaving the heads embedded in her skin. Having finished she turned to find me climbing shakily to my feet a look of shock crossing her face before spitting, “Healer.” The single word is filled with such venom that I sent a pulse through my healing matrix for fear of being poisoned by it.


Again we find ourselves staring at each other neither much worse off than when we had started. My healing had let me recover from most of the damage she had caused while my attacks were too weak to cause much damage to her. Generating another handful of spikes I open the new exchange of blows by throwing them at her. Two are blocked by her spear and one is dodged but two of them sink into her uninjured shoulder.

Grimacing in pain she quickly snaps off the shafts before we begin another exchange of blows. She lands slashes all across my body and manages to break a couple more of my bones within a handful of seconds. She tried to hit me with the black energy coating her spear, but it would always disperse upon contact with my wind bubble.

I gave almost as good as I got during the quick exchange of blows. Trading a couple of broken bones and shallow cuts for the opportunity to drive another ten spikes into various parts of her body. The exchange was ended when I drove a wind enhanced blow into her side before getting clobbered and thrown away by another vicious backhanded spear strike.

In the moment that my fist made contact with her skin I learned something remarkable. The heads of the spikes I had driven into her were still there. The mana hadn’t dispersed and was just sitting there under her skin. I hadn’t been able to sense it because her aura was blocking remote contact to it but touching her I could see it all, and luck must be on my side because the spikes were starting to form a very familiar pattern.

An idea started to form in my mind. With it I just might be able to win, but the method made me cringe. Not knowing what else to do I pushed those thoughts out of my mind and set my will to winning at any cost. If I win this fight and survive, I will worry about things like morality but until then this is a fight for my survival.

This time when the two of us clash the Defiler is able to keep me from getting within reach of her. Good thing I improved my throwing skill as much as I did. I think as I dodge and weave around the worst of her spear strikes. Taking every opening I land one spike after another, driving small pieces of mana into her flesh. She responds just as viciously carving lines of pain across my chest and arms before breaking my wrist with a perfectly timed strike.

By this point I am fighting both pain and exhaustion. The near constant use of my healing matrix and the numerous spikes of mana I created having drained my mana pool to dangerously low levels. I am so close. It is almost complete, just five more points to go. That and I need to be able to touch her which I haven’t been able to do. Her defense I strong but I have to break through it!

Pushing back the exhaustion I ready myself for the next exchange of blows. It does not go well. I throw nearly twenty spike but she either dodges or blocks every single one giving me just as many new cuts. Now with almost no mana or stamina left I stumble backwards. Sensing her victory, the Defiler closes in for the kill.

Setting my feet firmly beneath me I harden my mental shields and prepare for one last desperate act. She lunges, spear quick as lightning aiming straight for my heart. Pain like I could never have imagined nearly makes me black out as the spear pierces my chest, missing my heart by less than the width of my hand. A sick smile fills her face as she pushes the spear further through my chest causing me to scream.

Leaning close she whispers in my ear, “Fought well, will remember you.” Coughing up a mouthful of blood I whisper back, “N- not over yet.” And I drive the five fingers of my right hand coated in mana into her chest. She lets out a small gasp and tries to pull away, but I hang on to her with all my strength. Then I activate the pattern I had painstakingly built inside her.

Her body instantly stiffens as the points of energy connect and then the screaming starts.

Screaming her lungs out she thrashes violently as black lines spider across her skin. I wish it stopped there but what I had done was much, much worse. Breaking out of my hold she falls to the ground still screaming, her muscles contracting violently. The black lines widen, spreading further, and then her skin began to sag. Her muscles and fat stores were quickly consumed leaving her in a nearly skeletal state.

When I had first touched her, I had found that all the spikes I’d been driving into her were following the outlines of the paths followed by the energy healing network. That had given he the idea that I used the rest of the battle. Each additional spike I had driven into her had brought the network closer and closer to completion. The last thing I had needed was to get the final five spikes in, but nothing I tried had been able to break her defense. So, I let her break mine. When she had stabbed me and gotten close enough to whisper in my ear, I had my opening. I had completed the network and inverted it.

Working backwards the healing network became something truly sinister. Rather than heal it consumed, eating her alive from the inside. It devoured her muscles, dissolved her organs and left nothing behind but pale fleshless bones. It was not a slow death.

Pulling myself off the spear I collapsed to the ground next to the skeleton, poured all of my mana into my healing matrix and promptly passed out.

For a long time I floated in a grey mist where I was tormented by the screams of the Defiler and images of her dissolving body. The memories of what I had done made me sick, but I hadn’t had any other choice.

This was the only way I could win. It was messy and dark, but it was my only option. If I want to keep something like this from ever happening again, I need to get stronger. If I am going to have to fight, I will need to be strong enough to win without resorting to these measures.

Gaining some amount of comfort from my thoughts I let the tormenting images slip from my mind and drift in the nothingness.

I don’t know how long I was out for but when my eyes finally open the sun has set and the hollow eye sockets of a gleaming while skull are staring back at me. Rolling over I gaze up at a sky filled with stars until a chorus of chimes fill my head and notifications start rolling in one after another.


Quest Complete: Defiler

After curing the blight from the forest you faced its creator, a Defiler. After winning a hard fought battle and surviving you are reassured that the forest will no longer suffer under the threat of poison.

For defeating an enemy that was more than 50 levels above you quest rewards have been updated and specialized to what was most useful to you during the fight.

Reward: Ascentium of Speed

For cleansing the forest of blight class Druidic Defender has reached level 2!

Mana Manipulation has reached level 15!

Throw has reached level 9!

Spellweaver has reached level 7!

Healing Matrix has reached level 9!

For pondering the depths of your soul and coming to terms with the need for drastic action in certain situations soul lock has gained a level.

Soul lock has reached level 3!

For pondering the depths of your soul and promising to make up for your weaknesses to prevent repeating the mistakes of your past soul lock has gained a level

Soul lock has reached level 4!

Time until soul stability reaches 100% reduced by 5 years.

For defeating an enemy more than 50 levels above your own bonus experience is granted.


*Experience gains would cause host to increase in level. Host cannot increase in level with soul instability! *

Searching for solution…


Solution found!

Host attributes will be changed to correspond with equivalent level bonuses.

Calculating… host would increase in level by 12…

Calculating racial level bonuses…

Strength + 12

Dexterity + 24

Constitution + 12

12 free stat points awarded

Druidic Defender class has reached level 12!

Ascentium of Speed – A reward for pushing yourself past your limits you are able to ascend one of your attributes. An ascended attribute will add a x2 multiplier to the end of attribute calculations. Every point invested into this attribute and all points gained from classes or skills now count for double. The Ascentium of Speed will ascend the Dexterity attribute.

Congratulations your Dexterity attribute has ascended!

New class options available!

Prepare for host update…



Oh shit this is going to hurt.


Pain. The world is pain. It hurts so bad that I instantly pass out. Then the pain gets worse waking me up and forcing me to feel every moment of my body changing.

My muscles dissolve only to reknit themselves denser than before. The outer layer of my skin falls of growing back tougher and more supple. The composition of my muscles changes. Smaller fast twitch ones focused on speed grow thicker and more prevalent. Lastly my mind expands. Everything grows sharper and more focused making the pain that much worse.

What seems to last an eternity is over in moments leaving me shaking and crying on the ground. For a long time I just lay there trying to shake off the trauma. It is not time but the gentle soothing energy coming from Melody that finally brings me back to my senses. The energy wraps around me like a warm blanket, soothing me and slowly bringing my mind back from the brink of madness.

“Th- thank you Mel” I gasp, finally able to form cohesive thoughts. Melody responds by sending me another pulse of soothing energy. Gathering my thoughts, I focus on pouring over all of the information that I had gained just before going through the changes to my body.

Holy shit! These stat gains… they are insane! All of my physical attributes more than doubled in value and the mental stats grew by quite a bit as well! My skills grew by a large margin too. I guess using them in combat yields greater results. Also my class passed the level 10 mark which means I have the option to pick a new one. Let’s have a look at what options I have and see if there is anything good.

Pulling up the class selection page I look at my options.

Available Classes











Orionian Archer

Oh wow I’ve unlocked two more legendary classes! Hmm, I also gained the defiler class but I’m going to ignore that one. Now which of the two legendary classes should I pick? I think I got the spell singer class from singing the song of the wind. Picking that class might help me to find the other songs easier. On the other hand the other class seems like a super powered ranger class. Hmmm, well I did find one of the songs on my own and I do need something to increase my offensive abilities. I guess that makes the decision for me.

Satisfied with my logic I make my class selection.

Legendary Class Acquired

Orionian Archer

Following in the footsteps of Orion the greatest hunter the Orionian Archer is a master of the hunt. Skilled in both archery and tracking they are true masters of their craft. Content with hunting only the greatest of prey even the largest of beats tremble when these hunters appear.

Skills unlocked: Archery, Bow crafting, elemental arrow, tireless hunt

+1 Intelligence, +2 Dexterity, +1 Strength per class level


Archery – Why let the enemy get close when you can hit them from range? The bow is a favorite weapon of hunters. Increasing this skill will increase your knowledge of how to use a bow and improve your accuracy. Increase skill to increase both accuracy and range.

Bow crafting – Bows are expensive so rather than simply buying one you have learned to craft your own. Increase skill level to improve quality and speed of crafting.

Elemental Arrow – Arrows who needs those? Not content with shooting long shafts of wood at enemies you have learned to condense mana into arrows. Using different types of mana can yield different results. Damage based off of intelligence attribute. +1 Intelligence per skill level

Tireless Hunt – A class exclusive skill that will aid in the pursuit of your prey. After finding something to track this skill can be activated after preforming a ritual to hunt the pre without end. Needing no sleep, no food, and letting nothing get in your way you can tirelessly track you prey wherever it may hide.

“Mel this class is amazing! It gives me everything that I wanted! I got a bunch of new skills that will help with my offense and it helps improve my strength attribute!” I exclaim happily. Mel sends me an encouraging pulse of energy before redirecting my attention to my current condition. “Huu? Ah I see what you mean.” Looking at myself I can see that I am absolutely filthy. Dried blood and dirt coat my skin and congeal in my fur. “I look awful. I guess I should get cleaned up I think there was a stream over that way.” I say pointing off to one side.

Turning I am about to leave when I remember the skeleton of the Defiler. “You know you caused a lot of pain in this world but I don’t know if you deserved to die the way that you did.” I tell the skull. Creating a bubble of wind I lift the skeleton and carry it and the spear over to the remains of the great tree. There I stack the bones in a neat little pile before driving the spear point down into the ground behind it. Adding the final touch of wrapping the small memorial in pure mana I ensure that it will not be able to be moved or destroyed. “You were a terrible person and I regret what had to be done to stop you. I give you this as a sign of respect and as a reminder to myself of what happened here today.”

With that settled I make my way slowly to the creek for a much-needed bath.

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