《Embrace the Blade》Crimson's Journal - The Gods


Crimson’s Journal #3:

The Gods


In my study of the Gods, the first and most important thing to mention for someone of my background is that the Gods do exist, this is not a matter of question or debate. However, knowledge of their existence does not preclude a study of them, rather, I feel it encourages the study far more, not to prove or disprove, but to understand.

Despite our certainty regarding the existence of the Gods, the collective understanding of their personalities and roles has been extremely subjective, to the point that multiple ‘denominations’ have formed surrounding those interpretations of belief, something I will cover further on, but suffice it to say, I can in no wise gather a comprehensive list because of how varied those beliefs are. I will make mention of a few more popular interpretations, but will not go further.


The general consensus is that the Gods provide [Blessings] to their chosen races, they allow those races to strengthen themselves and to raise themselves to greater means and heights. I certainly agree with this consensus, but the issue I take is with the minutia of this belief. I understand the role of the Gods to be more in line with a system administrator, but I do have several problems with this interpretation. Those problems are not in the simile itself, but in the mental images that I have accompanying that job.

I imagine Admins to be people full of creative passion and energy that has been burned away by tedium and exhaustion, that have become disillusioned with their once fulfilling careers due to foolish and demanding users, or by coworkers or bosses that have forced them to slave away and demean themselves. This image is not in line with the Gods. It appears that they enjoy their ‘role’ and work hard to see their job through.

Best I’ve been able to gather, they love when people develop new [Classes] and [Skills], even going as far as to play favorites with those who have made strides to innovate. As such, while the Gods play their role of granting strength well, they certainly like to encourage those who make greater efforts and strides. I personally like this kind of approach, it’s similar to operant conditioning, the act of reinforcing good behavior with rewards, though the punishment in this case is relative weakness to what could have been achieved. This also makes me feel hopeful for the future, and indicates that any kind of positive forward momentum will be compounded to even greater growth.


The Gods, despite their existence, don’t enforce any kind of specific worship, and will only step in if that worship becomes dangerous to others. If they feel the need to step in, they shall elect a champion to ‘take care’ of the issue.

There are, at the moment, three kinds of worship I feel the need to mention. I will leave extra black pages for any other information I feel the need to add, but for the moment, we shall start with these three. The first I shall make mention of is known as Progressive Pious Worship, this is the type adhered to by most residents of Falst, and the one supported by the Temple of Falst. Each of the words hold a specific meaning in this context.

‘Progressive’ is not used in the political sense I am familiar with, rather, it is used to mean something that moves forward - which meaning has a positive connotation. This simply means that the people who adhere to the ‘progressive’ mentality take a positive interpretation of the Gods attributes.


Each and every attribute of the Gods can be taken positively or negatively depending on perspective. For a good example, and a less extreme one than some of the others, take love. Love - by ‘progressive’ definition - is more in line with familial love and more ‘long term’ affection. It acknowledges passionate love, but considers it only a stepping stone to more enduring forms of attachment. By contrast, the opposing interpretation disdains love for what it could be come: the root of jealousy. Once again, ‘Progressive’ takes the positive interpretation, and uses it as inspiration.

The second word used is ‘Pious’ which means that certain religious ceremonies are used. There are several different types, but the word in this sense references the need for [Priests] to lead the ceremony. I have found that there are many ceremonies at the Temple that do not actually need a [Priest], but many of the major ones - Coming of Age, Death, Marriage, Child Blessings - do require a [Priest] to lead the ceremony. Typically, the [Priest] is of the same gender as the one receiving the ceremony, but this appears to be a matter of tradition rather than policy. I personally have conducted quite a few ceremonies myself, but in each case it was a ceremony that did not require proper oversight - mainly writing and burning prayers, which I am apparently a popular person to request for this task; I’m not quite sure why.

(As a note, most [Priests] in this world are not required to commit to celibacy, many denominations even encourage the taking of a spouse as an adherence to the Goddess of Love’s teachings, so any practice of celibacy is considered an outlier rather than a rule.)

The third word ‘Worship’ is just a blanket word used in the place of another term like ‘church.’ So this form of worship could be reworded to say: “Progressive Pious Church,” but when I translate that word to English it doesn’t sound right, so I use the term worship, which fills the same meaning.

The second denomination I wish to speak on is known as the ‘Reformed Upright Worship.’

‘Reformed’ stands in opposition to ‘progressive’ and takes the negative interpretation, they then use that as a warning of why the traits are dangerous. There are more…negative usages of this term, but those border on cultish, and are wholly unpleasant and rare.

‘Upright’ clearly means that they’ve shoved a stick ‘upright’ where the sun doesn’t shine! These stuck up pricks are a pain in the neck and I can’t tolerate them at all. Upright is actually supposed to mean something along a high standard, by the meaning of the word - which I haven’t been able to capture in English - it means that they are supposed to practice self discipline and control, but I haven’t found that to be the case.

Based on the meaning of these words when they are placed together, this denomination is supposed to be a group that looks upon the attributes of the Gods, looks upon the negative extremes, then uses self discipline and mastery to avoid those things. Based off the words alone I would have guessed them to be monks or pessimists, but in practice they’re prideful and intolerable, they completely ignore their own pride and see themselves as being better simply for how they worship the Gods. Thankfully, they’re in a great minority, but I’ve had enough run ins with them to warrant mentioning. To their credit, I have met a few of this denomination who are genuinely good people, and they weep for the state of those who are troublesome in their denomination.


I make mention of the third simply because it is the one that most ‘people’ think that I adhere too, is called ‘Orthodox Worship.’ Orthodox, when used with a second term, usually means taking a broad perspective on the attributes of the Gods, understanding both the good and the bad, but loving it all the same. When Orthodox is used on its own, it is revered as the most pure form of worship, which is shocking to me, since not a lot of people ‘practice’ it, but does fall in line with my actions and philosophies.

To understand, almost all denominations believe that Leveling up is a divine mandate, that we are commanded by the Gods to grow stronger and Level up. Many just level up a few times, then declare that they have done their part and it is enough, some push themselves further, and then there is ‘Orthodox Worship’ which epitomizes the love and worship of the Gods by never stopping. It is continual progress, simply due to religious fervor, fervor that I clearly lack, but that many people - [Priests] - believe I have.

Some have even go so far as to declare that I must be a ‘Orthodox Devoted’ since I spend a lot of time helping others understand their [Blessings]. I have firmly denied both accusations, but for some reason this made the [Priests] really happy and they are even more determined in their beliefs. I have given up on disabusing them of this notion and have just appreciated the fact that they are more willing to help me and my ‘friend’ out.

The Gods:

With an understanding of their role and worship, we must make mention of those this text is about, namely: The Gods. I will set aside specific sections for each, and leave additional pages blank as I learn and understand more, but I will start with what I have. The Gods are as follows: God of Truth, War, Death, and Art. The Goddesses are: Goddess of Wisdom, Love, Magic, Nature, and Darkness. They all have names, but knowing those names is a privilege and not a right. Based on my research, the ‘eldest’ among them would be the Goddess of Nature, but the ‘leader’ would be considered the God of Truth.

I will make mention of notable relationships between them, but it should be noted that these are matters of lore and belief, once more I would not declare these as absolute facts but as generally held beliefs. It is believed that The God of Truth and the Goddess of Darkness are married, that the Goddesses of Magic and Wisdom are twin sisters, that War is Death’s apprentice, that the God of Art and the Goddess of Nature constantly fight and argue (mostly the God of Art’s fault), and that the Goddess of Love is the one keeping everyone together as a mediator. Yet again, these are not verified facts, but broadly held beliefs, ones that I shall take a neutral stance on.

The God of Truth:

Attributes: Honesty, Leadership, and Justice. His attributes make him a popular choice to burn prayers to in the face of the law, regardless of which side you stand on. For some reason, finding information on him is hard despite his popularity. This reeks of intentional suppression of information. I’ll need to investigate.

After several months of investigation, I’ve found the reason for the suppression: intimacy. Most who have information regarding the God of Truth have received that information as a matter of confidence. Based on my conversations with the few I could find who would tell me anythings, we can learn a lot about his character. The God of Truth is not brash and loud, but rather engages in quiet nobility. He respects those that seek to emulate the attributes he represents out of a pure desire rather than for praise and adulation. He will support anyone who fulfills his attributes to the best of their abilities, but only those who do so with quiet determination receive his respect. Those who abuse their leadership roles may run afoul of his rage.

The Goddess of Darkness:

Attributes: Deception, Independence, and Revenge. Interestingly, the Goddess of Darkness goes hand in hand with the God of Truth, she, in a way, also represents truth, but she represents hidden truths: lies, trickery, and misunderstandings. She is also considered a patron of thieves and assassins, but that depends on which denomination you are in. She also has concepts that all run exactly contrary to the God of Truth’s, but from all accounts as well as the actions of their own worshipers, they are on excellent terms.

From my research on her personality, she encourages those who create their own paths, regardless of the consequences. If I have to give her an archetype, she’d be similar to a tough love mother, she’ll make you work hard and encourage you, but the second you step out of line she’ll give you a swift kick back into line. She seems to have a strong hatred of cruelty, which can be taken to mean: Deception without cause, Revenge without purpose, and Independence without meaning. For some reason, these are all considered ‘cruel.’

The Goddess of Wisdom:

Attributes: Perspective,Respect, and Scholarship. The only God I know the name of, Melia (Mee-Lee-ah). For some reason, she revealed her name to me, and I must admit that I enjoy knowing it. I do not know how I came to know this name, but suddenly I knew it. When I say it around others they forget it unless they are meant to remember, even if someone gets ahold of my journal and somehow translates it, then they will forget the name unless she wants them to remember. If I was forced to pick one of the Gods as my patron, it would, without question, be Melia.

It is shocking to me that Melia doesn’t have Mediation as one of her attributes, she teaches that all information is sacred and must be properly pondered, even the most ridiculous of theories must be properly considered before being thrown out. She respects everyone who seeks knowledge and understanding, but loves those who have a purpose for that knowledge and understanding. I understand instinctively that she has revealed her name to me because I have pleased her in my pursuit of knowledge, and my willingness to share what I learn, but I fail to see why it is a big deal. Regardless, those who abuse their knowledge to destroy others will be in great danger of her wrath.

The Goddess of Magic:

Attributes: Wonder, Control, and Change. I think the reason I haven’t made a lot of progress with this Goddess is that, despite my intimate knowledge of mana, I haven’t actually changed anything. I haven’t invented new spells, I haven’t taught others to cast magic the same way I do - I haven’t found anyone sensitive enough to mana to do so - and I haven’t used magic to enact any form of major change in the world. I can only hope to have the honor of learning her name one day.

The Goddess of Magic love and respects mages, but extends that affection to even those that don’t practice magic. It seems she’s also a patron of [Skills] in some weird way that I haven’t been able to define, so those who practice unique [Skills] seem to receive her approval. I have no other explanation for Abel receiving her favor if that isn’t the case. It seems she hates those that purposefully hinder the progress of magic or disrupt other people’s abilities to control themselves.

The God of Death:

Attributes: Tranquility, Separation, and Reconciliation. The inhabitants of this world believe in reincarnation, not an afterlife, so the God of Death is more beloved as a God of departure and separation. He is still feared, but these people have more confidence in what happens after death than the people I know, they just fear death for different reasons.

I have found no information on this God.

The God of War:

Attributes: Conviction, Proactivity, and Prowess. Amusingly enough, he is also considered a God of hard work, I find this especially odd since that area is handled by the God of Art. As can be seen from his attributes, those who are hot headed tend to like the God of War. I quite like this version of War since he doesn’t seem to like unnecessary wars, and he seems more in line with my mental image of a mythological hero than a soldier or a bloodthirsty warlord.

From his personality, he respects those of great skill, he loves those who act rather than are act upon, and he upholds determination. Those with goals and dreams that they pursue sometimes receive his support. He hates unnecessary conflict. I don’t know much about him, but I have a feeling I’m not far off from learning his name.

The Goddess of Love:

Attributes: Affection, Bonds, and Mediation. This Goddess actually makes me nervous in a nebulous way. Her devotees can be quite scary, but my impression of her is similar to a big sister. That in of itself is shocking because I usually think of a normal Goddess of Love being either a ‘mother’ figure or a seductress, but this Goddess is neither.

Devotion, loyalty, peacemaking, and supportiveness are all traits the Goddess of Love encourages. She wants people to find partners that they can commit to and wants everyone to live peacefully together. Honestly, she is very much a big sister, and wants to look out for everyone. Altruism is another trait she rewards. What she hates shares overlaps with the other Gods, but most of all, she hates betrayal.

The God of Art:

Attributes: Effort, Attentiveness, and Aspiration. I find that my personality and his have several points in common, I’m quite surprised that I don’t have a closer relationship with this God. If I had to define his personality, he’s like a hermit…or otaku. The kind that has a hard time breaking out of his shell until you start talking about something he loves. He likes to get mad at the Goddess of Nature for some unknown reason.

He pushes for hard work and an attention to detail, he loves those that constantly seek to do better and achieve more, but I haven’t been able to figure out what he abhors.

The Goddess of Nature:

Attributes: Persistence, Patience, and Growth. The impression I get from this Goddess is like she is a ’sleepy airhead.’ She just kinda does things at her own pace and doesn’t really do much. I have been able to learn more about her than the God of Death, but she seems less active than he is. Farmers, Hunters, and Travelers all turn to her for their prayers. Her attribute of persistence does differ from the God of Art’s effort, hers is a slow burn and long term effort that can extend decades. She doesn’t really argue back when the God of Art is angry with her, which just makes him even more angry.

I feel that I really summed up her personality with ’sleepy airhead’ she is slow to bless and even slower to curse, I honestly don’t know what sets her off since she’s inconsistent with her punishments. I assume the destruction of nature.


Rarely and inconsistently, the Gods may decide to punish someone directly. Usually by depriving them of life. There seems to be no hard rule about this, so it needs more research.

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