《Embrace the Blade》Official Announcement


Okay, to most of you this is absolutely no shock, but to some you have no idea (because you didn't read my author notes or the comments). ETB will be going on hiatus for about 6-7 months due to IRL circumstances. During such a time I will still work on ETB when I have the time, and as such there are a few things I would like to consult with ya'll on.

The first is Skill Ranking. I've scratced my head over this a bit, and I've decided to take it to ya'll. Pretty much, what do you want me to do to let you know a skill is awesome at a glance? Rareity? Ratings? I've got skills set up on a tier system already, but that measures how many times the skill has undergone progression. A tier 10 skill could still be a newbie one just as well as it could be a world ending one, so it isn't a good metric of how awesome a skill is. Also, do I even need a skill ranking? Would you guys even want that? Please let me know.

Crimson's second name. Okay, so this one is more for fun. What do you think Crimson's second name should be? These names can (and probably will) change as he and the rest of his party grow stronger, but do you have any you want to chuck my way? I have a few ideas myself, but I want to chuck this out there in case anyone can come up with something cooler.

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