《How I Met Your Monster》7. Yuki, Anime Girl, 18 (edited)


How I Met Your Monster #07



Yuki, 18

Anime Girl

Likes: Ramen, action scenes, that thing where you are overwhelmed, but a friend holds you tight and the force of your crush on them gives you the strength to keep fighting

Dislikes: Fanart. You know who you are.


My name is Yuki. Recently, I was your average everyday high school student. After my friends and I found a mysterious book in our History teacher’s classroom, we accidentally unleashed spirits into the world. However, we also got powers. Working together, we defeated the spirits and sealed them back into their realm. Yumi and Tyler realized that they were in love and went off to college together. And now I’m here. Looking for friends or anyone who may want to go on a date and be embarrassed when our hands accidentally touch.

This one was a strange meeting. I was asked to walk down ninth street at 2:34. While I was walking past the old bookshop, a girl came out reading a book. I went to move out of her way, but she also juked over and ran into me. I fell backwards, catching her so she wouldn’t hit her head. I landed on my back with her on top of me. She looked at me, and I realized it was my interview for the day.

She was all bright colors, with thick wavy blood red hair. Her mouth was a small v and her eyes took up a good portion of her face. The artist drew them green. Just so you know. Red diagonal lines appeared on her cheeks and she scurried off of me in jarring stop motion, with a ghost appearing over her head in embarrassment.

It wasn’t my first time meeting an anime person. My best friend in high school’s stepmom and stepsister were anime people. They’re really good at making elaborate meals, but they do make them in anime, so you have to be careful in moderation.


“Yuki, are you alright?”

Just as quickly as she scurried away, she suddenly shot back in front of me, a giant blue tear shape appearing on her forehead. She laughed, her mouth suddenly very large.

“Funny running into you here, Silas!” She said, suddenly demure and smiling.

“Um, you asked me to meet you here?”

Her eyes went wide and she played it off, waving her hand in front of the small mark that was her nose.

“So, what do you want to do? How about a walk?”

We walked in quiet for awhile. She must have had a bunch of things going on in her head because every now and then she would make a dramatic pose and little drawn clouds of lightning would appear. When I would look over, she would suddenly smile at me, and the clouds would disappear. Then she would cast her eyes back down and repeat.

“So, Yuki,” I finally said, breaking the silence, “Why are you on Unhinged?”

She stopped; eyes cast to the ground. She held her elbow with the opposite hand. I stared at her and her eyes moved to look back at me. The small, diagonal lines reappeared on her cheeks.

“After high school, all of my friends moved away for college. I had already decided I didn’t want to go to college, so I stayed behind. I really liked this guy Tyler, but after a whole four-tier plot arc, he realized his love for my friend. Now they’re both gone. I was hoping to meet someone who I could fall in love with.”

She looked sad, and I’m nothing if not a gentleman. I placed my hand on her shoulder. Her body stiffened and a small, white heart appeared over her head. Bad move, in retrospect.

“Yuki,” I said, “I’m sure you are a great girl with so much to offer. I know what it’s like to have a crush. And I know what it’s like when it doesn’t pan out. But you’ll find someone. Just keep looking.”


Her shoulder slipped passed my hand and she fell into me, clutching me close. I could swear for a second that the background disappeared. I could faintly smell cherry blossoms. I hate cherry blossom as a smell. People overdo it.

She finally realized what she was doing and hopped away in embarrassment, laughing while holding her arm over her head with her hand coming back down behind her neck.

“So, what kind of guy are you looking for?”

“I like athletic guys. Honestly, finding that spirit book was one of the most exciting times I’ve ever had. A guy who is looking for adventure like that would be great.”

“And you’re okay with them being human?”

“Love knows no species or type or art style, Silas. As long as I feel my heart fill up and they love me for who I am, then I’m ready for it.”

We stared looking at each other for a second. The wind blew her hair in front of her face. I pushed it back. The background flickered out for a second. Stupid potion. I’m going to give Drakar a strongly worded email later.

She looked at me, leaning in closer to me for a kiss. I realized that the potion was making a move for me and I moved away at the last second. She stumbled before entering embarrassed chibi mode again and I pretended to be looking at an interesting bird. She deserved her privacy in that moment.

She collected herself, suddenly strengthen with resolve.

“What about you, Silas?”

I was taken aback in that moment, “What about me?”

“What kind of adventure are you looking for? I’m tired of playing this back and forth with you. It’s time you tell me if I matter to you or not!”

“We just met like twenty minutes ago.” I was starting to feel bad for Tyler.

“Even so, I want to know if you’re interested in taking this further. I know we just met and that this is just an interview to you, but it could be so much more if you just gave it a chance.” She took my hands in hers, “I just want to know if you’re willing to give me a chance.”

Her eyes grew bigger somehow, tears welling at the corners. I knew what I had to say. As a proper journalist, I value the truth. I also value communication. There are two of my core attributes. The potion in me was raring up, trying to get me laid, but I pushed it back down. Some thing were more important than experiences.

“I’m sorry, Yuki. You’re just not my type. I’m more into tsunderes.”

Her face started to grow sad, but she powered through it and nodded, the tears flicking off of her face, “Then I hope we both find what we’re looking for, Silas.”

We soon parted ways. Confused, I came straight home to write this up. I am very confused, dear readers, about what happened. I feel like I went through an entire relationship in twenty minutes. This will be memorable. I’ve tried to learn something from each of these interviews, but honestly, I’m at a loss. Until next time.

-Silas D.

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