《Living a Long Life as a Legend》Chapter 53


Still concerned with the question if the action of betrothing himself for the sake of resources made him a gold-digger, and in extrapolation of that, a whore, he let himself be led into the compound through pristinely white sliding doors, where he surprisingly was not asked to remove his footwear.

A fact explained by the wooden floor regenerating when he inflicted upon it an intentional scuff mark with his steel greaves.

“Fancy.” He commented to Harald, who seemed awestruck by the décor, rather than by the obviously enchanted floor.

It was nice, if a bit minimalistic. However, it wasn't anything that a middle-class family from his former world couldn't afford and put forth with the help of a good interior decorator.

To Harald it may seem an amazing display, to Lock, who'd visited castle estates larger than the entirety of Trydan, it all seemed slightly above-average. Impressive for this day and age, especially by the fact that there was no flaunting going on, as many nobles were wont to do, but nothing special.

He wondered if he would be gaping just like Harald if he hadn't enjoyed the aesthetic benefits of his specific background.

The object of his comparison, Harald, was in that moment taken away by what looked to be a servant, but could just as well have been an older family member, and thus he put it out of his mind.

He was eventually led into a formal looking room, with Archibald and Kamin already present, sitting around a small table with a traditional Japanese tea set on it. The tea set was placed in such a manner that it was obvious that Archibald was only chaperoning the entire event, and that Lock and his fiancée were to be the main attraction.

Kamino excused himself, and Lock walked towards the table and sat down in a Turkish sitting position, crossing his legs, instead of kneeling like his hosts were. He locked eyes with Archibald as he did so, communicating to him that he did so because it was more comfortable, and not because he did not know what a proper seiza was. Fucking weebs.

Kamin chose this moment to speak, notified of his presence either by the inelegant sounds that came about when his steel greaves hit the wooden floor, or by using her mysterious new skill.

“So you're my new fiancée. I would urge you to reconsider, I am somewhat cursed. My last betrothed died a horrible death.” She said, while turning up her nose at him.

Lock looked questioningly at Archibald, who simply stared on stoically.

“He died less than a week ago actually, his throat slit as if he were some common dog instead of a noble bearing the Vídd name, in the beginner dungeon. Rightly so considering what he was attempting, but it is odd that he did what he did shortly after our union was signed upon as a possibility. A possibility that was in jeopardy from the moment it started seeing as a negotiator on the opposing side was blown up until not even a smidgen of evidence remained on these very shores.” Kamin continued unperturbed, Lock choked back a cough.

Well, this was awkward.

“Therefore I implore you to pass this opportunity of marriage by, your very life may be at stake. Ignoring completely what worth you see in marrying a sickly untalented blind girl.” Kamin finished her diatribe.


Lock took a few moments to compose himself before speaking.

“I don't know Archibald, she makes a convincing argument.” He said wryly. Upon hearing his voice Kamin, who was apparently very insistent on staying unmarried, froze. It was almost like looking at a statue. If one ignored the comical widening of her blind eyes.

Archibald thoughtfully stroked beardless chin. “She does indeed. Maybe this entire venture was a bit too quick. The girl is still grieving her previous betrothed. Mayhaps we should revisit the matter at a later date?” He asked, and Lock wearily shook his head.

“If we delay, I make no promise about me remaining a bachelor, the time to ring the bells is coming ever closer after all.” He forlornly said. His words seemingly caused Kamin to unfreeze, and now that he had the opportunity to really look at her, Lock did.

Young, slightly above shoulder-length chestnut brown hair that was bouncing around cutely as she messily waved her arms around. Aristocratic face, high cheekbones. Disconcerting eyes staring into nothing. She was pale, expect for her reddening face. She was small, almost disappearing in her white kimono, despite it being fitted perfectly to her size.

All in all she was about as sexually appealing as a crippled baby bunny. Something one wanted to pet and feed carrots to, not something one wanted to marry. Something that would thankfully happen only in five years. If at all.

'The things I do for ambition' Lock sighed at himself.

“W-wait.” Kamin eventually managed to stutter out. “Le-et's not get too hasty. Wha-at I meant so say was that this is fate right. Old fiancée dying? It basically means the next one was meant to be right? Hahahaaaaa...” She trailed off into a long drawn out laugh.

“How macabre.” Lock simply said, letting the silence lengthen into uncomfortable territory before continuing. “Well you seem to have no issue with the betrothal, although I would like to ask why.” He asked/stated.

The girl once again returned into silence, albeit it a contemplative one. Lock has most likely asked her a question that she didn't have a conscious answer too. It was more common than one would think really. Some things, such as the traits one sought in a romantic partner were so ingrained that one often had issues actually naming them on the spot.

“You don't treat me like glass.” Kamin eventually said.

Archibald's lips flickered downwards, he likely wanted to say something. A justification for the coddling? Lock didn't know. Lock continued listening. However the girl said nothing more, causing him to raise an eyebrow. Which she couldn't see.

“Well I guess my lacking empathy has some positive aspects.” He joked, at which the girl frowned.

“Pity, the word you're looking for is pity.” She muttered.

Lock waved her off, then remembering that she likely couldn't discern the gesture, spoke. “It doesn't matter, not really. While I'm glad that you're not against the idea of betrothal, I have some conditions, discussed with Archibald, that are to be met before the betrothal starts transitioning into a potential marriage.”

Archibald now openly frowned at him. They hadn't discussed mentioning that fact to the girl. Kamin meanwhile wrung her hands.

“What conditions?” She meekly asked.


“You are to gain proficiency in matters of awareness within the span of a year. You were born with a deficiency yes, but seeing as you just praised my lack of pity, please take the following words to heart.” Lock said, putting in a short artistic pause. “Get over it.” It wasn't often that he set out to make little girls cry, but Lock liked to think that he could achieve the task when he set his mind to it.

Colour him surprised them when Kamin simply nodded, no tears apparent. Well, her bursting into tears would have been a good way to cement an emotional dependence unto him and create a validation issue, but he could do without as well.

Archibald was frowning at him now.

“You won't be unsupported in this venture naturally. Seeing as your family has been failing to help you for the past few years I decided that I would take on the task of teaching.” He said, and added, “I would prefer this venture succeed.”, meaningfully.

Kamin rapidly nodded her head. Archibald was glaring at him now.

“The tutelage will begin as soon as I get the materials on the skill you're attempting to learn from your family. I will be staying in the compound for a week, after which I have things to do in Abrakshana. You will accompany me, or you won't, the choice is yours.” Lock said, poured himself a cup of tea, and drank deeply. He was growing thirsty from all this talking.

“She will do no such thing.” Archibald suddenly said frostily. “It is not safe for her outside of Trydan until she's regained her sight and gained some combat proficiency.” He finished, crossing his arms, finally interjecting into the interplay.

Kamin demurred, and whispered a soft “Sorry.” to him.

“I'm her fiancée, I have some privileges regarding my to-be. Including taking her on excursions.” Lock simply stated, not knowing if he had such a thing, but assuming that he did.

“I am her father!” The man said, raising his voice.

“I am the future father of our children.” Lock shot back and saw Kamin bury her face in her hands out of the corner of his eye.

Archibald seemed taken aback by his words. He appeared to calm down a bit.

“I know you're also invested in her well-being.” He eventually said. “However I can't just let you take her somewhere so far away from her family.” He wrung his hands, before catching himself doing it, and folded them again. “When you said you'd need a year I thought you meant you'd complete it here, with us.” He said.

“I have a life, you know.” Lock pointed out. “I'm planning on watching the beginner tournament, after which I'm going to be travelling around a bit, look for ways to advance as an adventurer.” He said.

“You can't take Kamin on adventuring expeditions!” Archibald proclaimed incredulously. “She's blind!” He exclaimed.

Lock rolled his eyes. “Not for long.”

“I won't allow it.” Archibald stated. “You would have the privilege to take her for a span of six months, an accumulation of all the expedition days allowed. But you haven't signed the contract yet, and you won't if you continue acting out this way.” He threatened.

“Confining me to Trydan for a year is an obstruction of my potential at best, and a cruel and unusual punishment at worst.” He said. “However, I see your point about dragging Kamin across the kingdom. Not that I was planning on involving her in the adventuring activities” He glanced at the girl as he said her name. Mostly she looked confused.

“And what will you do instead?” Archibald said with gritted teeth.

The man obviously lost his calm very quickly when in the presence of his daughter. He seemed so rational back in the clearing as well. An interesting tidbit, Lock thought.

“How about this. I take her to visit the tournament, buy the admission to the Academy from the winner and then attend there for one year. Kamin can come with me as my betrothed, or as a servant, whatever.” He said.

“How will you afford buying the admission, it goes for at least a thousand gold crowns usually?” Archibald asked.

Lock tilted his head quizzically at him. “You're asking the wrong person.” He genially said. “I won't be the one buying the admission.”

Archibald mulled over his words for a few moments before finally understanding the implication. He opened his mouth, face red, before closing it again.

“She will be joining you there as a fellow student.” He hissed out. Lock simply nodded acquiescently.

“I'm glad we have that sorted out at least.” Lock said. “Get the contract then.” He demanded.

Clearly frustrated with the way things had gone, Archibald left the room, presumably to get the contract. Or to get the guards. Either was possible. He turned to Kamin. She was smiling and tilting her head droopily. As if having taken leave of her senses.

“I've never seen anybody talk to father like that before.” She eventually said. Lock smirked.

As always, making the right friends was often times simply a matter of making the right enemies. Ones that would most likely stop being enemies. After one cured their daughter of blindness for example.

“I doubt you've seen a great lot.” Lock joked and the girl giggled. “You will in the future, although that depends mostly on you.” He ended on a more sombre note.

Kamin nodded, and that was the moment Archibald walked back into the small room, slapping a bunch of stapled together papers together. Since when did they have staplers? Lock was getting more and more confused.

“Well are you going to sign or not?” Archibald eventually asked, his future son in-law simply staring holes at the contract.

“Kamin signs it first. I'm feeling slightly unwell due to the age discrepancy as it is. I would like to have you take the initiative to prove that I'm not taking advantage here.” Lock said and leaned forward, resting his head on an arm, staring at Kamin, who looked surprised.

Archibald turned to her. “Get on with it then.”

Kamin gained a petulant expression, crossed her arms, and resolutely said, “No.”

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