《Re:Lovely》Chapter 42: Days 109-111 ~Ma Gear~


Day ~109~Part Two~

Now that the majestic anvil had been christened properly, they were ready to begin. Sereda couldn't be happier, finally getting to use the forge. When a burly man walked in to offer his assistance, the bronze woman quickly chased him off. Various shenanigans aside Rea spent today showing her wife the ropes, and knocking off some rust by reforging iron scraps. Sereda had told her that anything in sight is fair game.

A few hours later they were beat and retired to Sereda's room on the mansion's first floor. Rea smirked perversely, she'd had a feeling, and that feeling made her watch the door like a hawk. Their little elven maid was quite the voyeur.

Day ~110~

First thing in the morning, they were served breakfast in bed by a different woman, an older woman. Rea didn't really mind and just enjoyed the attention. Sereda acted like it was normal to have people waiting on you hand and foot. Once they were up and about, the forge was heating up again. After a while, Rea finally decided it was time to get to work. She had three goals in mind, first was to get blacksmith from level 93 to X. She was pretty sure there would be a bonus in it for her, and didn't want to craft any of her equipment until then. So today was spent forging and reforging the same blades, over and over again with different techniques.

Rea could see Sereda's boredom at one point... After asking if she'd like to do something else Sereda quickly left. Rea was a little sad she had been so easily abandoned. Getting back to the task at hand she realized that this was a lot more trouble without someone holding your tongs. Being the mischievous person she is Rea went and got an assistant. No, she did not go get the practiced burly man, she went and got the cute elven girl.

[Job-Blacksmith] Level X!

Ability [Blacksmith Goods ++] learned.

Ability [Steady Hand] learned.

Ability [Careful Synthesis] learned.

Rea was pretty darn happy, the elven girl was still seriously confused. Peering down at the iron blade she hammered out a few final details and marveled at the result. The blades psychometric description claimed that it was the first work of a master blacksmith. Instead of two effects the blade had three...

Ability [Job-Blacksmith Lv. X] altered, [Job-Master Smith Lv. 1] learned.

Ability [Blacksmith Goods +++] learned.

Rea seriously felt like celebrating... but she held back and left the maid alone. "You have a name?"

"Yes mi'lady, Lumina Felbark."

"Rea Ainsworth, tell me if you get bored."

The girl seemed genuinely content to stay right there and hold the tongs. Rea didn't realize it but she wasn't watching the smithing, she was watching the smith. For one, she had forgotten her [Natural Beauty]. Secondly, She had forgotten her own [Charm]. Add those to the fact that Rea was in her loose garb sweating while hammering away... well, the girl wanted to stay.

A few moments later Rea decided on what she wanted first. After summoning, then sending off one of the servants with a hefty amount of gold, she returned to the forge.

"What'd you ask him to do?"

Rea smirked, "get me a large board of the toughest wood around." Seeing the inquisitive look she added, "I need a durable board for the shield we'll be working on."

Taking stock of her supplies she figured there would be enough. The girl gaped when Rea started dumping large amounts of orichalcum into the forge. After it was all melted down and turned into sizable ingots she dumped a bunch of platinum in. The elven girl knew that she'd just tossed a small fortune in the flames. With all of that melted she proceeded to mix the two in order to create celenegil. Ingot by ingot Rea pounded out a rhythmic beat onto the anvil.


Lumina had gotten used to the rhythm, the feeling of it, and was no longer bouncing around as Rea hammered away. While Rea continued the process for what seemed like forever, Lumina had at some point gotten lost in her craftsmanship. No longer admiring the beautiful woman, she was admiring the woman's work. Nearly two hours later, Rea cooled the amalgamation of celenegil steel one last time. Lifting, then propping it up against a wall, they both admired her work. She had made a large wedge shaped tower shield. The reason for the convex wedge was to reduce damage from elemental attacks, split it rather than give it a place to find purchase. Nearly five feet tall, it was something she'd easily be able to duck behind.

When the man returned Rea was very pleased with what he had bought. Iron bark, a huge piece of iron bark. This time Rea did go get the burly man, together they used a two man saw to cut it vertically down the center. Then, after measurements, they fit it to the inside of her shield. With that done, Rea made use of her leather working and blacksmithing to make proper hand holds. Finishing touches were done by adding a strength rune to the massive shield. She didn't plan on using a weapon with the shield.

-Name your creation.

Rea has obtained [Protection-Shield] Ma Shield.

Picking up the near seventy pound shield, she sighed in content.

Ma ShieldClassificationArmorRankRareEffects-

-[Major Durability]

-[Major Endurance]

-[Moderate Damage Resistance]Description-

A celenegil tower shield, its board is made with ironwood bark. This shield was crafted by a master blacksmith with the sole purpose of defense in mind. It has an unusual grip that was made so the wielder can bear it on either arm, or easily grip it with both arms simultaneously. Very heavy.

Rea knew that the heavy armor set was gonna take time to make, so she decided to work on her spear next. This time she didn't want someone or something to be able to break it. With that, and balance... and length in mind, she got to work.

She looked down at her stocks and pulled out all of the atlarus. Unbreakable in solid form, unwieldy... or rather floppy in smelted form. Knowing that her blacksmithing would only come in handy during the final small details, Rea went about carving, and hammering a template to pour the atlarus in. She did take a short break when Lumina... by now Rea was calling her Lums, she did take a break when the girl brought them some drinks.

Eventually Rea had made two templates that would be smashed together to form her spear. Laying them down next to each other, she went and got the burly man again. After melting, then pouring the atlarus in, she and her giant helper quickly slammed the two templates together. The watched carefully as excess atlarus hit the ground. Nearly thirty minutes later they carefully unclasped, then separated the template. A plain scarlet spear lay center. Rea quickly went about adorning it, then tempering and sharpening the point.

-Name your creation.

Rea has obtained [Weapon-Spear] Ma Spear.

With the grip and various other small details finished she sighed contently again. Just about the same weight as her ashwood spear.

Ma SpearClassificationWeaponRankRareEffects-

-[Moderate Piercing Power]

-[Major Velocity]


A flawless atlarus spear, its shaft is adorned with wyvern scales. This spear was crafted by a master blacksmith with the purpose of offense and durability in mind.

At some point Sereda had walked in with a rather annoyed face, "Shag my maid?"


Rea put an arm around Lumina's shoulder, "Despite my better judgement, no, I didn't shag her."

"Good," the bronze giant dragged Rea off to bed for the night, it had been getting pretty late.

Before entering the room behind her wife, Rea did something to the door handle. At some point during their midnight escapades Rea heard a muffled yelp. Sereda stopped what she was doing and looked Rea dead in the eye. "What did you do?"

Rea stopped panting and gave her a signature toothy grin, "I may have set a paralytic trap for any peeping toms."

Sereda quickly got up and put a robe on, "You do remember what your poison does to people right?"

Rea chuckled, "I tried to see if I could do it without that, let's see if it worked..."

Sereda huffed and swung the door open... there was poor Lums, blushing and pretending she hadn't just had her hand under skirt. Poison, obviously still very effective. Rea shuffled around her, still completely nude and picked the girl up. Carrying her in she laid the fair maiden on their bed. They both stood by and cocked their heads. Lums, terribly confused, just gazed at them while taking long, heavy breaths. Sereda looked at Rea, then back at Lums. "We're gonna talk about this later."

Rea got up on the bed and pulled Lumina up from behind, "I'm sure I'll look forward to that as much as I look forward to this."

"What's going on?" Lumina muttered, slightly out of breath.

Rea wrapped her arms around the girl's abdomen from behind, then whispered into her ear. "Would you like to join us tonight?"

Sereda sighed audibly as the girl shook her head up and down wildly. For a seventy year old elf she really wasn't looking the part right now. Removing her robe the bronze woman made her way back into bed and ran her hands along Lumina's all too familiar thighs, she really wasn't sure how Rea had managed to strip the girl so quickly. The elven woman squealed as Rea's hands ascended and began to fondle two disproportionately large melons. Skillfully making use of her deft hands Rea thoroughly enjoyed the elf's reactions. Sereda began to kiss Lumina's stomach and massage her thighs. Looking up at the girl Sereda claimed, "Last chance to get away. Sure you wanna be here?"

Rea chuckled, no way she says no... not after what this stuff did to Felicity. As if responding to Sereda's question Lumina shuddered and screamed yes. Of course she hadn't actually heard what Sereda said before. As soon as Rea formed a minor dragon her wife knew what she wanted... Giving Rea a flat look she used her grip on Lumina's legs to lift the girl up. Rea slid her pelvis forward and got in position. Lumina let out a lusty moan as Sereda dropped her..


Lums writhed against Rea as Sereda held her steady and intimately kissed the girl. Once she had begun to calm Rea started to drill with slow, powerful thrusts. At first Lums clenched onto Sereda and gasped for breath, after the first two convulsions she began to grind her hips. Before long she was no longer depending on Sereda to balance herself as she ascended and descended on top of Rea. Sereda watched curiously... the elf really, really liked riding a dragon.

Lumina's eyes snapped open when she realized the dragon was evolving. Screaming out Rea's name had made Sereda a bit jealous. The heated woman chose to join back in at that point and zeroed in on Lumina's weak spot. The sensation of Sereda's lips against her most sensitive region was driving Lumina insane. She curled around the bronze woman as Rea continued to enjoy something her wife wouldn't let her do.

Screaming out one last time the girl tasted heaven on earth, then fell unconscious. Rea dispelled the mischievous beast and gently laid her spent victim down. They both absently looked at the busty little elf that now laid in the middle of their bed. Sereda asked, "She's alive right?"

Rea chuckled, "I am that good."

Sereda laid down next to Lumina, "Use your poison again and I'll tear those scales off."

Rea hushed up and laid down on the other side of Lums, "Sorry..."

Sereda absently toyed with the elven maid's white hair, "I sort of missed her anyway. She has always been one of my favorites."

Day ~111~

The next morning they were awakened by another startled scream. Lumina laughed as she started to go see who it was. The nude elf collapsed not five feet from their bed... she hadn't expected that. Rea carried her back to bed as Sereda opened the door and profusely apologized to another poisoned maid. After washing the handle they left Lums to treat the other maid. She couldn't get out of bed yet anyway.

Rea got slapped aside the head as they entered the forge. She got another slap after claiming that she was only making dreams come true. Needless to say Sereda decided to stay and keep an eye on her wife today. Within the hour Rea had decided what to make her heavy armor set out of. It was something she'd only be using with the great hammer or tower shield. So she didn't worry about weight, she could compensate with the strength rune.

Combining all of her remaining atlarus with adamantine Rea created a large amount of tartarite. All day she hammered away to create the gear, Sereda... had a newfound respect, rather, she was reminded of just how incredible a person her wife is.

Rea has obtained [Protection-Helmet] Ma Hat.

Rea has obtained [Protection-Armor] Ma Chest.

Rea has obtained [Protection-Shoulders] Ma Pauldrons.

Rea has obtained [Protection-Gloves] Ma Gauntlets.

Rea has obtained [Protection-Leggings] Ma Greaves.

Rea has obtained [Protection-Feet] Ma Boots.

Rea took a moment to marvel, the red atlarus had combined with the green adamantine to create a faded golden metal. It wasn't anything fancy. Jagged in places, made to fit herself. Heavy as all hell. Rea quickly put all of it on, she had tried it piece by piece before, but now... she felt pretty sturdy.

Ma HelmetClassificationArmorRankRareEffects-

-[Major Durability]

-[Moderate Endurance]

-[Moderate Elemental Resistance]Description-

Crafted out of tartarite by a master blacksmith, something seems to have distracted the smith while they were working on this piece. Small imperfections can be seen here and there due to a lack of focus.

Ma ChestClassificationArmorRankRareEffects-

-[Major Durability]

-[Moderate Endurance]

-[Moderate Elemental Resistance]Description-

Crafted out of tartarite by a master blacksmith, Made with incredible amounts of focus, nearly no imperfections.

Ma PauldronsClassificationArmorRankRareEffects-

-[Major Durability]

-[Moderate Endurance]

-[Moderate Elemental Resistance]Description-

Crafted out of tartarite by a master blacksmith, something really distracted the smith while they were working on this piece. From the jagged spikes to the small intricate engravings that line its edges... seriously what was the smith thinking looking away.

Ma GauntletsClassificationArmorRankRareEffects-

-[Major Durability]

-[Moderate Endurance]

-[Moderate Elemental Resistance]Description-

Crafted out of tartarite by a master blacksmith, these menacing gauntlets easily weigh ten pounds each. For some reason the letters, G.O.D.H.A.N.D. were very carefully engraved along a flaming design.

Ma GreavesClassificationArmorRankRareEffects-

-[Major Durability]

-[Moderate Endurance]

-[Moderate Elemental Resistance]Description-

Crafted out of tartarite by a master blacksmith, standard and straight to the point greaves. The craftsman saw fit to make this heavy set of armor's rear form fitting wyvern hide.

Ma BootsClassificationArmorRankRareEffects-

-[Major Durability]

-[Moderate Endurance]

-[Moderate Elemental Resistance]Description-

Crafted out of tartarite by a master blacksmith, heavy, thick boots. Good luck running.

Ignoring a smack on the rear she quickly went about editing her sets. Marauder and Guardian were the only two she'd have this heavy armor with. Both had the strength rune so she wouldn't have a problem moving in this overly encumbering gear.

Garb ApparatusEquipment Loadout-

Set 1: Mage

Set 2: Dragoon

Set 3: Blade

Set 4: Hunter

Set 5: Marauder

Set 6: Guardian

Rea was pretty proud of her naming sense, she made a mental note to get dragoon ASAP so she wouldn't feel stupid for calling it that. She then made another mental note to go buy a staff before they leave town. Quickly equipping her guardian garb Rea looked right at Sereda and said, "Let's do this!"

Sereda sighed while turning her fists to steel. She knew exactly what the jovial ophidian wanted... but it was getting late. So they went back to bed instead. Rea and Sereda ended up using a different place to sleep, there were four maids in her bed now...

Sereda scoffed, "What the hell did you start?"

Rea looked skyward, "oops..."




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