《Re:Lovely》Chapter 39: Day 103 ~Jimmy~


Day ~103~

Rea wasn't really surprised that her spouse was the first awake this morning. Gazing at Sereda's pensive features she asked, "thinking of your father?"

Sereda cracked a faint smile, "Dad... Melqart may have been in the wrong now, but he did raise me. Neither of us took losing mother well, and I haven't been the best daughter before. The assassins will get to him sooner or later..."

Rea rubbed her partner's back and let out a sigh, "I'll deal with it. No promises, but I want to talk to him." Sereda gave Rea a skeptical look, "feel like waiting here?"

"With targets on our backs?"

Rea rolled her eyes, "...right."

After a quick breakfast at the inn's dining room they were off again. Once they arrived a different butler let Rea in. Sereda chose to stay outside. Looking at the foyer with more interest than before she noticed a few impressive paintings... Rea wondered if her bronze skin, her blessing, was passed down from mother to daughter. Calmly leading her on was a taller, much more impressive looking butler. She took note of the armored men here and there... even a rogue trailing her. Obviously Melqart was paranoid already.

Standing face to face in less than a minute, the older man waved off his new butler. "What are you doing here?"

"You're my father in law," she answered sarcastically.

*Ahahaha* "I guess I am... I take it my daughter cooled down, otherwise you wouldn't be here."

Rea nodded, "She's pissed, you crossed the line... murder, really?"

Melqart plopped down on a large leather chair and gripped the handle, "One dwarf leveled a building with four strikes... it's dangerous."

Rea scoffed, "Shall I enlighten you with a few words from one of the greatest men to ever live?" Melqart cocked his head, then nodded. "With great power, comes great responsibility."

The man's face turned almost as pensive as his daughter's had been, "Trust the dwarves to be responsible?"

"I guess that too, you missed my point. I was talking about you, jumping the gun, getting blood on your..." Rea paused then took a very close look at his features, watching his reaction like a hawk while tensing up her blade arm, she asked, "...is this the first time?"

Melqart didn't hesitate to answer, "I panicked, I've been shrewd about the business before but, its never been like this. The rune thing happened at a bad time, with tensions as they are now."

Rea raised an eyebrow, "I'd like to hear more about that, but we have a bigger problem."

"The assassins have a small base somewhere in town, I've no clue where. It isn't safe here but... I can't leave here as is. Without me the dwarves are liable to take all of our business."

Rea took a moment to see if Melqart had the potential to use mana... he didn't. After a slight sigh she proceeded to lie through her teeth, "You could become a runesmith you know?"

Nearly falling out of his chair the man looked up at Rea in confusion, "It isn't a dwarven thing?"

Rea shook her head, "No, in fact, I'm a runesmith." The man gaped at her. "I also happen to know that there are a small group of dwarves in Tal'ma'tarn teaching humans and elves all about runesmithing, and runic infusion."

Melqart saw what she was getting at, "I'll take a few of my fellow smiths."

Rea smiled, "I hope you have a safe journey... before you leave, mind telling me what the situation in Lumansolice is?"


Dusting himself off and sitting back down he sighed audibly, "... did she really marry a woman?"

Grinning, the ophidian help up her left hand and poured mana into the special ceremonial tattoo. It glowed white, signifying that she had in fact married someone. The tattoo that was given to any willing married couple that had access to mana. A means of locating one another. Sereda, sitting outside, grinned widely at her hand as her own marital tattoo began to glow. She knew the only reason Rea would be showing it off... Rea looked at the resigned man, "Angry?"

"I gave up on her getting married the moment I found out what she was doing with the maids. Now that she is married, in any form... surprisingly, it isn't a terrible feeling." Rea smiled faintly and apologized silently, she didn't get married for the reason he would hope she had. "Take care of her for me."

Remembering Melody's words she silently begged that one day she might be able to love someone like a normal person. "I'll do my best... but, uh, have you seen her? She's made of steel, literally."

Sereda's father laughed as he rang a bell, "That was... unexpected."

For the next few minutes he barked orders before returning his attention to Rea. He then went on to explain that the mines had slowed production in recent years. The tension mostly started because there has been a lack of materials from mining operations. After that there were a few fights between higher ranking blacksmiths from both sides, and the joint group that held the blacksmiths together under one banner had fallen apart. Dwarves and humans were having a hard time seeing eye to eye... Rea ignored the joke he made. He explained that it was a relatively peaceful craftsman's city otherwise. She inquired about the assassins and only learned one reason for their base being here. Lumansolice is a good place to gear up and operate in the vicinity of both Vestlei, and Solanis.

As she began to leave Rea took one more look at him, they were alone again, "Melqart..." noticing the tone in her voice he looked up to see a rather terrifying expression, "I'll blame myself if you don't do some good in this world, if you hurt someone... Don't make me hunt you down, don't make Sereda suffer. Most of all, don't think for a second that I won't drive a blade through your heart... have a safe journey, father."

The man fell back into this leather chair, a cold sweat ran down his temple. He'd never forget her voice, her expression... his very scary, very unnerving new daughter. He hadn't thought such a beautiful woman could be so intimidating. Getting out of town seemed like a very good idea right about now.

Ignoring her coercion rank up she rejoined Sereda. "Do you know the reason mine production has slowed?"

Sereda nodded, "Murff rebellion."

Rea nearly fell over, "Murff?"

"You know, little blue guys, three apples tall."

Shaking her head Rea walked on, "Why did they rebel?"

"Not enough murffberries." Rea was about to start cursing at whichever god made this silly joke, Sereda answered her next question without Rea having to ask. "The dwarves like the way it tastes when you make a brew out of em'."

That one did floor Rea, "I suddenly don't give a damn what the problems here are, let's get our gear and leave. Know a good supplier?"

Sereda knelt down and poked her spouse who refused to get up off the ground. "Prices for any metal are gonna be high, and I take it you want something priceless."


Rea shrugged, "Would the murffs mind if we invaded their personal space?"

"Go mining? We'd need permission from the dwarves."

Rea smiled as Sereda picked her up. After stopping by a shop to sell all of the remaining dwarven gear, including her junk garb set, they were on their way to meet dwarves. It didn't take long for Rea to get directions to the runesmith, just a few pints.

Before they could get on their way Rea activated telepathy, Sereda nearly died of shock. If Rea hadn't shoved her into a wall and locked lips, Sereda would've screamed. Rea made a mental note to go over every surprising new ability with Sereda after this. She began to explain that they were indeed being followed.

After doubling back to a less crowded alley, then splitting up, Rea circled around. Sereda held her position and made herself look busy with some earthen magic. With a single well aimed blow she knocked their spy, a level 14 blacksmith, unconscious. Realizing that the young dwarf really wasn't assassin material she was about to let him go. Moments later Rea was sure that if her sadism wasn't already maxed out, it would have ranked up again. Sereda burst out laughing as Rea dragged a now beardless dwarf to her.

Rea had her make a seat for the dwarf, one that would lock his hands and feet in. She then dumped some rather cold water over him with a frosty conjure. The dwarf woke up wide-eyed, "Uhhhh.... uh... I..."

Rea interrupted him, "Why were you following us?" The dwarf clammed up, so she added, "keep quiet and I'll do more than shave you."

Looking down the young dwarven man cried out in horror, "Noooooooooooooooo!!!"

*Slap!* *Slap!*

"Come on, spit it out."

The inconsolable dwarf sobbed uncontrollably, "Where hast thou gone Jimmy..."

Sereda explained that dwarves tend to name their beards. Rea smacked her forehead, "Tell me why you were following us or you'll lose One-eyed Willy next."

The dwarf let out a silent scream as Rea suggestively flexed a hand covered in razor ice. "R-r-runesmithing, you asked about the runesmiths. They told me to follow the human spies!"

Rea cringed, "Go back and tell whoever sent you that I'm the reason dwarves even know about runesmithing again, tell them I am a runesmith." Rea really couldn't help herself so she gave him a white lie, "Jimmys camouflaged with my magic. Tell your masters nothing but the truth, and he will come back to you... in a year, give or take."

Sereda bopped Rea on the head as they watched the young dwarf sprint off at full speed. Looking down at her spouse, she muttered, "That was mean..."

Rea gave her a toothy grin, "It'll be damn funny though."

With that business taken care of the pair were heading for the runesmiths again. To Rea's obvious annoyance, they'd been lied to. It took them nearly five long hours and two drunk dwarves to find the right place.

Walking into the forge she quickly recognized Kisa. Sauntering up behind the woman, with a kick in her step, Rea spoke, "Kisa, glad to see you're well."

The redhead immediately turned and hugged Rea, "Didn't think you'd be here!"

Rea chuckled, then decided not to tell her what happened in Vestlei, "How many of the others are here?"

"Fimri, Media, and Rok. We came to spread the knowledge with some of Talos' men. Obviously I was taken along as a guide."

Getting to the point Rea asked, "Who do I have to see to get into a mine?"

Kisa peered at Sereda rather obviously, "any of the fourteen forgemasters."

Sereda looked a bit annoyed, "What?"

Kisa didn't avert her gaze, "So she's the reason?"

Rea absently shrugged as Sereda interrupted, "Reason for what?"

Kisa smiled as Rea shook her head no, no, no, "What was it you said Rea?" Kisa put a finger to her lip and absently looked up at Sereda, "I really am quite fond of my bronze skinned woman, and I think sleeping with someone else right now might hurt her. For some reason I really don't want to hurt her."

Sereda blushed furiously as Rea smacked her forehead. In hindsight, she was glad that Kisa didn't seem to be mentioning what happened after she said that. "Care to point us towards a forgemaster?"

"Right over there, we're trying to teach him runesmithing." Kisa pointed out a dwarf who, to Rea's dismay, did not have mana.

Waltzing up to a bickering trio of dwarves, Rea waved to Rok and spoke, "Evening."

The haggard grey bearded dwarf who'd just been pointed out spoke first, "Business?"

Straight to the point, Rea liked that, "I'm looking for access to a mine."

The dwarf huffed angrily, "I am very busy here, go pester another forgemaster."

Rok sighed as Rea spoke up again, "You're trying to learn runesmithing?"

Raising an eyebrow he introduced himself, "Lock, forgemaster of the Kamber caste. I am."

"You can't, sorry, you just don't have the aptitude."

Furiously clenching a fist and gritting his teeth the dwarf was about to shout at her, Rok cut him off, "Rea, the first human runesmith. A pleasure to meet you again, oh fair and powerful magician."

At the stupefying sentence Lock reeled it in and asked, "Why not?"

Rea peered around the large forging area, a crowd was gathering, "You need mana... runic power to use runesmithing. I figure they had you try to get the blessing and it didn't take?"

Lock tapped his foot angrily, "Right, how could you tell?"

Rea pointed out four dwarves, when she called out to them they stepped forward. "These ones have it in them. I'm a mage, I can see it."

Rok chuckled, "That saves us some trouble, going into a mine?"

Rea nodded, "I'd like to get some materials, and if possible," she looked back at Lock who was staring down four nervous dwarves, "learn a little more about forging."

With all of the brief introductions over Rea didn't waste anytime. Using the runic knowledge book she'd made as a bargaining chip she quickly attained rights to enter the mine. Glad that she didn't have to pay for that, Rea was happy. That happiness didn't last long, Lock claimed that his personal mine is on the seventh sublevel. Having to go all the way down made Rea cringe. Sereda corrected her though, going to the least used mine was obviously a good thing.

Now in a better mood, the pair went about procuring some provisions and tasting the local cuisine. Wyvern was still really expensive, most of the more gourmet foods around here were meat dishes and soups. Almost all of those were cooked with some sort of dwarven ale. Rea sighed when she noticed murffberry ale and murffberry steaks. Realizing that it may be a good idea to get some murffberries before going into murff territory Rea tried to buy some... they weren't for sale. After Sereda mentioned that they could be gathered in the foothills a few miles north of town they took off post haste.

To be honest, Rea just wanted to put off going underground again. It hadn't been an entirely pleasant experience after all. As they were leaving town a few jabs were made about their nuptials... news travels fast. Ignoring a few obscene gestures and one dwarf with a frozen beard, the pair were on their merry way again. As they left town it was already getting dark.

After a few miles Rea plopped down and looked at a confused Sereda, "We're camping here, I'm beat."

The bronze woman nodded and got to work, Rea instructed her to make it twice as big as the last day. Using her magic Sereda burrowed a large circle around them, she then started to removed the dirt from her circle. Rea chuckled as the ground below her became quicksand and slowly allowed her lazy bum to descend. When the wide, roughly fourteen feet in diameter hole was about four feet deep she gave the ophidian a disappointed look. Rea was very obviously pretending to be asleep, they'd been through this before.

Shaking her violently Sereda spoke, "Come on, the dome. Do your igloo thing."

Opening her eyes Rea pushed her away, "fine, fine." Within seconds there was a thin dome of Ice above the hole. As Rea continued to thicken it up Sereda went about making another smaller hole. This was Rea's fault, her love of steamy baths had infected Sereda by now. It was second nature to dig out a bath. Finishing her task Rea waltzed over to Sereda, looking down at the hole, lined with steel, she commented, "I'm so glad you can do that."

Sereda clambered out and rolled over, "Your turn."

Rea did the usual, filled and heated the water. Aside from tossing about countless furs during their newly wed escapades nothing much happened that night. Rea did make a point to inform Sereda about most of her new abilities as she continued to tell her what had happened over the past month. One passage from Sereda told her that she should never ever get on Denarius' bad side, the man had literally made an assassin explode. Apparently she had caught two alive and the headmaster thought that scaring one, was better than taking his time torturing two. That was how they had revealed the necromancer.

On a side note, Sereda wouldn't let Rea come near her with a dragon. That left promiscuous ophidian slightly disappointed...




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