《Re:Lovely》Chapter 37: Days 96-99 ~Caterwauling~


Day ~96~Part Two~

By noon, Vestlei had come into view. Rea felt so happy, even more so than she had the first time trying to get here.

Helga gave her a warm smile, "Happy to be home?"

Rea shot off a toothy grin, "My bronze woman is amazing, I mean you wouldn't believe the mind blowing way she uses her powerful fingers to twist my..." *Thunk*

Rea began to favor an injured nose as Helga marched off victoriously. She absently cursed at the dwarven woman's back and fondly smiled in Vestlei's direction. Rea had missed everyone a little... thinking of people she misses always lead her back to Elizabeth. Taking in and letting out one long drawn sigh she offered her daughter a loving comment while marching forwards. Seeing as the academia was on the opposite side of town Rea decided she'd be making a few important stops first.

The southern gate guard nearly got leveled by Helga for attempting to search her. All of that nonsense stopped when she mentioned her name. The guard then promptly warned Rea about recent disappearances in Vestlei. As they waltzed right on in Helga raised an eyebrow at Rea, "The martyr hero's favorite slave?"

Rea vacantly stared ahead, "I'm just as... Okay, I'm almost as surprised as you are."

"That sounds like a good story."

Rea absently rubbed her wrists, "Lucatiel is great and all, but... well it's a little odd being known for the time I spent chained to her bed."

Helga tripped up and would have fallen if Rea didn't catch her. *grope grope* "..." *grope* *Pow!*

Rea favored her noggin as Helga kept on walking, "I should've guessed they meant that kind of slave." Pausing for a moment the dwarf asked, "Which way is the Ainsworth estate?"

"Ah, I want to visit someone first... uhhh... this way?"

Helga gave Rea a flat as hell look, "You did live here, right?"

Rea rolled her eyes, "You go that way," she pointed towards the gate they'd just come through, "I'll go this way."

Helga was honestly too flabbergasted to make a snappy comeback as she followed after the skipping ophidian.

Seventeen jugs of java juice XXX later... that dwarf can drink! *cough cough* Seventeen jugs of java juice XXX, three grilled corns, five agedashi, seventy-two sweet potato tempura bites... that dwarf can eat! *cough cough* Two assaulted stall owners, and one hour later...

Looking towards the place she'd decided to visit, her favorite cookie stall... Rea roughly pushed Helga into an alley and burrowed her face into the woman's chest. She had noticed the way Vestlei seemed on edge. Now the guard's comment about people disappearing suddenly made more sense. At first Helga thought to smack Rea... But when she'd realized the happy go luck woman was crying, well, she couldn't smack her.


Her voice quivered, "Give me a minute..."

Helga wasn't known for her patience, "What is it, Rea, what did you see?"

Rea painfully clutched onto the dwarven woman's thighs, "I should've checked, I should've ignored Lark's warning. I should have disobeyed him and gone looking for more of the monsters..."

"Check for what Rea?"

"More skinwalkers..."

A chill shot up Helga's spine, "What!?"

Rea shot her a quick glare, "Quiet Helga, I know you wanted to meet Lark but that'll have to wait. I've a little more unfinished business than I originally thought."

Helga almost didn't follow Rea as she briskly walked north. The dwarven woman wasn't sure what to make of the change of pace. Rea had thrown a cloak on and people had stopped greeting her happily, luring her into stalls. Nearly fifteen minutes later they'd arrived at the northern stockade. Rea recognized a guard, "Hey Paul."


The guard who had arrested her twice before chuckled, "Evening mistress Rea, to what do I owe the pleasure."

"Monster hunting, go get Lucatiel and point me in Ophelia's direction," she explained without an ounce of her usual jovial demeanor. As he left Rea instructed the other man to bring her a decent quality iron shortsword. The man inquired about length as she tossed him her mythril blade. A few minutes later she had spotted Ophelia, the woman began to run... but stopped when Rea glared at her.

Ophelia let off a timid greeting, "You've business with me Mrs. Ainsworth?"

"How did things go with the necromancer?"

Ophelia smiled broadly, "Yes, he's already been executed for desecrating remains and attempting to murder you. Glad to see you alive Mrs. Ainsworth."

Rea did let her expression contort a bit at that, "Well... I'm glad to know how it happened, I guess."

Ophelia cocked her head, "That's not why you're here?"

Rea's lips pursed involuntarily as her entire body tensed up, Helga took a step back. "I'm here to rectify a mistake, how should we go about letting me see large amounts of the population without making it seem suspicious?"

Sensing how serious she was Ophelia quietly pondered for a moment, "Have Lark throw a public celebration for your return... why?"

"I wasn't thinking properly last time... or rather I was being stupid. There are more skinwalkers in Vestlei right now, I'd like to spot as many of them as possible without the monsters knowing that I'm doing it." Rea looked back to Helga, "you should stay out of this."

Helga shifted her crossbow a bit, "no argument here, not exactly suited to fighting those things."

Rea looked back at Ophelia, "I was told by Corn that most skinwalkers are more of an infection than an evolved monster, humans that have been forced to, or willingly consumed skinwalker. Only the original evolved from a monster. I had thought that I killed the original... How many people have disappeared while I've been gone?"

Ophelia knew the numbers by heart, "Thirty-seven, people have been on edge in case you didn't notice."

"Let's assume they haven't been converting, only eating. About how many would be around for thirty-seven to disappear in that time frame?"

The woman's eyes widened, then narrowed in fury, "About seventy if they're eating conservatively. You lose your humanity becoming one of those, so let's say they haven't been conserving meals. Probably around fifty."

"When Lucatiel arrives inform her of the situation, also, send the blades that come back for me to the Ainsworth estate..." Rea almost forgot something very important, "Nevermind, I'll wait for Lucatiel with you."

Once Lucatiel arrived Rea was bombarded by a deep kiss, the Martyr pulled back as Helga gaped, "Not in the mood?"

She nodded apologetically, "sorry." Rea looked back to the woman's daughter, "gather your men, all of them."

An hour later Helga had been sent to the Ainsworth mansion. Rea, Ophelia, and Lucatiel stood in front of thirty-two guardsmen. The ophidian frowned as she spotted seven skinwalkers. Assuming that they must have infiltrated the guards to cover their tracks she began to speak. "When I call your name come stand behind us, you get to partake in a special training session!"

Rea rapidly began to shout names as guardsmen hurriedly shuffled past them. She didn't wanna give the monsters a chance to slowly realize what was happening. As soon as the last of the humans were half way to the stage Rea nodded to Lucatiel and Ophelia. Both women charged right past the last of her men and drew their blades. Two heads flew off of limp bodies before the others even realized they'd been singled out. Lucatiel was driving her blade through another one's skull when the monsters finally attacked. They'd been standing a good distance apart from each other and the women aimed to take advantage of that. Moving forward Lucatiel, instead of aiming for the well guarded heads, chose to disable the monsters with maiming and crippling blows to the legs or abdomen. Ophelia quickly followed up her mother's moves by aiming for decapitations and skull splitting attacks. The final one, after being disabled by Lucatiel, was quickly struck aside the head by Ophelia.


In less than thirty seconds the twenty-five surviving guardsmen were shocked speechless. Rea began to speak again, "The missing people are likely dead, you'll spend tonight interrogating, then disposing of this last skinwalker." Rea handed over two of her [Elixir]s while gazing at Lucatiel, "Make it last, the more we know, the less people are gonna get caught up in this. I'll have Lark throw the celebration together quickly. I didn't want to alert the skinwalkers, but we didn't really have a choice with them being in your own company."

Ophelia absently kicked the unconscious monster, "We'll end this one as soon as the celebration starts, whether that's tonight or tomorrow."

Rea stopped in her tracks, "I had intended to sit around and sketch all of the ones I see at the celebration. That's a bad idea now that we've killed a few... Change of plans, I'll just sit on a roof and point them out when none are watching... if any show."

Lucatiel gave her a flat look, "How are you gonna explain sitting on a roof with twenty-seven guards?"

Rea glanced at the men and women, "Don't dress like guards, bring your weapons though. You could look like harlots for all I care, just don't wear your guardsmen gear." As she walked out of the barracks Rea could hear various cries of sorrow. Those skinwalkers had eaten some of their closest friends, and they hadn't noticed. She absently kicked her feet while being thankful that neither Lucatiel nor her daughter asked about how she'd just done that.

As Rea was walking along the streets she inspected the iron blade carefully. With a few swings, one demolished stall, two less gold pieces, and one personal raincloud, Rea had found it satisfactory. Before she could make it to the mansion though another skinwalker caught her eye, it was heading north. Thinking that she may be heading to the stockade, and could very well reveal them, Rea waltzed up behind her. Giving this monster a closer look, Rea had seen the black haired beauty once before. She'd bought some of her time at a brothel...

Suddenly feeling like this was personal Rea called out, "I haven't seen you in a while."

The monster in disguise was a little startled with how close the voice had been, "Rea."

Feeling that it was a bit creepy for something to somehow absorb your memories she hid her displeasure well. Rea vividly remembered how the first one had sensed her fear, her lies. Rea shot the woman an impish grin, "Are you busy?"

The woman followed Rea's gaze to a nearby alleyway, "Really? Right there?"

Rea came closer and slid her hand inside the woman's skirt, immediately getting very intimate in a much too public place. She tried not to hide her disgust as the woman heaved her chest with a long drawn breath before taking hold of Rea's wrist and leading her away. As they left the sight of prying eyes Rea had already activated her tech rune, she didn't even give it time to turn and face her. With a single vertical slash, taking full advantage of her unique muscles, the monster's head went tumbling across the dark alleyway. Rea let out a single sigh of relief before collecting the body, and head, then depositing them in a nearby crate. She then covered the body in cloths and trash, marked the crate, and washed away the blood. She'd tell the guards to come burn it later.

As Rea waltzed towards the Ainsworth estate she pondered that the brothel would be a good place to take prey... Realizing that a good reason to visit the guardsmen walkers would be to have them cover up a recent or soon to be feast, Rea, held back the urge to rush off for the brothel. Instead she dashed off full speed ahead.

Slamming through the door Rea called out, "Lark!"

Nearly tripping out of the entertainment room he answered, "Yes Rea!?"

"When's the party?"

"Tonight in about two hours, at the main plaza with the dragon statue. Remember it?"

"Got it, I'll be there..."

A look of absolute horror shot across Rea's face as Lark spoke, "So you can tell us apart, how do you do that?"

Rea's heart began to beat uncontrollably as her hands became fists. Narrowing her eyes she asked, "The dwarf?"

The monster smiled widely, "As good as dead, just like you..."


Rea, seething with rage, was too angry to hold back. The monster cried out in agony as an inferno engulfed it. She didn't stop until it fell to the ground. While walking towards the creature Rea encased the entire foyer in frost while covering her fists with razor ice. It barely glanced at her before she mounted the beast and began to pummel it over and over again. Rea absently drowned herself in cold water as she got off the grotesque pile of flesh. Dashing towards the entertainment room she was in a panicked state. Laying there on the floor in a pool of blood, missing both of her arms, was Helga. Quickly tumbling the unconscious dwarf over Rea forced an [Elixir] down her throat. With that done she watched the entrance like a hawk, trying not to think of what she had to do next.

Helga began to stir nearly five minutes later. Gasping for breath she held on tightly to Rea and desperately tried not to look at her arms that had been literally torn off at the same time. Realizing that she did indeed have arms, Helga looked up at Rea. "My arms?"

"Reptiles are known for their regenerative abilities, and I'm as potent as it gets... I am so, so sorry." Rea was barely holding it together. "I have to check for Meril."

Helga knew exactly what Rea had just done, who she had just killed. The thought of what Rea was feeling, and what she was about to do was enough to distract Helga from her own brush with death. She quickly followed after Rea, not wanting to stay in that place for a moment longer.

"I should've thought of it, guardsmen, a brothel, and Lark. They were taking up strategic positions." Rea slowly ascended the staircase, "If I'd just looked around town a little more..."

Helga interrupted her, "You can't think like that Rea, you just can't..."

Rea turned to look at Helga, "Go back to the northern stockades, you know Ophelia and her men are human. Tell them about Lark... I'll be there soon."

Helga was reluctant to leave Rea's side, but understood why she wanted to go on alone. A few seconds later Rea was standing at Meril's door alone. Her hand trembled as she took hold of the door knob. Her pulse sped up so much that she thought her heart would explode. Tears ran down her face as Rea slowly opened the door. Empty, the room was just empty. No Meril, no monster. Sighing, and hoping that she had somehow survived, Rea quickly dashed away. She sealed the mansion shut with ice on her way out.

Catching up with Helga, she slowed her pace to a brisk walk. Helga tried to ignore the increasingly vicious look tainting Rea's visage. "Nathan, Lark, cookie girl... I'm gonna kill every fucking skinwalker in this world."

Helga averted her gaze while rubbing both of her now bare arms, "You may want to put the cloak back on, a crying woman with twisted features tends to draw attention."

Rea silently did as told while quickening their pace. When they arrived Helga did the talking up until Rea moved them along, "We're going to a brothel next, send your men towards any other potential targets and have them brought in. I want any person who could meet the criteria locked away until I set my eyes on them. Lucatiel and I are going alone..." Rea interrupted Ophelia's objection, "you would stick out like a sore thumb going to a brothel, especially with your mother."

Helga was worried to be left alone in this infested city, Rea told her to go with Ophelia and provide support only if needed. Lucatiel spoke up as they marched away, "Not the way I'd imagined us going to a brothel together."

Rea really wasn't in the mood to laugh... "..."

"Meril was with your roommate, they've been trying to figure out where that spell sent you. She hasn't left the academia since you disappeared." Rea let out a small sigh of relief as her eyes saddened, "these skinwalkers obviously have some sort of organized goal, they wouldn't be stupid enough to go near Denarius."

Rea glanced at Lucatiel and gave her a thankful nod, "Let's pick up the pace... I was worried it had sent the one wearing Meril to warn them about my ability, thank you Lucatiel."

As they entered what seemed to be a common merchant's building, Rea looked to an oaken bar. Then she scanned the ground floor, then the stairs... nearly twenty people and not a single one. Rea waltzed up to a woman she'd gotten to know well. The woman noticed Rea walking her way and gave a warm greeting, "Who will it be tonight Mrs... I see you brought another regular with you."

Rea glanced at Lucatiel before asking, "How many of your girls are working behind closed doors right now, and how many aren't in the building?"

"Tonight's a full house, all of us except for Josie are in. She went out to run an errand a while ago." The older woman glanced about, "Seven of my girls are working."

Rea decided to tell her about Josie afterwards, "anybody getting the two or three for one deal?"

She grinned slightly, "we got a four for one tonight."

Rea smiled, "did the customer tell you his request?"

Shaking her head she answered, "no one of my girls did."

Rea looked at Lucatiel, "Which room?"

The woman cocked her head, "Why?"

Rea wasn't in the mood to fuck around and lit her fingers ablaze, "Tell me which room right now, or I'll burn this place to the ground in half a second."

The woman went wide-eyed and pointed to a nearby steel door, barely five feet away. Every room in this place was soundproof. Lucatiel took the lead and pulled out her Iron longsword, Rea followed behind her after sealing both exits in ice and causing a near panic. Kicking the door down Lucatiel didn't even wait for Rea to check, four women were sitting around drinking blood out of a glass. The man, tied and gagged on a bed, struggled. Before Lucatiel could reach the monsters Rea slammed two into the back wall with a single frigor spire. Lucatiel, once again, easily dispatched the monsters, Rea really wasn't needed. The hero then took one look at the man's mouth, walked up to him, and severed his head without hesitating. Rea was almost shocked, but could see why she'd done it. He'd been fed by the women, not just drained.

Walking back into the main area Rea called out, "Bring out the other girls, I need to make sure they aren't skinwalkers."

The woman did as commanded while everyone kept their eyes on the terrifying pair of women. After one more skinwalker, Rea and Lucatiel were leaving the brothel. "What's the plan?"

Rea talked in shuddering voice, "Check the people your daughter brings in, then run around town killing as many as we can find, starting with brothels and stocks. They'll realize we can detect them somehow and flee... That last one was level X. Did it strike you as the original?"

Lucatiel absently rubbed a broken collarbone, "It did, can I have some..."

Rea pushed Lucatiel into an ally, "I'm out of vials, take a bite or cut me. I don't really give a damn right now."

Lucatiel would normally take her up on the bite offer, but she really could tell that Rea was in a half delirious state of perpetual rage at the moment. In the end she just opened up a small cut on Rea's scarred arm and drank until her collarbone set itself. Rea's eyes blinked a few times as she watched Lucatiel drink, she almost didn't believe what she'd just seen. Some of the woman's silvery-white hairs had gained back their blonde color, much like her daughter’s own hair.

"Lucatiel, did you feel more youthful after the first time I healed you?"

As they walked back towards the stocks she answered, "I guess I did, a little bit, why?"

"Maybe it's your job, but I'm pretty sure I just saw some color come back to your hair. When this is over, drink some more of my [Elixir]. See what happens, It'd be nice to have you around longer... If you don't mind not dying permanently for a while longer."

Lucatiel, despite the dire circumstances, grinned from ear to ear. "A martyr that can live forever..."

Rea ignored the chill in her spine, and the look in this martyr's eyes.

Ability [Razor Ice Rank Up].

Ability [Frigor Rank Up].

[Job-Swordsman] Level 27!

Ability [Improved Slashing Power Lv. 3].

Ability [Razor Ice Rank Up].

[Job-High Mage] Level 42!

Ability [Mana Capacity Lv. 8] learned.

Ability [Enflame Rank Up].

Ability [Inferno Rank Up].

Ability [Fireball Rank Up].

[Job-Swordsman] Level 39!

Ability [Improved Slashing Power Lv. 4].

[Job-High Mage] Level 46!

Ability [Mana Capacity Lv. 9] learned.

Day ~99~

For nearly three days Rea hadn't slept, she and the others were confident that no more of the monsters plagued Vestlei. Rea had seen far too much blood, far too many people suffering. She had lost it at some point and just stopped explaining herself. Lucatiel, Ophelia, anyone who accompanied her hadn't complained when her methods got rough. They hadn't tried to get her to rest either. Rea didn't stop going from one place to the next without rest. With no more outlet her anger was fading and all she could think of was Meril. Nathan... and now Lark. They'd kept it a secret and cleaned up the mansion so as not to cause panic. Rea hated herself for even thinking it, the only way she knows how to comfort someone wasn't gonna work with Meril.

Rea was laying on Lucatiels bed now, gazing at the ceiling, trying to fall asleep. At least with the Martyr nearby she could feel safe, at least in this bed she was comfortable. It was the same as when she'd lost Nathan, the same damn feeling... Except this time she was feeling for Meril as well. Before she hadn't known Nathan's family, it was different now. Her heart lurched as she curled up and tried to think of how to tell Meril. Lucatiel sat down next to Rea and gently ran a hand along her back. "What is it?"

"How am I gonna tell Meril?"

Moving Rea's head to her lap Lucatiel answered honestly, "I've been watching you tear yourself apart for three days, you won't be able to tell her. You'll try, then you'll choke, she'll know or be confused as all hell."

Rea pinched Lucatiel's hind quarters as the woman let out a surprisingly high pitched yelp, "Know me so well do you?"

Lucatiel continued to run her fingers through Rea's hair, "Well enough to know what you need right now."

Rea let off a loving smile, "Can you even do gentle?"

Lucatiel rolled her over and began to massage Rea's thighs from behind while whispering into her ear, "I'll make an exception for you."

Rea absently poured mana into her exposure rune, surprising Lucatiel, "You know what I'm doing right?"

Lucatiel chuckled as she kissed the back of Rea's neck, "Using me? Like I give a damn."


Lucatiel noticed her tense up, "What?" Rea rolled over to face Lucatiel, her features contorted slightly as she gazed strongly into the martyr's eyes. "Still seething?"

Rea cringed as her stomach lurched painfully, with her chest tightening she took hold of Lucatiel by the waist, "I can't let it go this time, I'm so damn angry. I'm afraid that I can't go back, I..."

With her eyes softening Lucatiel looked down at the vexed woman, "I think you need to leave Vestlei for a while. Staying here isn't gonna help you Rea."

"I think, that might be best...."

Lucatiel unfastened her belt, took one of Rea's hands and let her have a very intimate touch. Rea's expression got rather perplexed as Lucatiel curled on top of her and moved face to face. The woman sighed in frustration while looking down at Rea again, "You're not in the mood for this at all, and I've been firing up for three days straight. I just watched you torture yourself for something that isn't your fault. This is supposed to help you, and I really want it..."

Rea let out a slight chuckle, "Damn it Lucatiel."

Lucatiel gave Rea a light kiss, "I'm really sorry, I know you.."*Ahn* Rea's touch became much more intimate, "wait I'm trying to.. *hnn*" Now a full on massage, Lucatiel gripped Rea's shoulders and began to grind her hips in sync with the movement of her knuckles. In mere seconds she gazed into Rea's eyes, let out a single lusty breath, curled her toes, bit her lip, moaned passionately while shuddering, then collapsed.

Rea removed her fingers and put them in Lucatiel's mouth, "A bit quick, don't you think?" She pulled Lucatiel up by the tongue, "What?"

Lucatiel actually blushed, "I think you need to let some of that angry out Rea."

Rea pushed the woman down and tore off her soaking trousers, "Really, you weren't wearing any..."

Lucatiel grinned, "Three days Rea, three days."

Rea let out a few intense lanterns, Lucatiel wasn't sure what to think at first as the warm, vibrant light hit them both. "I've learned a trick or two since the last time we had an encounter... what's your relationship with Denarius?"

Lucatiel chuckled, "We've had a few run ins, almost slept with him once..." Rea perked an eyebrow up as she kneaded Lucatiel's thighs, "I got one look at his rig, laughed, then ran for it."

Rea chuckled, "why did you run?"

Lucatiel made an exaggerated motion, "It was way too big, I mean, you would've had to seen it to believe..." Lucatiel realized that Rea had started some water works, her eyes went wide as she gripped the bed and tried to pull away. Rea dug into her thighs and pulled Lucatiel back. "What is that!?"

Rea cocked her head while going into ready position, "Don't you recognize it, my pent up anger?"

"I didn't mean..." Lucatiel took in a sharp breath and heaved her entire chest as Rea buried the dragon's head, "Oh dear god... *AHNNN*"

Rea paused with her hips resting against Lucatiel's, she then leaned forward and let her moist warm lips invigorate Lucatiel's chest, "Take your time..."

Lucatiel gasped for breath as she gripped the iron bars of her bed, "There isn't enough time in the world to... *Ahhh*" Rea used a subtle circular movement with her pelvis to interrupt Lucatiel's train of thought, "...Not yet."

Rea continued to alternate mountains as she rained kisses upon lucatiel, she then ran a hand along the small of Lucatiel's back while sliding her other down the woman's pelvis and gently massaging the most sensitive part of Lucatiel's body. "Now?"

"Never..." Rea leaned back and lifted Lucatiel with her hips. *Oooommmnnn* She then propped herself up against the bed beneath her and let Lucatiel find balance while sitting in her lap. Lucatiel slowly began to shift her own weight, "Almost..."

Rea decided it was time and drilled upwards, Lucatiel let out the most sensual howl she had ever heard before. She grinned widely and continued to drill as Lucatiel gripped Rea's shoulders desperately. In just a few short minutes she felt Lucatiel convulse violently and dig furrows into her shoulders. As Lucatiel tightly hugged Rea and gasped for breath she released the dragon, "Don't waste my blood Lucatiel."

In a half delirious state Lucatiel realized what she'd done to Rea's shoulders and began to lick them, "I'm sorry."

Rea ran a hand along the small of Lucatiel's back, she'd begun to calm down now. "I'm not mad at you, and it doesn't hurt all that much."

Rea winced when Lucatiel ran her tongue along one of the deeper gashes. Lucatiel, satisfied that the bleeding had stopped, drew back and smiled roguishly at Rea, "You know, with the way you control that dragon... Haven't you ever thought of making an extra arm or two, real arms?"

Rea laughed like mad, "wow, mind blown." In less than a minute Rea managed to make a decent set of aquatic arms.

Ability [Aqua Limbs Lv. 1] learned.

Lucatiel gently kissed Rea, happy to see a smile on the woman's face again. "I'll let you test those on me if I get to ride the dragon one... two more times."

Rea chuckled while running her amorphous limbs along woman's bust, "Damn it Lucatiel."

Ability [Aqua Limbs Rank Up].

Ability [Aqua Limbs Rank Up].

[Job-High Mage] Level 48!

Ability [Mana Capacity Lv. X] learned.

Ability [Aqua Limbs Rank Up].

[Job-High Mage] Level 50!

Ability [Hero-Dual Element Sage] learned. (Rea would've jumped skywards and done a fist pump if she wasn't already pumping Lucatiel. Seriously, some nice passives and a spell that allows some major mana regeneration, Rea could die happy. Although she hadn't imagined becoming a hero mage feeling this good...)

Ability [Icy Veins] learned.

Ability [Pyrotechnics] learned.

Ability [Evocation Lv. 1] learned.

Ability [Presence of Mind Lv. 1] learned.

Two hours later Lucatiel buried her face in a cotton pillow, having lost all strength in her hips. Rea kept Lucatiel's hips raised by wrapping both of her arms around the woman's abdomen. Gripping onto the bedpost with her aqua limbs she violently shook the entire frame with every fluid, powerful thrust. Lucatiel arched her back and drowned out her own screams of ecstasy as best she could. With a few masterful, well-aimed blows that synchronized their breathing Lucatiel looked skywards and howled Rea's name.

*Crash!* *rumble rumble* *Bang!* Rea gently released her partner and rolled the woman over. She then eased back down and laid on top of her. They both took a single glance at the floor next to them and burst into helpless laughter. "You broke my reinforced steel bed!"

Rea stopped laughing and burrowed her head into Lucatiel's neckline, "That has to be a sign, I really need to sleep now."

Lucatiel rolled the covers around them as Rea's lanterns went out. "I'll be here."

Rea scoffed, "With what I just did it'd be surprising if you could walk away."

*Hahahahaha* "...Rea?"

The ophidian sighed, "Yeah?"

"Well, are you sure you're tired? It's been hours and I haven't even touched you..." Lucatiel slid her hand along the inside of Rea's thigh until it found purchase with an incredibly excited part of Rea's anatomy. *Ahn* Sensing an opportunity she continued to explore the heated chamber with that hand while using her other to gag Rea. Rea curled into Lucatiel with her back against the woman's chest and shuddered in less than fifteen seconds. Lucatiel kissed her on the back of the neck then whispered into Rea's ear, "A bit quick, don't you think."

Rea chuckled out of breath, "Damn it Lucatiel."

Still in complete darkness Lucatiel rolled them both and pressed her hips into Rea suggestively from behind, "Is it possible for me to have a dragon?"

Rea cursed herself while burying her face into the pillow. She then felt Lucatiel getting a little more intimate... and cast the spell. Lucatiel, unlike Selene, took her time. Gently, little by little, she manipulated the dragon to explore every inch of Rea's cave. Every bump, every curve caused Rea to bite her lip and try to grind her hips. However, Lucatiel tightened her grip and kept Rea from satisfying her immediate desires. The woman enjoyed thoroughly watching every single one of Rea's reactions, every twitch, every shiver, jerk, gasp, moan, and cry just excited her more. By the time she was nearly halfway done Lucatiel couldn't handle it anymore and went full force. Rea screamed out her name and pushed backwards toppling the woman. Lucatiel supported her mounted partner's balance by placing both hands firmly on Rea's hips again. Rea continued to ascend skywards and fall with all her weight against Lucatiel's powerful thrusts as she woke the heavens with her screams. By the time morning came Rea had very nearly lost her mind.


Rea looked around absently, she didn't quite remember when she had passed out...

She had expected to see Airi appear...

"Fancy a fuck?"

Rea sighed while falling to her knees as Aphrodite disrobed and stood over her. "Can I say no?"

Aphrodite grinned, "Only if you desire a blessing that makes every male in the world, animals included, want to sow his oats in your field."

Rea cringed and pulled the goddess in closer, Aphrodite let out a slight moan, "Why are you doing this?"

The goddess chuckled, "You expect me to watch that, and not ask for a repeat performance in my own bed?"

Rea mulled over it for a moment, "I guess not."


Rea glanced over and spotted Airi, then laughed a bit, causing Aphrodite to smack her and demand focus.


This time Rea just vacantly starred as a rather well built woman, nearly seven feet tall with tanned skin and flowing silver hair dropped her sword and armor. "You are?"

The new goddess grinned, "Luthia, goddess of Martyrs."

Should've seen that one coming... "Not angry at me anymore?"

The goddess disrobed, revealing two slender and alluring mountains, "My favorite martyr showed me a few very convincing reasons to forgive you... Aphrodite..."

The goddess of beauty backed away, "Fine, greater gods first."

Rea perked up at that, a greater god... one who could save her soul. Suddenly much more into this Rea's gaze intensified as she examined every inch of Luthia’s body while walking towards her. "Luthia..."

The goddess was enjoying her inquisitive gaze, "what?"

"I hope you enjoy what I'm about to do to you as much as I enjoy doing it."

Luthia grinned as Rea bent her over Aphrodite's bed post. "I doubt you'll enjoy this as much as a goddess that hasn't engaged in pleasure for more than two hundred yea... *AHHHHHHHNNNNN!*"

Aphrodite and Airi crouched down to get a nice view and cocked their heads sideways, "Why didn't I think of that?"

Airi gave her a flat look, "Because you're not as perverted as that mortal."

Aphrodite toppled Airi and turned into Adonis, "I resent that!"

Airi chuckled, "Is that threatening staff of yours for show or does it actually do somethi....*Nnn* ... shutting up."

Ability [Greater God of Martyr's Divine Protection] learned.





That got really out of hand at some point... O_O;

I hope you all enjoyed it! #NaughtyHippy

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