《Re:Lovely》Chapter 34: Days 86-92 ~Messy business~


Day ~86~

In her time as a vigilante Noel had used a terrifying thirty-five centimeter knife, hardly something you could consider a dagger. These forty-five centimeter shortswords felt right at home in her hand, a lot more familiar than the spear had. Rea wanted to familiarize herself with the blades as much as possible before leaving this room. She was done crafting for now and only worried about leveling up her spellsword and swordsman abilities. Rea was pretty confident that it would be a long journey out, and she didn't want to chance running out of mana and passing out. So she wanted to practice the low cost spell sword techniques rather than practice her larger, flashier magic. Before she got started Rea altered both her spearman and hunter sets to include the quicksilver blade on her back, having that technique rune would be handy. Rea knew that she would only gain experience through ability acquisition without a sparring partner, so she decided to mix it up as much as possible while going through the movements.

After a while she realized that practicing with the technique rune activated constantly was a bad idea, the thing was draining insane amounts of mana when she used her flashier snake muscle moves. It was nice to be able to use them easier because of [Proprioception] and the technical ability rune... nice but costly.

Ability [Enflame Lv. 1] learned.

Ability [Sword Proficiency] learned.

Ability [Slash] learned.

Ability [Lunging Strike] learned.

Ability [Rune Infusion Rank Up].

Ability [Thrust] learned.

[Job-Swordsman] Level 8!

Ability [Improved Slashing Power Lv. 1].

Ability [Steel Swirl] learned.

Ability [Flame Slash] learned. (Rea was glad to see that some abilities were giving her experience for multiple jobs.)

Ability [Aqua Slash] learned.

Ability [Enfrost Rank Up].

Ability [Enwater Rank Up].

[Hero-Spellsword] Level 21!

Ability [Sustained Magic Lv. 3] learned.

When she first began to integrate some more aggressive shield movements into her attacks Rea paused and thought of a hero her daughter liked to watch. Taking a wide step back with her left leg she wound up her shield arm while activating the tech infusion. In an explosive moment she flung her shield at the Ice wall. Rea nearly died of shock when it came flying back at her. The next few moments were spent trying not to get hit by the vengeful shield, lobbed by an idiot.

Ability [Shield Lob] learned.

[Job-Swordsman] Level 19!

Ability [Improved Slashing Power Lv. 2].

Rea was pleased with her progress, going through some basic attacks had generated a few abilities. However, she was feeling like this was about to slow down without something to fight. As she absently toyed with her shield while gnawing on a piece of bunny Rea gazed at her reflection. She wasn't sure when it had happened but her expression was getting pretty grim. Almost as bad as when she had been going around hunting down criminals and torturing them. Rea didn't like to see herself slipping back into that mindset, she knew this couldn't keep up. Being alone always reminds her how weak she is, depending on strangers, sleeping with strangers... This was the first time she'd gone so long since her hospital stay without being with someone, it was reminding her that sex had never been the goal. Sure it was fun, but the more her heart began to race while gazing at the reflection of despair, the more she realized just how weak and useless she could be without someone to comfort her.

Rea's pulse quickened as she thought of the women she'd used... fearful that she may become the monster by spending too much time alone, Rea quit practicing all together and began to think of Elizabeth. Desperate and grasping at straws now Rea erected a block of Ice and began to cut off large portions. She then pulled out her carving blade and precision hammer. For what seemed like forever she distracted herself, with every tap of the blade, every cold touch of ice, Rea was beginning to form her sculpture. She'd carved wooden figurines, but never ice... because of her lack of experience it wasn't quite satisfactory so she finished the sculpture off with water magic, then permafrosted it. Rea sat back down and let a small smile crack while gazing at the visage of her daughter. Getting scatterbrained or caught up in the moment, that was one of her troublesome traits. Ever since coming to this world she'd experienced so much, and a few times she'd even managed to let her true goal slip her mind. But In the end, Elizabeth was all that really mattered.


Ability [Sculpting Lv. 1] learned.

[Job-Artist] Level 8!

Ability [Finesse Lv. 1] learned.

Now more than ever Rea was sure that this world is too dangerous for her daughter. Getting stronger wouldn't be enough, that alone wouldn't make the world safe enough. If she wanted peace of mind while not watching over Elizabeth like a hawk, she'd need help. Thinking back to the condition of Dunwalt's people Rea decided she'd still focus on becoming a hero, but as soon as her lifespan was safely secured she would forge alliances. Rea was thinking of ways to make the world safer, and the largest answer was obvious. Get people to work together, find out their strengths, their weaknesses, and let them meet. She'd seen it before in her own world, so why not here?

As Rea got ready to sleep that night she laid the pouch of spices next to her pillow while cursing herself. If she'd paid more attention, learned more about technology in her own world... this all could've been so much easier.

Day ~87~

The first decision Rea made this morning was to regain some of her strength by eating till she was full. Conserving food until she ran out, and feeling weakened, wasn't something she wanted. Today Rea visualized the grand city she had fallen into. Absently relaxing in the bath while chowing on rabbit was doing wonders for her condition. Rea was determined to do nothing today but regain her strength and prepare for tomorrow. In an effort to better prepare herself she continued to read the book related to founding Telur'thal'mir, this city. However, the more she read, the more she was sure that it wasn't a place she could navigate. Countless passages branched off the main plaza she had first fallen into. Rea was a little curious though, the cliff she almost went over, the giant gorge that split this city in two had once been the home of a river. Pondering how an underground river dries up she continued to paw through the book. Rea was a little relieved to read about the bridges, the dwarves had prided themselves on the structure and stability of their massive ornate bridges that lined the chasm.

One thing Rea kept an eye out for was mention of any place large enough to house a great number of dwarves. Sure enough, there was mention of a massive chamber used for celebrations. If she could make heads or tails of its location that would be the most likely place for the dwarves to have sealed themselves. For the rest of the day Rea practiced her engraving, she really didn't wanna blow herself up trying to free them.

Ability [Rune Engraving Rank Up] learned.

Ability [Rune Engraving Rank Up] learned.

Day ~88~

Rea packed her furs, and last bit of the roasted bunny away after reheating and wrapping it. She then took some more useful armor and weapons laying around and roughly put it all on... looking truly silly. She then used two spare equipment sets to store all of the heavy dwarven gear into garb space. With that done she fished her fire stones out, and put together a few handheld versions of the perpetual torches that had lined this barrack's walls. She also made a point of packing away all of the coal. With just a mini lantern spell lighting her surroundings Rea stood before the wall of ice. Dispelling her lantern she began to defrost the wall, in less than a minute her door was freed from the barricade. In near complete darkness Rea equipped her hunter garb for minor nightvision and let her eyes adjust. Preparing herself to fight off an unknown amount of the lurkers Rea pushed one massive door open with surprising ease.


Rea was not happy with what she saw, the lurkers were dead. Normally you'd be happy, but when the scary horde of creeps that tried to eat you get torn to pieces... lots and lots of pieces... Well it's a little scary. Taking a knee she examined one's wounds, injuries were one thing she was pretty good at identifying. The large gashes and fully severed limbs indicated that it had been done by some large blade, or powerful focused blow. The fact that these lurkers hadn't tried to run, but rather gathered closer together meant that they had been trying to kill it. The question was whether they thought they could kill it, or they knew that escape wasn't possible. Rea sincerely hoped that the first option was the answer as she stood back up and began to make her way down the hall she'd once fled through.

Her entire day after that was spent going from one corridor to the next while avoiding the main plaza. She had no doubt that going near that chasm out in the open was likely suicidal. Rea wasn't happy spending every waking moment avoiding lurkers and something very freaky. Once in a while Rea would get a chill in her spine and turn to see "???" off in the distance. She was pretty sure a closer look would reveal what it was, but chose to keep a distance instead. The problem was that every few hours the thing kept popping back up like it was stalking her.

Day ~89~

Rea was getting pretty hungry, but without any wildlife or rodents... likely the lurkers had eaten the vermin. Without something to hunt she couldn't eat. Realizing that it may have been a mistake to spend so much time in that room alone Rea continued her search for the dwarves.

Day ~90~

Hunger was becoming an issue, she was having trouble focusing. Coming across another scene of slaughtered lurkers Rea remembered her early days as a lizardling eating raw meat. Quickly fighting off her urges she moved on. Tonight was terrible, after sealing herself into a room as usual something began to beat on her wall. It wasn't that rapid tapping of lurkers, it was the sound of powerful, precise, pinpoint blows full of intent. Something was trying to break her wall. After spending herself to triple the thickness of it she curled up behind some crates and fell asleep covered in bunny furs.

Day ~91~

Rea wasn't sure how long she slept in this morning, the persistent monster had kept her awake for most of the night. It was a little unnerving to see cracks all throughout her permafrosted wall of ice. As her stomach growled Rea absently let out a curse and got up. Whatever had beat on the door had given up and left so she didn't want to give it the chance to come back. Rea quickly defrosted the wall and opened the chamber, it wasn't easy to push open. With a single sidelong glance she stopped in her tracks, the solid dwarven door had been thoroughly dented. As Rea took a closer look at the door her [Awareness] spiked. Feeling the sudden danger Rea hit the ground rolling as a massive blade tore through the chamber's opposing doorway.

Looking up at what had actually been a jagged bone Rea took in her attacker, it seemed to be some sort of undead. Cutting off her line of thought it quickly pushed the attack, this time with a sweeping blow at her grounded position. Activating her tech infusion and using the strength of her muscles, Rea hit the ground and forced herself into the air as it narrowly passed under her. The smell of rotten flesh struck her as she quickly put some distance between herself and the headless "???" monster. It wasn't stupid, it had waited for her behind a closed door and tried to impale her. The damn thing had laid a trap for her... and it doesn't have a head?

Quickly ignoring the thought that its brain may be in the rather massive object dangling between its legs... Rea fired a few frozen arrows at her opponent with [Double Nock]. As the arrows struck it the monster effortlessly continued to waltz towards her. Lighting up a lantern and sacrificing night vision Rea equipped her spearman garb and lobbed the mythril spear at it. She looked on in horror as the beast caught and snapped her spear like a damn twig with its none bladed arm. Rea was quickly made aware that a broken weapon couldn't be reset. Launching a few fire, water, and ice spells quickly revealed that the thing was resistant to magic. She didn't want to try fighting something "???" up close so Rea continued to use her speed advantage to put distance between them while spitting venom. That wasn't having any effect on the thing either. Looking up at the chambers archway she knew that the dwarven craftsmanship couldn't be torn down by her spells. Trying to permafrost it to the ground didn't work either as it effortlessly trudged closer.

She thought of running but the creature had been following her for days on end. Feeling like it was do or die Rea equipped her swordsman garb and unsheathed the quicksilver blade. Running it along her scales as she secreted poison Rea prepared for the melee by activating her tech rune again. Charging in she watched as the beast heaved its bone blade in a vertical slice, dodging slightly to the left she quickly rolled forward, as the faster hand reached to grab her Rea sped up. She had expected the quick hand, she'd seen it catch her spear midair. Now under its legs she drew her blade across the creature's hamstring. Rea quickly dashed forwards and away, her blade had been deflected by steel-like flesh. Cringing as she turned to face the creature again she let out an audible sigh. Resolving herself to attack the massive dangling object she charged back in. This time the blade came at her sideways. Ducking low Rea easily avoided it, realizing the blade had been a diversion she lunged a well aimed thrust with her blade while stepping back from its rapidly extending hand.

The creature howled and took a knee as it cupped the injured object. Seeing the headless top from above for the first time Rea took advantage and drove her blade in full purchase. The moment it felt that she almost got decapitated by a retaliatory strike. Rea watched from a safe distance as the beast fell to the ground paralyzed. Ignoring a bleeding and floppy appendage she pulled out one massive black steel hammer and stood over the creature, now identified as a level ??? Bone Horror. Not giving it the opportunity to recover she began to end its undead existence.

*Smash!* *Crack!* *Smash!* *Crack!* *Crack!* *Smash!* *Crack!*

Ability [Job-Warrior] learned.

Ability [Two-handed Proficiency] learned.

Ability [Blunt Proficiency] learned.

[Job-Warrior] Level 8!

Ability [Damage Boost Lv. 1] learned.

Ability [Crush] learned.

[Job-Warrior] Level 19!

Ability [Damage Boost Lv. 2] learned.

[Job-Warrior] Level 27!

Ability [Damage Boost Lv. 3] learned.

[Job-Warrior] Level 39!

Ability [Damage Boost Lv. 4] learned.

[Job-Warrior] Level 47!

Ability [Damage Boost Lv. 5] learned.

[Job-Warrior] Level 50!

Ability [Job-Marauder] learned.

Ability [Crush] altered, [Pulverize] learned.

Ability [Damage Boost Rank Up].

[Job-Marauder] Level 5!

Ability [Flurry Lv. 1] learned.

Rea sighed with relief as bits of flesh fell from her heaving shoulders. Not entirely pleased to be covered in the rank stuff she dropped an orb of water overhead. While she was preparing to move on Rea heard some odd noises. She quickly equipped her bow to face the lurkers... not lurkers. Slowly sliding across the floor in her direction were a few, level 23 [Slime]s. Not really in the mood to frick' around she absently hurled a few fireballs and watched them burn. Sighing that they weren't even worth a level of high mage experience Rea moved on.

Glad to be rid of her pursuer she was in high spirits. Quickly tossing away a good amount of the dwarven gear she put together a warrior set with mix matched pieces of armor and the black steel hammer, it had come in handy after all. While she was concluding that order of business her stomach growled again, Rea was feeling the after effects of fighting desperately on an empty stomach. She didn't want to do it... but...

Nearly two hours later Rea was sealed in another chamber and dissecting a few lurkers, they really hadn't had all that much meat on them. She was careful and tossed away any really nasty looking bits as she went about the bloody task. Chalking it up to survival of the fittest she boiled the meat in a pot of Ainsworth signature broth. Half an hour later she was drinking soup and gnawing on lurker while chuckling. "Tastes like water fowl," she remarked vacantly.

Day ~92~

Rea awoke in slightly better spirits this morning, she wasn't sick after eating lurker. The ophidian resolved herself to stock up a bit on the monsters that tasted oddly duck-like. She spent her morning hunting small groups of the beasts, hauling away their corpses, then dissecting them in privacy. She hadn't seen any other bone horrors yet, just some more slimes and a few person sized spiders... the spiders ended up super crispy in all of half a second. The way she yelped when one came at her caused a bit of a commotion. Thanks to her speed she managed to find a nice spot to sit with camo active while the lurker horde passed her by.

Later that night, just as she was giving in for the day, Rea heard another commotion. The familiar sound of lurkers shrieking and scurrying off in a horde made her shiver. Rea watched curiously with her camo active as the monsters passed her by, they were after something. Slightly curious, Rea stalked the horde from a safe distance. She soon realized that they were heading to the plaza. As they got closer and closer the familiar sound of battle began to echo throughout the entire city of Telur'thal'mir.

Rea's pulse quickened as she charged forwards while branching off from the horde. Making her way to a nice vantage point, a lower bridge, she watched as the monsters climbed walls effortlessly. Peering out into the plaza she could see a battle taking place one level up... a losing battle. Countless lurkers were pouring out from passageways, shrieks were alerting others, and the fully armored warriors were slowly losing ground. They were trapped on a bridge being assaulted from both sides. Rea did have to admire the way they formed up and pushed dozens of lurkers off the bridge at a time. A few less armored people firing crossbows made it possible for her to identify the warriors as dwarves.

One impressive dwarf, a level 37 [Job-Paragon], was making waves with a hammer nearly twice his size. Every time it made contact a lurker was sent flying into the horde causing dozens to collapse. As one of the leather armored dwarves was being dragged into a horde Rea began to fire off frozen arrows. The dwarf quickly got back on her feet as lurkers were hit with a hail of icy projectiles. Rea could hear her yell out to the others as she got back in formation. Realizing that she was drawing attention to herself Rea looked both ways and spotted a few lurkers coming at her. Quickly sticking them to the ground with permafrost she began to give the dwarves a way out. Rea ignored a few excited yells and focused while forming a bridge of ice extending from the edge of her bridge towards the dwarves. They all formed into a tight defensive cluster while waiting for her spell to complete. Rea almost stopped to deal with a few more lurkers coming her way, but found it quickly unnecessary as the dwarven crossbowmen dealt with her attackers.

As soon as the ramp formed the female dwarf she had protected clutched her crossbow and hopped on. The others soon followed suit as they realized that it wasn't falling. The paragon was last on and as he was caught by his comrades at the ramp's end they demolished the bridge. Rea absently counted their numbers to be roughly fifteen as she started fleeing. Dwarves got the message and followed after her as hordes of lurkers began to climb back down a level. Rea absently decapitated two of her permafrosted lurkers while entering the passageway she had left before. Glancing behind her she slowed her pace for the dwarves and realized that three of them were being carried. Sprinting back to the dwarves she quickly shouted, "Make the injured ones drink these!" while tossing the hammer dwarf her silver [Elixir] case. Rea lit up an inferno spell for the second time ever in order to deter lurkers from giving chase. Flames poured into plaza catching nearly a dozen on fire. Rea cringed at the ungodly howls of pain and shrieks of rage as she resumed their escape.

The dwarves didn't seem too surprised that she could speak dwarven and did as told, a few hushed gasps later all of the dwarves were on their feet and chasing Rea. She knew where she was going, every corridor she had explored so far ended with a large barrack like the one she had first fled to. As it came into sight Rea forced the doors open with a single pillar of ice. Turning to face the dwarves she stood vigilant. As soon as they had piled in the dark chamber Rea instructed them to close the doors. Arrows went flying by her towards the pursuing lurkers as the doors were forced shut. Gathering the last of her energy Rea did exactly as she had the first time, mustering every ounce of strength she exhausted all of her mana to form another wall of ice. The dwarves watched silently as she fell to one knee, looks of respect and remarks of awe were exchanged as she continued to pour ice on the wall while losing consciousness. Rea knew that this was more than enough to hold lurkers, but she didn't wanna wake up with a bone horror in the room, so she didn't stop until passing her limit and falling limp.

By now the dwarves had begun to light up torches and look around the barracks. The paragon had crouched down to check on Rea's condition as the female dwarf she had saved earlier spoke, "Is she okay?"

The man responded, "Mana exhaustion, she just needs rest..." The dwarf paused to looked around the room, all of his men had stopped to listen to his answer. "We always scoff at human and elven mages, but that... was most impressive."

Various remarks of exaggerated recounting tales were passed around in a jovial manner as they went back to inspecting everything. The woman crouched down, "She saved me father."

"I saw, get her into one of those beds and set up a fire. Keep the fire away from this wall and make sure someone is always awake. I'll take first watch." The dwarven man stood to his full height then plopped down on a nearby bunk while gazing at the ice. His daughter carried Rea off to a corner bunk and asked a few of the others to light up a fire nearby. The man called out again, "Only one fire, gather round it. We don't want to melt the ice."




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