《Eldritch Night》24.E


Not a chapter, just a poll, but if you're interested I did an Easter/April Fool's Chapter but decided not to post it as I would have had to delete it anyways. Plus, I wasn't really that happy with it. If you really want to read it I'll leave a link on the bottom.

Let me know what you think of the story so far. If you can think of additonal answers for the poll please let me know those as well. I'll be logged in here later tonight from 6-7 p.m. (10-11 p.m GMT) to answer any questions or concerns you have. In the future I'll look into getting a discord server and setting up monthly chat sessions.

No content today, regular post on Monday.

note: The poll is set so everyone can answer twice, just in case you agree with more than one statement.

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