《Eldritch Night》Chapter Four: From Looming Monarch's Dread


I stood on a small ledge overlooking my previous prison. Behind me was a deep narrow cleft in the cliff wall that provided a bit of shelter and would protect me from being detected by anyone looking at my hiding spot from below.

While climbing I had found a small trickle of water flowing down the cliff face. It was just enough that with patience I was able to gather a handfull of water and feed it to my drying throat and parched lips. I had found my current hiding spot by following this trickle of water up to its source. In the back of the cleft I found a small stream of water that would flow out of the rock and then flow down the cliff into the unknown below.

To reach my current perch I had climbed for at least several hundred meters, or about one-thousand feet, but the massive web still stretched out endlessly beneath me, reaching into the murky horizon. Several smaller webs branched off from the main one, and I could faintly make out movement among them. No doubt they were crawling with oversized arachnids, but nothing as large as the BMS.

The main web was completely empty, other than a few dozen cocoons in various stages of digestion. Had I been swarmed with the spider’s spawn I most likely wouldn’t have been able to make it as far as I had. Something, fear of being eaten probably, kept the smaller spiders from intruding into the territory of the larger spider.

My experiences of the prior day showed me that the BMS spent most of her time away from the web, probably hunting. I had hoped to be away before she returned, but the climb proved more than I could handle, and I would need to rest soon.

It had taken me roughly three hours to climb this far. The cliff was incredibly sheer, but numerous handholds and outcroppings made it climbable even by an amateur climber like myself. I still had to be careful, as the blue rock was surprisingly sleek and unnaturally cold to the touch.

Small lizards, brown with red crested necks, would sometimes scamper past me as I climbed. I had been unsuccessful in my attempt to catch one, too fearful of falling to move fast enough. If I overextend while trying to grab one I would likely fall. I would need to eat soon, however, if I was going to attempt to continue my climb.

The system would aid me somewhat, I had gained the climbing skill and leveled it to its second rank. I doubt I would have made it this far otherwise. Perhaps with some rest, water, and food I could make it to the top of this indomitable chasm.

First, I decided to do some housekeeping with my status screen. The two levelups in the climb skill brought me to a total of four FP, which was enough to buy another feat. Both athlete and acrobat seemed like they might help me with the climb, but they would be useless in a fight. What I really needed was something that might help me hunt the small lizards that lived on the cliff face.


I looked at the list of feats available to me one more time. I was surprised to find that new options had become available.

Novice (0/4)

Prestidigitator (0/3)

Warrior (0/3)

Autodidact (0/4)

Acrobat (0/3)

Inspiration (0/25)

Inspiration immediately caught my eye, but I would need to save up quite a few points before it was reasonable to invest in it. The two new feats were probably improved versions or evolutions of the feats I had bought earlier. That, plus the slight increase in cost, told me they were probably marginally better than the standard feats.

Autodidact fit my theme so far, and as tempted as I was I didn’t believe it would be immediately useful. What I really needed was something that would help me to find food. The analyze skill confirmed that the small brown lizards were edible, but they were too fast for me to hit with arcane bolt. They never came close enough for me to hit with my venom spray, or to grab with my hands.

Nothing was guaranteed, yet only one feat looked like it might give me what I needed. Without thinking about it further I clicked on my choice.

Congratulations! Your journey began in darkness, but you can begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel! You have earned a new feat(s).

Prestidigitator- You are a neophyte trained in the simplest of arcane magics. You learn the skills mage hand, arcane missile, and arcane shield. + 8 to mana. All common © level spells cost one less mana to cast!

New skills meant I could earn more feat points, so seeing that this feat had given me three immediately made me excited. The system seemed to hold little distinction between a skill and a spell, the only difference seeming to be modifiers that specifically targeted spells, like prestidigitator’s decrease in mana cost.

The descriptions for mage hand and arcane shield held no surprises, but each skill would be incredible useful. Mage hand could telekinetically lift lightweight objects and move them short distances- useful in the right situation.

I attempted to use mage hand to capture one of the small lizards, but the spell couldn’t grip the creatures. They would squirm and twist before breaking free and disappearing into a crevice in the rock wall. It seemed the spell would be useless as anything but utility, though it may prove otherwise if I could advance its level.

Arcane shield might just save my life, however. It created a shimmering shield of blue arcane energy around my body that would block any incoming attacks at a cost of trading health damage for mana on a one-to-one basis while also slowly draining mana for as long as it was activated. It would be best used by activating it only right before an attack, rather than leaving it up for a full fight.

It wasn’t the most efficient use of mana, but the efficiency improved as the skill level went up. It would also let me focus on improving my mental stats, without having to worry as much about survivability.


Arcane missile at first glance didn’t seem much different than arcane bolt, but upon reading the description I found that it was exactly what I needed.

Arcane Missile © - 8 mana. Arcane missile has been a staple of every wizard’s offense going back nearly to the founding of the Hegemony of Worlds. Every young acolyte has been drilled in its use endlessly, and now you have been as well. Creates a sphere of arcane energy that unerringly strikes a single target at a range of up to fifty meters per skill level. As the skill level improves additional missiles are created.

I would need to experiment, but if I was right the projectiles created by the skill had a tracking effect that would improve my aim. I was already salivating at the thought of roasted lizard. Of course, I still didn’t have a way to make fire.

The process took me longer than I expected. It turned out that “unerringly” meant that the projectile would curve slightly to hit the target. Even with this assistance it was incredible hard to hit one of the frill-necked lizards. After about twenty minutes I managed to claim my first kill and earned my first rank in arcane missile as well.


Experience Points awarded- 1. 899 XP until next level.

While I was marveling at my hunting prowess, and momentarily distracted by the notification, my prey tumbled down the cliff face until it was no longer visible. Its fall left behind only faint echoes.

It took me a few more tries, but I was eventually successful. This time the XP notification didn’t take me by surprise, and I was able to use mage hand to catch the lizard before it fell out of range. This also earned me a skill level in mage hand. This brought me back up to three FP, but I decided to hold off before purchasing more feats.

Eating a lizard raw does not sound like a pleasant experience, but my hunger was so intense at that moment that the tough gamey meat seemed like the best meal I had ever eaten. I washed it down with some fresh spring water courtesy of the small stream originating at the back of my shelter. I sat back against the cliff wall, satisfied and picking scales out of my teeth.

I physically felt all of the tension leave my body in that moment. I hadn’t stopped to think about it, but until that point I don’t think I really believed I might survive. The flood of relief also brought with it an intense feeling of fatigue.

I have no idea how long I slept for, I awoke to the same greenish blue glow that marked both day and night in this subterranean hell. My muscles ached and stiffened from the previous days exertions.

I decided to stretch for a bit and then wait long enough catch another lizard before leaving. It only took me two tries to succeed, and soon I was climbing the cliff once more. This time with a full belly, a night’s sleep, and at least one more meal waiting in the pocket of my jacket. I had also gained another level in arcane missile and mage hand.

This quick leveling confirmed my theory that skills leveled easily until three, after which they seemed to slow down. My best option was to acquire as many skills as possible and level them all to three, thereby picking the low hanging fruit and gaining FP which I could use to improve my stats and even learn new skills. It was a potentially endless circlular path of power. I had yet to find a reliable way to level, and I suspected any monsters I ran into would be far above my level and probably above my ability to kill as well. At least for the moment.

I had briefly considered using guerilla tactics to kill a few spiders, but it was too dangerous. They had the advantage in numbers, levels, and terrain. If I was going to go after a monster I didn’t want it to be on its home turf.

Leveling was not the only way to gain strength under this system. I would simply have to continue being careful until I had the power and resources with which to battle these monsters from a position of safety. Surviving was the first step, but I really needed a home-base: a place to shelter and a bolt hole to retreat to.

I imagine I climbed for hours, though it was hard to say for sure. I had no watch, and my phone was lost back in the crash. I did level climbing again, bringing it to three and earning another FP. Eventually the top of the cliff was in sight, and I sped up my efforts to reach it.

The climb grew easier towards the top. The cliff had become progressively less steep, and the outcroppings were larger and more frequent. The blue rock was also becoming more gray and had lost its unusual coldness. The lack of numbness in my fingers dramatically improved my climbing speed.

By the time I was about fifty meters from the top I could hear an unholy shriek. My hearing was drowned out by overwhelming tinnitus that left me momentarily shaken. It was possibly a skill; I could not move, and my mind was paralyzed by dread and a feeling of devastating hopelessness.

Below me I could see a large shape moving through the shadows. Big Momma had found me, and she was angry. The climb that had taken me the better part of a day, she was completing in seconds.

I could do nothing but watch as she reached me, taloned arms reached for my throat as crushing limbs wrapped around my legs.

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