《Aspect of the Beast》Info on Rewrite


Hello everyone.

First of all, my apologies for disappearing for so long without notice. I had a lot to do and decided to put the story on hold for a while. A break that just grew longer and longer. There were quite a few things in the story that I was unhappy with as well as the approach I took to writing it in the first place. When I finally wanted to continue with the story, several months later, I decided to try and fix these things. So I am rewriting it.

A lot of changes will be taking place, some minor and some major. Most notably, in my opinion, is that I am committing to writing the story. You see, when I started, I planned to post the first draft on Royalroad before editing the book once it was complete and then publishing it on Amazon. Since it was 'only the first draft' it wasn't that high on my priority list, though I did plan to finish it eventually.

Rather than doing this, I decided to go with the web serial route. That is to say, publishing chapters at a constant rate according to a fixed schedule and having that be the end product, not some published version only available on Amazon.

So I have started rewriting the original chapters which I will start posting a week from now. The schedule will be one chapter every day for the first five days, to get readers into the story. After that, it will switch to a constant schedule of one chapter every five days. Even though my chapters are a bit shorter than they were (3000-4000 words instead of 4000-6000) I think most would agree that this is an improvement on my previous 0-4(ish) chapters every 1-2(ish) months.

Regarding the changes to the chapters themselves; some plot points will remain, some will change and some will disappear entirely. Certain things are more fleshed out like the magic system and the religions. Changes have been made to some characters to give them more depth and fix some things I thought were broken. The prologue is largely unchanged but the further you move into the story the more things will differ from the original.


Overall, I believe it is an improvement on the original story. Also, as these chapters will now be the final version of the story (except for correcting errors that might crop up), I am aiming to make the chapters more polished than the original which will hopefully provide a better reading experience.

I will post another ‘chapter’ providing a link to the new version of the story as soon as it’s up.

For those of you who have read the original version and are now reading this (I’m going to assume that is everyone who reads this post). Thank you for giving my story a try and I hope you’ll give the new version a try as well. If you enjoyed the original, I’m sure you’ll enjoy the new version. And if you decide not to read it, thanks for reading the original. I really didn’t expect the number of readers I got back then and certainly not the number of positive reviews and ratings. Thank you all.

-J Reyten

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