《Gamer's Guide to Waking up as a Dinosaur》38: He's Checking It Twice


There was a point in my life where I would’ve considered myself generally safe around humans. In fact, any time that I needed to leave my house, I walked through crowds of them. I rode buses filled with them and even stood with them to my front and back in a long line.

I blended in, never more than a face in a crowd, not really an individual, and no threat to anyone. The concept of humanity protected me and I, in turn, protected it.

The only thing I would’ve ever been concerned about from other humans—unless they displayed a personality that bothered me—were germs.

So pretty much, no risk from being around other people.

However, I wasn’t so sure these people would see me in that “perfect stranger” kind of way. Especially not when I was a killer reptile with teeth the size of their middle fingers.

Wait, does that equate to flipping somebody off when I snarl?

Anyway, looking at the situation, there weren’t really many options. I could always abandon the sad sack of fur that was currently trapped in Santa’s bag of danger, but… that just wouldn’t do.

The gorlen was cute, in a scared animal kind of way, and he hadn’t done anything wrong. In fact, that little guy went out of his way to repay me for the food he took. He risked his life coming out to the plains and dragging those wings all the way back to the cave.

Plus, if the humans wanted to eat something, they could go find a Deotrexaptor or some other vicious creature. I’m sure that scary-looking dude could handle a couple of them, given his level.

Hmm… The Deotrexaptors… I haven’t actually seen them in a while now. Wonder what they’re up to right now?

With the current threat of Ki Grenzer on the playing field, there was no way I could stand a chance against those three in a fight. And the squires were probably trained well enough that their own skills might actually out-level mine. Maybe I beat the young guy, Barlan, or the girl, Shella, but no way I beat them both.


That’s not even accounting for Savage Santa over there.

The clawed hand grasped desperately around the outside of the leather bag, muffled whining escaping the hole.

I know, I know! I’m just… trying to think for a change!

The last time I’d brazenly run into a situation I’d almost become a dino nuggie for Sailboat.

I drummed the dirt with my two upright talons—which I’d become quite good at manipulating—as Grenzer scanned the area for the second time. He was a really careful guy.

Well… there’s not much I can account for… aside from the fact that he’s just looked around. Time’s up! Let’s do this!

Santa’s eyes were on his two baby deer, so I took a deep breath and gathered my courage for a moment.

Then I sprinted out into the open prairie, heading directly for the black bag.

Tap tap tap tap.

My feet slapped against the dirt, my head leaning so far forward I felt like I was going to fall over.

Your [Sprint] Skill has leveled up. It is now level 5.

I didn’t let the box distract me, watching as my stamina rapidly fell, slightly slower than before. 190… 170… 140… and I was almost to the bag. There was no way I’d be able to haul the little guy out of there. No thumbs and all would make it difficult to carry the bag while running.

But maybe we can sneak away while those two squires don their armor—


It was not meant to be.

Savage Santa shoved a gauntlet into the other guy’s chest, then sprinted at me.

It’s okay, he has to make it around the pond first. I’ll have enough time to free this guy and maybe distract them while he—Ah!

A whistling sound, followed by a thunk on the ground to my left announced the arrival of one of Santa’s massive knives.


Did he just throw that at me?!

A careful observation of the man—well, as careful as I could be given the situation—confirmed that yes, he did. He’d already unsheathed and readied another knife while running as well, taking aim and hurling it at me. I jumped to the side, the knife whistling right past my face.

I might’ve just sentenced myself…

I tore at the bag, trying to slice the rope with my talons, but I couldn’t get a good grip on it while dodging the knives the crazy-eyed warrior was throwing. So I grabbed the top in my mouth, thankful that the gorlen had pulled his arm back in, and started dragging it back to the woods.


A knife smashed into the ground at my feet, and a quick glance back at the three humans revealed that the squires were now chasing after Grenzer, albeit much slower.

Another blade came whistling through the air. I was about halfway to the woods. It wouldn’t be the answer, but getting there could at least provide cover while I fled.


The knife landed where the tip of my tail once was.

Ha! Mr. Beetle already tore that off, Santa! And there’s no next-day shipping for the replacement part!

But he was approaching too fast. The bag was slowing me down too much.

Should I leave this guy? I could still get away right now…

No. I refused. The only person that had been on my side since I woke up in this new life was the little furball contained in this sack, and I refused to abandon him.

Think! Think! How can I get this bag open?

If I could just get the gorlen free, maybe the two of us could escape together!

Another whistle sounded through the air, much smoother than the knives.

And an arrow thudded into the ground, short of me by about fifteen feet. The female squire had joined the fight, her partner throwing his hands up in exasperation.

“Shella!” Barlan called angrily, berating her.

She snipped back at him, prompting him to wrench the bow free from her hands. Her face went red with anger, and the two squires began fighting over the weapon.

Another knife landed next to me while I was distracted. I glanced over at the sharp cleaver anxiously.

That’s it!

I had a plan to get the gorlen free.

Oh man, if only I had those thumbs right now… this would be a lot easier!

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