《Gamer's Guide to Waking up as a Dinosaur》32: The Lightbulb over My Head


I didn’t have any time to really read the notification, dismissing it as I dodged further down the tunnel, but I wasn’t going to complain about gaining a skill. None of them hurt me, yet.

The bugs snapped at me in the low light, but I continued to jump away at the last second, letting them become disoriented when they missed. Any earlier, and I might actually be recovering when I was attacked next, and unable to dodge effectively.

The roaring of the waterfall filled my ears as I closed in on the dark room housing the ravine.

I kicked at a beetle that bit down towards me, and sent it careening back down the tunnel. It stood up and shook itself before flying back toward me.

Another one snapped at me, and I jumped, slamming into it with my crippled tail. It hit the ground with a thwap and bounced up a little bit, barely taking any damage. Before it could react, I stomped on its skull, crushing its face into the ground. A blast of green blood exploded out from the impact.

Your [Stomp] has leveled up. It is now level 4. You have received 105 experience for killing [Jungle Tunneler].

Who’d have thought I could be so effective against mobs of enemies?

Another blue menace bit down fiercely into my side, pinching me, and I sliced at it with my claws, hoping to get it off before I took any real damage. But my claws bounced off the hard shell.

Another strike managed to slice across the eyes of the insect, but the mandibles finally pierced my flesh as the creature locked in and bit down harder.

“Raag!” I cried out in pain, stumbling backwards, further into the room.

The room lit up brightly once again as the magical lightbulb above me turned on, confirming my theory about its motion-sense.


I tried desperately to bite, kick, and slash at the beetle crushing my ribs with its bite, but he’d caught me at an awkward angle, and I couldn’t move my legs far enough out to the side to kick him, thanks to my new biology.

As soon as the light turned on, however, the other beetles that had been preparing to strike suddenly turned and flew away, up towards the miniature sun.

Of course… They’re attracted to the light!

But the one that had its grip on me continued to crush, even as it tried to lift us both into the air, and blood ran freely down my front and sides.

You are [Bleeding].

Thanks! I had no idea!

Despite my witty remark, the message had me worried. Bleeding was a common damage-over-time effect in many games, so I was keeping an eye on my health bar. Thankfully, though, my health wasn’t dropping too much, and I was still at 170 of 220, so I wasn’t terrified for my life yet.

Especially since I now had no other attackers to worry about. And with that reprieve, I managed to shove my hands between the two massive chompers of the grappling bug. As the spiky appendages pierced my palms, I pried them off me. The bug’s grip was like iron, and it was a slow struggle to get free.

I jumped back as the mandibles slammed shut, and just before the beetle could fly up toward the light, I grasped it around the tiny spot where its head connected to its body and slammed it into the ground, snapping its neck.

Yeah! That’s right! Get RK-DinO’d!

You have received 105 experience for killing [Jungle Tunneler]. You have developed a new skill: [Grapple Lvl 1].

Hell yeah!

I turned to look at where the rest of the beetles had gone, and saw them approaching the glowing ball of light hovering above the other side of the ravine.



The first beetle touched the light.


And the rest of them followed suit.

Then they crashed to the floor across the bridge, their legs twitching, and wings not retracting under their hard shells.

I observed them again.

Jungle Tunneler [Lvl 5] [STUNNED]

This giant insect gathers globs of dung to dip in the acid of the bees it is in a symbiotic relationship with. Then, it rolls them against materials to drill tunnels. Unintelligent, but viciously territorial.

Observations: Attracted to light.

Oh! So the information I could glean would update itself based on my own personal observations. That could be useful! Especially for remembering things I might’ve only seen once.

Though I wondered if there was a process to gaining those Observations. Anyway, it could be handy.

I swiftly dashed across the bridge, causing a couple of planks to creak underfoot.

Your [Sprint] has leveled up. It is now level 5.

Then, I bit the heads off of each beetle until there was only a single one left.

You’ve received 525 experience for killing multiple [Jungle Tunneler].

Congratulations! You have leveled up!

You are now level 8 [330/450]. Your [Health] and [Stamina] are restored.

Alert: You have reached the halfway point to your maximum level. You may now glimpse some of the evolutionary paths that await you, whether or not they are unlocked.

Ooh... I'll have to look into that tasty morsel after I finish up here.

All in all, a nice little haul.

Especially for my first accidental raid.

Now… I thought as I looked at the remaining stunned beetle. What about you, huh?

Ideas flitted through my mind as a merciless grin spread across my face.

Oh… I know…

A rumble began in my chest as I laughed maniacally.


I rubbed my clawed hands together as I approached the blue menace.

Just you wait… The things I have planned for you…

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