《Gamer's Guide to Waking up as a Dinosaur》Preface- The World Revisited


Hey all, thanks for checking out Gamer's Guide to Waking up as a Dinosaur! Those of you who are new to the story, thanks for visiting, and I'll clarify some stuff further down. I took a long break from RoyalRoad due to IRL issues, and am now going to be reposting Gamer's Guide, in its refined glory. I am deeply in love with this story and with these characters, and I hope you all feel the same.

Some chapters will be the same. Many will be similar. But there is a point in the story where things begin to diverge from the original storyline, and I will post an asterisk (*) next to any chapters that are new, or have been sufficiently modified. (This is no longer the case because there were so many new chapters.)

During my break, I did some writing of another story I'm very excited about and hope to eventually post to Kindle Unlimited. My Patrons will be allowed to read chapters of this story once I feel comfortable with and confident in the content.

Thank you all for your patience, and I'm happy to present the new-and-improved Gamer's Guide!

General summary of the previous rewrite announcement below:

I was uncomfortable with the previous quality of the story, as well as how I'd portrayed instances and characters I very much enjoyed. To that end, I decided to do a partial rewrite of Gamer's Guide. To the fans, this means that the story will change, but the overall narrative will remain the same. To those who are new, this hopefully means that an exciting new story, which has been deeply thought out and planned is coming to the site.

If you can't wait for more story, and would like to read the original, or even if you're just curious, you can find that version under my fictions.

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