《Secret Worlds》Chapter 6- The Awakening- Part 2


Chapter 6

The Awakening- Part 2

Klaus’ experiences with the feeling of excitement were relegated to only a few things. There were even fewer cases that he felt it to the extremes. Those times he could count on his two hands and even among them there were three that stood out. The first time, was when he was told he got accepted into a boarding school. The second- his first fight in a fencing tournament and the third; his first kiss with Clarissa... These instances were so clear in his memory he could almost relive them, but he could never replicate the feelings.

The elation he felt when Klaus opened that first letter. The happiness that seemed to bloom from his heart, travelled through his veins until it felt like every cell in his body was happiness incarnate. Thinking back, it felt like a lifetime ago as he ran through the halls of the orphanage and shouted his happiness for all the uncaring and food stealing bullies to hear. He would leave them; he would be rid of them and the feeling of standing at the bus stop every morning.

The resounding clashes of his sword against another, where a mistake could cost him a point and the match, how he had revelled in it when his sword made contact and the buzzer rang- proving him the better duellist. The hilt in his hand was something he could always believe in, it was not an unsure thing as vague as his future. It served as an anchor that kept him focused on that moment, nothing else. The sweat and training that went into every swing and movement of his body all for just those few moments in the duel. Each time he fought, Klaus would think the same thing.

‘It is worth it.’

As for the kiss, the first thing he would recall was the romantic smell off red roses soon to be overpowered by something that invigorated and made his blood subtly hot. It would not circumvent his senses but draw him in gently until he spotted her and then her presence would be all that mattered. It always seemed to hang around her. Then the feeling of that moment just before their lips touched. A moment that felt suspended, slowed, a moment in time that belonged to him and her alone. It was a moment that came too slow and ended too fast. The brush of pink soft lips against his and the taste of her that came with it. She had stolen one of his gummy bears, a purple one- his favorite and she tasted of it… Berries, his first kiss had tasted of berries.

Looking up at the descending helicopter, he knew in his heart this would be another memory he would not forget. The rotor blades spun announcing their effort to defy gravity as they struggled to keep the beast below it in the air. It was not some fancy helicopter; no, it looked bulky and ugly like a fruit fly to Klaus. Regardless of that, his smile was nearly as wide as that of the top hat wearing demon. ‘I am going to fly!’

People started to notice the hulk closing in. The chop of its rotors thundering its presence and a lot of people looked up. First they were just curious. Soon they realised something was up. Mothers, fathers and pet owners started to collect their charges like ducks.

By then the apprehension he had felt at first was gone. The people would move, he knew; who would be dumb enough to stay with such a thing above their heads.


It was when it almost touched the ground, the wind buffeting them and the area around it, throwing and parting the lush green grass in all directions that he felt a hand pull on his elbow.

He turned and saw as she stood there, hand still on his elbow, red hair ablaze in the sun as the wind whipped the strands into a frenzy. Her face was scrunched up in confusion and in retaliation to the wind buffeting their faces.

He saw her mouth move but could hear nothing with the beast of a machine hammering away at the air behind his back. She leaned closer and repeated her words, shouting as hard as she could. “What are you doing here?”

It was Clarissa, Klaus could tell in an instant from the freckles on her nose which her sister did not have or covered up. He knew them; he had counted and kissed her for every one of them.

The smile he had dipped, but even her presence could not steal his excitement. What they had, what she had planned to do to him all felt so trivial in the face of what had happened to him those past few days. He discovered he could not care less and was rearing to go on his new adventure.

And so, he did not reply. He gave her a smile, which clearly surprised her. He then took the hand on his elbow and squeezed it lightly in a final goodbye before turning and following the others towards the helicopter.

Clarissa had come to meet a friend in the park; they planned to spend some time just lazing away for the day as she would soon be leaving for university. The chop of a helicopter had drawn everyone’s attention that was in the park. She went over with her friend and then she spotted him. At first, she could not be sure because Klaus never dressed the way he was and he never had a proper haircut. It was like he was a different person. Now that he had treated her this way and was walking away, she knew he truly was a different person from a mere day or two ago.

Clarissa felt cold when he turned his back. She had seen the boyish smile she grew to love and it gave her new hope, but when he turned away she also knew the smile was no longer for her. Klaus had utterly and completely moved on. It caused in her a deeper feeling of regret than when he actually discovered her betrayal. Not only that but the strange people with him and the woman she had spotted first among them all; with her silver hair it was hard not to. She recognized the woman from albums and paintings her Great Aunt had made- She knew that woman was a Lacroix.

She balled her fists. ‘I will find out what is going on here.’

As soon as Klaus left her she was out of his mind. They climbed on by using a set of steps that had extended from its side. Lilith had some trouble getting her large bag through the door, but they managed and soon it was his turn. A soon as he was on a pair of large earphones with a microphone attached was passed to him and he put them on in a daze of excitement. The sounds of the rotors were cut out instantly when he put the bulky earphones on and he was directed to a seat and strapped in by the man who then disappeared towards the front.


Not long after he felt gravity try to hold, but break from him as the helicopter took to the air. ‘This is amazing.’ His stomach was filled with butterflies like a girl on her prom night.

He turned to the others only to nearly have a heart attack. Top Hat, was in his face again.

The man’s disproportionate mouth moved and Klaus heard his voice through the earphones. “Would young master like to see the outside?”

Klaus nodded and whether by luck or design Klaus discovered he was sitting right next to a large sliding door when it slid open with a blast of air to reveal the world now far below and that’s how he sat the whole way.

Never once did he give his attention to the others again. He just stayed in the moment, watching as the landscape flew by. ‘How little we are in the grand scheme of things.’ The houses, roads, and cars flying by below reminded him of how many people there were in the world. ‘We can get lost in our own worlds, never realizing the scope of what it actually is.’ It was a profound experience when he thought of this.

He had always felt little compared to others, especially in the school. It was a new sensation to think of others as little too.

His thoughts turned to the woman he had killed. He wondered what aspirations she had, what her goals were. Why she was there or if someone other than him would remember her. ‘Does it matter?’ The thought struck him like a hammer blow and all at once he realized innocence he never knew he had, was gone along with the woman who’s death she forced on him.

For the one that had taken that from him, he said a line from a book he never truly understood till now. It would be the only thing he thought he still owed her and then he would be done with it.

“There would have been a time for such a word.

To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow

Creeps in this petty pace from day to day

To the last syllable of recorded time,

And all our yesterdays have lighted fools.

The way to a dusty death.

Out, out brief candle.

Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player

That struts and frets its hour upon the stage

And then it is heard no more; it is a tale

Told by and idiot, full of sound and fury,

Signifying nothing.”

He did not know, but everyone could hear his words over the microphone. “It was a very appropriate thought, young master.” Said, Top Hat with his shark-like smile on full display.

Klaus ignored him; he was still lost in his own thoughts. He had made a promise to himself that he would never again be in a situation where he was hopeless. He considered how life tended to throw wrenches at him and his plans, Klaus knew it was a naïve thought. Still, he held onto it. His fist balling until his knuckles turned white. Morgose had given him another scare. She made him realize that there were beings in the world that could strip away one’s freedom of choice.

There was a time that it was all he had in this world. ‘I have nearly lost my life and my freedom in but a mere one and a half days.’ The thought shocked him since he had never had the time to truly think about it until now.

‘Would I kill again to protect my own life?’ He had barely thought it before he, himself answered. ‘Yes.’

‘Would I kill to keep my freedom?’ He took a deep breath after the thought. His jaw clenched, he already knew the answer. ‘Yes.’

Lilith had seen the smile on Klaus’ face and then how he turned solemn in contemplation. She wanted to read his mind and learn what it was he was thinking about, but her fear of him finding out what she had done stopped her from doing so. So she simply sat and watched as he stared at the ground below. His blue eyes tracing whatever they fancied.

Klaus watched as they left behind civilization. The city and multitudes of cars were left far behind as they flew over long stretches of fields and forests. Now and then he saw a small settlement in the distance. Klaus noticed that these settlements were surrounded by farms as the land around them fit together like Tetris blocks. They ranged from a dark green to yellow gold and brown depending on what they grew or on what stage of planting they were in.

The small settlements and farms also became fewer and far between, the long stretching fields and forests fading into the distance with them. The ground became rocky and mountainous, nothing more than small hills at first but they soon became larger and larger still. The air became colder as the sun sank lower on the horizon. The mountains that grew on the horizon then were large and snow-capped.

The helicopter banked and they started going lower. A large platform appeared and they landed. From Klaus’ perspective, the platform hung in the air, but it was actually built on an outcropping that angled away from the mountain.

Top Hat was out first, followed by Klaus and then the rest. Lilith did not struggle with her bag again as the large door was still open. Klaus saw that the platform was larger than he thought. If he had to hazard a guess he would say at least four more of the helicopters could land.

They walked around the ugly thing and Klaus and Lilith both froze. The platform was connected to what looked like a stone bridge of at least a hundred meters that led to a fortress that snuggled against the mountain.

The fortress looked imposing to Klaus. A dark grey wall that sprouted out of the mountain circled what almost seemed like a tower that had different layers. At the top, a platform stood out and on it was what seemed like a black tree. Banners hung from the walls- on each side of the large and solid black gate that was set into the wall. It had been cast with a tree that looked identical to the one painted in the Lacroix hotel. The banners had the same image on them but of a simpler design. The trees were black and set on a blood red background. It occurred to Klaus that the fortress was larger than the Lacroix hotel. Not in height, but due to the sheer area, it took up. Top Hat, placed his white glove covered hand on Klaus’ shoulder and said with aplomb. “Welcome home, young master. It is called Castle Volk.’

Klaus had then turned to him, regretting it almost instantly when he saw nothing but the shark teeth next to his face. He looked back towards the fortress and said. “Home.” Testing the word. He had never had such a thing. Never a place to call his own, nor was he naïve enough to take it at face value. “We will see.”

Top Hat walked forward a few paces and the other demons followed. “We will now introduce ourselves. I am called Pain.” Top Hat said with a bow. He then pointed to the bald and muscled man. “He is Silence.” The man simply nodded.

Pain, then walked next to the average looking woman. “This is Pride and she will be responsible for your day to day needs. The woman bowed, giving a perfect curtsey. Pain smacked the man that was as round as he was tall on the belly. He was drooling while looking at Lilith. “This is Gluttony and she is Lust.” The last he said while pointing at the woman that occasionally sniffed Klaus.

Pain then walked to the man that looked like he was asleep on his feet. “This is Sloth.” The man only continued to stand there. “There are more of us in the castle, but you will hardly ever deal with them directly.”

Lilith was surprised at hearing that. ‘So many demons were living right under our noses.’

“We will serve you during your stay here and complete your awakening rights. Keep in mind that we will serve, but we are not servants. Think of us more as… teachers, if you will.” He then turned to Lilith. “You will be our guest as long as you teach the young master. In return not only will you be allowed to stay here, but we will sponsor your return to the Secret Worlds.”

Lilith was surprised at Pain’s statement; she had brought enough gems in order to sponsor herself, but only once. She did not expect the demons to be so beneficent.

Klaus listened to it all with a bit of impatience; he wanted to explore the home his father had lived in. See what secrets it held and possibly get an idea of what the man had been like.

Pain noticed and gave his shark-toothed smile while looking at the sun that was setting over the mountains casting them in a fiery orange glow. “We do not have a lot of time to prepare for the young master’s awakening. Lust, go tell your brethren to get ready. Gluttony, prepare the feast or we may have some trouble on our hands.”

Gluttony stood up straight at hearing Pain’s instruction. “Feast?”

Pain nodded and then Gluttony was gone with a loud crack and a burst of wind.

Lilith, listened to all this with confusion. As far as she knew and in her experience awakening was a big deal but not that big a deal. She remembered at the time it felt like her body was on fire. She was instructed to repress it and given medicines to drink in order to help her do so for as long as they could. For a whole year, she was in that pain, the last few months being the worst until Morgose allowed her to awaken. She had never heard of someone breaking through at the late age of eighteen though. The latest she and her family knew of was sixteen. There were books of later cases recorded in their study, but none had been in her lifetime.

The rest of them made their way over the bridge normally. When they reached the door Klaus looked up at the wall and estimated it to be nearly sixty feet high including the parapets. To his surprise, the walls were not made out of rocks as he had thought. It was cast out of cement and was smooth and seamless.

Pain knocked on the large door twice and unlike Klaus expected the large door did not begin to lift instead a small hole started to form. It was first as large as a pinprick but grew larger making it seem like the door was collapsing in on itself. Lilith let out a gasp next to him.

“This is soul forged steel.”

Pain only smiled. They all stepped through the hole that had grown large enough to accommodate them all. Lust, set off on her own- walking away over the cobblestones that formed what seemed like the courtyard.

Klaus did not notice her departure; he was too concerned with the beauty of the gardens around him. Lilith joined him, they looked at the strange and exotic plants arrayed around them. Some glowed with neon colors. A flower similar to that of a rose was most prominent. Klaus walked closer to one and held his hand closer. The action confirmed his suspicion. The flower was giving off heat.

Lilith looked at Pain. “These flowers are all from the Secret Worlds?”

Pain nodded and looked at her with a tilted head. “Did you think Klaus’ father was as poor as your family?” She did not miss the derision in the demon’s tone.

She frowned then and balled her fists in anger. “Why then, why was Klaus not brought here for his upbringing?”

Pain sighed. “My master and I too argued with Alex over this. He refused, saying the boy would be safer in the mortal world, the rules of the Secret Worlds would serve as far better protection than we ever could.”

Lilith’s thoughts stopped dead. “Your master is not Klaus’ father? Then… his mother.”

Pain only smiled, not confirming nor denying her statement. The demon’s neck extended more than humanly possible until his face was right up against Lilith’s. “If you ask more I will kill you.”

Lilith’s eyes searched for the demon’s now that he was so close. No matter how hard Lilith tried, she could not see past the shadow the Top hat cast.

Klaus let out a yelp and fell back while rubbing at his eyes. A plant had spit something into his eyes when he got close.

Pain’s smile turned to him. “Careful, young master. Some plants here do not like being bothered. Those deeper in the gardens are even poisonous and others can gobble you up whole.”

The cobblestones cut a path through the plants toward a wooden door that led into the tower. They continued walking towards it while Klaus rubbed at his eyes with a handkerchief Silence had given him.

The colourful flowers fell away and were replaced by bushes and then trees. Lilith who had been troubled by what had transpired let out a happy cry and rushed over to one that was covered in fruit. She happily plucked one. Klaus came over and inspected the fruit. Its skin was transparent. On the inside, he could not see any flesh, but rather a viscous-like liquid. He watched as Lilith happily bit into one and sucked.

The skin shrunk until it was completely empty and she let out a sigh of satisfaction. Klaus plucked on for himself. Unlike the soft pink coloured one she had, he picked one that was a deep purple. The fruit felt like a water balloon in his hand and he shook it, hearing the liquid inside slosh a moment before he gently bit the skin. It was tougher than he thought so he bit harder. His eyes widened when a rush of juice spilled into his mouth with an explosion of flavor like nothing he had ever tasted. It was crisp and cold with a fresh minty tingle followed by a sweetness of honey laced with the taste of berries. His mind immediately felt more awake, and he all at once became more aware of his surroundings. Colours became brighter and smells stronger. In a word- To Klaus, it felt amazing.

Lilith smiled at his face as she went to put her hand on the stark white bark of the tree. “They call this –Tree of potions- because of the great effects it has on those that eat the fruit. They are extremely rare.” She looked further into the garden only to find that the line of trees stretched until they came right against the outer wall. She could not believe it.

Klaus followed her gaze. “Are they expensive?”

She snorted at his question. “This one tree is worth more than everything the Lacroix own. The fruits do not only heighten your senses, but have miraculous healing and rejuvenation properties as well. If the other families find out you have this…”

Pain snorted this time. “I dare them to try. This country’s military has proclaimed this a no-fly zone. Any commercial or unidentified aircraft will immediately be shot down.”

“The roads leading here were destroyed as soon as the fortress was finished being constructed. The only hopes anyone has of reaching us are through hiking and climbing the mountain or by flying here. There are military patrols guarding within a range of one hundred miles and even if they make it here,” he smiled, “they will have to deal with my brethren and I.”

‘The resources that would take.’ Thought Lilith dumbly, but looking at the trees she had to admit. It certainly seemed plausible. ‘No, it may not even have taken resources. If someone high up on the political ladder has a loved one that was dying, simply eating one fruit would save them.’

Lilith realized all at once she was in over her head. ‘Who is Klaus’ mother? His father alone could not have been responsible for all of this.’

Pain looked at the sun again. “Enough dallying, let’s go in.”

Klaus wanted to explore more but with the urging of Pain they soon reached the large wooden doors. Motifs were carved on the doors and two claws served as their handles. Silence and Pride stepped forward and opened the doors revealing an entrance hall. The floor was tiled in grey and a red carpet cut straight through the middle. More banners hung on the walls, a large chandelier shedding light on them.

Large glass windows were on either side stretching to the ceiling which had rafters crisscrossing it.

The room was large but sparsely decorated. To Klaus it seemed like some kind of waiting room as it had benches and a large oak table without any chairs.

They made it through the hall to the door that sat on the left side. They stepped through and into a hallway, with more doors on either side. They ignored them and kept walking until they reached a set of stairs that led upwards. The stairs were wide enough for three people to walk up next to each other. It led in a spiral and had a window that spanned from the bottom all the way to the top. Through it Klaus could see the mountains now cast in darkness, they stood as dark silhouettes in the distance.

At the top of the stairs they stepped into a broader hallway which had a lush carpet that Klaus’ feet sunk into. More paintings lined the hallway, but one stood out from the others. Klaus walked over ignoring Pain’s annoyed huff.

The painting was of a man that seemed like an older version of himself. Blue and cold eyes stared back at him. The man was dressed in clothes that did not suit the time they were in now, but rather about three hundred before. He had a pony neatly tied back showing of his strong features.

Lilith stood next to him motioning for pain to just give Klaus a second. “I did not know him long, but he showed me kindness when anyone else would have killed and robbed me.”

Klaus then turned to her, tears dancing in his eyes. He swallowed. “Is he really dead?”

Lilith nodded. “As far as I know.”

“He is not.” Interrupted Pain.

Lilith turned to the Demon who was once more looking out of a near window with a frown and about to say something.

Pain waved his hand, cutting her off. “He is with my master. The reports only say what he wanted them to say. He showed what he wanted you people to see, that is all.”

After the words that left Lilith stumped, the demon walked over to Klaus who was once again looking at the painting of man who resembled himself. The demon took Klaus’ arm and basically dragged him away.

Klaus who was going through a roller coaster of emotions aimed to object.

“You have two choices, young master. You come or we carry you away. In a few moments you are going to wish you are dead and we can help alleviate that if you follow instructions.”

Klaus then looked behind him and at the others that were still following. All of them except for Lilith had given him looks that promised they would do what Pain had stated.

Klaus let himself be dragged. They took corners and went down more hallways until Klaus felt completely lost. They finally exited out of a door and came into a cavern that was sparsely lit by torches.

Klaus had noticed it first, but Lilith was the first to comment. “Is that a vault?’

Pain walked over to a panel set in the wall next to the vault and took off his glove before placing what Klaus then realised was a clawed hand on the panel. It let out a beep and the vault opened after a myriad of clacking and clunking noises.

Klaus who was still being dragged entered an empty room that was mostly hidden in darkness. Pain finally let him go when they reached what Klaus guessed is the centre. He looked down to find his feet on soft sand similar to what he thought sand on the beach would be. Pain gestured towards the others. To Klaus’ horror Silence held him down while Pride effortlessly ripped off his clothes. “Stop, what are you doing?” he shouted in protest while trying to break free but they ignored him and his struggles against Silence were futile.

Klaus’ face burned red when even his underwear was ripped off and they finally left him alone. Covering up his man bits with a hand he shouted at the demons. “You will pay for this.”

Pain felt worried at those words. He knew the young master was not much now, but he would grow stronger. “Young master please, this is all needed.”

“Needed for what?”

Klaus’ words were barely out of his mouth when the burning started. He had not noticed with what they were putting him through, but the demons had noticed the sweat covering his brow despite the cold bite in the cavern. Pain had felt Klaus’ arm begin to warm up during their walk. The awakening had already started.

Lilith watched as Klaus’ face went from angered to pain stricken. Along with his face the room also started to change. A silvery blue light spilled in from every direction. Lilith was startled and looked for the origin behind it. What she found shocked her more than anything else had so far. “This is not a room. It’s a crystal of some kind.”

The glow was not spilling through the walls; it was the walls themselves that glowed. She could see right through it to the metal that it was encased in. Pain took her arm and pulled her to the side of the entrance. Immediately drums started to sound and deep bass voices started to sing in the old tongues.

People covered in Gregorian styled robes walked past her and into the room carved out of the crystal. The song seemed to touch her soul itself and she felt shaken nearly losing herself in it if not for Pain who pulled her towards him and shouted in her ear. “Leave or bear the consequences.”

She fought the euphoria that wanted to take control and shook her head. “I won’t leave him.”

Klaus had by now collapsed and was on all fours, his muscles taught with the burning pain. The glow grew brighter and he screamed. The pain was horrid and all-consuming. The voices and drums grew louder and it felt to him like they were urging it on.

Next to Lilith, Pain lifted his arms and shouted. “Bring the inheritance of the father.”

Lust appeared with other females trailing behind her. They were all naked as the day they were born and save for the strange tribal markings painted over them. They danced and weaved with the drums and Lilith found herself drawn into it as well. She fought it, but it was futile. With the others she lost herself in the dance, the drums guiding her feet and movement of her arms.

The drums suddenly stopped and so they did. In the silence Klaus scream ripped through her daze. She watched as Lust bent over him while holding something in her hand. It was a vial and in it a shocking green liquid glowed. She un-stoppered it with a soft pop and everyone let out a sigh as a fragrance that seemed to hold the truths of the world filled the room. Klaus who had been curled up and shaking in pain grew still. Lust cradled Klaus’ head against her breasts and slowly lowered the vial to his lips, but she did not tilt it into his mouth. She simply paused and the world seemed to pause with her.

Klaus welcomed the relaxation from the pain and torment the smell had given him. But the aroma grew more incessant the longer it lingered until he felt compelled to find its source and consume it all. His eyes shot open and he saw the vial. With reverent hands he took it gently and drank it all.

Lust laid Klaus back down and the drums started once more. Lilith who had just started to regain herself was lost again. They dance and twirled the drums beat and rumbled and leading it all were the voices that seemed to be the gods themselves. Amidst it all the glow grew stronger.

All this was lost on Klaus, for he was there and at the same time somewhere else.

In the back of his mind he had heard a voice much like his own. It had spoken in a language he at first did not know. It was guttural and strong.

He heard the blast of a horn and somehow knew war was coming. Instead of fear all he felt was excitement.

His eyes shot open in the other place and he found himself standing amongst thousands of men atop a hill. No, not men he realized, but warriors of old. They like him, wore armour of mithril that shown silver even in the gloom of threatening thunder clouds, strapped to their back were shields of diamond and at their hips-swords of adamantium. Klaus had no idea how he knew these things, but he knew it.

In the front stood a man larger than any of those that stood nearby Klaus. His back was turned on them and he was looking down the other side of the hill Klaus had suddenly found himself on. Thick furs from a beast unknown covered his back. His head which was shaved bald was riddled with scars.

The man turned to them with glowing blue eyes that had no pupils. He gestured over his shoulder with a smile. “Looking at them from here reveals what they truly are; ants.”

Klaus was confused at first, but when he looked past the man he took in a deep breath, not in fear but almost unbridled bloodlust. An army that stretched from the bottom of the hill and into the horizon, stood motionless below.

Compared to the number of their foes, the warriors on the hill were but a hand full.

Klaus’ hand tightened around the spear he only then realised he was holding. Information appeared in his head just like it had for the armours and other things. He instinctively knew the spear was made from the bark of Sephiroth itself.

A voice boomed from below. “Harkon! Why do you resist us so? Are you so blinded by your idiocy that you do not realize you will surely die if you stand against us.”

The man on the hill turned back towards the hordes below. His eyes searched for a moment then stopped. He sneered at whoever had shouted and pointed at his crotch. “Siderus, if you and your allies send all of your wives up here to suck my glorious cock I will consider not killing all of you today. I only want the pretty ones though.” Klaus found himself laughing with the rest of the warriors.

A female voice replied to his jeer. “Harkon, if you stand down, my sisters and I will all agree to marry or become your concubines.”

Harkon snorted. “My, my- if it isn’t the Lady Moriendal herself. Word of your beauty has traveled all the worlds and even reached us.” He then shook his head and showed a pained face. “I am afraid that my men and I have all been disappointed today. You look like an old hag with flaccid tits resembling teabags. The only thing they would be good for is attracting flies.” The men laughed again.

“Enough!” The voice that had spoken first, shouted. “The fool mocks us, we can only fight.”

Harkon had then turned back towards his men and smiled. “The cowards finally get it.”

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