

Spoiler: Spoiler

My days are still routine. I still wake up and make coffee, I still wave to Terrance at reception and I still nap until mid-morning.

Even more typical is the grimace of my loving secratary Joyce when she sees me. Perhaps she still spites me for forcing her to cut her vacation short. Although thinking back on it, this was the same face she typical gave me in the mornings, so I suppose you could call it business as usual.

"Hurry up." Joyce persists as I begin unlocking my office door.

Stoping mid-turn, I half turn to face her. "Can I help you?"

"Oh don't pretend you aren't as curious as me." Joyce grips the knob out of my hand and wrenches the door open. "Get the ball, get the ball."

"What am I, a dog?"

"Yes. So go get it."

"Fine, fine." I mutter with feign reluctance, opening the desk and retrieving the gold covered glass orb. Carefully I thumb at the cover to reveal an overhead shot of heavily forested Tirish ourskirts.

"You aren't fooling anyone." Joyce says as she glances at me from over her shoulder. "Come on, hurry up, grab a chair."

"..." I attempt to refute her but nothing much comes to my mouth.

Taking my seat across from her I begin shifting the viewport of the orb.

"You know, I figured you'd be more angry at me." I offer after manuevering the camera a bit.

Joyce hums for a moment before noding her head back and forth. "Well, I was a bit at first. But it was only ever supposed to be a long weekend so I can't really complain. And you were probably right about our presence being too significant."


"I gotta say though I was real impressed with how much you accomplished in such a short time. In the first hour you nearly destroyed the planet, and in the second you were able to neatly clean it up."

"I wanted a fantasy world. Sue me." Joyce mutters with a grin. "And you make it sound like it was easy. I spent the first fourteen years just balancing out the 'mana' in that world. I would appreciate some respect."

"Right, right. Well what happens to it now though? You think the world can stay balanced without you pulling the strings and twisting the knobs?"

"It's got Al for that now." Joyce smirks noticing the orb drifting around the familiar cityscape.

"That's alot of responsibility you are shirking off to him."

"He can do it." Joyce responds squinting into the glass orb. "I almost wish I had him around for the first hundred years though. He would have made a great helper."

"I thought about sending him further back but I didn't want to interrupt anything." I shrug swinging the camera around some more to spot the familiar soul of the AI, Al.

""Woah."" Both Joyce and I remark simultaneously catching a fleeting glance at something far off in the distance.

"That was what I think it was right?" Joyce asks, looking at me in confusion.

"It's Al..." I respond in equal confusion. "But that's not right. He shouldn't be there."

"Why would you do that?" Joyce growls with furrowing eyebrows. "Why would you send his soul there of all places!?"

"Well now technically I have no choice. By seeing him there it's become self fulfilling." I shrug adjusting the view of the Orb once more to get a better view of this 'other Al'.

"Hold on, Hold on. Spoilers. Lets just watch it happen live." Joyce says covering up the orb with her palm. "You know if this were any other soul this wouldn't be such a big deal. But can you imagine Al meeting another of himself? This just got alot more interesting!"

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