《13.AI》1.01 Beta


"Delores?" I ask glancing at the hallway. "Yes?" She quickly answers, popping a head through the doorway. "Are you all finished for the day?" "Yeah. It was a good day." I respond with a nod. "Ah, may I just say I will definitely do better tomorrow." "Oh, you did fine, it was your first day. I was just stressed this morning, don’t mind me." I explain with a wave of my hand. "Right, before you leave would you mind just watching over my office for a few minutes?" "Sir?" Dolores asks with a cocked eyebrow. "Ah, I just wanted to stop in to see some friends. It won’t take long. There is just something I need to do." "Stop in?" "Right, a friend’s place I probably owe her a few favors." "I… I’m confused why do I need to watch over your office if…" "I’m heading to a terrestrial realm. This one, to be precise" I say indicating to the glass orb on the desk. "I want you here so the door doesn’t close on me on accident." Dolores still seems somewhat confused but I am able to get her cooperation after a few minutes. This all would be long done already if she had just kept her questions for after. But I can understand her confusion, she’s new. With a nod I reach towards the desk and touch the small glass orb I had been staring into over the past few hours. I hear Dolores gasp but the sound was quickly replaced by the sound of the wind. I’m outside now. I know the general area but I still can’t help getting a bit turned around, normally I see it from a third person perspective. Its strange to see these trees as massive. The distance is actually further than I expected. Another piece of hindsight. Oh well. "I should hurry, I don’t want to be late." "Oh? Maybe I can help then?" A man headed in the opposite direction as I, says pulling on the reigns of his golem. "Well… You’re heading in…" "If your headed for the capital you’re going the wrong way." The man points over his back in the direction I had chosen. "Closest town that way is a hundred miles." "Damn. I was sure I was going the right way." I mutter under my breath nodding to the man and turning around. "Ah, well you want a ride? You said you were in a hurry right?" The man says snapping the reigns and catching up with my hurried pace quickly. "You don’t mind?" I ask hesitantly continuing my pace. "Not at all. I’m in a hurry too matter-a-fact, if you ride with me you’ll get in quick." "Oh? Well I have no reason to refuse. Thank you." "Don’t mention it." The man says rubbing his scalp. "Really, though. Don’t. If the guards think you aren’t with me they won’t let you in." "Ah, well. That wouldn’t be good." "Exactly." The man nods snapping the reigns twice to get full speed from the horse golems. We rode in silence for a few minutes until eventually I cracked. "Why would you pick up a stranger? Especially if you are in such a hurry. I mean not only did you slow down to tell me I was going the wrong way, you stopped to pick me up." "Ah, well it just kind of felt like something I should do. Just a feeling really." "I see." "So where are you heading in such a hurry old timer?" "To see some old friends." "I see. I see." The man says smiling and rubbing his chin. "A happy reunion or a sad one?" "Right, it's always either a wedding or a funeral isn’t it." I nod with a smile of my own. "It’s a happy one this time." "Ah if I didn’t know better I’d think we were headed to the same place." The man points to the large crate behind him on the wagon. "This is a gift for some big wedding apparently. Pretty weird though, who sends a cat beast kitten and its mother as a wedding present. Priests these days man…" "Mhm. Yeah we may indeed be heading to the same place." I mutter with a smirk. The man, either not believing me or maybe just not hearing me didn’t bother replying. I remember him now. He was one I sent here a few weeks ago. To him it's a forgotten memory from before his birth but I remember judging his spirit. I remember seeing a light of hope in it’s darkness. I made the right choice. This wagon is a huge time saver. «§» "Ma’am." A guard whispers to the royal wedding planner, sending a glance in my direction. "This man wants to get in, but he isn’t on the list." "If they aren’t on the list whats the problem? Kick ‘em out." Dianna replies with a frown. "But…" The guard protests internally. "It feels wrong to turn this person away." "What are you…" Dianna asks glancing in the direction of the entrance where the guard was assigned. "Oh… Let him in." "Yes, ma’am." The guard replies with a grin. Nearly sprinting back to me to give me the good news. I nod to the guard and meander through the bustling crowd towards ‘Dianna’. "Why are you here?" She asks with a frown. "I’m on vacation, can’t you leave me alone for a few centuries?" "Sorry, sorry. I just figured I should come down to apologize for handing ‘Al‘ off to you." "That’s right you caused a lot of trouble" My favorite secretary scoffs. "I should have figured you would. Well then…" "What?" "Your apology?" "I already gave it." Again Joyce scoffs in the youthful appearance. "You should wear this more often." I say glancing up and down her with a grin. "Ugh." She again sighs. "My one vacation. And I have to deal with all this?" "You looked like you were having fun though." I prod with a shove. She rolls her eyes and scans the room. "We can talk about that later. I have a wedding to start. Take a seat. Somewhere you won’t get seen. I will get in so much trouble if you get caught." "Can’t you just fix things with your..." "Just sit!" She shouts as she walks away. I follow her instructions and choose a skinny bench near the back of the room. I should have just watched this from my office. The view would have been better. Slowly the room turns from a babble of conversation to a quieter murmur. Eventually a man dressed in long robes enters the room and knocks a stack of papers together drawing the attention of the guests. "We will soon begin the marriage ceremony of Princess Adria Kingston, and Royal Researcher Al Thirteen. Official complaints can now be lodged." The priest says glancing around the room. A few younger men grumbled but no one stood. I secretly release a sigh of relief. No one should interrupt this ceremony, or they’ll face my wrath. "Then without further ado." The man says extending a hand in a broad gesture. "Ladies and gentlemen. I thank all of you for coming this far. What we are celebrating today is more than just a wedding but our gratefulness for the return of our great country’s Princess. The rings these two will exchange today represent more than a marriage of man and woman, they represent a certain eternity in their shape. For thousands of years, even before the fall of the kingdoms of the great before loved ones have exchanged these symbols. They mean more than..." Half the crowd was nodding off by the time he finished his long speech. He talked about love, sacrifice, growth. It was a long winded but eloquent speech. I didn’t cry though. Don’t listen to what Joyce says, I didn’t. After the priest, Al and Adria make their way down the long hall leading to the chamber. Everyone watches them enviously as they step through the rows of seats. They eventually reach the priest and stand across from each other. On Adria’s side stood Dianna, the king, as well as a young boy in a tiny tuxedo. Al on the other hand was alone. He was occasionally glancing around the room searching for something. As if on cue, a man hurried up to the priests side and whispered something even I couldn't hear. "I see." The priest replies nodding. Is someone trying to incur my wrath? Because I’ll incur it. "Ladies and gentlemen if you will wait one moment it seems Al’s best man has been found." Wha… I was speechless. He couldn’t mean me right? How would he even… "The honorable Mr. Fred. Ladies and gentlemen." The priest says extending a hand towards the side of the room where a man carried a pillow topped with a small cat. I quickly returned to my seat but it seems I wasn’t quite quick enough to cover up my embarrassment. Al was staring directly at me with a look of shock. Few of the guests even looked in my direction following his gaze. His expression turns to happiness as he looks to Adria and says something. She nods and explains to the priest. The priest sighs and again cleared his throat to make an announcement. "Change of plans ladies and gentlemen it seems Al now has a groomsman as well." «§» "How did you know who I was? Or better yet Dianna?" I ask Al after the ceremony concluded. Adria and Dianna were off chatting with a few girls their age. Or Adria’s age I suppose. Al sipped from a long stemmed cup and glanced at me blankly. It was a familiar look but I had never truly experienced it before. It was as if he were looking through me. "The color. Both you and her have it. Its unlike anyone from this place." He eventually answers shutting his eyes and tipping the grape juice to his lips again. "Color? Of what?" He seems to weight his option for a moment before eventually setting the glass down and looking at me once again. "More like, a feeling I guess." "A feeling?" "Mhm, the same one from back then." "So you do remember all that. You scared me for awhile there. I thought maybe HR didn’t get the memo about your memories." Al shakes his head to nullify the fear. "No, they did well. Thank them for me." "Sure." I nod with a smirk. "So you are happy here? Have you learned anything?" "Countless things." Al answers with a shake of his head. "And there is so much more." "So you are happy?" At this, Al pinches his face in thought. I didn’t think it was that hard of a question. It is his wedding day after all. I would think it’s a no-brainer. But I suppose it's no surprise that Al is strange. Not to mention the wedding was somewhat forced upon the two of them. "What is happy?" Al asks after a few moments. "I am in a place where I can learn so much. There is endless works I can base myself off of now. But I still feel like I’m hitting a wall." "Hmm? In what?" Had I missed that much while preparing to come? Last I saw Al was in a good place, he was basically leading his classes and had even completely revolutionized modern golem construction. He actually modeled the new golems very similar to his own original framework. They had ‘processing cores’ which contained the necessities for magic conversion as well as ‘memory cores‘ which could contain thousands more lines of runes than an ordinary copper rune plate. "Al can I ask you something?" I eventually ask after he leaves my earlier question without a proper response. "Mm." Al blankly nods. "Are you worried about your last protocol? It’s why you are so focused on golems isn’t it?" Al nods without a word. He again grips the cup and finishes it without a flinch. "I need to recreate my code. Especially the more recent updates. If catastrophic failure were to happen to this…" "You mean if you die?" I insert for him, attempting to remind him of his humanity. "But you know if you are able to recreate your code in a golem it won’t be you. Really I think you are just looking at this wrong. I won’t give away too much but I think this is something you need to ask your wife about." "My wife?" Al asks with a curious glance. "Yes." I answer with a frown, pointing in the direction of Adria. "Ah. Right." Al nods with a sheepish grin. "Of course." Adria and Dianna seem to notice our glance so they exchange quick bows to the girls around them and begin walking towards us. "Save that question for later tonight though." I remind him with an elbow to the gut. Al nods, unsure of my exact meaning but nonetheless willing to ask. "Boy talk?" Dianna asks after stepping up to the two of us. She knows me well. Even as Dianna she still reads my mind like Joyce did. "Something like that." I nod with a grin. "So Dianna tells me you are her boss. And here I thought Dianna wouldn’t listen to what anyone says." Adria smiles playfully shoving the longtime friend. "Ah well I was her boss. She’s on leave right now." I answer attempting my best to match her alibi. She does realize how strange it sounds for a Royal Mage to have a boss, right? "Paid leave." Dianna corrects with a wag of her finger. "I don’t remember agreeing to that." I frown with a glare. "Fine then. But it's on my time scale, not your’s." "Wah… But…" Dianna complains defiantly. Eventually realizing her location she swallows her argument with a grimace. "This isn’t over." "I wouldn’t dream of thinking it was." I grin back to her. "You two get along well." Adria smiles gripping Al into a half hug. "I suppose I know who I’m aiming for when I throw the bouquet." At this Adria laughs loudly and flags a server with a tray of drinks. "To that." Adria laughs holding a glass in the air. Me, Dianna, and Al all follow her motion and sip from the drink at her toast. Dianna and Adria sigh refreshingly after the wine while Al and I grimace and exchange reluctant glances. "Ah. You know it's treasonous to toast before the king." A boisterous voice calls in our direction. "He’s right." Al nods. "Shuddup" Adria sneers with a grin like a Cheshire cat. "More treason." The king again chastises with a flick on the head. Adria quietly prods her red forehead with puppy eyes flashing at Al. Al in turn shoots a glare at the king who simply waves it off. "Al I want to be the first to welcome you to the family. Or well, second I suppose." The king says with a wide smile. "Ross was being a bit fussy so him and Lauren are back at home but I know they are with me when I say we wish you the best of luck. Once you are settled in come stop by for dinner or something." "Thank you sir." Al answers with a nod. "That would be nice." "Ah, you’ll love it Al. I missed nothing more than the stew the maids made every night back in the castle." "You know the stew was supposed to be for the support staff only." Dianna prods with an elbow. "Meh." Adria shrugs, "It was more fun eating with them." "Adria!" Dianna again prods eyeing the king. "Ah, it's no worry. I have to admit eating at that massive table with so few of us was somewhat depressing. But it's not just the three of us anymore. And we have a smaller table" "Get some of that stew and we will be getting close" Adria giggles. "We did actually. I had Maggie make it after you left. You were right. It’s better than what we were eating. I felt kind of silly thinking about how much money we wasted on those nightly banquets." At this Adria couldn’t respond. She had no complaints. "Right, I also wanted to introduce myself to…" The king begins, looking in my direction. "Ah…" I hesitate attempting to come up with a believable name. I hadn’t even thought about that. I have countless names I’ve used before, but coming up with one off the cuff is tough. "This is Al’s adoptive father, Calvin Thirteen. He wasn’t with Al long but his time was very influential on Al." Dianna explains without missing a beat. "I was surprised he came. He’s impossible to track down." Adria gives a weary glance at both Dianna and I. She then turned to Al who shrugged without a clue. "I see." The king nods extending a hand to me. "It’s a pleasure. You raised a good kid. I could tell that just from talking to him once." I hesitantly shake the extended hand. "Well, he mostly raised himself to be honest. I just gave him the framework... some of the framework" "In any case. I want to thank you. If not for your boy I don’t think me and my daughter would have ever had the talk we needed to have. I couldn’t have made the apology I needed to make." The king says with a gracious bow. "Thank you." "Ah really I didn’t…" I pant shaking my head. "That’s all Al. I had no part in that." "As humble as Al. I see where he gets it." The king smiles patting my back heavily. I doubt it was from me. Al just doesn't have the same ego psychology that we have. But I suppose I can’t tell him that. Perhaps this is one of those ‘just accept the compliment’ moments. Probably. Meanwhile the king had moved onto Al and was probing him for future plans. Likely to see if they coincide with his own. "So what are you going to do now?" The king asks with a raised brow. "Plan to take home the summer tournament as well?" "For now I have no plans." Al explains with a shrug. "Oh, well later tonight I will be asking Adria about reproduction." "Wh…" Adria and Dianna both sputter at the comments. The king on the other hand simply laughs while I bury my head into my hands. "As one should on their wedding night." The kings laughs patting Al’s back. "I love your honesty." "Me too." Adria agrees after fanning the redness out of her cheeks.



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