

The following morning as promised the sword was finished. It had a similar curve to Al’s although adjusted to match Adria’s height and wingspan. She, although slightly less graceful than Al, drew the sword and marveled at its weight. "It’s perfect." Adria says with a grin. "You finished it incredibly quickly, I’m amazed." "Yeah that’s thanks to the old man being a stickler about stuff like that." Gunther says with a sleepy grin. "Say’s custom weapons should be made at the customers timeline, not mine. Say’s it's part of the experience." Adria smirks at the blacksmith’s newfound customer service skills. "So you two are getting along?" "I assume it was Al, few days after he and Travis met, the old man showed up griping about all the mistakes my blade had." Gunther smirks recounting the event, "It was all superficial stuff really, but for once he was actually telling me the proper way to do it." "Oy is it gossip time or work time?" A gravely voice asks stepping through the doorway and startling everyone but Al. "Well you're in luck the McCormick's agreed to sell their winter barley at a good price. I assume they still drink alcohol in the Capital?" "That’s perfect! How much are they willing to sell it for?" "They’ll part with 500 lbs if you’ll take it. Ten gold." Travis smirks. "Do you know the ratio of…" Adria begins to ask attempting to calculate the profits. "Over six barrels of pale ale could be made, likely profits at Inn prices… 20 gold." Al answers quickly calculating based on numbers he had seen in books and in the Inn in town. Adria casually calculates the payout of her pension as well as the profits for the Apartment building. "We should be good then. We still won’t be able to afford an actual place to live but we could get a pretty nice place in the industrial district." "You really are moving to the capital." Travis says quietly with a shake of his head. "It’s not…." Adria begins to explain, "We’re not moving to the capital, well we are but… It’s for Al to go to school and he wanted to see Golems so there’s no better…" "I know, I know, I get it." Travis relents with a heavy sigh. "Though I still think he should take the swordsmanship exam when he gets there instead of engineering." This continued back and forth, Al had only just now heard there would be an exam but he wasn’t particularly worried. With debate concluded the two next went to the Fort. There the commander halfheartedly handed Adria her pension as well as the advance for the sale of the Apartment building. Combined with what was in Al and Adria’s pockets the cache was nearing one hundred gold. The next step was buying a wagon. This was easier than one might expect. Merchants often travel with multiple wagons stuffed to the brim with goods. As the goods sell off in random towns and villages so to do the empty wagons. Its more cost effective to sell a wagon than to pay for the cost to return it to a port. They ended up with a lightly dinged but all around nearly spotless Jankin’s Wave-ride. If any one of the original designers had heard the price they would roll in their graves. "Lets run it over to the Yilkins to pick up the barley." Adria says gripping the reigns and patting the seat beside her for Al to sit. "After that we need to stop by the adve…." "Excuse us." A familiar voice called from feet below on the road. "You wouldn’t be headed to Tirish would you?" "Eh?" Adria asks glancing down at the voice. The light glistened off the shiny ball of skin. Troy flashes a smile and waves. Behind him Gab and Rouin also wave kindly. "Need escorts? We are headed that direction anyways." Gab says with a quick glance to Al. "How did you hear?" Adria asks with a frown. Troy smiles and waves a finger to the sword on his back. "Small town. Everyone knows everyone." "Gunther?" Adria asks, slightly worried. "Ah, no worries. He asked the guild master apparently, and he knew we were thinking about leaving so he reluctantly suggested we take the job." "Ian did?" Adria asks taken aback by the statement. Again she couldn’t help but feel like it was trap, but she did her best to restrain this feeling. "But is…" "Think about it. Who safer than the top rated adventurers in the region?" Gab says with a proud smile. "Yeah that’s what they said last time."Adria loosely remarks rubbing her chin to think about it. "Fine, we will hire you. But first we need to go pickup the goods and say a final goodbye to the priest." "Understood. We will prepare at the edge of town." Troy nods, "We should try to leave before it gets too late though, the best campsite is around six hours away." "Right." Adria nods once more gripping the reigns and setting the horse golem towards the Yilkin’s. "We will be there in a little bit." With that the newly formed party split. Adria and Al towards the Yilkins and the adventurer group headed towards the road. Adria kicked herself when she arrived to see dozens of heavy bags to load into the wagon. Troy would have probably made this job much faster. Gab might even know a spell to move heavy objects. Rouin might… well maybe he could commune with the plants? Luckily it seems the McCormick family have brought some hands. They quickly load the cart and graciously receive the payment for the crop. In turn they immediately give most of the money to the Yilkins who hand them a sheet of paper. "What’s going on?" Adria asks after Travis’s wife nods to the man and sets the coins into a pouch at her waist. "We were able to sell half the farmland. We hope to sell the house in spring and move into town closer to Yui and Gunther. Travis wants to open up a shop and maybe teach some more people. I suppose I have Al to thank for that." The woman nods to Al graciously. "I wish you both the best of luck in the capital. Be safe on the road." "Same to you ma’am. Stay safe, keep Travis out of trouble." Adria says with a grin wiping her eyes. "Ah, right take this." The woman takes out a small package from her bag. Adria doesn't need to open it to know it's smoked meat of some kind. The trademark smell was unmistakable. "Thank you!" Adria spouts with a sniffle. "I’ll cherish it." "I expect you to eat it." The woman says with a smirk. "Well it’s freezing so I’m leaving. Get moving you two." Adria sadly waves for awhile as the woman returns to her house up the dirt road. She wipes her nose with a sniffle and then turns to Al. "She’s right, we still got things to do before we can leave." "Library?" "Right." Adria agrees with a nod. "Gotta see the priest or he will curse us." "He can…" Al begins to ask but Adria burst into a bout of laughter. "No, no he can’t I was kidding. Priests can only use holy magic." "Right." Al agrees with a nod, thinking back to the fire magic he had witnessed the priest using. Again Adria snaps the reigns and the horse golems respond by beginning a trot forward. Each time she makes the command Al watches the golem carefully. "You can’t take them apart yet." Adria reminds Al. Such was the agreement made on buying the two horse shaped golems this morning. "Understood." Al agrees with a solemn nod. With that they headed to the library to say the last goodbye. Again Adria was worried she would be unable to choke back the tears. The priest was one of the first people she met in town. Her first confidant. The first person who didn’t treat her like a glass doll. He was a friend and an ally. She was sad to leave him and everyone else in town really. They arrived at the library and quickly spotted the priest waiting outside. "Took you long enough." He rises from the bench and warms his hands with his breath. "Here." He hands a book to Al and smirks at the surprised expression Al makes. It’s a book he hadn’t read. "Read it on the way." "I will." Al agrees with a nod. "Thank you." "No problem. Have a good trip." With that the priest turns around and begins heading toward the library where Mr. Fred sat waiting. "What? That’s it?" Adria complains with a befuddled expression. "Hmm? What more is there?" The priest asks without turning back. "Be safe and all that. God be with you." "We… I… Alright. Goodbye Father. Thank you for everything." Adria says with a bow. "No problem." The priest replies with a sniffle. "Ah, s’cold. I'm going inside." He sniffles a few more times and wipes his face carelessly with his wrist. "Goodbye." Adria again says with a smile. She then wipes her own eyes and snaps the reigns one last time.

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