

"Is that the last one?" Adria asks as Al sets a book at the very end of a shelf. "Yeah." Al confirms with a nod. Every book in the library had now been read. He felt like a mission he had set out on so long ago had finally been accomplished. He couldn’t hide the tinge of pride. "I wouldn’t believe it if it were anyone else saying it." The priest says shaking his head and marveling with the others about the event. "Well, have a favorite?" Al quickly points to a shelf filled with encyclopedia’s. Adria and the priest merely glance at each other after the response. Both had recommended him a book claiming it would be Al’s favorite but the encyclopedia ‘A‘ wasn’t one of them. "Well what do you do now that the library here is finished? Are you going to go visit Jinx until you finish all those?" The priest asks grabbing an apple from Adria’s hiding spot and tossing another to Al. "Hey, that was mine!" Adria gripes snatching for the apple in the priests hand. The priest keeps it out of reach and instead opens a pocket on his coat revealing a wine-skin. "Trade?" He asks flashing a smile. "Mmmmm fine!" Adria says, gripping the pouch and guzzling it down. "Oh, Juniper berry?" "Yeah." "Good choice." She says wiping her dyed lips and offering the skin to Al. He again shakes his head vigorously in reply. "Well Al, as he says, what now?" Al looks at her blankly without response. "Weren’t you interested in the Arena? Not to mention you got that recommendation to the engineering school." The priest lightly mentions through another bite of apple. "Arena… As in Tirish Arena?" Adria queries, glancing at Al’s expression. The priest chooses to answer instead. "Mhm, and as in Tirish Magic Engineering Academy. The Earl knows the headmaster so he sent a letter asking to admit Al as a favor." "Al… in the capital?" She mutters trying to find an excuse to prevent it. "Although the libraries would be…" Adria continues to mutter to herself while the priest nonchalantly gives Al a thumbs up. "Alright. We’ll go. But Al you have to listen to me carefully, the capital isn’t as safe as Knobber or Jinx, so you have to keep your eyes open." Adria glares at Al indicating she wants a reply. "Understood." Al replies with a nod. Glancing around the book filled room anxiously. Now that the room was completed Al felt it was useless, it had served its purpose for him and now it was time to move on. Honestly it didn’t even matter where they went next. As long as the place had information and Adria it would be a good place. "It’ll be sad to let you go." The priest says rubbing his chin solemnly. "Promise to invite me to the wedding, yeah?" "That’s not going to… We aren’t going to…" Adria stammers but the priest simply laughs her excuses into the wind. "Yeah, yeah. Get out of here you love birds, I think the librarian wants to nap." The priest smirks petting the frustrated cat gingerly. "But you better let me know before you leave. The lord says, ‘It’s a sin to leave a place without a proper farewell’." "R… right." Adria agrees with a nod. She stands up, grips Al’s wrist and begins pulling him for the door. «§» The road they walk on was cold and sleepy. Snow felts the street and smoke blooms from the chimney of each building. Really it wasn’t the ideal season to leave, however the road to the capital would be clear enough. Adria wasn’t worried about that. She was worried about the things Al didn’t know about. It wasn’t as if she held some great secret but perhaps he would think different of her if he knew the whole truth. No, maybe she just didn’t want to say it all out loud. "Al since you’re out of books how about I tell you a story, although it's a long one so maybe I’ll split it up a bit." "Sure." Al agrees with a nod. "So Inn, or sandwiches and wine?" Adria asks with a grin. "Although it would probably be better to save money for the trip." "Eat at home." Al responds waiting very little time before responding. "Yeah, probably right. Fine, no wine tonight. We have a bit of bread leftover and I have one last apple. I will show you what a master-chef I am." With this Adria laughs maniacally and retrieves her key from her pocket. Although ominous the meal was simply apple slices on dry bread. All in all a solid meal by Al’s standards. He pats his exposed belly happily, a maneuver he had picked up from both the Earl and his daughter while in Jinx. Adria too was happy eating in the cozy apartment. She was almost reluctant to leave the sanctuary she had created. But the decision had been made. She had to protect Al after all. "The fort said they would take up the job of managing the building and even pay me in advance for selling it. It should help with the trip expenses. But, Well I don’t know about you, but I think I’ll miss this place." "I’ll miss it too." Al surprisingly answers with a nod glancing around the room. His gaze seemed to slow on the piles of clothing on the ground as well as the shelf of books across from the small window. "You’d better look for a really nice research facility once we get to Tirish." "Research facility?" Al asks with a cock of his head. "Right, well we won’t have money to get a place to stay and a lab. And well, it's not like you can do those kinds of things in a residential area." Adria explains with a wag of her finger. "It’s more complex than here. There are all kinds of rules for these things. It’s mainly for safety, but there is tax benefit for buying in the industrial area. I think it's the clear better option." "I see." "And once we earn some money we can get an apartment we like. Oh there is a place by the riv…" Adria begins but cuts herself off with a cough. "Well we can talk about that later." "Understood." "Mhm." Adria murmurs shifting from her seat to the bed. "I know you’re excited, and so am I, honest. But we have to be careful on the road. It’s generally safe but… You never know what will happen. You never know who you can trust." "Understood." Al nods mirroring her shift and moving himself to the pile of shirts on the floor. Adria watches Al and snorts to herself softly. "It’s like pulling nails with you." Al looks at her curiously. He had no response to that statement. He kicked himself for the lack of versatility. "You really don’t want to know what happened? Do you not care or are you respecting my privacy?" Adria grips at her hair attempting her hardest to understand Al. "Well fine. I won’t give you a choice. I’m going to tell you about my first and last trip back to Tirish." Al silently agrees with a nod, keeping tight eye contact with Adria. They both wondered who would waver first. My money was correctly on Al. "Well, it was my first year. I was asked to make the report on the area in place of the commander." Adria smirks at the next part. "He flaunted it as a great honor to send me but I think he was just too lazy to go himself. Anyways we don’t like to split our forces so we sent a small squadron attached to a group of ‘trusted’ adventurers." Adria pauses at the words making the entire scenario clear as day. "Suffice to say around midnight on the first day the adventurers turned on us. Our soldiers did well but they couldn’t stop all five experienced fighters." Adria swallows carefully. "Swanson, Gerb, and Sanselo. They were the first soldiers I ever lost. It was unbelievable. I thought I would be sick and the words the adventurers were prodding me with weren’t making the feeling subside." Al found himself growing strangely angry at a story he knew to have taken place long ago. It was an inexplicable feeling so he noted it for later research. "They tried to tie my hands but I guess they weren’t taught knots like our solider are. Over time my ropes loosened and I was able to get free, I ran as fast as I could. A couple merchants ended up finding me and they helped me back into town." Adria explains with a dulcimer tone. "We sent a whole squadron onto the road to hunt them down but they had vanished." "That’s why you don’t like adventurers?" Al asks uncharacteristically. "I know it's petty. I know they aren’t all like that but… Some are." Adria says with a knowing expression. Al says little, instead thinking again about the painful feeling in his chest on hearing the story. "It’s maybe a bad time to say we need to hire escorts, huh?" Adria murmurs with a light laugh. "That’s for tomorrow though. Let’s sleep." "Right." Al says quietly with a silent nod. "Goodnight Al." "Goodnight Adria." «§» "Leaving? Tomorrow? Isn’t that a bit soon?" Gunther asks setting the blade he sharpened down on the bench. Al and Adria had begun walking the town earlier, saying farewell to everybody. Their second destination after the Inn was Gunther and Yui’s home/weapons shop. As always the soot coated weapon shop clanked with activity when they stepped up. The two knocked and then walked inside. After a bit of quarrel about Adria’s knocking etiquette they explained the situation. "Well the merchants were saying the road wasn’t too bad right now, and we could probably make it to the winter tournament if we leave now." Adria explains with a shrug. "I also thought the Yilkins might know of a crop the farmers have in bulk that will sell well in the Capital." "You can ask…" "Hmm?" Travis asks stepping through the doorway with a hammer in hand. "What’s going on? Oh, Al and the princess." "Right, they want to know if any of the families have stuff they can sell in the city." Gunther explains to the man. "Ah, yeah they’re apparently leaving Knobber hill." "Leaving?" Travis ask looking closer at Al. "For good?" "Possibly, it’s up to Al. For now Al wants to study at the Academy." "For swordsmanship?" "For magic engineering." Travis looks at Al in confusion. Then he turns his attention to Gunther. "Did you know anything about this?" Gunther shakes his head with a similar looks of surprise. Travis turns his attention back to Al. "But your training here isn’t…" He shakes his head after attempting to say the line. "No, you are done. Alright. I understand, I don’t agree with your change of mind but I hope you will rely on the skills I taught you if you are ever in trouble." Al nods graciously to the man. He notes the shimmer of tears under Travis’s eye but decides not to mention them. "If you are leaving then Adria needs a new sword. Those mil issue ones are trash." Travis spits looking at Gunther. "Gunther will make you something good, custom." Gunther swallows at the demand. "No problem." "And it won’t take three tries." Travis warns. Gunther again gulps nervously. "Well come on, hurry up." "Right. Adria, can you grip this with your sword hand." Gunther hands Adria a semi-soft rod of clay. "Be careful to grip it how you would a sword. Make sure it’s comfortable. After your done I will carve it into whatever type wood you want." Again Gunther pulls out several blanks of wood. One had thickly grouped grains and almost looked speckled with silver. Another was tinted green but Gunther assured her it wouldn’t retain the color once it was stained. The last had loosely spaced grain making the rings visible, what made it interesting was this very fact, the wood blank seemed to be cut at an angle from the tree. The rings made an interesting checkerboard pattern across the handle. "I figured as much." Gunther replies when Adria holds out the final block. "White or black? We also have red and green but I don’t think that’d look good for you." "White, like Al’s." Adria exclaims with a grin. "Right, right. Gotcha." Gunther nods writing into a notepad carefully. Behind his back Travis watches over him carefully. "How much will this cost because we need to hav…" Both Travis and Gunther simultaneously answer. "It’s a gift." "A gift?" Adria asks shocked by the deal she knew Travis rarely made. "Right, as congratulations." "I see." Adria nods, glancing at Al’s small silver pin. The two on the other hand didn’t notice the pin and instead thought something else entirely. "It will be done tomorrow morning. Come by anytime before you leave." Gunther nods making a final few notes about Adria’s height as well as the weight of her current sword. Without another glance to the two he began to work out the design for the sword. "So sixteen layer?" Travis too has forgotten the two and has a mischievous look on his face. "No. We will do two hundred and fifty six." "But that’s…" Gunther begins but Al and Adria, noticing the snub, have walked out by the time the words were finished.

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