

"I’ll go ahead first. Wish me luck." The mage says with a cute grin and wink towards Al. She grips her short wand and produces a green glow. With that in hand she rounds the corner into the darkness of the cave. "Sorry ‘bout her." Troy says with a nod to Adria’s scowl. "She means well." "Well anyways, is it really safe for her to go ahead?" Adria asks glancing around the corner to see if she can spot the girls figure. "It’s safer than all of us going in at once. And beasts can’t see green light well." Troy explains listening towards the tunnel carefully. Moments later a short knock could be heard from the room beyond. "Alright, lets go." Adria glances at the two adventurers before following them in with Al in tow. Her precaution towards the group hadn’t waned, if something was going to happen it would happen soon. Inside the chamber the same green hue lit the steep limestone walls. The floor was level with fairly distinct paw prints in the mud. The mage also points out a few claw marks on the walls that seem recent. "There really are bear beasts…" Adria gasps, looking closely at the prints on the floor. "You know our information gathering isn’t to be trifled with." Troy says with a smirk. "Well lets keep going. We need a clear idea of whats going on before we report this." "That’s true." Adria says with a hesitant nod. "After you." "Of course." The man says as he readies the shield and starts towards the other end of the long tapered chamber. The room connected via a fairly narrow crevice. Here it was abundantly clear the beasts were present. Thick tufts of fur littered the floor, it was no surprise really, even for a human maneuvering through the crack was difficult. Al once on the other side was near giddy at a sight only he could see. A deep blue glow spread throughout the long tunnel. To normal eyes of course it appeared green with the spell the mage girl was casting. But the mana swirling in the room itself was a powerful pulsing blue. "They are just ahead." The hooded man says pulling down the hood for the first time and gazing around the room. "I can hear them." Al notices at this point his ears are slightly slimmer than that of he or Adria. None of the other members share the trait so he wonders if perhaps it's a unique trait. "Any idea how many?" Troy asks the thin framed man. The man takes a deep breath and shuts his eyes focusing entirely on the sounds. "More than two." "Damn." Troy says with a click of his tongue. "Alright," Adria says turning back towards the crack. "Lets go report it to the fort." Troy glances at the archer who grimaces uncomfortably. "We can’t!" Everyone in the group was surprised by the volume the man used. Half for reasons of stealth, half simply because he rarely spoke let alone yelled. The room lay quiet as they all wondered if that shout had doomed them. The seconds pass slowly for everyone but Al. Al was still wondering where this beautiful form of blue mana was coming from. "Don’t tell me you want to go and fight it?" Adria asks with a look of disbelief. "The opposite." The man says with a shake of his head. "I want to leave as-well, but I want this to be kept silent at the same time." "Impossible, if the bear beasts attack the city and I knew about them…" "It’s not that simple! We can’t just gather an army and kill them." The two had begun heated argument at this point. Troy decides at this point to offer a compromise. "How about we just show her your reasoning Rouin?" The man glances in Troy's direction before relenting. "Very well, it should work. But we must do out best to keep away. Its a very dangerous time for them." "Understood." Troy says with a nod. He looks to Al and Adria and waves them further into the cave. Al seems completely unresistant and begins following immediately but Adria on the other hand was more nervous. "Come on, You gotta come see." The mage says gripping Adria’s fingers delicately and pulling her in the direction of everyone else. "They are super adorable when they are young, once with everyone we sa…" The girl began quietly yammering about the various adventures she had been on with the group. It was only when they round the final corner of the long cavern did Adria realize what she was going to investigate. There, sleeping, were two massive black bear beasts with glowing blue tendrils of mana extending along their bodies. Underneath one of them sat three tiny black balls of fur. Only the larger ones had veins of mana, the smaller only glowed weakly. One began rolling casually and the mother (presumably) extends a drowsy paw and retrieves it. "Baby… baby bear beasts?" Adria gasps looking at the small family of creatures in disbelief. "Just bears." The archer, Rouin says shaking his head at her answer. "Not until their older and gain more mana will they take on the characteristics. That’s why now is a bad time for other sources of mana to be present. Hence Gab is not using magic." "It hurts to use magic near a powerful source of mana anyways." Gab complains limply. As if hearing the talk, and very likely the actual case, the larger of the two bear beasts opens both eyes and glances at the presence. Its eyes burn for a moment with blue energy. Al and Rouin step back in surprise. Gab also seems to notice but is less receptive overall. "We should leave now." Rouin says turning around and walking carefully towards the entrance of the cave. "What?! Is it really going to…" Adria begins to ask glancing towards the lumbering beast. But it remains still casually watching them. "It understands why we are here. And it told us our answer." Rouin answers with little more information. Only once the group reconvenes outside the chamber does Troy explain Rouin’s words. "We’ve done these kinds of inspections before. This cave is pretty popular for families. We try to scare them off if the young aren't born yet. But in this case we let them stay." "But what if they attack the town or cause a stamp…" Adria begins to counter. "They never have before." Troy shrugs. "Normally if we show a presence when the young are around they understand and leave as soon as possible. Its basically showing the beast that humans do inhabit this area, and instructing them to leave." "It’s more than that. You can read the pulse." Rouin explains casually as he steps toward the small crack separating them from the outermost chamber. "That’s just you guys." Troy scoffs. "Although admittedly it's useful to have one." "You can speak of me as more than an object." Rouin says in a growl. Adria seems to piece together the same puzzle Al had been. "You’re a…" "Oh?" Troy spouts with a glance at Adria. "Which is it? Beast human? Elf? Mutt?" "He’s an effected human?" Adria asks stepping carefully. "I don’t mind Elf. I think it's foolish to try and classify us all as the same when we clearly aren’t. Honestly I prefer Beast human over that one." Rouin says with a scowl. "Ah, no offense princess. I am simply…" "No, thank you. I didn’t know what was the right thing to say. I’m sorry." "Nothing to apologize about. Happened to my ancestors not me." Rouin shrugs. "Right." Adria says shutting herself up before she causes more damage. "Al you could read the pulse too right?" Rouin asks glancing at Al after he squeezes through the crack. "Not read. I could see it but I was more…" ""See it?"" Rouin and Gab asks simultaneously. Both being magic attuned they understand the significance of his words instantly. "Al can see free mana. Please don’t tell people." Adria explains glaring at Al. "Though he should learn to keep secrets." "Understood." Al says with a nod. "No wonder you’re a court researcher." Gab mumbles in astonishment. "Coolest boyfriend ever." At those words she enviously looks at Adria who simply turns a shade of red. "He’s…" She begins to rebuff the claim but finds it difficult to do in front of a potential opponent. Not that she thinks of Al that way it’s just… No, it wouldn’t be a problem she just… "Come on Al." She says without another words and grips Al’s wrist. "You won’t report about thi…" "I will give them until spring. If they aren’t gone like you say then we will chase them out ourselves!" Adria shouts behind her shoulder. "Aren’t you an employed soldier now? Don’t you have nothing to do with the fort any…." "Shut up. You know what I meant." Adria again shouts stamping a foot. With that, the parties once again split into their former forms. Adria lead Al back to the Apartment and the group of three heads back to the guild. They would report the witnesses as false while simultaneously issuing a limit on the number of quests in the area. It was the typical way of handling these situations. "What’d you think?" Troy asks the two as they walk towards the guild building. "I feel like Al would take my job." Rouin says with a shake of his head. "Can’t believe he’s got free sight. Lucky bastard." "Adria’s hot headed when it comes to Al but she seems to be a good person. We didn’t get much of a chance to see them in action but I don’t think their sword skills are really doubted." "Much as I hate to admit it, the fact that Al got a jump on Kanger proves he’s likely the best swordsman in town." Gab giggles to herself. "Man if Kanger heard this he’d have a cow. You finally admit he’s the best swordsman in town." "‘Was’ the best." Troy corrects. "With meathead and Kanger gone Al easily fills the two open spots." "Only problem is they won’t join us." Gab reminds Troy. "You remember just getting them to join for this was like pulling teeth." "Ugh." Troy groans burying his face in his hands. "Your right." "And why would they. We caused Al nothing but trouble. You know they locked him in jail I heard." "Ugh… We need new party members!" "Yeah, yeah. Lets get a drink at the Inn before we report in. If all else fails we can try again in Tirish." Gab offers gripping Troy’s slumped shoulders. "But we won’t be stars in Tirish!" Troy groans with a pout. "Diva." Rouin says quietly.

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