

"MMMMM…." Adria moans from the bed, unable to sleep due to the odd discomfort. She tosses again under the thick comforter, kicking a bare leg out to regulate her temperature. She tried to blank her mind but ended up finding herself drifting in thoughts. The day’s with Al gone were strange. Everything felt the same, but like a foundation missing a single brick she found herself crumbling into old habits. She celebrated a day off by locking herself away with a book. All the outgoing nature she gained in the past year were almost flushed. She had to pull herself simply to shop and collect the mail. If Al saw her like this what would he think? We both wondered that to ourselves. It probably wouldn’t phase him, at least that’s my opinion. "RAHHHHH!" Adria growls kicking the blanket off and staring at the rising sun with an odd expression of reluctance. "Has it been a week yet? No? Damn." Chuckling and removing her shirt Adria gulps down a quick breakfast before strapping up in her military gear. Work was, work. It was a constant at the very least. Constant’s help when other variables are gone. And people say math never helps in life. A stamp for a tax calculation, a signature for a promotion document, it all felt lifeless. A human really need not apply in a job like this. Adria barely even needed to read the documents she simply stamped and signed with drowsy eyes. During breaks she vented with a spar with a few younger recruits. Oddly no one other than the juniors were willing to fight her. They all quickly understood why. "Pahhhhh…" Adria sighs sticking the leather wrapped wood sword into the dirt of the practice arena. A few soft groans from the recruits laying around her resounded as the footsteps of medical staff grew closer. "Very good work everyone. Keep up the training." Adria only lightly mumbles those words as she leaves the training arena. She really did appreciate their help. The thinly veiled ‘training’ did put her mind at ease but it was quickly refilled with odd thoughts. The image of a body on the roadside flashed in her mind for a moment. She nearly choked on her breath. Slumping against a wall other flashes began attacking her mind. Al walking away with a woman of sleazy origin, Al knocking his head and losing his memory again. Each and every one of them made her breath deepen until it was continuous gasping. The only thought that brought her any peace was Al’s promise. Him firmly gripping her hand’s and assuring her he would come back. The scene almost felt familiar in her mind, like something from a story book. Finally taking an easy breath Adria smiles brightly. "I have to trust him. He’s incredible, and he has God on his side." Adria assures herself checking her reflection in a glass frame before returning to her desk. "Only a few more days. I have to pull myself together." «§» "Al! Let’s get married!" A voice shouts gripping Al’s hand with interlinked fingers. "And then… and then. Let’s marry mommy and daddy and we can be one big family!" "Hmm," Al ponders with a hand to his chin. "But being a wife is a lot of responsibility you know. Isn’t being a little sister a better position? You get to be spoiled without having to do anything in return." "OH!" Michelle cries as if enlightened to the world. "I see. You’re right! Getting married is a pain. Mommy always seems miserable." "Hey!" Carol yelps from the bed several feet away, glancing up from her book with a frown. "I am plenty happy. And on that topic, I agree with Michelle’s earlier point." "Hey Mom, what are you reading?!" Michelle suddenly asks, distracted from the topic and engrossed by the vivid image drawn on the cover of the book her mother held. "Interested?" Carol asks lifting Michelle up and setting her on the bed beside her. "Mhm." Michelle nods enthusiastically. "Big brother Al and you seem addicted to them. So they must be good." "Where’d you learn that language?" Carol sighs, "Well anyway, this is a story about a girl around your age." "My age?" Michelle asks looking at the image on the cover again. Indeed the girl looked about her age. She wore a long flowing gown but her face was completely blank in the drawing. "It’s scary." Michelle says shivering back from the image of the ghostly figure. "You think?" Carol asks with a half smile. "I think it looks sad. Look at how she is standing." Even Al drew closer at this point to inspect the image. Typically he cared little about things like drawings but for once he attempted to analyze it. Her stance was easily recognizable when compared to the hundreds of thousands Al had stored in his head. Both hands were gripped in front of her as if she wanted to speak. When he first was introduced to Carol and the Earl’s daughter her stance was very similar, shy but intrigued. "She wants a friend?" Michelle asks tilting her head after looking at the picture for a moment longer. "I am sorry for being scared of you." Michelle says the words to the girl on the cover. Carol laughs and pats her head endearingly. "Such a good girl. But you are right. That’s what the story is about. It’s not as literal but its about someone without a face wishing for a friend." "Does she find one?" "A friend?" Carol asks flipping the book back up from her chest. "Mhm." Al was interested too. Somehow he hadn’t read this story before yet it looked familiar. Carol glances at the words of the book for a moment before turning back to look at both Al and Michelle. "It’s impossible. In this story, she’s the only one who exists, there are no other characters. At the very end she makes a plea to the reader, the author, anyone who will listen. To change her story. To give her another chance. She admits that she is at fault and begs for another try." Michelle seems confused by her mothers words. Her face was somewhat sad at the thought of the girl being unable to make friends. "The story is about putting yourself into a place where you can prosper. Flowers can’t grow in shaded land, they need to pick themselves up if they want to find the light. People need to change to grow. And that means they need to be willing to change." "I don’t get it." Michelle murmurs with a pout. "She never makes a friend?" "Well the reader is her friend." Carol smiles. "The reader is the only person she opens up to, the only person who see’s her unfettered thoughts. It was a very popular book too, so rest assured Michelle she has plenty of friends now." Michelle grins at this new knowledge. "Good." Al nods in agreement. It was odd to read so deeply into the words. He had never seen so much meaning in a story before. It made him wonder what else he had missed in the stories he had read thus far. It’s possible to look back on them and find the deeper meaning but he had no clue where to even start. *Knock Knock* Soon after the sound the door slid open to reveal the Earl and Carol’s personal doctor. "I was wondering where you two were." The Earl says with a grin. "The Priest said he hadn’t seen you since Michelle dragged you off, and you weren’t in her room. I hope she isn’t being a bother." "No problem." Al smiles from his seat on the floor. Half the books were in here anyways so he didn’t mind. And after a small reset playing with Michelle became easy. At first Al was unsure how exactly to treat the child but it became second nature quickly. "Carol you need your rest right? You have to stay healthy to properly get better." The Earl says with a halfhearted glare. "Mhm But I feel so much better already. And having this many books makes me want to read them. Right?" Carol turns to Al to receive the expected confirmation. Al nods in response before shirking back from the glare he receives from the Earl. "However it is indeed good to rest." "Exactly. Right doc?" The Earl wrestles for a second opinion which he easily receives in the form of a silent nod. "Fine fine." Carol moans turning to Michelle who happily squirmed on her lap. "How about showing Al the garden? Or grab some pastries from the stalls? I want strawberry." "Yeah!!" Michelle rockets up from Carols laps and leaps onto the seated Al. "Come on, Come on. Stop reading, lets go into town to buy treats!" "Reset." Al nods closing the books and turning to Michelle's awaiting grin. "Alright lets go." "You can protect her right?" The Earl asks glancing at Al as he stood with Michelle under one arm. "I heard a bit about it from the priest. Sorry didn’t mean to pry…" "No problem. I’ll keep her safe." "Good, I’ll take apple. Doc?" "Wh… cherry then." As Al and Michelle begin walking for the door the Earl adds another request as an afterthought. "Let’s play another game of chess when your back. I thought up a really good technique. It’s sure to stump you." Somehow this response prompts Al to roll his eyes but luckily only Michelle saw it.

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