

"Al, it's a little rude to read while pla…" The priest begins to chastise but the well adorned man sitting across from Al shakes his head and raises a hand. "It’s fine. You said he came here to read didn’t you? I don’t mind it." The Earl responds, eventually deciding on his move and clicking the piece across the board. "Check." Al responds moving his piece without a glance. "Dammit! What is that... game eight?" The Earl shouts with a bit of earnest anger. "Let’s set it up once more. After that you can focus on reading. I think I have an idea of how to beat him." Al doesn’t bother informing the man that in fact his chances of victory were very slim. Every move the Earl could make was analyzed by Al, dozens of alternative strategies were switched between, ten’s of thousands of moves were calculated and classified with their chance to win. Al only ever chose the best move possible. The Earl had nearly no chance of winning. Al turns a page in his book as the Earl once again sets the pieces on the chess board. "You weren’t kidding about this kid." The Earl says turning to the priest who loomed in the back of the room casually. "There’s no way you taught him." "I thought the same thing." The priest laughs. "But really I just taught him the mechanics. From there it was all him. After the first game I think it all just clicked for him. Honestly I have learned more from him than I ever taught him. Its amazing watching some of his plays, it makes me want to try them myself." "He’s not using the same moves either. I tried to throw him off by sacrificing my queen but he called my bluff and I was in check in two turns." "He learns quick. For all we know it did throw him he just quickly recovered." The priest contemplates with a hand to his chin thinking of his own games against the young prodigy. "He won’t tell us himself?" The Earl asks glancing at the silently reading Al. "When he’s reading he only talks to Adr... his friend back in the village." The priest explains with a snort. Then he thinks better of it and adds a quick addendum. "Well he did talk to me once about magic but once I told him all I could he began ignoring me like this again." "He’s interested in magic?" The Earl asks rubbing his chin and glancing at Al who gripped a new book from a nearby shelf. "Mhm, if I remember right he said he wanted to learn about making golems. But since then he’s not really shown much interest. Although that maybe my fault for not having much knowledge of the topic." "Golems?" The Earl asks with a quizzical expression. "Heh, if you were here a few days ago he could’ve met the toymaker." "Oh, for you or Michelle?" The priest asks absently making conversation. "Michelle, I think she’s old enough. We decided on a unicorn design in a sickening pink color. But the toymaker said he would repaint it in the future for a fairly small fee. He can even take the horn off." "He run’s good business I guess." The priest says with a respecting nod. The Earl agrees with a slow nod of his own, "He’s realized their ultimate limit and focused on use. Instead of trying to innovate a machine, he’s making use of what they can do well. So many engineers attempt to make them into pets or humans, but one can never really love a gearbox." "Mhm," The priest lightly murmurs. "Michelle is extremely excited. Of course Carol…. Carol says it's dangerous but," The Earl seems to be unable to finish and lightly pats his eyes with a handkerchief. "Ah, well. Such is life." "Carol’s condition hasn’t improved at all?" The priest asks dipping his head reverently. "No, and the doctor still has no idea what the problem is. It’s difficult." The Earl again speaks through a sniff. "Watching the one’s closest to you experience pain is never easy." The priest says solemnly "What is most important is remaining strong for them. If you continue to fight so will your wife." Al, who had been reading silently, had in fact been paying close attention to the talk. He felt an unplaceable tinge in his chest at the thought of the person closest to him in pain. He wondered for a moment if he may be sick but he quickly associated the correct reason after a quick health self check. "Your wife, she’s sick?" "Oh? Al? Finally showing an interest." The Earl says with a light grin. "Although not many people outside the castle know it, you are a friend of the holy man here so no harm in you knowing." The earl takes a deep breath and begins to recount the story. "It was likely during the pregnancy itself." He explains racking his brain again for more details he may have missed in a story he’s told a thousand times. "For awhile the baby would kick almost nonstop, it was Carol’s ‘alarm clock’ she used to say. Then one afternoon she collapsed, after that the kicking stopped so we grew worried. She requested I call doctors from all over to be sure the baby was ok. Now we don’t have the widest coffers but hiring a few doctors wasn’t out of the realm of possibility so I did it. We called in dozens of doctors. They said a variety of things. Some said the baby was already gone, some said it was just fine, they said it was ‘sleepy’. Only one offered a fix. A hooded woman who came well recommended from a few friends. She offered to give my wife a shot that could save our daughter's life. Of course we agreed. After hearing so many random guesses it was nice to have one person assuring us they could help. And she was right. Within a few days the kicking returned and the birth was a perfect success." The priest bows his head and presses a few fingers to his chest as if the event were a miracle. "The problem comes a few months after the birth of our darling Michelle. Carol complained that she couldn’t lose the baby weight. I promised her she looked fine but she said it was not right. After that she collapsed again. Her… um... Well, she was not passing a fluid of the correct color. It was blood red. Now our only options was to call the same doctors again, and get a dozen different answers, again." "You still can’t find the woman who gave your wife the shot?" The priest asks with a half frown. "If I did I… Ah, I don’t know." The Earl says with a frown of his own. "May I see her?" Al asks with his patented emotionless expression. "Carol? I…" The Earl glances at the priest who shrugs. "I suppose so. Please come with me, it's quiet a walk." "Can I bring a…" "Yes, bring a book with you." The Earl says with a sigh. Al grips a book from a nearby shelf and returns the one he had been holding. He quickens his pace to catch up with the priest and Earl who had already made their way to the door of the long library. Al of course had realized the impossibility of reading all these countless shelves in such a short time, but he still swore one day he would. Al and the priest, lead by the Earl bounced through the long stretches of hallways. They passed countless guards and patrols each of which made some form of bow or salute to the Earl who waved them off nonchalantly. Al found the form of attention interesting, it was much different than the whispers he and Adria received when they walked around town. Eventually they arrived at the door surrounded by another group of guards. They stood at careful attention and seemed even better armed than other guards of the area. The guards glance over the two strangers before making a tight salute to the Earl. The Earl copies the salute and carefully knocks on the door twice. Oddly a response doesn’t come. He carefully grips the knob and lifts it to draw the door open. He glances inside and smiles at the peaceful expression of Carol asleep on the bed. She shifts and her expression twists into a grimace for a moment before returning to tranquility. The Earl frowns and shows the priest and Al inside the room with a finger to his mouth. They follow his instructions and quietly enter. He shuts the door behind him carefully and steps over to his wife's bedside. He begins to gently rock her body in an effort to wake her but Al has already begun his prognosis. If you asked why he was doing this he would say he didn’t know. The pain he felt in his chest at thinking of Adria laying on this bed in pain was a strong motivator though. "It’s mana." Al quietly whispers almost to no one. If the priest hadn’t possesed good ears it really would have been to no one. "Mana? You…" The priest looks at him quizzically. "What do you mean?" Without a moment to explain, the door behind them opens once again with the form of an older man in a long white jacket fuming. "Sir, I understand your desire to speak with you wife but she really must get rest. And who are these people? It is uncouth to bring so many…" "Hmm? Oh, honey?" Carol asks glancing around the room through drowsy eyes, "What’s going on?" "Ah, Carol this is my friend Al he…" The Earl begins to say but he’s rudely cut off. "Al, keep talking. What were you talking about a moment ago." Al looks to the priest and explains it as if simple. "It looks like there is a mass of dark mana behind her stomach. It's formed a growth of some kind, it's currently pushing on her kidneys, probably cutting into her ureter’s causing the discoloration and irregularity of the urination. Also it seems if it's allowed to continue growing it will crush her ovaries and eventually kill her." The entire group look at Al as if he were insane. Each for a different reason. The priest for the mention of Dark mana. The Doctor for the first practical realistic diagnosis. And the Earl for the mere possibility of his wife's death. "How… How do you know there is dark mana?" The priest asks gripping at Al’s shoulders. "I can see it." Al says with a confused look. "Can’t you? It’s right there." Again he points directly at the stomach of Carol. "You can see it? Can you see free mana?" The priest asks shaking Al further. "The grove what colo…" "Green, then blue." "You… But Dark mana? How is that possible?!" The priest looks worriedly at the woman and begins stroking his chin. "Was it poison or perhaps a curse?" The other two make similar gestures and rack their minds for possibilities. Only Al seems to have another full understanding. "You’re daughters life was saved not by a potion, but most likely dark magic of some kind." Al explains without a courtesy pause. "If I were to guess... likely a mana implantation, mana-rich water or ether. The result would strengthen the body and…" "Please… don’t say any more. I… I understand." The Earl says with a bow of his head. "So both... I will lose both then…" He bows his head and tears begin welling in his eyes. Al seems perplexed so allows others to take his place this time. The priest chooses to intervene. "This won’t leave the room. I heard nothing about dark magic." "Agreed." The doctor says with a somewhat awestruck expression. In a day, what he had spent the last three years researching had been diagnosed by someone who was little more than a child. Everyone again turns to Al, their faces are still stony and sad but they seem to expect something more from Al so he gives it to them. "Cure?" The response seems to be a different one from what they expected because all their expressions turn to astonishment. "Is such a thing… Is it really possible to cure her?" "Not entirely, but removing the malignant mana is easy." Al glances at the priest as if he held the answer himself. "My staff?" He asks. "No. That’d have the opposite effect." Al answers with a frown. He thought it was easy. "Books, like with Mr. Fred, she needs to live in a library until the mana in her body is drained. Draining her mana will hurt her immunity so precautions will need to be taken so she doesn’t get sick. From the looks of it the mass is tightly coiled so there’s no saying how long it may take but the growth should slow in that time and it will eventually stop." "So there really is a chance?" Carol asks with a bright smile. "I was simply satisfied watching Michelle for these last few months but… If you really think there is a chance there are many more moments in her life I want to see." "Thank you Al." The Earl says with a bow of his head. "You don’t even know how much this means to me. If there is any reward within my power you may have it." One would think Al would ask for the library or perhaps unfettered access or any number of things but really Al wanted nothing from him. In fact he likely would have left with nothing if it weren’t for a conniving priest. "Well Earl you should be informed that Al is good friends with Princess Adria Kingston." "He’s… I see, that makes sense. He reminds me of her somehow." The Earl says with a sly smile of his own. "Al… Hold on, whats your last name?" "13." "R… right, Al Thirteen you are hereby conferred the rank of court researcher. As such you will be given special rights to libraries in the region as well as the ability to appoint a skilled bodyguard from the military." "I believe officers are included in people that those rank are allowed to appoint is that correct?" The priest asks facetiously. "Ah, you are correct." The Earl responds with a nod. Another knock resound on the door as a large group of guards begin carrying books into the room. A few craftsmen follow them in with long boards for affixing shelves to the walls. Al had expected them to move her to the library but he supposed this would work too. Although he wasn’t entirely happy that the library was currently being yanked apart. Oh well, it's his own fault. It should be noted that Al didn’t cure cancer. He simply found a way to stop the cause of Carol’s tumor. But there is no doubt this was a first step in solving a much larger problem. The doctor who attended to Carol ended up writing a paper about the events. It was kept quiet what kind of mana was causing the problem as well as what had caused the mana to gather in the first place but many still read it in pure shock. It caused a new wave of exploration in the mana removing abilities of paper. This included the start of several Mr. Fred type experiments.

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