

"All prepared?" Adria asks looking over the bag she had assisted Al in packing. She already had its contents memorized but she felt the need to inspect it once more. Al knew he wasn’t supposed to answer this question, Adria was doing that on her own. The pack contained the few clothes Al had acquired since coming to the town a few weeks prior. A coat provided by HR as well as a furlined hat Adria bought him on a particularly cold morning. Adria had also purchased a good bit of beef jerky from the Yilkins farm for Al to eat along the road. It should be mentioned that ‘road‘ is a bit of an overstatement when talking about the winding path Al and the priest would be using. The path was rarely kept, little more than a divot in the forest floor. Few places could barely even allow a single cart to pass. Typically it was seen as more efficient to ship items from Jinx to the Capital and from there move it along the safer road to the hill. Not that very much trade made its way to the small outskirt village anyway. All these facts compounded Adria’s worries. But she figured, quiet correctly, that if she brought up any of her reservations with Al, he would choose to stay. ‘This will be good for him’, she told herself. "Alrighty, looks good." Adria says with a nod to the backpack. She draws the string at the top sealing it and hands it back to Al. "Be careful though ok, you know what to do if you run into trouble." "No survivors." "Actually lets switch it to one survivor, incapacitated. Thinking about it, Kanger’s statement helped you get out of jail so you should stick to that." "Understood." Al responds with a nod, adjusting his protocol for the situation for a fourth time. "And…" Adria begins but is unable to finish the sentence simply due to the fact she had said it all a dozen times. "Just, come back safe." "I will." Al agrees with another nod. But still Adria was worried. She couldn’t help the feeling of dread. What if he ran into something that wasn’t human? This area is fairly safe with nothing more than the occasional wolf or deer beast. But there are those once in a million stampedes or rogue bear beasts. And there is weather too, the area normally doesn’t have too harsh of winters but blizzards aren’t impossible. No, she just needed to get out of her own head. "Let’s go see if his holiness is ready." Only then did it dawn on Adria that the priest would also be protecting Al so even more advanced monster probably wouldn’t pose a problem. She felt a bit relieved but the feeling would never really fade she figured. The two walked through the town paying little mind to the glances. At this point it was common place. Of course, to Adria, it was always commonplace and to Al it was just something that had happened since day one so he thought it was normal. Pity he couldn’t live a quiet life in peace. Oh well, this is fine too. Eventually they reached the church/library, outside with his normal staff stood the priest armed in thicker leather reinforced robes. The look was a stark difference from the normal dark robes he wore in the church. Noticing Al’s odd glance at the robes the priest explained in a few words. "In the wilds, black is meant for godless men. So we wear white." Al noticed the scarf he wore was also a pearly white colored wool. "It’s to be safe. You don’t wanna be seen as a bandit. Your clothes are pretty bright though, you shouldn’t run into trouble with guards." Adria explain flipping an end of the scarf. "But if all else fails you have that letter I gave you." "I’m telling you it's unnecessary. I’ve never hit a snag on this trip." "Well you were doing it alone, so it's different this time." "Yeah, yeah. Come on Al. Lets hit the open road." Al looks between the two’s lively conversation and takes notes. He then glances once more at Adria. She had thick film lining her eyes and attempted to cover it by wiping her face quickly with a gloved hand. "Come back safe. You hear me. One week, if you aren’t back I’ll be… I’ll be really mad, I’ll come looking for you." "I’ll be back. I promise." Al affirms gripping Adria’s hand and giving her a piercing look to imply his sincerity. Adria quickly grips him into a hug to again cover for the tears growing around her eyes. Quietly over Al’s shoulder the priest assures her the two will come back safe. But Adria remained apprehensive. "Come on, time’s a wasting. If we want to hit the best camping spot we’ve got to leave soon." The priest again prompts yanking on the scarf Al wore. "Be careful!" Adria shouts as the two begin disappearing away from the church. "Yeah, yeah. Jeez, your less a girlfriend more a mom." "I’m not his…!" Adria begins to shout but the priest simply waves his hand and begins chatting quietly with Al. Or chatting at Al maybe. "I’m not his mom…" Adria quietly mumbles, not thinking of what that implied instead. «§» "You don’t talk much do you Al?" The priest says after several miles of Al’s silent company. "Other than to Adria." Al again remains quiet at the prompt. Instead he continues listening to the sounds of the forest and watching the plants and trees sway in the wind. Every minor detail about the path was noted. He had a protocol to follow so this path must be memorized. Speaking of protocols currently there are three main ones. First, follow Adria. If the first is impossible the second is, ‘learn’. This one is very rarely impossible but if that ever were the case the final protocol, a pass-over from his old life inside silicone and spinning platters, ‘build a copy of yourself’. The way these were implemented was a little more complex than simply order of operations though. ‘Follow Adria’ for instance took into account the possibility of Adria sending Al somewhere like she did with the Yilkins or the Library. In that case protocol two would be initiated until such time that protocol one can be resumed. Of course there are those other random protocols littered about as well, the stop command for instance still works without any authentication although problems with long reload times have been corrected so that shouldn’t pose too much trouble. Oh maybe I'm just being paranoid like Adria. I suppose I have to let go someday. "Lets stop here for the night Al." The priest says triggering exactly what I worried about. "Reset." Al responds with a nod as he sets down his backpack on the grassy patch a few hundred feet of the path. "What?" The priest ask, surprised by the sudden response. "Ah, nothing. I’ll gather some firewood and see if there are any snow berries left on those patches we walked past." Al quickly responds glancing around the fire-pit for larger chunks of charcoal to start a base with. "You… talk?" The priest responds with a snort. "Took you long enough. Well alright, I’ll set up the shelter and lay out the bags. If you can’t find any berries before the sun starts setting come on back." "Understood." Al responds with a firm nod before turning to search further out for kindling and food. This new Al was fully prepared for camping. It took longer than expected to create the update but conversation tree’s as well as general knowledge was assembled for the trip. Al now was able to look back on the earlier data with fresh eyes. He noted beast trails they had missed. Nothing out of the ordinary for the area but they were things to look out for on the journey back. He kicked himself thinking back on the mass of wild potatoes that the two had walked almost directly through a few hours prior. If only this was implemented sooner. Feeling down Al returned to the campsite to see a stark difference. Even without the campfire the area was light well by the soft glow of the priests staff. "Ah, you caught me." The priest says with a smirk after the light dims and he opens his clenched eyes. "I bless this place every time I camp here. It keeps the grass nice and prevents large scale animal invasions. Although technically it's misuse of my church given powers I think it's worth it if it can keep the area a tad safer." Al doesn’t respond, instead he glances around at the changing flow of mana after the priests spell finished. It was originally an olive green tinge but now it pulsed blue until the green was almost entirely invisible. "Lots of migrant workers use this path so, better safe than sorry, you know?" Al nods after returning his glance to the visible world. "Yes. Better safe than sorry." "I thought you’d get it." The priest says with a laugh extending his staff to the pile of sticks Al had assembled in the charred pit. After a moment of crackling and another glow the fire ignites into flames. "Another thing that you definitely shouldn’t tell anyone about." The priest giggles as he reaches into his pack and pulls two flat loaves of bread. Noticing Al’s glance upon receiving the bread he briefly explains. "Priests bread is different. Try it like this." The priest splits the flatbread in half, turning it into a small round pocket. He then stuffs a bit of the preserved meat into it. He then bites into it and smiles in satisfaction. "Better with the sauce but you get the point." Al follows his method and takes a bite of the makeshift sandwich. It’s not as flavorful as what he was used to eating with Adria but it’s still a good meal. "It’s good." "Glad you like. We’ll be eating it for breakfast and lunch." "No, we can find food on the trail." Al assures him after another bite of the sandwich. "Oh? Is anything still in season? I know there are a few…" "There is lots." Al assures him with little backing his claim. The priest shrugs and takes a large bite of the bread, "If you say so Al."

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