

"This is the place." Adria says as she rounds the corner of a dingy alley with Al in tow. In front of the two is a small decrepit building with the soot of coal smoke staining the wood around the door frame. "I’m sure he’s finished the statement by now." Adria makes the second comment almost as a side thought. She knocks on the door once before opening it and peering inside the small storefront side of the building. Swords, daggers, and other assorted blades are scattered amongst tables with larger curved swords hung carefully on the walls far from the greedy grasp of customers. Adria, well accustomed to the shop stepped right inside paying little attention to the implements littering the place. Al on the other hand gazed at each one for a moment before turning to the next. Each blade had a pattern etched into it making no blade like another. The random patterns fascinated Al. Few even had stains of blue and green glimmering inside the blade giving them added depth and beauty. "I figured you would like them. He’s the best after all." "Told ya before, I’ll tell ya a million times I’m not the best." A bearded man says stepping out from a room attached to the counter section. "And whatcha doing busting into my shop when it's clearly closed. Some nerve after forcing me to be a witness. That's exactly what I need." "Oh ya, did that all go well?" Adria asks doing her very best to pretend to not remember. "Look, you know I agree with you about the guy but…" The burly man says rubbing his prickly neck. "Oh come on. What did you tell him?" "I told him it was justified." The man says in a depressed tone. Adria’s eyes widen in shock. "That’s a damn lie and you know it!" "I know." "Then…" Adria begins to ask. "If I hadn’t I’d never sell another sword. You know my clientele. Without the guilds tolerance I don’t have a chance. My dad is bad enough as it is, if he could pin Kanger’s expulsion on me I’d be doomed. I’m sorry Adria." "No," Adria says with a heavy breath. "It’s fine. I suppose I should have thought about that." "Well is that all you came for or…?" The man asks glancing at Al behind her. "Isn’t that the same guy? What’d you bring him here for." "I owe him so I wanted to get him one of your swords." "Not a bad idea now that Kanger’s getting off scot-free." The blacksmith says with a huff. "Wait, couldn’t he be the witness? He was the one attacked after all. Why didn’t you name him as a witness?" Adria seems to think about this for a moment. The reason was originally because she thought he didn’t speak common. Now that that worry is partially repudiated he could in fact verify his attack. Although his word would be judged as biased too now that so many witnesses have gone against him. In reality it’s likely without either the Inn or Gunther’s true testimony the case is basically closed. And for reasons similar to Gunther's, the Inn won’t likely change their position on the matter. "It won’t do any good I think." Adria eventually relents with a sigh. "Anyways I want a sword or knife for him. As you said I doubt Kanger will just leave him be, I heard he took quite the bang on the head." "What do you prefer." Gunther says after stepping over to Al who continued inspecting each blade on the tables. Al doesn’t respond to the query. Instead he continues his inspection. "Heh," Gunther laughs coyly enjoying the attention his blades are getting. "If you like those you should see these." He carefully leans up one of the walls and retrieves a bent wood shaft from the wall. The wood is dyed a deep black and finished to near mirror perfection. Carefully the man places it at his waist and separates the pieces revealing a long single edged blade. The motion of the separation was a single movement. The blade seemed to cut through the air as he drew it. Al watched the motion carefully before turning his attention to the blade itself. It too possessed a pattern but it was less pronounced, it merely consisted of small spheres of intricate rings, as well as a long dark wave etched into the blade. "Beautiful right?" Gunther says extending it in one hand and staring down the blade before carefully returning it to the sheath and handing it to Al for inspection. Al glances at Adria. She nods simply so he grips the warm wood sheath. He carefully separates the blade a few inches to better inspect the pattern. Within the wave the same intricate rings of layered metal can be seen. Once satisfied he shuts the sheath and places it at his waist just as Gunther had. "Whoa boy. It takes years of practice to properly…" He begins before being interrupted by the sound of slicing air. The soft echo of a cricket in a nearby gutter rings as both Adria and Gunther sit in stunned silence. Al, satisfied repeats the other action he had seen Gunther make. A clumsy return of the blade to the sheath. "That was… Hold on a minute, I need to get my wife." Gunther skirts off again behind the counter and then through the doorway. The sound of disappearing footsteps could be heard before any other sound was made. "You really are weird." Adria says with a smirk. "You copied him didn’t you?" Al doesn’t respond to the accusation. Opting to tilt his head instead. "I noticed from the second action. Gunther’s no master swordsman but he has mastered showing off those blades. Or at least half of it." The sound of footsteps re-approaching forced Adria to drop the line of questioning. Behind the hulking Gunther a small woman nearly vanished into his shadow. "Show her, Show her." The man prodded at Al as if he were a circus attraction. Al, understanding the request again glanced at Adria almost as if asking permission. She, confused by the look, again nods to reaffirm him. In a single movement Al rips the blade from the sheath. It again makes the satisfying sound of cut air. Adria couldn’t help but be impressed by the motion. She hadn’t paid enough attention the first time so watching it in its entirety was an impressive sight. "It’s…" The woman says in shock at the clean movement. "You will definitely earn points from dad for this one." The woman laughs and prods Gunther's sides forcing him to grin and blush. Adria watched the expression she had never seen from Gunther and silently took note. "How long have you been training him?" The woman continues glancing over Al’s body as if judging a melon. "Dad might even be interested in training him himself if he’s up to this level at his age." "No hun, you misunderstand. He’s just someone who wants to buy a blade. I am sure with that form he must already have a teacher of some kind. Hell maybe he’s getting special lessons from Adria." Gunther smirks at the final possibility to which Adria quickly refutes. "Jokes aside. I don’t know if he has a teacher. He’s something of a mystery, he showed up in town out of nowhere from what I can gather." "Can’t you just ask him?" Gunther says with a frown. "Hey kid, where’d you come from?" Al turns to the source of the noise but doesn't respond, instead turning again to Adria. "Al, do you have a sword master? I didn’t think you did since you didn’t have a blade when you came but maybe you lost it?" "Don’t know." Al answers with a shrug. Adria is shocked by the answer. "Wow you actually replied. You so rarely answer questions. Well maybe we are on a roll, where did you come from?" "Don’t know." Al again affirms to the group. "Should have expected that." Adria says nodding to herself as if it was silly to even try. "He has no memories?" Gunther's wife asks looking at him with sadness painted on her eyes. "Something like that." Adria says wondering the answer herself. "Maybe he hit his head?" The woman asks glancing at his ruffled hair. "Well no, that was the other guy." Adria says with a smirk. "But maybe. I can ask someone about it, though I'm not sure she could do much." "That’s true. No cure for a bump to the head." Gunther says slapping Al’s back. "But he seems alright up there." Gunther ruffles Al’s hair roughly. Also taking the time to check for bumps. Adria having already done this knew it was for naught. "Head feels almost soft like a babies though." Gunther says after finishing his inspection. The rough hand pats Al’s shoulder before stepping back again. "That arm is what really impresses me though. You should really think about having pop’s teach ya." Al looks at the man blankly. Adria recognizing the expression cut in for him. "For now the sword, I owe him for getting him in that fight." "Sword. Pah! That one is trash. No. No. No." Gunther says gripping the black wood from his hands and setting it aside on the table. He glances around and his eyes widen. He looks to his wife and she smiles coyly. "He would be even more willing should he see that blade." The woman says with a nod. Gunther quickly steps across the room and pulls another long curved sword from the wall. A dull white wood sheath and grip. This time he doesn't separate it and instead just thrusts it into Al’s arms. "This is the blade for you." He nods to himself shutting his eyes and thrusting a hand to his bearded chest. "My father-in-law will surely be proud of that blade." "Again, he never said he will go to..." "I know, I know. But just in case." Gunther says with a shrug. "Well how much is it?"Adria ask pulling a pouch from her waist this time. "Oh, that’s right you’re paying. Well then. A hundred gold?" "What?!" "Fifty?" "Hun." "Fine. Twenty." Adria huffs exaggeratedly and counts through her pouch. "Al, um, wanna lend me a couple coins?" "Sure." Al says with little interest. He reaches for his own pouch and holds out two random coins. "That’s…"Adria starts glancing at Gunther. "He really doesn’t know a thing. He’s like a little kid. How would he even get money in the first place at this rate." Gunther ask shaking his head in confusion. Adria places the coins back in Al’s bag and shows him the gold one that is needed to pay for the sword. Luckily HR provided a body with a pouch containing quite a fortune in this worlds currency. "Oh my." She says counting through the coins. She takes the two needed and briefly explains the value of each. It looks to go through one ear and out the other as always but she liked to believe he understood. The two pay for the sword and say farewell to Gunther and his wife. Well more accurately Adria said goodbye and Al said nothing, but they expected little more. "Well we should head ho…" Adria starts, grabbing at Al’s wrist before stopping in mid step, forcing Al to take a step backwards to brace himself. A tried and true method. "Oh." Adria says solemnly. "I suppose there’s no reason to… Well but it's still dangerous and…" Adria glances at Al who looks back at her with a blank gaze. "You can’t be trusted to live on your own yet. So for… a week. Yeah, a week. I will teach you how to live normally. Since you seem to have forgot. For instance laundry." Adria brushes Al’s shirt emitting a puff of dust. "So as I was saying. Lets go home Al." Adria lights up with a smile and grips Al’s wrist "Oh how about we get some food on the way too!" "Yes." Al confirms simply with a nod.

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