

Adria watched carefully over Al as he slept in the quiet apartment. Through the whole walk Al barely moved a muscle, this greatly worried Adria but she found no damage to his head on further inspection. Likely it was Kanger’s blood smeared on the wood. Well then, no harm done. Adria felt responsible. No, she knew she was responsible. Just another form of proof that she could live her life best if she stayed far from others. She ‘should have just left Al in the street’ she attempted to convince herself halfheartedly while gazing at the face of the sleeping Al. "The expression remains even while asleep, huh?" Adria ponders aloud to the empty room, brushing a lock of Al’s brown hair away from his forehead. "I wonder if I was like that too?" Realizing her own action after a moment Adria quickly freezes and needlessly glances around to be sure she’s alone. "Why are my usual defenses so meaningless around him?" She ponders quietly after pulling her hand back into her chest. After once more assuring herself Al was sleeping Adria sat down in a nearby chair and began thinking back to her past self’s sleepless nights. A few moments after the start of the self loathing reminiscence Adria too found her way to sleep. «§» "Lieutenant Section Commander! Good morning." A man says leaping to attention as the officer enters the west entrance of the fort. "At ease." Adria says mirroring his salute halfheartedly. "Anything from the night watch to report?" "No Sir." He says glancing at a form placed at his desk that once again laid blank. "Really?" Adria asks with a cocked eyebrow. "Sir?" The receptionist asks. "Send a squire to deliver a message to the Adventurer’s guild. Ask them why Kanger wasn’t sent here to be imprisoned." Adria says with a wave of her hand as she walks towards one of the three attached doors of the entrance room. "K… Kanger?" The receptionist says blankly before realizing the disappearance. As Adria expected, around three minutes after she sat down a loud knocking was heard on the door of her office. Without waiting for a reply a portly man storms in followed by another older gentleman. Both wore scowls, one less pronounced than the other. "Can I ask your reasoning for…" "I think my reasoning is plenty clear. I am sure at least two of the witnesses were adventurer’s you can ask them. Or the two soldiers who witnessed it could tell you about it too. It’s clear cut, he attacked an unarmed civilian." "We indeed heard about the fight but we had heard your party was the antagonist in the situation. Obviously the word of your subordinates can’t be trusted so our best bet would be to wait until Kanger wakes up. Perhaps he will better shed light on the…" The guild master says replacing the scowl with a dignified expression. "Oh, right. Kanger will be the unbiased party." Adria says with a mock laugh. "That’s absurd, if you ask the Inn I’m sure…" "The Inn has already said they saw nothing and want little to do with the ordeal." "This is insane. Commander, clearly they are just attempting to protect their…" Adria began, glancing at her one superior in the town. The grizzled man had never been a fan of her but he at least knew her as an honest person right? The man rubs his chin, carefully contemplating the situation. It would obviously be bad for a guilds leading party to lose its swordsman, it would make sense for the guild to attempt to cover this up. However the charges are ones often dealt with by severe consequences, it's not a judgment to give out lightly. "Were there indeed no other witnesses than the involved parties?" "We have asked around but it seems no other…" "Your son was there." Adria says with a glance at the guild master. His eyes widen at the words before quickly restraining himself. "To think my son won’t be biased is foolish." "No. That’s true, but he hates the military almost as much as the guild so I wager he’s a good witness." The commander says after mulling it in his head a moment. "Very well, I’ll talk to him. I’ll ask you two to stay out of it for now. You can head back to the guild, I will tell you the result once it's been made." "This is ridiculous I tell you, Kanger didn’t…" The guild master mumbles as he leaves the room with a quick glare towards Adria. "Adria, I know you aren’t a fan of the guild, and I understand that, given your circumstances. But this isn’t some…" The commander begins looking at her with downcast eyes. "I could care less about the guild, it's adventurers I dislike." Adria says with a snap before returning to her typical calm tone. "And no, it isn’t at all about that. You know as well as I Kanger has been a step away from the chopping block for months. The things he’s done… At least this way his marginal worth won’t be completely lost." "You mean turning him crime slave?" "Exactly. Better he be arrested for assaulting a citizen and turned to a slave than arrest him for murder or rape and turn him in for execution." The commander again thinks over the situation rubbing his chin carefully. "The guild won’t take it lying down. We may even hear from HQ for someone like Kanger." Adria sigh’s setting the paper she had been trying to continue working on down. "You really think so?" "Mhm, I know you prefer keeping to yourself so I doubt a visit from HQ would be…" "No, that would indeed suck." "Well if this is open and shut like you say then no worries. I’ll make sure to dot my i’s and cross my t’s." The commander says lifting a box from his pocket and lighting up a cigarette before extending the box towards Adria. With a sharp shake of her head the man returns the box to his pocket before glancing back at Adria. "Head home for the day. Seems like you had enough excitement for a little while." Adria, again glancing at the form in front of her, eventually nods. "Thanks, I’ll have the agricultural tax documents done by Thursday." "No worries." The commander says through a fog of smoke before taking his leave with a nod. Adria follows him out a moment later but finds the reception room empty other than the same receptionist from earlier. She nods at the man and steps through the door into the afternoon sun. «§» On the opposite side of town Al awoke for the first time in his life. This was a new experience, the comfort of the bed was like supreme bliss to a being which had never slept before. He struggled to pull himself from the comfortable position. He made note of the position for later investigation. The time to contemplate the data from the evenings fight seem to have come so he began to play the scene back. He was astonished by the lack of clarity in his recollection of the event. Only minor flashes of being lifted and falling. After giving up on the analysis he observed his surroundings once more. Where was he? He hadn’t the faintest idea. Although that seemed to be happening a lot lately. He leaned up in the bed to better see the room. It was slightly in disarray. Clothes and dust littered the floor and furniture. The bed itself had a small pile of clothes directly adjacent, almost as if it were rapidly tossed from the bed the night prior. ‘It doesn't smell like stew’ was one observation he made quickly upon investigation. Instead it has a slightly musty smell mixed with honey. It wasn’t unpleasant with the addition of the sweet tinge. Al leaned down beside the bed and lifted a handful of laundry to his nose. He then inhaled deeply to solve a question in his mind. Indeed it was the cloth which possessed the smell. As if reading the situation Adria choose that moment to open the door and step inside. A normal person would have heard the clicking of the lock and understand the situation they are in. Al on the other hand saw nothing wrong with his action and didn’t know to associate sounds with doors. Frankly he didn't even know what a door was. "Wha! What are you doing! Stop, Stop, Stop." Adria says rushing over to Al and clocking him on the head with a baguette. "Reset." Al says sadly dropping the cloth and turning to Adria. "Why?" Adria asks shaking her head to herself with sheer confusion. "Why what?" "Why do you always…" Adria answers thinking little of the words and cutting the baguette into equal portions before setting them on plates. Adria’s fingers go slack around the bread as a piece tumbles onto the dusty table. "Did you just…?" Al looks at her blankly with a curious eyebrow at most. "You just spoke, right? I wasn’t hearing things was I?" "Yeah. Although, you were hearing things. It’s my understanding that, that’s how it works." "You can… You can speak common? Since when? Oh! But this will make dealing with Kanger a ton easier!" Adria says with a wide smile as she again returns her attention to the plates of bread. Dusting off the one, she splits it and tosses a chunk of meat as well as a slice of bluish cheese. "But really, were you just swindling me pretending you couldn’t talk?" "I couldn’t." "You couldn’t speak last night?" Adria asks, handing a plate to Al. "Why not?" Al tilts a head in response so Adria quickly drops the line of conversation opting instead to fill her mouth with a bite of sandwich. Al, watching carefully, mirrors the movement. The two silently eat, only pausing to exchange sips from a canteen Adria filled on her way home. "I should apologize." Adria says after wiping her mouth with a handkerchief and tossing it into a pile of clothes beside her bed. "You got involved in all that stuff because of me. You even got hurt, although I can’t for the life of me see where you hit your head. If I knew any better I’d say you just fell asleep at the exact time you fell." Adria laughs off the idea and Al, unaware that was actually the case just tilts his head once more. "Well anyways. Sorry." Adria says looking at her lap and folding her fingers carelessly. "It’s ok." Al answers simply with cheeks puffed with sandwich. "Don’t talk with your mouth full." "Sorry." Al again replies after a forced swallow. "I really don’t get you." Adria says scanning Al up and down. Her glance passes his coin pouch and she grimaces. "You seem like you remember everything but I also want to again apologize for spending your money without your permission. And then I guess we lost it without even getting our money’s worth so it was totally wasted." Al glances at the point her sight was connected. He places a hand to the pouch carefully before returning it to his side without another thought. "I swear it still feels like my words are going in one ear and out another." Adria says after receiving no reply from Al. "Well in compensation for everything, minus the fee for smelling my clothes. Come with me." Al tilts a head until Adria roughly grips his wrist once more. "I guess we are back to this." She says as she grabs a key from the table and yanks Al outside the Apartment into the stairwell leading to the street.

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