

The Inn bustled with clanking of dishes and mugs as the two enter and mill towards the Innkeeper who stood writing in a log book at the reception desk. The woman glances between the two guests before dropping the book in shock. "Commander Adria, what brings you to my Inn this evening? I apologize if the noise is…" The owner begins nervously stammering after shutting the book and directing her attention to the two. "Relax Linda, I’m not here on official business." Adria explains waving a hand and indicating with the other towards the AI. "I think he is a foreigner or possibly sl… Well in any case I wanted to see if you had a room he could stay in until we find out where he came from or who he is." "He doesn’t look foreign. Does he speak Traier? He could be from one of the trade caravans." "A merchant with clothes this nice?" Adria asks fingering at the cloth on his chest. "True. Well does he have money? If so I can definitely take him in for the night." "I wouldn’t have brought him here if not." Adria says with a hand on the pouch at his waist. Surprised by the lack of response Linda the inn keeper stifles a soft laugh. "Definitely not a merchant if he’s that unconcerned about you handling his pouch." The woman covering her mouth with one hand reachs under the desk and retrieves another log book. She quickly opens it to the most recent page and indicates to a line while looking at the AI. "Can you write your name or…" The two women glance at him half expectantly. Again he doesn't respond at all. He does show some interest in the book but the eyes remain lifeless as always. "I kinda expected as much." Adria says reaching for the pencil on the desk. Suddenly the gears seem to connect in the AI’s mind as it associates the text written on the document with the implement Adria was reaching towards. His hand cuts between hers and the pencil as he rips it from the table. He glances at its shape for a moment as he contemplates the best way to hold this implement. The two women watch him curiously, neither uttering a word. After a long moment the AI reaches his equipped hand towards the paper. With a rough grip it writes all it knows about itself on the form. "Al?"Adria asks looking at the paper. "That's a good name, although thirteen is a strange last name." "Maybe he was a slave? I know sometimes they are given odd names like that." "Linda you can’t just ask that! He’s already spooked enough as it is." Adria says in a chastising tone. "It doesn’t matter where you came from Al. In any case, it’s good to have a name to go with the face." The two aren’t entirely wrong. Slave isn’t the worst descriptor for his former life. At least in this life he has a proper name. Even if it is simply from a misread letter. "Right, back to check in. The fee for a night is 7 silver a meal is an additional sil…" Linda begins before cutting herself off to glance at Adria. "He doesn’t understand a word I am saying, does he?" "I don’t think so. This is the same expression I always got from him." Adria says glancing at the blank face. "I’m going to wager he agrees to the price based on the fact that he signed his name." "I suppose…" Linda say with a slight grimace. "I feel bad just taking his money though. It feels like theft." "I got it." Adria says gripping at Al’s belt and untieing the draw string attaching it. After a bit of struggle she retrieves the coins and places them on the counter. "7, 8… 9?" Linda asks while counting the coins. "Least he can do is treat me to a meal for helping him out." "I suppose so." Linda says with a grin. "You have to explain everything to him once he sobers up though I don’t want some foreigner accusing me of theft." "Right, of course." Adria says with a roll of her eyes. "Come on Al. Linda’s hubby makes the best stew in town." Adria again grips at Al’s wrist and wrenches him towards a nearby empty table. She quickly takes a seat which Al mimics moments later. "Good I thought you were going to tell me you didn’t know how to sit in a chair." Adria says with a laugh. "Though I suppose you wouldn't be able to ‘tell me’." Al makes no reaction, simply maintaining the same stone faced expression. "Nothing much ever gets a reaction from you, huh?" Adria says watching his unchanging expression. "Ironic to see it from the other point of view." After muttering to herself a bit Adria pulls the leather straps on her armor loosening the chest portion. She sighs contently before again watching Al’s blank expression. "What did ‘you’ see? And what would scoop you out of it." Adria’s contemplative monologue was interrupted by the arrival of two thick wooden bowls of sweet smelling stew. The waitress handed Al and Adria a spoon after giving them a stern warning about spoon theft and the consequences. The spoons aren’t particularly nice, perhaps it’s been a problem in the past. Al again watches Adria with half disinterest as she grips at the spoon and digs it into the stew. Noticing the dead eyes Adria connects her own with a bit of confusion on her brow. "Come on, you can do it. It’s food. Eat it. I’m sure you have food whereever you came from. It smells good, right?" "…" "Nothing?" Adria asks after waiting for Al to try the stew. "Are you not…" She begins asking weather or not he is hungry but she’s interrupted by a loud growl from across the table. "Yeah you are hungry. So eat it. Come on." She prods pointing a spoon towards Al. "I feel like I'm taking care of a baby." She eventually relents picking up Al’s spoon and dipping it from his bowl to his mouth. "There, good right?" She asks with a grin as she moves back to her own bowl leaving the spoon dangling in Al’s mouth. Al noticing the good taste as well as the added weight in his mouth instinctively swallows. That’s a weight off my shoulders. Good work Adria. "What are you… What are you doing?"Adria asks looking at Al who wiggles the spoon in his mouth searching for the source of the taste. Al continues moving the muscles in his mouth stirring the spoon around his tongue, suddenly noticing the correlation between his muscle movements and the flashes of spoon handle entering his vision, he raised his eyebrows in shock. Adria watching the entire scene with a dropped jaw suddenly bursts into laughter before glancing around and covering her mouth to stifle the further laughter. "Al you are a riot." She says after calming herself and yanking the spoon from his mouth. "Come on, eat normally." Al noticing the spoon in the bowl connects the various dots to correlate the correct information. He reviews the data he gathered from watching Adria eat and grips the spoon as he had the pencil earlier. Shakily he raises the spoon to his mouth and places it inside. Again he lets go of the spoon and swirls it around in his mouth for a moment, glancing at Adria for a response. A spot of confusion could be seen in Al’s face as she looks at him with confusion of her own. "Stop, just eat normal." Al receiving the ‘stop’ command again takes the spoon from his mouth and quietly says "Reset." "What’s with that again? Is that all you can say?" Adria asks scrapping the bottom of her bowl with a faceful of mixed emotions. Al remains quiet as he clumsily mirrors her movements to gather the remaining liquid in the bowl. Adria finishes her bowl and sends it forward with sadness. She slides a hand under her armor and rubs her stomach in satisfaction with a deep sigh. Adria takes a breath to begin speaking but she’s interrupted by loud chatter entering the front door. "I’m telling you man we have to be more careful with the stone princess assigned to our patrol. That mean’s no more drinks on the road, that means no more squirrel hunt pit stops, I mean seriously you never know when you are going to stumble ac…" "Shh. Shh!" Higgins, the first of the two men who noticed Al says, gripping his partners shoulder and pointing in Adria and Al’s direction. "What are you… Oh." The man says after flipping the eye patch up to get a better look at the distant table where the two sat. "Oy! You’re right, it's the stone princess herself." A man hunched at the bar says stumbling from the stool and smirking. "Show some respect Kanger." A burly man at the bar says tipping his mug to his thick beard. "Why? She ain’t my superior. I ain’t one of them military dogs flaunting them titles and medals…" "Kanger, The guild has both ranks, and medals. Your argument is totally flawed." "Shut up you sooty traitor!" Kanger shouts at the bearded man, shoving him into his drink. He turns his attention back to the table of Adria and Al, paying little attention to the anger brewing in the mug behind him. "Oh? My apologies stone princess. Am I interrupting your date? I’d hate to trouble your suitors, your highness." The man stumbles through a mocking bow. His sloppy performances was probably funnier than the actual insults being made. Yet still no one at the Inn laughs. Adria didn’t seem particularly phased by the words. Al on the other hand probably only vaguely understood that they were words. Neither react much to the provocation, this somewhat angers the provoker himself. "Ain’t gonna respond? Cat beast got your tongues?" "It’s just cat." Adria says flatly. "Whut?" Kanger asks placing a hand to his ear. "It’s ‘Cat’s got your tongue.‘ not ‘Cat beast’s got your tongue.’." "Wha… what's the difference." The man says before cackling a laugh. "Ohh. Oh. I actually forgot, you people have that crazy religion or whatever. You are just serving me up ammunition, princess." Royce and Higgins, realizing their own culpability in this matter hurry over to stop Kanger but they seem to be to late. "You know, I don’t like the way this one’s looking down on me." Kanger says eyeing Al carefully. Al who wasn’t phased by the antagonist just maintained the dead eyed look. "Sonuva’ bitch! Quit staring at me!" Kanger shouts gripping at Al’s collar and yanking him up from the seat. Before even Adria could intervene to stop the drunk, Al made his move. Well, maybe I'm playing up his role a bit. Al, unfamiliar with the experience of being lifted simply tried his best to analyze the situation. He did this by going limp and allowing his focus to go to the storage of data for better analysis at another point. His action were unexpected to Kanger who, already drunk, stumbles under the added weight of Al’s collar. The wise choice would be to release the grip but alcohol told him he had no choice but to fall. The two tumble backwards knocking over the chair Al had occupied. "Al, are you alr…" "What the hell’s going on out here?!"A thick man, holding a hammer in one hand and a greasy spatula in the other, shouts. After glancing around he eyes the most reponsible witness. "Commander Adria?" "Ah, your head!" Adria says noticing the traces of blood on the side of the chair and probing Al’s unconscious head with her hand. "Hey, is he…" Royce begins, edging towards his superior to inspect Al’s condition. Adria eyes the two with a deep scowl. Not a word need be said and the two dash away. "Keep the fee for the trouble." Adria says lifting Al’s body up carefully and stepping over the broken chair fragments. "He can stay…" "It’s alright! It’s the least I can do." Adria says dashing out the door with Al slung over her back. Ah, thats good, he made a friend. I’m glad.

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