《Runtime Error》[META] Updates on my health situation


As anyone who follows my authors notes knows, I have taken ill over the last week. This is actually a combination of things - first was an illness that will hopefully pass soon, which coincided with my medication for a previously controlled illness losing effectiveness. I'd prefer not to get into details, lest I be forced to update my tags again, but the long and short of things are that I have changed medications, which will entail a whole host of temporary side effects. Compounded with me currently being ill, my output is going to be effectively nil for another week or so.

Worry not though, dear readers. This time in isolation will not be spent fruitlessly. While I am unable to write or edit effectively, I can still think, and make some light notes. Its my goal to go over what I already have planned out, and do a complete overhaul, hopefully getting things more fleshed out and ready for when I am able to write again. The upshot for all of you is, I am effectively placing the fiction on a VERY temporary hiatus, while I recover and adapt to the new medication, but when it returns, there will hopefully be an uptick in quality.

I apologise for the timing of this, though I had no control over it. This of course comes at an awkward time in my fictions life cycle, and if I could maintain the pace I'm at, I would. However, as some of you have said, my health comes first, and I would be doing you all a disservice if I continued to write while not at my peak condition. I hope that when this ordeal is over, you will continue to enjoy my work. I will be working to make sure this break is as minor as possible.


Thank you all again for reading this far!

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