《The Princess of Potential》Chapter 31: Creative Solutions
Alina stared at the armed knights in front of her, then glanced to the Troivackian King at her side. Her eyes trailed down his torso to the sword clipped to his belt, then further down to the dagger in his boot.
‘I suppose I should be more grateful that he isn’t wearing any armor,’ the Princess thought to herself glibly.
“Are we all prepared?” Brendan asked imperially while nodding to the four Knights belonging to the Daxarian King.
“Erm… would it be possible if we weren’t so… crowded and… noticeable?” Alina interrupted just as her father’s men began to nod to the Troivackian monarch.
“Princess, your safety is of the utmost importance. If something should happen while on your walk in Austice, His Majesty, King Norman, would never-” one of the younger Knights began.
“Perhaps Sir Cas is right and we should also bring the Royal Physician,” one of the Knights with light brown hair, stubble on his face, and a small silver earring in his ear announced suddenly, his brown eyes brightening.
“Ah, Princess, Sir Vohn makes an excellent point, perhaps we should bring the Physician in the event that-”
“No,” Alina interrupted vehemently. “Can we please just have… a nice simple outing?”
Her weary expression and hunched shoulders irked Brendan.
He wasn’t sure why he was overcome with the urge to try and bring back the effervescent smile the Princess had worn earlier, but right then her features were making him feel oddly restless.
The Knight named Sir Vohn straightened to attention as he turned to face the royal. “We must protect you, Princess. It is of course expected that we have the adequate amount of guards to ensure-”
“Why not just go out in civilian clothes with concealed weapons and keep your distance?”
The voice that interrupted them all was none other than Lady Katarina Ashowan who had appeared in the entryway behind the group with her mother and brother.
The Viscountess was staring daggers at her daughter over her interruption, but Kat’s flat, defiant expression indicated she was unphased.
“What do you mean Ka- Lady Katarina?” Alina asked eagerly while ignoring everyone’s tension.
“Well, it makes sense that you have guards with you, but why not have them follow at a distance in civilian clothes so that you can enjoy the city? Plus, if the big lu- the Troivackian King-- good day, Your Majesty,” Katarina curtsied dutifully while Brendan’s eyes narrowed at her near insult. “If the Troivackian King is present at your side, won’t he be able to protect you from most threats? It isn’t as though an army is out in the streets waiting to attack you, Princess.”
Kat finished her explanation while her mother stood with her hands dutifully folded in front of her skirts and her eyes cast downwards, but there was a tension in her shoulders indicating her displeasure over her daughter’s interruption.
Alina smiled excitedly and turned to Brendan who stiffened at her shift of expression and made a strange objective growl in the back of his throat that made her excitement immediately dwindle.
At seeing Alina's shift in face of his agitation, Brendan’s expression collapsed into one of resignation.
“Princess, if it means that much to you, we can try Lady Katarina’s idea, but,” Brendan added pointedly as the Knights opened their mouths to object and Alina’s previous hopefulness returned to her face. “We will double the Knights accompanying us in the case. We will meet back here in one hour to take our leave.”
Everyone glanced at one another, and slowly nodded in agreement at the compromise.
Kat shot a wink to her friend before her mother stepped in front of her and addressed the King.
“My apologies for interrupting your outing preparations, if you will excuse us, Your Majesty, we must be on our way.” Dipping into a curtsy that for once Katarina mimicked perfectly, the trio of Ashowan’s stepped around the entourage towards the grand staircase.
The Knights bowed and disbanded as well to relay their new orders to Captain Taylor, leaving the couple alone in the entryway as servants drifted by, eyeing them interestedly.
Alina stared after Katarina and her family, and wondered what had brought them back to the castle that day without the Viscount, but was pulled back from her thoughts by the Troivackian King.
“It will take some time before the Knights change and return with more of their comrades. Did you have any other plans or duties for today, or would you care to have… tea… in the courtyard,” Brendan struggled with the word ‘tea’ as the thought of the wet leaf beverage almost always made him want to gag.
Regardless, he didn’t want to lose time with her. Even though there was a pile of work he had been sent by his council, and letters he needed to write… if he ended up doing nothing all day but drink a horrid beverage and go on a long walk? If it was with the Princess? It felt as though he was accomplishing something even more worthwhile…
“How about you have some Troivackian moonshine while I have tea?” Alina smiled up at her betrothed knowingly, and immediately he felt his heart move a little quicker in his chest.
“That’s what I meant,” Brendan replied while clearing his throat and a hint of a smile passing through his dark eyes.
Alina giggled. “I didn’t know you even had a sense of humor. Shall we go to the courtyard? I’m certain we can flag down a maid and ask the kitchen to send some snacks.”
Brendan gave a brief nod of his head before offering his arm to her, his eyes fixed on their path ahead as he felt a strange heat in his cheeks.
He was beginning to wonder if he was coming down with a fever, when the Princess’ cool hands wrapped around his arm, and his stomach somersaulted the same time a strange tingle ran down his spine.
Clearing his throat and blinking several times to try and regain his composure, he stepped forward tentatively, with the Princess at his side.
He was unable to look at her despite being curious about what expression she was making. All because he knew that if he did happen to glance her way, he was not confident that he would be able to withhold his honest expression from her at all…
And that alone was enough to make his insides tremble.
Annika stood in front of the Daxarian King who appeared to have aged another ten years since she had seen him the previous day. His complexion was pale, his eyes sunken, and his entire form somehow smaller.
He sat slumped in the library couch, his head propped up by three fingers of his right hand that was resting upon the sofa’s arm. He stared blindly at the floor ahead of himself, and for a brief terrifying moment, the Viscountess wondered if the man was even breathing.
“Your Majesty, I have brought my son and daughter with me so that we might discuss punishment for their actions regarding the Princess’ impromptu camping trip,” Annika dipped into a curtsy, and rose once more, her face as calm and cool as ever.
Norman didn’t move for several moments, and the tension in the quiet space grew until at long last he moved his head to regard the three members of nobility before him.
“Where is the Viscount?”
Annika gave a small smile. “Duchess Iones surprised us with a visit at the keep late last night, and Lord Ashowan is currently attempting to… calm… the situation.”
The King blinked, and then, like a dead man being given a spark of life, slowly straightened and turned his body with interest.
“What situation is happening with the Duchess Iones? I was unaware she had any plans on joining Lord Harris for this season at my court.”
“Are you familiar with the Duke’s time prior to his marriage and rise to nobility?” Annika asked delicately.
Norman frowned, his thoughts slowly whirring back into action as he cast his memory back, perplexed by what the Viscountess was referring to.
“Do you happen to recall… the matter of the Duke’s bacherlorhood during his first ten years as a noble…?”
The King’s hazel eyes widened and his posture immediately grew ramrod straight.
“Do you mean to tell me Duchess Iones discovered the details of Lord Harris’... interest in a certain maid we know…?”
“She happened upon the Duke’s old journal… as well as some letters, sketches, poetry…”
“Oh… Oh Gods…” the King’s hand with his golden ring moved to cover his mouth. “Are you certain it is safe to leave Lord Ashowan to handle the situation?” he managed, his eyes filled with premonitions of blood and chaos.
“He is preparing food for her while she accompanies him in the kitchen. Duke Iones is… supervising their three boys out in the courtyard until it is safe to enter and the servants have handled the damages.”
Norman winced. “Are they expensive damages?”
The Viscountess’ eyes shifted upwards as she began to mentally tally the cost of fixing her home after the Duchess’ warpath.
“We may ask the Duke to compensate for the fire damage in the dining hall. Replacing the decor in the entrance, the torn linens, and transportation of the cattle we have at the estate we will be able to handle.”
“What did she do to the cattle?!” Norman couldn’t help but burst out, his expression filled with trepidation.
“The beasts are unable to produce milk at this time due to the… stress… of the experience. Pardon me, sire, but the details are perhaps better left unsaid.”
There was a weighty silence as everyone present allowed the horrors of the Duchess’ wrath to echo in their minds.
After several moments Norman shook his head and stood.
“Are their children alright?”
“The Viscount saw that they were kept in the solar with their governess with the doors locked and no sound permitted in for the worst of it. Though admittedly they seem rather unphased even from the parts they did witness.”
Norman couldn’t help but notice haunted looks on the Viscountess’ children behind her.
“I… see.” Letting out a long breath and wondering if the fallout between the Duke and Duchess would reach him, the King decided to speak with Mr. Howard later that day about the possible implications.
“Back to the matter at hand I suppose…” Norman began slowly as he gestured to the couch across from himself.
The three Ashowans stepped forward, and while Katarina and her mother seated themselves on the offered furniture, Tam took the armchair. Despite his rigid posture, his hands were folded loosely in his lap and his brown eyes remained fixed on the low mahogany table between them all.
It was very clear he would’ve been happy to be nearly anywhere else. Save perhaps for his own home between a feuding couple.
“The Viscount and I discussed the Troivackian King’s request with Katarina, and… we were rather surprised to learn that she had already informed the Princess she wished to join her in Troivack for a year.”
Norman’s eyebrows shot upwards before turning to Katarina.
The young woman’s golden eyes glinted from the light of the windows behind the King, and he could tell by the set of her jaw she was rather determined on the point.
After all, her father had the exact same expression when he was set on his own decisions.
“I see. Well, then… I suppose it is decided. You will be joining the Princess in the event she does go to Troivack. However, given that those events may not come to pass, and they are also a year away, I have decided on a more imminent punishment.” Norman began, and watched as a flicker of uncertainty passed through the young woman’s eyes.
“My daughter recently fired her most senior Lady In Waiting, and is in need of another who will be in charge of her schedule, and managing the duties of her other attendees. Including, but not limited to; her meals, her sleep schedule, her health, her wardrobe, her lessons, and now, ensuring she is fully prepared for official council meetings. You will be working closely with Mr. Howard, as well as the Royal Cook, the Head of Housekeeping, and multiple others.”
Katarina’s face had grown quite pale, and her brother was biting down on his lip caught between a laugh and a wary groan. The King wasn’t finished.
“It is a massive responsibility, and you yourself will be attending all of her lessons. During the year before she marries, you will be prohibited from courting, and your parents will not be permitted to enter any marriage negotiations on your behalf as your priority will be to serve the Princess without distraction. While that is not a normal stipulation in the job, this is meant to be a punishment.”
Annika, who had been rather pleased with the punishment at first, was incredibly uneasy by the end, though her facial features did not give any indication of the shift.
Katarina on the other hand sat speechless.
She was being faced with her own personal hell.
Her actual, horrific, nightmarish hell.
She knew if she tried to speak she would betray that fact.
It was one of the rare times she wished her mother would speak on her behalf and save herself from having to respond appropriately.
“When,” she attempted to speak, but the words came out as a croak. She licked her lips and tried again as Norman waited expectantly.
Similar to her father, the young woman was easy to read.
He could see that he had indeed chosen the perfect punishment for her.
At long last, Katarina remembered how to form appropriate words that were not ‘I’d rather impale myself on a sharpened mage staff than take that job’.
“When am I expected to start… Your Majesty?”
Norman almost smiled. “I will give you two days to pack and organize yourself before coming to stay in the castle. I will have quarters prepared for you immediately.”
“I understand. Th-Thank y-you… Your Majesty.”
The effort it was taking Katarina to not stand up and run away from the castle was making her eyes water.
“Now,” the King turned to Tam and he watched the young man’s left cheek twitch. “It is time to address your own punishment for lying to me, Lord Tamlin. After that, I will be discussing privately with the Viscountess what the punishment will be for the adults involved in the deception.”
Annika raised an eyebrow, but when the King looked to her she could tell that it was nothing to worry about…
After all, he already knew that ordering their daughter to leave the home was the greatest punishment to them.
Norman returned his attention to Tam, his features had frozen thicker than any pond in winter.
“You, my dear boy, I have something quite special in mind.”
Norman’s slow smile did little to comfort the future Viscount, and as he waited for the monarch to reveal his fate, he swallowed down his apprehension best he could.
It wouldn’t be too terrible…
Would it?
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