《The Princess of Potential》Chapter 19: An Eye-Opening Engagement


As Alina approached her chamber, she could feel the stares and whispers of the servants and guards around her. Despite not being able to make out what exactly was being said, she couldn’t help but be grateful that Tam was there with her.

Then again, perhaps his presence was part of the kindling to the spark of gossip that was clearly building around her.

Once in front of her chamber door, Alina could hear her father speaking to someone, most likely either Mr. Howard or Marianne her handmaiden…

With a deep steadying breath, she opened the door.

Only it wasn’t Marianne or her father’s assistant her father was having a serious conversation with, it was Lady Annika Ashowan.

The two turned and looked at Alina at once, and Norman hastily rushed to his daughter and hugged her.

“Are you alright?” the King asked, his voice hoarse.

Alina wrapped her arms around her father and gingerly patted him on the back.

“Yes, father. I’m sorry for worrying you.”

“Why would you try to sing for everyone when you knew what would happen?” Norman asked as he refused to end the embrace.

“Prince Henry and I thought it’d be a wonderful way to share the beauty that both our kingdoms share.” Alina pulled back from her father despite feeling his resistance. She was surprised to see that they were already alone. She hadn’t even noticed Lady Ashowan or Tam leave.

“Father, I did it because I wanted to. I can’t just hide forever. Look, I truly am fine.” Alina held out her arms to show herself unscathed- though was grateful the bruise on her arm and leg from falling down the stairs was hidden.

“Even if you were going to be fine, running out of the ball, and disappearing when there are the suitors in the castle is not safe for you.”

“Didn’t you once tell me with Lord Ashowan within the walls if someone was actually terrified or in danger he would be able to sense it?” Alina countered desperately.

Norman fell quiet.

It was true that Fin’s powers had honed over the years so that whenever he was in one particular structure of his ‘home’, he could sense anyone within the walls and no one outside of them--unless they were his wife and children. In which case he could sense them anywhere when endangered...

“Regardless Alina, what if he hadn’t been here? Would you have allowed your guards to follow-”

“Father! Can I please just… be alone every now and then?! I’m not trying to be reckless or, or do outlandish things! I just wanted a moment alone, and to do the performance as something that would benefit our kingdoms that wasn’t crossing any political lines-”

“Performing with the Troivackian Prince was a political statement, Alina. Did you not realize that when you planned this?” Norman’s question wasn’t accusatory so much as genuine concern that his daughter had missed something so important…

The Princess grew still. “What do you mean?”

“Your performance with Prince Henry was a message to every suitor present that you had made him your choice for him to be your husband. It indicated you two had spent significant time together, and even worked to signify a unifying of the kingdoms. That is what everyone has taken from this evening, was this not your intent?”

Alina felt all color drain from her face.

“No. It wasn’t.”

Norman read the shock in his daughter’s face worriedly, and with a long sigh leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

“We can talk about how we will handle this tomorrow morning. Get some sleep, Dearest.”


Alina squeezed her father’s hand as he passed her towards her chamber door, stopping him in his tracks.

“What if I did want to marry Prince Henry? Then what?”

Norman regarded his daughter closely for a moment, his hazel eyes warming as unspoken memories flashed through his mind.

“If you truly wanted to… that would be something we could discuss more seriously. However the idea has clearly filled you with dread. Perhaps, you should think about why that is.”

Alina frowned as she realized the truth in her father’s words.

“The two of you really did sound wonderful together,” Norman called softly over his shoulder, casting one final loving smile at his daughter who managed to smile back slightly in thanks before he took his leave for the night.

Once alone, Alina turned her sights to her window. She hadn't meant things to go so horribly awry... and why did she feel reticent about marrying Henry? Hadn't he been the one she'd liked the most?

'Maybe it's because he treats me like everyone else, and I'm tired of feeling like... like... like all I am is weak and useless.'

Shaking her head and stepping closer to the window, where a pleasant but cool night breeze drifted in and touched her cheek, Alina began to think about the Troivackian King's offer to make her stronger.

He certainly didn't treat her like everyone else. Though it wasn't necessarily a good thing...

Alina glimpsed the sight of her frowning reflection in the glass and immediately realized two unfortunate undeniable truths.

Any moment her maids would come to help her undress for bed, and then… she would be up most the night thinking about what she should do about the new dilemma.


The heat in the morning was making the air hot, and muggy. Bugs whizzed by fervently and cicadas in the trees heralded the future scorching temperatures of the day.

Alina was already in a poor mood to begin with when she had officially been summoned by the King of Troivack’s assistant to accompany His Majesty on a lengthy walk.

Marianne had been apoplectic over the abrupt invitation and change in schedule. Were it not for Mr. Levin’s stony expression and adamant insistence that it had been an arrangement agreed upon by both parties, the meeting would not have happened.

Standing at the west exit, Alina surveyed the outdoors grimly.

She would not be surprised if she had an attack just by setting foot outside from the soupy humidity and pollen.

“Apologies for making you wait, Princess.”

Alina turned to face the King who strode towards her, wearing a cream muslin tunic, black leather vest, and only one dagger clipped at his side. She had never seen him in anything other than black, and it was a startling change on him.

“You look tired. Did you not sleep restfully?” Brendan observed as he noted the dark bags under the Princess’ eyes and the lack of effort in her appearance. Her hair had been pinned sloppily into a bun atop her head, and her periwinkle dress appeared to be a few inches too short… as though it had fit her years ago.

“I did not. How long is this walk going to be?” Alina asked flatly as Mr. Levin bowed and took his leave of them.

Marianne and two of her maids stood several feet back waiting quietly.

“We will see how you fare,” Brendan answered ambiguously.

Alina openly scowled, and for some reason, the King was struggling to keep his expression neutral.

Why did he find the Princess being grumpy so… amusing?


“Well, come on. Let’s get this over with. I’m sure you’re looking forward to the hunt.” Alina stalked out of the castle, and once again seeing her furious little walk had Brendan straining muscles in his chest to stop himself from chuckling.

As he quickly caught up to the young royal, the King glanced around at the quiet scenery and felt his mood rise. It was nice to be free of the confining castle walls.

“Did your meeting with your father go well?” he asked good naturedly.

“No. Apparently everyone thinks Prince Henry and I are going to be engaged shortly.” The Princess’ glib reply was shortly followed by her slapping a fly on her neck.

“Were you not aware of that beforehand?” The faint incredulous note in Brendan’s voice earned a look of irritation from his companion.

“Is that why your brother asked me to perform?”

“No. He did it because he genuinely thought it’d be a nice gesture between the kingdoms,” the King replied while shaking his head.

“So he didn’t know that’s what it meant either!” Alina brightened at the thought that she wasn’t the only person who had missed the implications of their singing.

“He didn’t know until the ball, but couldn’t really tell you to cancel it at the time. The reason people assume that you’ve made him your choice, Princess, is that you have actively avoided every single suitor except him, and performing together sent a very clear final message. He wasn’t aware of this until he realized you did not dance with a single person, and as the night continued, heard from your suitors.”

Alina’s mood blackened. “So… did you think I was choosing him as well?”

“Yes. Until the second song.”

Turning to stare at the giant beside her, Alina noticed Brendan never looked her way.

“What about the second song made you think otherwise?”

“When Henry didn’t look back at you, I noticed you didn’t seem upset about it. The only thing he did that upset you, was not take your restrictions with breath into account when he sang a little louder.”

“That’s a bold assumption to make on very little information.”

“Then, should I be preparing to sign the papers issuing my blessing for your coming engagement?” Brendan asked tonelessly, though Alina wondered if she heard a little bit of tension in his voice.

Alina stopped walking and turned to face Brendan. She took a slow steadying breath, and cast a single glance at Marianne and gave a single nod. The maids fell back several more feet, placing them completely out of earshot.

She hadn’t been anticipating having the conversation with the Troivackian King until speaking with her father, but… well… he’d brought it up first.

“No. You shouldn’t be drafting an engagement contract between myself and your brother.”

The ruler turned to face the Princess, several small muscles in his face suddenly relaxed, and Alina knew then that she had been right that he had been worried about her answer.

“Your Majesty, I believe… that I would instead like to marry... you.”

Brendan blinked, and his back stiffened in obvious surprise.

“You see, last night when my father told me he would proceed with preparing for my engagement to Henry, I realized I hated the idea. Not because he isn’t a lovely person, and I… I will admit I like him a great deal… but…” Alina closed her eyes briefly, trying to ignore her flaming cheeks. She wasn’t used to being so open about her feelings.

“I don’t want to give up what I want most in the world for him.”

Brendan waited as he stared down into the Princess’ hazel eyes that somehow burned.

“What is it you want, Princess?”

“I want to be stronger, and... I believe I'd like to be Queen."

The Troivackian’s eyebrows rose swiftly.

“I want to lead people, and bring about good changes. When I realized last night that this was the most important thing to me, more than anything? I realized it didn’t matter if I didn’t marry for love or affection. You seem an honest honorable person, and you care deeply for your people, and that is something I believe we will share. So, Your Majesty, I believe your idea of our union was indeed, a wise one.”

It wasn’t often that the Troivackian King was struck speechless or emotional, but he had to admit hearing the Princess’ words were one of those times.

She had acquiesced to their marriage faster than he thought she would, and seeing the iron in her begin to solidify made him want to smile.

However… there was one other feeling that twinged his gut unpleasantly. It was when she had said that it no longer mattered if there was love in her marriage, and it wasn’t because he believed she was wrong, but rather… he wished she were.

“Well then, Princess. Shall we finish our walk and tell your father the news?” Brendan asked, unsure of whether or not it was polite to start walking again. He was also beginning to find it difficult to keep emotions from his face for some reason.

Alina sighed, already dreading having to explain herself to her father. She somehow could already sense his displeasure over her marriage being decided for political reasons.

“Yes, though if you would like to skip the walking part, I won’t complain…”

“Come, Princess. We need to make you stronger- especially if you are going to be the next Queen of Troivack.”

With her stomach actively fluttering and her breaths threatening to quicken at referring to her as his future Queen, Alina had to admit she felt giddy. She had just gotten engaged.

She glanced at Brendan then and felt a small smile tug at the corner of her mouth.

The moment hadn’t been grand and sweet with a love so powerful that they rendered her speechless, but… knowing that she was somehow closer to being something more than she was, made her feel alight from the inside out.


When Alina entered the council room with Brendan at her side, she had anticipated her father and Mr. Howard waiting for her; however, she was surprised to see every man of the inner council seated around the table with the addition of Lady Ashowan.

“Princess, thank you for joining us, and… Your Majesty.” Norman eyed the Troivackian King beside his daughter with newfound wariness.

Alina glanced to Brendan to see if he was going to speak first, but was surprised to see he was staring at her expectantly.

In that moment, he gave her a single bow of his head, and she immediately knew that he was giving her the power to make the announcement on her own with his consent.

Something about the gesture made her feel even more assured in her decision…

“Father, and esteemed council members, I understand we are gathered to discuss the implications of my performance with Prince Henry last night. I apologize for the confusion and stress. I did not know my actions would bear these results, and I am formally denying any wish to become engaged to the Troivackian Prince.”

Norman let out a long breath and smiled happily at his daughter.

His expression of relief nearly choked the next words in Alina’s throat.

It was going to be harder than she thought.

“Rather, the Troivackian King and I have… have agreed we are the better match. We are officially requesting to be engaged to be married.”

The room fell into a deathly silence.

All color drained from Norman’s face as he stared in open dread at his daughter’s eyes and saw that she was serious.

No one dared to breathe for several long moments as Alina clasped her hands in front of herself, beginning to feel more than a little terrified of the next words that would be spoken.

“HA! PAY UP!” Lord Fuks suddenly exploded from his chair cackling gleefully while pointing his finger around the table.

Both Brendan and Alina stood stunned, uncertain of what to say or do as everyone present wore their emotions on their sleeves, and not all of them were… pleasant save for the infamous mad Earl Dick Fuks.

Their morning was going to be a lengthy one indeed.

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