《The Nine Tails of Alchemy Series》Chapter forty six


As it turned out, we didn’t need to go find the guild leader, as Darius arrived at our team's campsite shortly after I finished explaining to my team that I was Markion’s sister. With my brother being a senior commander, and a founding member, I was familiar with most of the higher ranked guild members through him.

Darius was quick to agree that the orbs and other items using the luminous fluid could be sold, provided all items were marked with the guild insignia and my own personal insignia. We also agreed that I could sell the products made from the recipes already made public.

I had been correct in identifying the Dwarf’s mercantile nature, it was clear Kip had a mind for business, as he demonstrated with his idea to set up a stall in the market to sell the orbs and improved tinctures.

Kip also had several ideas for things I should try to work on, in particular something which could cause widespread fire damage. According to the dwarf, the undead in the dungeon were weak to fire, and at the moment one of the main tactics for those lacking a mage who could produce fire was to throw makeshift Molotov cocktails using clay jars filled with vodka, oil, or grease at the mummies.

After we finished our conversation about the things I should work on, the Guild Leader went outside to speak privately with Victoria, while the dwarf went to see about setting up a stall. Pia and Rainy appeared to have taken over the living area of my tent, both lounging around the table playing with Leo. I wasn’t entirely sure how I felt about the girls’ presence, but decided to ignore them in favor of focusing on my work. I didn’t want to seem rude by asking them to leave.

Flicking through my recipes, I searched for any that would produce the kind of effect I was looking for and came up with three different options.

Who comes up with these names? Narg’s balls of fire, Light em up baby? At least Bottled Inferno sounds somewhat sensible. Reading over each recipe, I fought the urge to smash my head against my work bench in frustration.

Of course, it couldn’t be that simple. I don’t have the needed components for the recipes, let alone know where to find them. I have the fire berries mentioned in the light em up baby recipe, but I don’t have any Russula mushrooms.

The sound of giggling from the living area had me craning my neck to see Leo jumping up into the air, trying to catch a floating peach blossom.

Seeing the Leosaur reminded me of my Scorchers, and I pondered if that could be a way to create an alchemical fire weapon. Scorcher saliva was extremely flammable, and they would curl their tails in front of their mouths, spitting a fine mist of saliva which ignited when it came into contact with their venom.

I can’t produce high volumes of Scorcher saliva, its harvest rate is even lower than the venom.

Discarding that idea, and the recipe for ‘Light em up baby’, I moved onto the next recipe, ‘Narg’s balls of fire’ which required very few ingredients and only one which I did not possess.

Drakus Flower? Where have I heard that before? Pulling the book ‘Plants and Fungi of Salvia’ closer to me,’ I flipped it open, searching through the plants listed under D for any mention of Drakus Flower.

Drakus Flower - found in both temperate and warm environments, this green and red petaled flower is favored by travelers for its ability to ignite with the application of friction. The petal’s ignition creates small sparks with which one can light fires and create warmth on the coldest of nights.


Book in hand, I stood and walked over to where Rainy sat with Pia, hoping that the Dryad, being a creature connected to nature, would be more likely to pay attention to what local flora could be found.

“Rainy, have you possibly come across this plant in the desert? Is it commonly found?”

“Drakus Flower? No, I don’t think I’ve encountered a plant called that, but the description sounds a little like spark petals.”

“Spark petals?” I queried, fighting back my disappointment.

“It’s a red flower, and like what it says here, you can either rub it between your fingers or with a stick to light a fire. They’re very common, most people use them instead of flint.” The Dryad explained, slipping her fingers into a pouch and pulling out a single seed.

In seconds, the seed sprouted growing larger and soon the Dryad held a long-stemmed plant in her hand which burst into bloom, its flowers spreading out like a floral firework display. The flowers were tiny, delicate things, with red, outer edges and a faint green center.

Each stem was tipped with a formation of flowers, which formed an umbrella shape, and as I watched, the flowers darkened, losing their green tinge to become a deep red. Then the flower head curved inwards, resembling a bird's nest as it formed a seed head. Dozens of seeds fell to the table as the plant curled up in Rainy’s palms, its life cycle ending with the seeds now shed.

“That was amazing,” I whispered, getting a giggle from both Pia and Rainy in response.

I should harvest seeds from the plants and herbs I use most if Rainy can grow plants like this. It will greatly help with keeping a steady supply of ingredients. Rainy called this spark petals, but it is clearly the Drakus flower; this makes some sense, as different regions will have different names for plants. Many plants often have a scientific name and a more common name, which is likely the case here.

“I think this plant is the Drakus Flower I’m looking for,” I told Rainy, explaining my reasoning, and she seemed to agree with my line of thought, offering to sprout the fallen seeds so I could harvest the flowers.

“Kadia, may I borrow your book? I’ve got a book called ‘Flora of the forest’ which has many plants in it, but your book appears to have many more plants, and from different environments.” Rainy asked once we’d finished filling a basket full of Drakus flowers.

I hesitated for a moment before responding. “How about a trade? I can copy non-magical texts into a blank book, so if you let me make a copy of your book, I’ll let you copy mine.”

“Oh, I couldn’t ask you to spend so much time writing out a copy for me. I’d be happy if you just let me read it.”

I laughed, giving the girl a smile as I pulled out a roll of leather and a blank book.

Now it’s my turn to show off. I thought with pride as I placed the leather inscribed with the transmutation circle onto the front cover of a blank book and set the Plants and Fungi of Salvia on top of it.

“Replicate text.” I declared, adding a little dramatic flair to my voice as I did so.

As expected, both girls let out little awe-filled gasps as the book glowed, and once the light faded, I handed Rainy the newly made copy of Plants and Fungi of Salvia.


Tail wagging excitedly behind me, I waited as Rainy searched for her own book, and when she set it on the table, I made a copy of it as well.

The tent fell into silence after that, with both Rainy and myself becoming absorbed in our new books, and Pia amusing herself by jiggling a strip of leather around for Leo.

Our peaceful solitude was soon disturbed, as Victoria returned. Seeing the expression on my new captain's face, I had a sinking feeling in my stomach.

“Foxy, come here.” The captain ordered.

Despite my annoyance at both the name and being ordered around, I stood, moving over to stand in front of Victoria.

“The guild leader tells me you have a tendency to run off alone,” the captain said gruffly.

I grimaced, opening my mouth to respond, but the Kijo raised a hand in a gesture for silence.

“He’s already explained the circumstances, and even though I have some understanding of the situation. I’m going to let you know now, that if there is a repeat of that kind of incident, you will be punished.” Victoria said sternly.

“It wasn’t intentional.” I defended, getting a disbelieving grunt in response.

“Going off alone in the desert, which you know little about with limited supplies, was stupid.” The captain said bluntly. “The guild leader may be willing to go easy on you, but I won’t. What you did endangered not only yourself, but the entire group you were traveling with. If they’d known about the Leosaur cub you found, then they would have been on guard for a potential attack by its pride. Your actions caused three deaths!”

I stiffened, eyes going wide. I had known Dorian, Bastian and Conrad died during the attack by what might have been Leo’s pride. I hadn’t even considered just what those deaths had cost them, aside from the time traveling. Waves of guilt swept through me, and I lowered my head in shame.

They all apologized to me for the bets, and hurting my feelings, but did I apologize to any of them aside from my brother for leaving like I did? No. No, I didn’t. Kadia, you, are an ‘A’ grade bitch. I thought miserably, shoulders slumping.

“Freya’s back.” Called a voice from the entrance to my tent, and I glanced over to see Kip with his head poked through the tent flap.

Hearing this, Victoria strode out of the tent, and was quickly followed by the two girls. Seeing his new friends leaving the tent, Leo chased them out, and I reluctantly went out after him.

I wasn’t interested in watching whatever drama might unfold with the newly transferred team member, but I couldn’t trust Leo not to get into mischief running around outside alone.

As I exited my tent, and caught Leo before he got too far away, I saw a pretty, blond girl standing in front of Victoria.

With her hands on her hips she spoke to the team leader in a tone I knew well, it was the same stuck up, entitled way my stepmother used when addressing our household staff.

“I’m here to let you know I've decided to join Devon's team permanently.” She said, waving a hand at the tent she shared with the Kijo. “I’ll be gone once I’ve got my things.”

“I take it you haven’t spoken to Commander Corvus yet,” Victoria said, lips pulling back to reveal a pair of large lower canines.

“Devon is speaking to him now to arrange my transfer, it’s just so exhausting going between two teams.” Freya said, dramatically pressing a hand to her forehead. “And his team lost several days of time they could have spent in the dungeon when Kelly got kicked out of the guild, so they need to make up for lost time. You’ve had lots of time in the dungeon, so it won’t hurt for you to give up a few rostered spots until you’ve got a fifth.”

Not waiting for a response, the elven woman turned to walk into the tent she previously shared with Victoria.

Victoria chuckled, moving to block Freya’s path. “And why would we be missing any roster spots in the dungeon?”

“Guild rules,” Freya sneered, giving an exaggerated eye roll. “Only full teams are permitted in the dungeon, that’s why I was sent to sub for Devon's team. Remember?”

“I have a full team,” the captain replied, her grin widening.

She huffed, trying to move around Victoria, who continued to block her path. “Uh, are you stupid? I just told you I’m transferring to Devon’s team.”

“And Commander Corvus removed you from my team hours ago. If you’re looking for your shit, the guild leader has it.” Victoria informed the girl, who stared at her mouth agape.


“If you’d been here, as you were meant to be,” Victoria began, her voice a low growl. “Then you would have been aware that Commander Corvus summoned Captain Devon, yourself, and I to discuss the matter of team rosters this morning, offering both teams a chance to take on a very special new member. With the losing team being left with you.”

That's not what happened, I silently yelled at the captain who was yet again explaining the events of the morning completely wrong. Though, I suspected she was doing so now on purpose, as she pretty much just said Freya was the equivalent to week-old leftovers that no one wanted to eat.

“Hand over your team ring, and leave.” The captain said coldly, holding out a hand.

Freya didn’t say anything after that, and after throwing something silver onto the ground the blond girl stormed away.

“Wasn’t that a bit harsh?” I asked softly, as Pia started snickering at the elf’s retreating back.

“Nah, didn’t you hear what she said? That bitch and Devon were totally trying to screw us out of our rostered spot in the dungeon.” The Faun scoffed.

Rainy snorted, her arms crossed over her chest. “We’ve already missed two runs this week because Freya was too tired.” Rainy’s voice took on a nasal tone as she tried to mimic the other girl's voice.

“Plus,” Kip chimed in from Pia’s left. “I heard Devon’s team is close to reaching the Pharaoh’s room. There’s a big reward for the first team to take out the boss.”

The dwarf looked at me with a smirk. “But we have Kadia, so there’s no way we won’t be first into the boss room.”

I stiffened eyes going wide. “Er, I’m not actually great at fighting,” I admitted as my face grew heated.

Kip laughed, gesturing me up, and down. “Course you're not, you don’t even carry a proper weapon. I’m talking about your in with the Commanders,” he said, leaning in close. “The higher ranked teams have already reached the boss room and know all about how to defeat him. I’m sure if you asked…”

The dwarf trailed off, waggling his eyebrows at me as he did so.

“If I ask, they’ll know exactly why I’m doing it.” I told him, shaking my head.

“Right, but I reckon you’ll be able to get at least one of them to give you some hints for how to find it in the maze. Perhaps from your brother?”

I laughed at that. “Markion would be more likely to tell me something completely false, purely for his own amusement.”

“Why would he do something so dangerous? One wrong turn in the dungeon could get you killed.” Rainy said.

True, but I would revive. “Because it’s what I’d do to him if I was in his shoes, or as it were, hooves.” I told her, already thinking of ways I might get additional information on the dungeon out of my brother.

The idea of going into the dungeon completely unprepared already had me nervous, but Kip was correct that I could potentially get a bit of a heads up through my brother or the other higher ranked guild members I was friendly with. If I went about it the right way of course.


Glancing away from the Dwarf, I saw Victoria approaching, and seeing she had my attention, the captain held out her hand. “This is a team ring, it allows the team members to keep track of each other during combat.”

Nodding, I took the ring from her, having already been told about the rings by Dorian who’d shown me his own ring.

My brother also had a ring, which was connected to one Darius wore as the two were a team with Corvus, Yuki and Noctus. Sliding the ring onto my left middle finger, which was where I’d noticed everyone wore their team rings, I felt the metal warm against my skin and shrink to fit my finger.

“Focus on Pia,” Victoria ordered, and I looked at the Faun, but she grabbed my chin, turning my head to face her.

“In your mind.” She prompted, letting go of my chin.

Doing as she instructed, I focused on thoughts of the Faun, picturing her in my mind and as I did so, I had this innate feeling that Pia was safe and unharmed. Then, following the captain's instructions, I shifted to thinking of Rainy, and then Kip.

“Well done,” Victoria praised, patting me on the head when I confirmed I could feel each team member.

I fought the urge to growl at the captain, but restrained myself, not wanting to come off as bitchy to my new team.

As the group started chatting about Freya, and the rumors about Devon’s team being close to finding the boss room, I slipped into my tent, an idea forming as to how I might get some insider information about the dungeon.

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