《Tabula Rasa》Prologue: CV-112-S-767


Dr. Theresa Hagen Research Log 1:

Today we've been given a new project to work on, one I'm personally excited for. The end goal is to produce the first ever fully biologically enhanced human. There are dozens of similar projects in development, but this is the only project which is tasked with creating a controlled variation that is viable for organic life. We have to find a way to make human DNA suitable with nanites, altered DNA, and a neuro implant which isn't even fully complete. The task is daunting, but the Head of the Department has placed his hopes on me. 2 years ago they laughed at Minerva for changing its direction, but everyone will line up to curry favor once we show them the future.

Dr. Theresa Hagen Research Log 7:

We made slight progress on bridging the gap between the HeLa cells indefinite reproduction and the biological immortality of the Turritopsis dohrnii, the Immortal Jellyfish, in layman's terms. If we can successfully integrate biological immortality into the Human DNA sequence there could be countless breakthroughs. The world would enter a new era. The nanites have so far been successful in introducing certain traits in lab mice. The rare genetic defect that causes albinism in multiple species, including humans, was placed into certain mice and they were allowed to breed. After we reached the 3rd generation the albinism trait was replaced with the use of nanites. It was a success as the altered mice didn't have an albino brood.

Dr. Theresa Hagen Research Log 44:

With the recent addition of some of the top researchers in Genetic Engineering, we've made significant progress. We've created a trait which introduces biological immortality in theory. Testing begins tomorrow. The nanites are being re-developed once again. Apparently, the current material dissolves into the system of the specimen after a few weeks. They are hoping to create Mother Nanites which can infinitely control or build more nanites from organic material. I've been told it would work in a way that cells are directly under the control of the Mother Nanites and can be programmed to perform similar functions. Still, the nanites reaching the molecular level haven't been greenlighted for full use just yet.

Dr. Theresa Hagen Research Log 83:

We've reached success in establishing a unique gene that allows biological immortality. A lab mouse was intentionally exposed to radiation giving it cancer. The Cronus Gene was spliced into the lab mouse's DNA. It showed outstanding progress at first. After a week The Cronus Gene began to take effect, the mouse secreted a gelatinous substance which covered its body and hardened into a shell-like material. Samples were scraped from the shell with a microscopic laser which it showed extreme resistance to. The structure of the shell was very similar to Wurtzite Boron Nitride but was shown to be stronger, unofficially becoming the hardest material on Earth. After a month the shell turned brittle and was easily broken by the mouse which emerged with no traces of radiation damage, though traces of radiation were found on its shell. Even biological immortality is flawed with chances for death appearing when the organism is in the process of cellular revision. The nanites are the hope to stop the vulnerability and achieve a way to create a specimen immune to the corrosion of time. The test could be seen as an overall success if one to ignore the death of the test mouse. The problem occurred shortly after the cellular revision, the test mouse had died. Its body aged in reverse until they could be considered to be in the early embryonic stages, causing it to die as soon as it finished.


Dr. Theresa Hagen Research Log 134:

We have officially reached 2 trillion in yearly funding. "Official" human trials on the neuro implant are scheduled to start next week. Truthfully, what the higher ups at Minerva choose to distribute to the world is decades outdated compared to some of the prototypes already being tested. The reason being is the heads of Minerva wish to ease the world into a new era, people will slowly accept the changes and embrace what is to come. I've even heard rumors of a Quantum Computer being developed on a secret level nearly 5000 feet underground. If that's true the need for researchers may be reduced in the future, still, I want to see the project through to completion. Our own unofficial human trials start next year, it is to be timed with the release of the Blue Dove Neuro Implant. We have tested the viability with the Cronus Variation and it interferes with the nanites. The leader of the Blue Dove Project is some eccentric guy, but he definitely has the qualifications to be here. I've personally seen the notes on the Blue Dove Implant and it is amazing. I can't even understand how it works, but I'm sure they've created a way to harness "Psionic Energy."

Dr. Theresa Hagen Research Log 201:

Cronus Variant 87, or CV-87, the 87th altered version of the Cronus Gene has successfully achieved viability with the Blue Dove Implant. The problem is while the Cronus Gene, Nanites, and Blue Dove Implant have achieved a successful synthesis, it is almost impossible to introduce into the human DNA sequence. A single one would be more practical than all 3 at the same time. The human fetuses all die under the immense stress, but CV-87 has to be implanted while the specimen is still in development to work perfectly. The waste of life makes me questions the ethics of the research, but I've been told the fetuses were all taken from females heavily addicted to narcotics. Even worse the narcotics were made with some of the chemicals we sell to medical companies. The chemicals, when made in combination with other substances, were used to create a drug 100 times more addictive ordinary street drugs and far deadlier. These women often times were nearly brain dead, and the fetuses faired no better. If they didn't perish in the experiment they would be born in a vegetable-like state. I don't wish to justify our actions, but to allow them to live that way is worse than what we are doing. Project Safekeeping was established to outfit law enforcement with the latest tools to stop the flow of the drug.

Dr. Theresa Hagen Research Log 234:

The Blue Dove implant has been replaced with a newer version called the Blue Swan implant. Surprisingly it is too classified for me to be fully briefed on. Even though all research logs and personal devices are monitored as per the employee contract, I'm still unable to see the specifics of the Blue Swan implant. Dr. Shrencard, the eccentric man who invented the Blue Dove and the Blue Swan implant, has assured me it should still work the same we just have to adapt for a more powerful energy output. What I have been told is that the Blue Swan is named after the Black Swan Theory. I can only guess that means the Blue Swan implant is the rarest neurological in existence. More specimen come into today, we will continue under the same parameters as before. Only after slight changes to the Cronus Variant will we proceed.


Dr. Theresa Hagen Research Log 267:

The year is 2016, Minerva completely stands at the forefront of technology. As an effect of Minerva becoming the poster child for the future we've been told that projects need to be ramped up. My own project has achieved major success. Cronus Variant-112, Specimen-767. An embryo has shown 100% compatibility for CV-112 which has been tuned for the Blue Swan implant. It is nothing short of a miracle, especially considering the state of the fetus. In its early developmental stages, it had shown signs of brain damage. After CV-112 was introduced, with the addition of a newer and classified version of nanites. The brain seemed to undergo extreme neurogenesis, completely repairing the brain cells which looked to be damaged. There were no signs that Specimen-767 would have any lasting brain damage. After the fetus has reached a few months in development, there are talks of the Blue Swan being implanted in the hopes operational before its birth. It may be too soon to speak, but the first biologically immortal human has been created here in this lab, hundreds of feet underground. I look forward to the developments to come.

Dr. Theresa Hagen Research Log 270:

Specimen-767 is a human female. She has been in the artificial womb for a year before being moved to a liquid stasis and every day I've been excited to see her grow. Today is the day the Blue Swan is being implanted into her brain on the classified bottom level. After the procedure, my lab and office are being located to the "Pandora's Box" better known as the lowest level of the facility. It is rumored that dozens of research projects are underway that are all decades or even hundreds of years ahead of the current technology we put in circulation. I'm sure most of it is vastly exaggerated, but soon I'll be able to see it for myself. Apparently, the higher-ups are pleased enough with my work that they want me to continue working with Specimen-767 if the neural implant works successfully.

Dr. Theresa Hagen Research Log 271:

The strangest thing occurred. I don't mean the events that have been happening in space and around the world. We have been briefed on that and the cause is classified. The day S-767 was scheduled to receive the neural implant, almost everyone in the upper levels of the facility had headaches and light nosebleeds along with audio hallucinations of an infant-like scream. Those who don't know about my work had no idea about what happened, but I do. S-767 is very much alive. I know because my lab is still scheduled to move to the lowest floor. This means the implant was successful and S-767 is alive and well. My colleagues had described her as the Dark Horse of the entire research department. Someone playfully suggested the name Sui Generis for her unique compatibility that was a nearly impossible chance, but they were reprimanded. Minerva doesn't allow for human subjects to be named as to prevent any undue attachment. I've heard a story of a female scientist who grew attached to a male in the enhanced soldier programs. She attempted to flee with the man, but they were immediately caught and dealt with. As a human being, it is hard to look at another living human with the cold detachment this profession requires, but I won't make the same mistake she did. I know the best way to see S-767 grow is to remove myself of any sentimental attachment.

Dr. Theresa Hagen Research Log 330:

S-767 has been in stable condition for three years, growing in a liquid stasis pod. Oddly enough, S-767 has white hair, I've been told it was due to the stress of the neural implant put on her body. It's hard to say if complications will arise due to the stress, but so far she has been developing quite well with a few exceptions. I've been told S-767 will be infertile, the nanites have their own set parameters and to prevent the possibility of S-767 escaping and breeding as to prevent the spread of the Cronus Gene. I have no opinions on the matter, infertility shouldn't hamper S-767 very much. I am upset at my lack of freedom inside of "Pandora's box," since it has continually been on high alert ever since Richard Daltroy, a high-ranking head of security was discovered attempting to collude with Anti-Minerva terrorists.

Due to those restrictions, I'm still unsure of the effects of the Blue Swan Implant, but the original notes mention psionics and the creation of psionic fields. The incident where everyone on the upper floors suffered from headaches and nosebleeds wasn't the worst of it. I've heard many on the lowest floor died or required extensive medical attention. Either way, I'm excited to see S-767 grow. A black tattoo was placed right under her collarbone reading "CV-112-S-767". It's a rather simplistic way of recording her information, but a sub-dermal chip would interfere with the nanites apparently. S-767 will be constantly tested for any abnormalities during her growth over the coming period.

Dr. Theresa Hagen [email protected]#%^^&*^^:

It is Septemeber 1st, 2022. The...*file missing or corrupted*...we are all evacuating to higher levels. Many research projects, including S-767, had to be abandoned because of................*file missing or corrupted*......What have they done?

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